Issue in Receive Pipeline - biztalk

I followed the article
to create a custom component that can be used in Receive pipeline.
It doesnt work.
Are there any other steps to be followed to implement this custom component?

You do not specify the issue you have, if it is the unzipping or other.
One thing I see is if your solution needs the messagetype you also have to add the common "xml disassembler" in the disassembler stage, just after the "unzip disassembler". Otherwise the message type will not be promoted and subscribers will not get the resulting message.


Email delivery exceptions in Symfony3

I have a Symfony project, that is now being tested on live system, and I'm using the delivery_address to prevent sending email to real recipients.
I needed also some exceptions for this, so I have used a very nice delivery_whitelist option (like here).
Right now, the white-listed emails are going both to original target and to delivery_address, but I'd like them to get sent only to the original, white-listed address.
Is that possible in some way?
As #userfuser suggested, here is my slightly altered comment as an answer:
Since your requirement contradicts the semantics of the configuration options, your only option seems to be adding some logic to your mail sending component. I am sure that you will be able to extract the white list and other options programatically so you can build your edge case.

Web API Help Samples - C#

ASP.NET Web API has an easy install Nuget help page with sample generator. It's easy to get it to generate and display sample requests, but not so easy it seems to get it to display sample responses (httpsampleresponses) so that when developers look at the help page they'd see examples of generated responses / not static/typed in responses, but actually generated. I've seen it done before on another project, but still having trouble figuring out how to do it. MSDN's YAO has a good blog but it's just not getting me all the way to success for some reason.
From what I've seen work live and based on what there is to read about it online, it's definitely in getting the HelpPageConfig file right in terms of the config.SetSampleResponses() set up. I've discovered the configuration file that sets the parameters for the SetSampleResponses() method, but still, nothing I try is working. It was suggested to me that I should create a custom type and use extension methods, but getting that to correspond and display what I need hasn't happened yet. I can get it to compile without errors, but it still doesn't show the generated response sample on the page. It was easy with the SetSampleForType piece to get a section to show up in the requests section, but it's the response part that has given me trouble.
Has anyone out there done this with the SetSampleResponses() successfully and is there any kind of trick you can clearly define for getting it to work? Do you have any tips on setting up a specific generic type and making that work?
I'm thinking this must be something really simple and I'm just not clicking to make it happen....
Thanks for any potential info...
SetSampleResponse extension on HelpPageConfig is for statically defining samples for you action.
config.SetSampleResponse("\"Hello World!\"", new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"), "Values", "Get", "id");
if you are looking for generated sample for a particular type, have you tried using SetSampleObjects extension which allows you to set sample objects for different types and this same object is used in all cases where that particular type is returned from an action.
config.SetSampleObjects(new Dictionary<Type, object>
{typeof(string), "Hello World!"}
Could you share more specific(code) details as to how you are using SetSampleResponse extension?

Copy message parts from message to message in BizTalk

The only way I could find is to write a custom .NET assembly to perform the task.
Is there a way to do it within expression in orchestration? I have an input message that has parts and I'd like to copy those to the destination (mapped) message.
Thank you.
It basically depends what those parts are, but assuming we're talking about parts that aren't explicitly presented in a multi-part message type, and/or you don't want to use a map for each one, then yeah, the only way is through a helper component.

How do I set BTS.Operation in a custom pipeline?

Up until now I've only been using orchestrations in my BizTalk application and it's been working fine so far. But now I want to convert some of the unnecessary orchestrations to pure message routing instead in order to get better performance.
I've got a WCF service with only one method and that works fine because I can set the BtsActionMapping to only that single method. But the second WCF service I've got has two methods and now BizTalk doesn't know how to route my message. I've read everywhere that you need to set BTS.Operation in a custom pipeline to get it to work. But I've searched all over the place for a tutorial or example on how to do this.
I've been trying to implement the IBaseComponent, IComponentUI, IComponent and IPersistPropertyBag interfaces to do this. Am I going in the right direction or I'm I way off? Can anyone point me to an example or better yet show me how to do this?
The easiest way to get started writing a custom pipeline component is to use the BizTalk Server Pipeline Component Wizard; it will generate all the boilerplate for you. I've also got several custom pipeline components you can use as an example, a few that are very close to what you need (i.e. a component that just sets a custom message property) can be seen here.
As for setting the property, all you need to do is call message.Context.Write/Promote and pass in the namespace and name of the property, in this case those would be "" and "Operation" respectively.

Looking for a simple explanation on using trace logging

I have seen several projects that use the Trace functionality to capture events and stream them out to a log file. I have been unsuccessful in finding a simple to follow guide that will show me how to configure Trace to capture and write said logfile. Does anyone have a link recommendations, or provide some simple steps to follow?
The Trace object writes the statements to any attached TraceListeners. You can build your own, but there are a number already defined in the System.Diagnostics namespace, including:
ConsoleTraceListener (Console)
DefaultTraceListener (Visual Studio / Debugger)
DelimitedListTraceListener (TextWriter, special formatting)
EventLogTraceListener (EventLog - anything that inherits from System.Diagnostics.EventLog)
TextWriterTraceListener (TextWriter - think file)
You can, of course, inherit your own from the TraceListener class that writes to where ever you want. For example, you could log to a database, have it send e-mails or pages in certain situations, or write the statements back to a logging platform like log4net.
The big thing is that you need to create an instance of whatever listeners you want and then add them to the Trace' class Listeners collection. You can add as many as you need and Trace will write to all of them. This way, you can write your logging code once using a well-supported and understood object that's part of the framework, and you can attach anything you need to it.
I stumbled into a MSDN article that really helps. Sorry I didn't find it before posting the question but perhaps others may have the same question and haven't found this link.
Take a look at logging frameworks. We rolled out own, but are now migrating over to log4net available free at
Im looking for a way to set the Category of the EventLog, the FormattedEventLogTraceListener writes into (not the category of the message).
But I can't find an appropriate property of this class.
Is it possible to set this?
