ASP.Net Membership in SQL vs. Windows -

I just inherited a project for a small company. This is a completely internal web application and the current model for authentication and roleManager is based on their domain policies. Well, I work from home and little experience with windows authentication, and I definitely am not part of a domain.
So, in order to "fake" the same sort of setup that they have, is it a good idea to setup ASP.Net Membership in SQL Server? And I think that you can setup roles in there, too, which I could use to create a one-one mapping of roles in SQL to what they have on their network (there are 5 or so, that's all), correct?
Then, when I push changes to their system, I would just overwrite my web.config with one specific to them, that basically sets Membership auth and rolemanager to user their network setting instead of my SQL ones. This would let me test locally but they could keep their domain driven security model.
Am I crazy, and these 2 things just aren't analogous?

The two things aren't the same so you're not going to be able to work on it as you are thinking. The membership provider would always require a login process and other user management, and the code to check the role membership and user account details would be completely different.
My suggestion would be to see if they have VPN access to their LAN and get them to set you up an account on the domain.


Authenticate with Active Directory but use SQL membership provider for the rest?

I have a legacy, monster software that is built around SQL membership. It isn't the most elegant code and sometimes the code goes directly into the database to pull users or roles out.
I need to migrate this to Active Directory. I'm thinking of authenticating against Active Directory, then saving the user on-demand into SQL. That way, the rest of the code works when trying to work with users, roles, etc against SQL. I would also have to plug the places where users are created and deleted.
Is it possible to authenticate against Active Directory via form authentication, but use SQL membership for the rest?
I'm sure what you ask is possible, but you may want to consider authenticating against ADFS instead of directly against Active Directory.
ADFS issues security tokens you can use to make authorization decisions. You can have it issue role claims into the token based on look-ups in a SQL attribute store. If your application is using things like IPrincipal.IsInRole to determine permissions, it should not have to change much.
Moving your application to token based authentication will make it easier to make your application internet ready (ADFS proxy) or trust issuers from other authentication domains (federation).

Using SQL and AD membership providers together in ASP.NET 4.5

I have an application that is used by both internal employees and outside clients. I would like internal users to be authenticated against Active Directory, while clients use the Universal Providers membership provider.
I'm vaguely familiar with how to set up multiple membership providers, but what I'm not sure of is the best way to determine which provider to authenticate a user against. Is this a common scenario and if so, is there a standard approach to handling it?
I did something similar. However we used "Forms Authentication". In the Login.aspx.cs we first try to authenticate against Active Directory and if that fails then we go against a SQL database. It was much simpler in my eyes to do it this way. application with windows authentication and custom membership provider advice

I’ve been asked to upgrade a few applications and I’m planning on merging all of them into one application. I’m fine with this decision and have spoken with fellow workers and they also think it’s the best option to go with.
The application will be accessed from a small group of users which belong to a larger domain. I’m currently planning on using Windows authentication and only allow this small set of users to access the application. Also there must be some role management, so that only certain users can view certain functionality.
I really don’t want to have many different windows groups; so I want to avoid having to assign different windows groups to different folders and control permissions in the web.config.
What I’d like to do is:
- Assign one windows group to the small group of users who will access the page.
- Create a custom membership provider and control the user who accesses the application. Depending on the user I will then assign his current set of roles.
- Add an application setting to the web.config, with the name of the current administrator, so if he logs in, he will be assigned all roles, and will be able to create and assign roles to other users.
I’d appreciate some advice if this would be the correct way to go about this.
I would check out the AccountManagement Namespace.
I like to use this. You can create a global security group (one for each 'role'). The account management namespace will allow you to fetch the UserPrincipal from AD with their logon name from the http context. Then you can check them for memebership in the security groups you created using the .IsMemberOf Method.

ASP.NET/IIS7 - Securing access to SQL Server for multiple user roles

I'm working on an web application using ASP.NET 4.0, C#, and IIS7. The web application is a content management system that defines multiple user roles, such as editor and administrator. These users and roles are managed by the membership framework, and the associated database tables are integrated into the web app's database using aspnet_regsql. Finally, the web app is running under the ApplicationPoolIdentity. Thus, the web app runs under the virtual account "IIS AppPool\" which it does not share with any other application.
The site is designed such that user accounts are handed out by the administrator (there is no public sign-up page), although this detail may be irrelevant. In any case, the administrator should have the power to create and delete users and edit any of the content on the site. Editors, on the other hand, should be capable of editing only assigned sections of the site. Finally, anonymous visitors to the site should only be capable of viewing the content, with no option to edit.
The question is: Would it be insecure to just give read and write access in the SQL Server database to the IIS AppPool\ virtual account and give functionality to different user roles in the underlying business logic for the web application?
I wouldn't think so, but due to the necessity of the integrity of the data, I thought it might be a good idea to seek the opinion of another developer.
If (and only if) this does pose an unforeseen security risk, would it be a better idea to use impersonation, store multiple connection strings in the web.config file with SQL authentication, or track user privileges in the database itself?
The question is: Would it be insecure
to just give read and write access in
the MSSQL database to the IIS AppPool\
virtual account and give functionality
to different user roles in the
underlying business logic for the web
This is how it's usually done, and for most business cases this is enough. There are insecurities in every application so you have to do the best you can to avoid buffer overflows, script injections and SQL injections, scrub your input, etc.
If (and only if) this does pose an
unforeseen security risk, would it be
a better idea to use impersonation,
store multiple connection strings in
the web.config file with SQL
authentication, or track user
privileges in the database itself?
Using impersonation is not uncommon, and very easy if you're using Windows Authentication. It's an administration headache, since users have to be added via database security in addition to the application database. Multiple connection strings is probably the least extensible and favorable of the approaches, not to mention it would hurt performance on a busy site.

What is the best practice for role security for an Intratnet ASP.NET/SQL2K5 environment?

Our current Intranet environment is a little outdated. The current stack has ASP.NET 1.1/2.0 applications that are querying against a SQL 2000 database.
For role security, there are user groups on the servers that users are added into (so you need to be added into the group on the test and production machine). These user groups are synchronized into user roles on SQL 2000 itself. Roles are granted execute permissions to stored procedures as needed to prevent any access violations.
At the web application level, we use basic authentication (which authenticates against our Active Directory) and have identity impersonation turned on. The connection string to the database uses Integrated Security. This creates an environment where the web application connects to the database as the user logged in, which will enforce database security on stored procedures being called. It also allows us to use the typical User.IsInRole() method to perform authorization within the application itself.
There are several problems with this. The first is that only our server administrators have access to the user groups on the machine, so updating role security, or adding additional users is out of the hands of the application administrators. In addition, the only way to get the role was to call a SQL procedure called "xp_logininfo" which is locked down in SQL 2005. While I don't know the full details, our DBA tells us that this general model doesn't play nice with SQL 2005 given the nature of schemas in the newer version.
We're at the point now that we're ready to update our environment. We're writing .NET 3.5 apps to leverage more AJAX and SQL Server 2005 is the primary environment for our database. We're looking to update the security model as well to be a bit more flexible for the application administrators, and potentially leverage Active Directory more.
One concern we have as well is that a given user will most likely have access to multiple applications, so having some kind of centralized solution is optimal so we can easily remove users when needed.
What is considered the best practice for maintaining role security in this kind of environment?
ASP.NET 2.0's Membership, Roles, and Profile
I don't think the considerations related to the decisions that where made before has changed that much.
About the schema comment, those will just help you organize the database elements, so you can assign permissions to all inside a schema instead of having to configure for each procedure/table.
The decisions involved on whether having the identity flow down to the SQL Server instead of using the trusted subsytem model, are pretty much specific to the particular scenario. That said, I don't like to flow identity like that, because usually there is still logic being enforced on the application which means the sp are probably enforcing partial rules. Because of that reason, that approach also pushes to have more logic in the stored procedures.
About only administrators having access to the user groups in the machine, consider looking at ADAM (active directory application mode). I don't know if it supports integrating it with SQL Server, so I am not sure if that will work with that architecture. It is worth checking though.
Regarding not being able to get the roles, based on your info, I would assume there is a close relation between user groups and involved database roles. You can get the groups(roles) the user has in active directory.
Bottom line: evaluate how ADAM fits in your scenario, and whether the considerations involved into using the current identity flow approach remain. Also don't forget to consider the impact in the project on changing the identity flow of the application.
Try to refactor your design in such a way that your repository itself is LDAP. So essentially your users and roles objects map AD objects. You can then have the complete control rather than going through various system administrators. Of course, this is not easy depending on the state of code. But the best way to start out is to create small proof of concept to accomplish this mapping of your business objects to AD.
