QSettings doesn't handle unicode well - qt

I'm using QSettings to store some settings in an INI file. However, my program is not in English, so some of the settings contain Unicode strings. It seems that Qt writes INI files not in utf8 or utf16, but in some other encoding, the string "Привет мир!" (rus. "Hello world!") looks like this:
WindowTitle=\x41f\x440\x438\x432\x435\x442 \x43c\x438\x440!
I want to edit settings file by hand, but I can't quite work with it like this. Is there a way to force Qt to save in Unicode?

Check the setIniCodec function of QSettings
Sets the codec for accessing INI files (including .conf files on Unix)
to codec. The codec is used for decoding any data that is read from
the INI file, and for encoding any data that is written to the file.
By default, no codec is used, and non-ASCII characters are encoded
using standard INI escape sequences.
So you should call it with the codec you want, eg
QSettings settings;
Notice that you must call it immediately after creating the QSettings objects and before accessing any data.


Can i get access over file in FileWriter Filter of Directshow

I have read the FileWriter Filter :
" The File Writer filter can be used to write files to disc regardless of format. The filter simply writes to disc whatever it receives on its input pin, so it must be connected upstream to a multiplexer that can format the file correctly. You can create a new output file with the File Writer or specify an existing file; if the file already exists, it will be completely overwritten with the new data. "
So my question is :
I am using the FileWriter filter for writing my audio stream into the disc. Before writing the file in the disc i want to access that file , so can it be possible or should i make my own custom filter.
File writer filter does not not provide you with options to change file sharing mode while the file is being written to. Additionally, in most cases your accessing the file before it is finalized makes no sense: the files are rarely written incrementally, file finalization changes data in the middle of the file and your accessing data before the file is closed might get you bad/incomplete stream.
Roman R is right. Writers are for writing. If you need transform data - write your own Transform filter.
You can ask me directly here.

Some special characters are added in the BizTalk output file

I have put an XML into a receive location using the Microsoft BizTalk default pipeline "XMLReceive" and then use PassThroughTransmit to output the file to a directory.
However, if hex editor to check the output file, I found that there are three special characters  are found at the beginning of the output file.
The ASCII of  is EF BB BF.
Is there any idea why there are 3 control characters are added at the beginning of the output file?
Those characters are the Byte Order Mark which tell the receiving application how to interpret the text stream. They are not junk but are optional.
I recommend you always send the BOM unless the recieving system cannot accept them (which is really their problem ;).
I have googled the solution myself and shared to others.
Removing the BOM from Outgoing BizTalk Files
The three special characters are BOM (Byte Order Mark), set the PreserveBOM to false in sendport XMLTransmit pipeline will remove these three characters.

What is the expected encoding for QWebView::setHtml?

I found a strange effect that I do not understand: I have a HTML file encoded in UTF-8. It also has a meta element with content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>.
If I load the HTML file in QWebView, it is displayed correctly.
If I load the HTML file in a QByteArray (still looks like valid UTF-8), convert it into a QString (still looks like valid UTF-8), and set this via setHTML on the QWebView, it is displayed incorrectly (as if interpreted as ASCII).
If I take the same QByteArray, and set it via setContent on the QWebView, passing "text/html; charset=UTF-8" as mime type, it is displayed correctly again.
What is the expected encoding for QWebView::setHtml? The documentation only mentions that external CSS and script files are interpreted as UTF-8. This is using Qt 4.8.2.
There is no expected encoding because the text should already have been decoded to 16-bit unicode when you created the QString. It's up to you to do that correctly, but if you used the QString(const QByteArray&) constructor then Qt will by default treat the contents as ASCII.
If you want to treat the content as UTF-8 then you can use QString::fromUtf8. If you need to do something more sophisticated you can use QTextCodec to read many different encodings.
To solve this problem I iterate many cases, but true was in that:
because QtWebKit uses a converting to std::string inside self.
I used setContent(bytearray, "text/html; charset=utf-8") and it worked. The "utf-8" should be in lowercase.

Define Character Encoding of QWebElement's `toPlainText()`

I'm having trouble getting the hang of the character encoding while dealing with QWebKit's QWebElement and its toPlainText() function (*).
I have got a QString with UTF8 encoding holding the content of a HTML page, which was read from local disc via QFile. No I want to parse this page by using QWebKit. Thus I defined a QWebFrame object as part of a QWebPage. With QWebFrame::setHtml() I filled in the QString into the QWebKit environment.
QString rawReport = "some UTF8 encoded string read in previously";
QWebPage p;
QWebFrame *frame = p.mainFrame();
QWebElement report = frame->documentElement();
qDebug() << report.toPlainText();
But somehow, qDebug() seems to get the encoding wrong as for example German umlauts äöüß are shown rather funny. Even not as their corresponding HTML entities.
I doubt it's qDebug's fault but rather the encoding inside QWebElement. Somewhere I read, that QWebFrame::setHtml() expects UTF8 encoding. But I'm almost sure, this is the case here.
What am I missing? Is there somewhere a function/option to force QWebFrame/QWebElement to use a specific character encoding for both, input and output?
[*] Using QWebElement::toOuterXml() or QWebElement::toInnerXml() show the same encoding problem.
Have you tried using from***() functions of QString to find how the string returned by toPlainText() is encoded?
The documentation states
When using this method WebKit assumes that external resources such as JavaScript programs or style sheets are encoded in UTF-8 unless otherwise specified. For example, the encoding of an external script can be specified through the charset attribute of the HTML script tag. It is also possible for the encoding to be specified by web server.''.
I would thus try to change the charset specified in the html source (in the corresponding meta tag) that you are loading to explicitly specify that you are using UTF-8.

read content of file with php and send to flex via amfphp

I am creating some application in flex and one of my purposes is to read content of file and display it in flex. There is huge problem, when I have file written in polish (which contains some special characters) because amfphp transfers this contents few seconds, which is to long (reading and sending content of file without any polish character if fast).My php code reads any files fast, so problem is on amfphp side. Is there any solution or I have to go with HTTPService and load contents of file directly from flex??
Thanks for any tips.
Amfphp uses the charset ISO-8859-1 by default, and those special characters are not supported by ISO-8859-1. Flash does support special characters because it uses UTF-8 by default. You need to change the setting in gateway.php. Finding a line like
$gateway->setCharsetHandler( "utf8_decode", "ISO-8859-1", "ISO-8859-1" );
and replace with
$gateway->setCharsetHandler("utf8_decode", "UTF-8", "UTF-8");
You can read the notes at the beginning of gateway for reference.
