GrapEdt crash when move renderer window to computer second screen [ DirectShow] - directshow

I have simple direct Direct Show Filter:
Source ---> Decoder --->Renderer
I run the filter with microsoft Graph Edt Tool.Its work fine....
But when i move the renderer window to my computer second screen it crash...
I get the error :
The application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way...
Why it works just at first computer screen and crash when move to second? Any ideas...

Most likely: Decoder fails to gracefully handle graph pause/stop command OR error getting buffer from downstream filter.
More details needed for more ideas. If you have crash, you got to have crash call stack then.


How to check if the biometric scanner is available and initialized in Xamarin android BiometricPrompt

Failed biometric(fingerprint) scan attempts are handled by OnAuthenticationFailed() callback of BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback class.
The behavior I noticed is, it lets the user attempt 5 invalid fingerprint scans (each time the fail callback is invoked) and then the prompt dismisses. Within the next 30 secs, if we try to re-build a BiometricPrompt instance and try to authenticate, it does not show the prompt which I think is the default behavior of BiometricPrompt.
Is there anyway to check if the biometric scanner is available and initialised if the user attempts to re-invoke biometric prompt within the said 30secs?
How can I handle that use case?
xamarin android BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback does not have an override method "onAuthenticationError" to handle error callbacks and thus I'm unable to handle error code "BIOMETRIC_ERROR_TIMEOUT".
If someone has a solution for this, please do let me know your resolution.
I believe that BiometricPrompt is not fully ported to Xamarin yet...
I'm still looking for a source that can double check this info for me, but I haven't found it either.

How not to print Qt internal messages on console?

I have a program that functionally works well, but it prints messages on console like:
QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot be started from another thread error
Is there a way to configurate it, so it does not print them anymore?

How long does Firebase throttle you?

Even with debug enabled for RemoteConfig, I still managed to get the following:
Error fetching remote config values Optional(Error Code=8002 "(null)"
Here is my debug code:
let debug = FIRRemoteConfigSettings(developerModeEnabled: true)
FIRRemoteConfig.remoteConfig().configSettings = debug!
Shouldn't the above prevent throttling?
How long will the throttle error remain in effect?
I've experienced the same error due to throttling. I was calling FIRRemoteConfig.remoteConfig().fetchWithExpirationDuration with an expiry that was less than 60 seconds.
To immediately get around this issue during testing, use an alternative device. The throttling occurs against a particular device. e.g. move from your simulator to a device.
The intention is not to have a single client flooding the server with fetch requests every second. Make sensible use of the caching it offers out of the box and fetch only when necessary.
When you receive this error, plug the value of error_throttled_end_time_seconds into an epoch converter (like this one at and it will tell you the time when throttling ends. I've tested this myself, and the throttling remains in effect for 1 hour from the first moment you are throttled. So either wait an hour or try some of the other recommendations given here.
UPDATE: Also, if you continue making config requests and receive the throttle error, the expire timeout does not increase (i.e. "you are not further penalized").
The quick and easy hack to get your app running is to delete the application and reinstall it. Firebase identifies your device as new device on reinstalling.
Hope it helps and save your time.

How to capture stdout from a console application whose life cycle is very long by CreatePipe?

I tried to write an test application to capture the text from stdout of an 3rd console application.
I studied from many articles to use the CreatePipe API and have INDEED obtained the text AFTER the console application HAD FINISHED running.
I tried to make the console application keep printing something for more than 60 seconds, and the ReadFile funcion didn't return during this 60 seconds at all.
For the same purpose, I tried popen and fread, and everything went fine except the black console window created by popen.
Although the ReadFileEx and something about the overlapped I/O seems to be able to solve this problem but it's actually not.
Because the ReadFileEx required the file handle to be created to support overlapping, and this is always impossilbe because the file handle is created by the 3rd console application. It won't be under control unless we develop the console application by ourselves.
So is there any way to capture stdout from a 3rd console application whose life cycle is very long by CreatePipe?
Thanks in advance!
I finaly figured out the problem is the 3rd console application "MAC.EXE" doesn't invoke "fflush" after each progress output....
I manually append the fflush operation in the source code of mac.exe and the problem gets resolved.
So a new question is:
If the child process never call fflush and seldom print during running, how to read the content correctly?

Error when running TcmReindex.exe

I am currently trying to get search working in my Tridion 2011 installation. I read in another article that I should run the TcmReIndex.exe tool in the Tridion/bin folder to re-index all my sites. So I tried this and it failed with a message box giving the following details
Unable to get list of Publication items.
Unable to Intialize TDSE object.
The wait operation timed out
Connection Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed while attempting to consume the pre-login handshake acknowledgement. This could be because the pre-login handshake failed or the server was unable to respond back in time. The duration spent while attempting to connect to this server was - [Pre-Login] initialization=21054; handshake=35;
The wait operation timed out
A database error occurred while executing Stored Procedure "EDA_TRUSTEES_GETTRUSTEEETOKEN"
I have four fairly large publications (100 000+ items in total) which I am trying to index.
Any ideas?
Whenever I get "Unable to Intialize TDSE object." errors, I typically write a small test script using VBScript, and try running it on the CMS server. Whilst this does not directly solve the problem, it often gives some insight into the issue by logging information in the event viewer. Try creating a test.vbs file as follows and running it:
Set tdse = CreateObject("TDS.TDSE")
Set tdse = Nothing
If it throws any errors, please let me know, and it may help us solve the problem. If it gives you a popup with your user description, then I am completely barking up the wrong tree.
I haven't come to anything conclusive but it seems like my issue may have been a temporary one as it just started working. I did increase all timeouts in Tridion MMC > Timeout Settings by 100 times their amounts but I suspect that this wasn't the issue, when it works the connection is almost instant.
If anyone else has this issue
Restart the computer the content manager is installed on, try again.
Wait an hour or two, try again.
Increase timeouts, try again.
I've run the process a few more times and it seems to be working correctly.
