Double border size on hover pseudo-class - css

On my nav bar there are two nav links with rounded borders, which when they are hovered, the border size doubles. I can't get it to work without the nav link moving on hover and the hover border doesn't match the area of the original border. I'm sure it has to do with padding but I've tried everything I can think of. See example code -

You need to change
#signup a:hover
and remove the width
#signup:hover {
border: solid 2px #55971e;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
Same with #clientarea
The issue with the not matching up was the one element #signup had the border but then you were changing the border of a child element (a) on hover.
As per the comment
However when you hover, the text still moves to adjust for the
increased border. The text needs to remain fixed with only the border
That happens because the border size is increasing. That is what is pushing the text down a pixel (that's the increase in border size)
You can't fix that perfectly. Better to change the color of the border or the background.
Example 2:
(Hover over both to see the suggestions)
I figured it out: decrease the padding by a pixel on the hover and it all works
#signup:hover {
border: solid 2px #55971e;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
padding:3px 4px; //ADD THIS
Example 3:


CSS border will surround div but box shadow will not

I am customising and Ant Design table with scss and want to add a box shadow when hovering a table header cell. With the following code, the element is surrounded on each of the four sides of the element by a 1px green solid border, but the box shadow only ever shows up on the left hand side of the element, outside of it:
.ant-table-thead>tr>th:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 6px green !important;
border: solid 1px green !important;
transition: 0.5s;
background: #E8F8F5;
cursor: grab;
Here's what it looks like:
How can I add the box shadow to every side of the element, inside and out? I have tried to make it work but I am missing something. TIA.
Try using an offset. For example:
box-shadow: 2px 2px 6px green
This should help.
Also, I'd not recommend using !important in your CSS, as it can cause problems.

Qt Stylesheets - Border with gap at the top and bottom

In PyQt5, I have been working on stylesheets. For my tabwidget stylesheet, I would like to use the border-right attribute to set a border between the tabs, but I would like to have a gap at the bottom and top of the border, so the border does not meet the top or bottom of the tabbar, like so:
I was wandering if there is a way to set the border height in the stylesheet, or possibly set the border style to dashed and then set the length of the dashes and gaps? Any method that achieves the border with gaps is appreciated, preferably by using stylesheets. Thanks.
Here is the stylesheet I currently have for the QTabWidget:
QTabBar:Tab {height: 27px; width: 220px; border-top-right-radius: 14px; border-top-left-radius: 14px; padding: 2px;}
QTabBar:Tab:Selected {background-color: white;}
QTabBar:Tab:!Selected {background-color: rgb(0,155,255); border-right: 1px solid black}
QTabBar:Tab:Hover:!Selected {background-color: rgb(240,240,240,92);}
QTabBar:Tab:First:Selected {margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0px;}
QTabBar:Tab:Last:Selected {margin-right: 0; margin-left: 0px;}
QTabBar:Tab:Only-One {margin: 0;}
QTabWidget:Tab-Bar: {left: 5px;}
QTabWidget:Pane {background-color: white; border: 1px solid white;
Yes, you can by using border-image.
This answer is CSS only related, but Qt's implementation follows the CSS specifications very well:
In short, you create a small square png image with the intended borders (in your case, you'll need to create only the right dashed part, the size depends on the dash pattern you need.
Unfortunately, when using rounded corners Qt "cuts" away half of the border width, so you'll see a small gap outside the border between two adjacent tabs.
I've created a small example of the image which will have a pattern of 6 pixels black and 5 transparent (I forgot to erase the top 2 pixels, you won't need them):
This is how it appears when zoomed in an image editor:
After that, this is what you'll need as a basis for your stylesheet:
QTabBar:Tab {
border-top-right-radius: 14px;
border-top-left-radius: 14px;
border-image: url(border.png) 2 repeat;
padding: 2px;
QTabBar:Tab:!Selected {
border-right: 2px;
The "2" in the border-image declaration is the border width within the image, the "repeat" is required to tell Qt that the border pattern has to be repeated and not stretched.
Also, remember to set the width of the border too, otherwise the image won't be shown.
And this is the result:
As you can see, the border size is only 1px, with another pixel left outside the tab. Since the issue comes from the usage of rounded corners, I'm afraid that the only solution would be to create a full border image that includes the rounded corners. I tried to play around with negative margins and css positioning, I think that it wouldn't work as expected and might even create issues against different platforms and Qt versions.

Trapezium with css AND with box-shadow

I'm looking at making a trapezium with a box shadow that's 10px wider at the top than the bottom. In the past I've made a trapezium as outlined in the following jsfiddle, but you'll notice that if I put a box-shadow onto the element it boxes the outerWidth in a rectangle, rather than putting a shadow on the slanted border:
#trapezium {
margin:20px auto;
height: 0;
width: 80px;
border-bottom: 80px solid blue;
border-left: 40px solid transparent;
border-right: 40px solid transparent;
box-shadow:0 0 10px #333;
My initial thoughts would be to use something along the lines of:
-webkit-transform:perspective(100) rotateX(1deg);
Something like that. While this certainly begins to resolve the issue, I'm not sure what the number 100 refers to in 'perspective', and how I could calculate a formula that would make sure the top width was precisely 10px wider than the bottom, regardless of how high or wide this element is.
Any tips? Or a third option to pull this off?
What you've built isn't a trapezoid (aka trapezium) -shaped element; it's a rectangle-shaped element where the border styling creates the appearance of a trapezoid. This is why the box-shadow is rectangular.
Using the proprietary -webkit-transform property wouldn't change the shape of the actual element.
To create a truly non-rectangular element, you'll need to use SVG. See Multi-Shaped CSS Layers \ Non-rectangular CSS Layer or non-rectangular hoverable area.

CSS dotted border render issue

I'm seeing a rendering issue for a 2px dotted border similar to CSS dotted border issue in adjacent columns in a table rendered as dash in Chrome but on desktop Safari and Chrome. I tried several widths and it happens in all of them
This is a sample:
the vertical line ending has the same issue but it's out of the picture.
This issue happens if the width is not divisible by the border-width.
This works: (i made it a little bit bigger, for better sight)
#prodpre {
border-bottom: #555 5px dotted;
height: 20px;
margin: 0px 0px 2px 0px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
width: 505px;
So, the only possibility to catch this issue, would be a javascript solution, which corrects the width of the div, so it is divisible by the border-width (cause it is dynamically in your example).
could you put it in a smaller container div with overflow hidden?

CSS a:hover image borders

I have a bunch of linked images in a table, with some padding. When I try to add an img:hover or a:hover border attribute, when the border appears, everything moves over by the amount of pixels that the border is thick. Is there a way to stop this behavior?
img {
border: solid 10px transparent;
img:hover {
border-color: green;
img:hover {
border: solid 2px red;
margin: -2px;
Seems to work for me (Safari 6.0.5). No added space since the border is drawn on the 'inside' of the img.
The problem is that you're adding a border to the element that takes up space - the other elements on the page have to move to make room for it.
The solution is to add a border that matches the background, and then just change the color or styling on hover. Another possibility is to make the box larger than you originally intended, and then resize it to fit the border you're adding.
