Alternative to (Flash) SimpleViewer image gallery? - css

I am using SimpleViewer to show images on a website. It's a nice and elegant tool. But, as it is using Flash not all devices (e.g. iPad?) will/can show the images. Does anybody know about a non-Flash alternative? Maybe totally CSS cased?

I know this is an old question, but I found something that looks quite a bit like SimplerViewer called Gallerific.
If you check out the example 2 you'll see a layout that looks a lot like SimpleView

Well, I have checked under every rock and I can't find a good non-flash alternative to SimpleViewer (i'm really curious now to if there's one!). There are rumours about it soon being changed to HTML5 (a wise decision), but I don't know if you can wait that long.
I would say the best option is jQuery and CSS, you can personalise and style your gallery as you wish, but you will have to be at least a bit comfortable with html editing. It's not complicated at all, you should give it a try.
You can find lots of jQuery galleries and sliders tutorials here for example:
Do some search engine research to get the best options, there are tons of different galleries.
Good luck!

They have now, see: this comment at the SimpleViewer Forum. It's called Universal Playback.


Is there a wireframing tool for web apps that can re-use my own custom CSS?

I have been searching for and have not located (I fear it doesn't exist) a wire frame application that will use our current css for objects.
We have spent a lot of time perfecting our css to get the look we want, now I want to be able to use that css for new mockups without creating new objects each time we add something (as we would have to in photoshop).
In a perfect world, it would even handle the page layout so all that remains is the logic.
Has anyone heard of a tool that can do this?
I haven't used it, and I can't vouch for it, but might fit the bill. It's still in beta, but looks very interesting.
From their homepage: "Implement designs quickly using exact CSS properties rather than guessing from a mockup." is a popular wireframing tool. There ways to make it use custom CSS:

CSS Guides for improving skills

Hi for the last month I have started to learn CSS.Fist thing I did is read everything i could find on , after that I started reading CSS Mastery 2nd edition.I have build a couple of my own websites with succes but I'm still not happy with what I know , I even practiced with the new CSS3 elements.
I've seen alot of cool stuff build using css especialy on but the only problem is the source code is not displayed and I don't know how the bloody things are.A good example is this:
And these is only one of the things that I've seen on this website and would like o learn how to build them.
So anyone know any other similar sites that ofer a good explanation on the more advanced stuff about css(not beginer stuff like building some drop down menus , rollover or hover efects )?Any advice is much apreciated thank you!
As already mentioned, tools like Firebug/Chrome Inspector are definite must haves.
I gained the most experience from real world problems with various different browsers. You make a site, it doesn't look so good in a particular browser. So you search on the internet. Find a solution and memorize it. I think that CSS in itself is a fairly simple tool, I class 'advanced' CSS as mastering the various techniques required to make sites work cross browser and in browsers like IE6/IE7+.
Also, Never give up with CSS, if you find a problem try and find an answer. Most of the time, there will be a simple solution.
In general, make sure your CSS is as simple as can be. I generally find that most complicated CSS can be replaced with relatively simple code, and find people get carried away and forget simple techniques to achieve similar solutions. One such problem, would be putting a button on the right hand side of a div, like below:
| Button |
You may see that some people will float the button right, adding more complexity than necessary. What ever happened to text-align:right? :-)
Finally, make sure you find a couple of blogs you like, for example and read them, taking note of new techniques. Try and master a '2 column layout', understand the difference between block/inline-block/inline, margin collapsing, tables, html forms, IE6/7 hasLayout, the list goes on. Most of which you will cover if you try and make a website template from scratch. Maybe start with an existing site and see if you can achieve the same layout.
I'm not sure with CSS how to learn it's pitfalls without encountering them mistakenly.
It looks like the stylesheet for the maze is located at: You can use that against the source code to figure it out.
One of my favorite is A List Apart. Great articles, not only about CSS like I linked, but about web design and more.
Also HTML Dog has some nice CSS entries.
Then, you can find great CSS resources on the w3 site.

Flex iframe set priority?

How to set priority(like send to back) for iframe?
I'm suffring this problem recently, it costs me a lot of time and I find no solution about this.
this article lists some disadvantages about iframe in flex
another way to embed rich text, i think, is to use TextFLow, in RichText, you could easily find good examples in API
however, iframe is still useful, when developer actually want it on top. Using it with TitleWindow is a good idea. (correct me if i'm wrong)
If anyone have a better idea, please hit me, I will greatly appreciate

Displaying pictures/photographs in website

I want a really nice way to load in pictures onto a webpage, like a portfolio of my work (let's say it's pottery that I sell on the web) - various fade effects and the like - what can you recommend? Is there something in JQuery?
The most popular are probably:
thickbox jquery plugin
There are plenty of jQuery plugins that will do this for you. One that I like is the Cycle plugin. There is also Cycle Lite if you don't need as many effects. For more you can search the jQuery plugin database for slideshow or carousel -- and perhaps other keywords.
I really love fancy
I'm using the LightBox on my website and have not found anything easier to work with. Best of all it is free. Here is an example of the implementation on my website.
Italy Pictures
You can download the Lightbox code here...
Lightbox 2 may be worth a look. Nice way of loading images from thumbnail links. Very simple to implement too.
Besides what has already been mentioned, I have used slideshowpro and really like it. A very inexpensive download (like $20 or something like that), its free to try, and widely used. It is a flash plugin however, so you need to be OK with that (you don't need to know flash to use it)
Its use xml files to define the gallery/pictures and has a lot of easily configurable options. Also has an add-in for Picasa that will automatically generate the XML for you from a list of files.

How do I create a cool looking photo gallery

How can I achieve a cool looking photo gallery page? I don't know Flash, but can learn, and thought about a random collage that 'pulls out' a photo that you hover over.
It's for a photographer, so no thumbnails, grids, etc.
If you're looking for a tool that's pretty flexible and will support itself later on as you can just train the user to work with it check out JAlbum.
To work on integrating this yourself you can check out AJAX ASP Photo Gallery or something like this one.
If you're looking for a flash/flex based solution that they can just "plug-in" as a stand-alone product which incorporates some of the features you've described StudioCloud has a nice one that has a monthly fee...
I have had good results using the Galleria plugin for jQuery:
It will require an html page as a source, but this is relatively easy to produce automatically from a database or directory structure using ASP.NET
If the data does not need to be updated too often you could even produce the HTML by hand in a pinch. It wouldnt be difficult though it isnt easy to maintain.
I agree with Mat - JAlbum is excellent - but I'd also like to add that it's even better with the BananAlbum skin.
There are dozens of off the shelf apps available. Gallery, Wordpress (after configuration), and a few ASP.Net based ones. Flash is certainly not required.
That said, in order to learn a bit about Pylons, I wrote my own basic photo blog. If you can do basic CRUD development, it shouldn't be too hard.
Regarding your collage idea, you can accomplish that with JavaScript as well. See this article for similar effects stuff.
A little random, but the Silverlight deep zoom functionality is pretty cool around this area (although whether it's worth learning for this is another matter):
Example here:
