Icons in PaginationToolbar not showing up - css

I'm using the Sencha ExtJS Framework in Version 4.05 and i have the following problem. I am displaying Ext.Grids which have a pagination toolbar at the bottom of the Grid. On the Sencha Sample Page the Grids will display some buttons (first-page, prev-page, next-page, last-page, refresh) with icons on it.
Unfortunately the icons are not displayed in my Grids:
As you can see, the buttons are actually there, and they're working correcrly, only the icons are not displayed.
The references to the images are correct and the images are there and accessible for the browser. (If i view the css of the button in Firebug and hover the imageurl it will display the correct icon).
One thing i noticed is, that for some reason the <span> Element which should display the icon is "grayed out" in the firebug view. (On the Sencha example page it is not).
The CSS of that element looks fine for me:
Note: The complete CSS File used can be found HERE
A short note on the Theme: i made this grey theme (named "documents") just by changing the main colour of the .sass template and compiling the ext-all.css to a new one for my theme. So i didn't change anything with the icons.
Any suggestions what could cause this problem?

Hard to debug without access to the actual code. However, I noticed that both in the CSS you copied above as well as the css link you posted (which was supposedly the whole css), that neither set of css (that I could find) had any reference to the x-btn-icon class by itself, and yet that is the class (along with x-tbar-loading) that is on your grayed out span element. So, what is that class doing? Where is it defined? There may reside your issue.
EDIT: I went to the Sencha website and firebugged an icon on the grid sample. When I deleted the x-btn-icon class from the element, I believe I duplicated your problem. So it seems that the necessary definition of that class is missing from your css. On their site it is defined in the ext-all.css.


angular material default style/animation not working after custom theme

I recently have a problem with my application after I add/edit the theme.css file. Some of angular material style is not applied anymore such as position and animations and background color.
What I have done to the Theme.css file:
The original theme.css
After edit, trying to acheive different theme for different user.
After I have modified the theme, so now I can acheive that the app can change the color base on what class is defined in enviornment.ts file.
in app.component.html
however, problem come after.
all dialog/dropdown/datepicker/popup's background became transparent, So I define a class and force them to have a white background.
everything inside a dialog become abnormal, as picture shown below, all input/select has no border, and no material animation when click/active on the input field.
From the picture above, you will see the button has no color style even I have define them.
however, there is no problem if the input field is not in a dialog, you can see the style and animation is still applied as the picture shown below.
Anyone have experienced this? I have been trying to solve this problem for 4 days and still no clue about it.? I would be really thankful if someone could help me.
This problem is because after we adding custom theme class, we have to configure the Overlaycontainer.
This link will help to solve this issue.

Firefox Quantum - Can't hide focus ring on input

I'm writing a website that uses a rich Material Design theme on top of Bootstrap 4. So far I have been able to make all the browser chrome match the site at least somewhat (Chrome's autofill indicator being the most difficult to date), but ever since I started developing in Firefox Quantum, I'm running into difficulties hiding the focus ring around input fields:
According to the MDN docs, I should be able to apply the outline: none property to input:focus or input:-moz-focusring, however none of these seem to work. I can see the property showing up in the style inspector, and Firefox doesn't show that it's being overridden by anything, but the focus ring still shows up.
I understand it's important to have indication of focus, however seeing as I already have my own clear indication of focus, I would prefer to hide the browser-provided one as it interferes with my styling.
Okay, so, I solved this while trying to reproduce it in JSFiddle (which I wouldn't have been able to do). It's ridiculous.
On my site, I'm compiling Bootstrap and Material Design from source along with my own SCSS so that I can override the colors and options for the two. It turns out that Material Design overrides the enable-shadows option for Bootstrap, but only if the SCSS is referenced for both, so it's impossible to reproduce in JSFiddle (where the SCSS has already been compiled to CSS).
The offending rule is in Bootstrap's mixins/_forms.scss file under form-control-focus. It's new in the latest minor version of Bootstrap, apparently, because I've tested in Chrome since updating and the rectangle shows up there, too (whereas it did not before updating Bootstrap). The rule won't show up in the inspector because opening the inspector unfocuses the control, and the :focus state doesn't trigger the JS event to let Bootstrap know it's focused, which led me to believe it was browser chrome highlighting the control.

Weird icons border in footer in Wordpress

I'm working on a web in Wordpress and I have some trouble with the footer. I have three widgets and in the middle one I want to put some social icons. I have tried with different plugins and the problem is the same: first icon shows great but next are showing a weird border and I have no idea how to modify.
Could someone pitch in?
Thank you!
It might be a css style issue. If the first icon looks right, maybe the styles only apply to the first because the icon html elements aren't having the same class or the css selector is wrong (something like icon-class:first-child).
I would check your Browser Dev Tools:
Check if the icon html elements are all having the same class.
If they do, maybe the icon file itself is just ugly. You can check the file in the dev tools by hovering the file URL. If that is the case, the plugin provider should updates the icons.
If the don't have the same css class, you should customize your css, maybe there is a way in the widget plugin.

conflicting css files while including it in .jsp ppage

Whenever I am trying to include an .html page (which contain a navigation bar in bootstrap code) in my jsp page, then it doesn't show all the details on navigation bar. But whenever I tried to include it in a separate single page, it shows everything. It is clear that there might be a conflicting .css file, because I have some code in my jsp file.
How can I fix this?
Without being able to examine the css in question myself (which might help matters) all I can really do is advise how to examine CSS.
Using Google Chrome, the best way to figure out CSS conflicts is to right click on an element - e.g. the problematic nav bar - and click Inspect Element.
This should bring up a bar similar to the one shown here:
Note the styling details on the left - it allows you to easily trace where the CSS that affects the element you've inspected comes from. More importantly, it also has a line through 'padding:.6em .8em;' - this is an overridden style, and the padding a bit further below which has no underlines is the style that overrides it.
If you're having CSS problems like this, you should be able to trace which styles are being overridden using the chrome inspect window. If you post your CSS, I might be able to be a bit more specific.

CSS messing gridview button?

For some weird reason all the buttons I place inside any gridview appear as really shrunk (like in pic below) even though the gridview is default and has no CSS attached to it.
Could it be some other CSS as I have way too many code to list it here (downloaded free template)?
What could the problem be? How can I fix it?
It is inheriting some style from parent or global input css file. To know where exactly the problem is use IE Developer tool...Select the button in the developer tool and see styles that are not crossed out on the right side of the developer tool
