Is there a straight forward way to change the license key for BizTalk? I am speaking specifically about 2010 but info about other versions is welcome as well, if applicable.
The only thing I can think of is to search through the registry, which seems fought with danger.
Anyone run into this before?
I'm bit cautious here, as far as I know there is no easy way to change it. It's also true if you want to change the BizTalk editions from Enterprise to Developer, etc
I've been recently tasked with leading an effort to improve our input (and output) validation with OWASP recommendations and PCI compliance in mind. In the process, I'm trying to assess the value of the ESAPI.NET project which does not appear to have seen any activity since the spring of '09 and as it stands is incomplete.
Does anyone have experience using or extending ESAPI.NET v0.2? Is it a good starting place today for building out an infrastructure to address the targeted vulnerabilities?
FYI: I am looking at MS AntiXSS which, of course, only addresses a portion of ESAPI's scope. We already do a good job with SQL injection though there are improvements we need to make.
(If someone wants to create an ESAPI tag, feel free. I don't have the mojo.)
Looks like there were a couple updates last week:
You might contact one of the project leads on that list to ask what's going on.
NOTE: 05/26/2012: the last update on that project was dec 4, 2010. Yes, it is dead.
It looks like ESAPI is dead period. There's nobody using it, there are no questions, no forums, no information, nothing. The listservs (what is this, 1996?) are barren too. The documentation is terrible and the samples in the swingset don't work (server that installs is HTTP not HTTPS, and no transactions can be made in HTTP mode).
Seems to be a dead end project.
The project itself seems dead there are however some people who maintain a github copy with several (minor?) additions...
We are having an application that is downloadable. We want to stop the application being reverse engineered by someone to lose our business. It there any way to stop this?
What do you mean by an downloadable application? You are talking about ASP.NET applications in the title of the question, but that's not a kind of application which can be downloaded. If you have a Console/WinForms/WPF-Application that has compiled binaries, you could use code obfuscation tools to make reverse engineering harder.
Best Regards
Visual Studio (usuall) comes with Dotfuscator (community edition). Look in your Visual Studio Tools program files entry.
PreEmptive Solutions’ Dotfuscator is
the leading .NET Obfuscator, Compactor
and Watermarker that helps protect
programs against reverse engineering
while making them smaller and more
efficient. Dotfuscator Professional
Edition is designed to stop even the
best of decompilers from producing
useful output. It provides
comprehensive and efficient .NET code
development and deployment.
I've had a similiar problem. I had a server based piece of software that was loaded onto a server within the customer's premises. This meant anyone half technical could copy the files from the server onto disk and re-install with some know-how onto another server. Basically, stealing my work.
I wrote in numerous measures, I obfuscated the code and I put hooks into all corners of the server (registry, database, root of drive) so if the code was installed elsewhere the system wouldn't find these items and lock itself up. I even went to the lengths of self encrypting some of the source files and then deleting the encryption tool itself. Unfortunately, if anyone wants to steal the software however, they still can. You have to realistically judge how much effort you must put it to stop a percentage of thefts. I love Roeder's Reflector, but it's programmes like this that allow a competent programmer an insight into your protection code and circumvent it.
Have you looked at 3rd party products like Xheo:
I found this on SO too: Protect ASP.NET Source code
I hope this helps.
I am going to develop my first application (4 members team).I am not aware of source control tool ( Visual
source safe,Tortoise SVN).
My .NET version is 3.5. What is the best source control tool ?
Is CruiseControl a source control tool ?
Definitely avoid Visual Source Safe.
Subversion is probably a safe choice, but you will have to elaborate about your situation (E.g. how big is your team?) to get more specific advice.
Another no vote for Visual Source Safe here.
Might be an idea to get familiar with subversion as - just as others mentioned - it's widely adopted, so might be useful in the future and simply works..oh and it's free too!
TortoiseSVN integrates into the windows explorer and is both easy to use and well documented so I would give it a try.
If it's a small project of yours and you don't want to worry about hosting, I would recommend signing up for a free account at something like beanstalk, to keep it safe, without any hassle.
But if it's your first ever project, it might just give you too many additional things to learn about, so you might want to put it aside for a while.
Try GIT, it's much lighter weight than svn
you can use a local repository for just checking in your own work (to keep a history, or to keep a working version before changing everything) Or you can connect to a central repository for enterprise source control.
The company where I work used to use the SVN, Tortoise, Ankh stack but we're using Git now. Plus I use it at home on my on play projects.
(quated part is no more important since you edited your post about team size)
If you are doing some small project on
your own, maybe you shouldn't use code
versioning at all because you probably
don't need it. Code versioning helps
you with central code storage,
multi-person development code merging
(several people working on the same
file and then commit changes) and code
branching to name the most important
If I were you, and I would be the only
person developing something simple, I
wouldn't use it, because it would also
be a bit of a time-overkill.
But otherwise source control doesn't address technology like .Net framework version. Code control only stores files (with history) and is able to merge text files. Written in whatever language possible.
If you are part of a team I'd suggest using Subversion + TortoiseSVN + AnkhSVN
And No, CruiseControl is not a code versioning system. It's a continuous integration system.
If you have a pure Windows environment then VisualSVN server is a Windows version of SVN server and installs easily and cleanly. You can setup security using Windows usernames and passwords, or SVN usernames and passwords.
You can then use Tortoise to provide integration in Explorer and VisualSVN to provide Visual Studio integration (there's a small cost for VisualSVN) or you could try AnkhSVN if all you want is VS integration and don't want to spend any money. Personally I prefer VisualSVN's integration.
Running a GIT server under Windows is, umm, frankly a pain in the ass, and not a route I'd recommend for beginners. VS integration is also fraught with pain.
As with everyone else I'd say avoid SourceSafe like the plague.
CruiseControl is not a source control system, it's an automated build server. It monitors source control servers looking for changes, then checks everything out, compiles it and runs it through your unit tests, so people know if they've broken the build. Once you have source control up and running it's the next big step towards a better build environment.
Before we start talking about source control, I would like you to consider your actual need for it, if this is to be your first .NET application. Is this your actual first attempt of writing some .NET 3.5 code? If so, I doubt that you need to worry about source control just yet. I would say it's not just a little bit overkill for the first learning projects.
On the other hand, if this is to be your first application that you'll actually sell to someone, it's a completely different matter.
I currently use VisualSVN, an add-in to Visual Studio that lets you do check-in, check-out etc from within the environment. Along with it, I use the free SVN repository service at XP-Dev. It works well for me =)
Your choice of a versioning system does not have to do anything with the .NET version you are using.
I'd vote for Subversion / Tortoise SVN. It's rock-solid, has lots of handy features, widely adopted and free.
I am undergoing BizTalk server training in my company.
I have almost 6 years of experience in both Microsoft and Open Source like PHP mostly in web applications.
Does it make sense to learn Biztalk server for my future career?
In short Will it help me to improve my profile?
Please advise/suggest.
Learning anything that is an active and vibrant technology will help you and your career. I don't see how this could be qualified as a negative in any aspect.
Even if this particular product goes out of use, it's useful to understand the problems it is intended to solve and the general approach. Don't get too hung-up on details though.
You may want to look at New Features in BizTalk Server 2009. It's not dead yet.
i have been doing BizTalk server development for years and it has most certainly helped me be an early adopter of the SOA / Contract first / Loosley coupled application fad that is sweeping through the industry ... why? well because as BizTalk developers we've always done this stuff. it aint new to us.
so yes, learn it. it can't do you any harm at all!
I work in Visual Studio working on sites mostly myself and occasionally I start on new features for a site and bam a bug pops up on the live site and now I am in the middle of changes and can't post a fix to the bug until everything I started to change is complete.
So I am looking for a nice an simple way to work with this type of situation - any suggestions?
Are you asking for a recommendation of a source control system? SourceGear Vault is free for single users.
I am big fan of subversion. There also plugins for VS to work with subversion repository.
I am in a similar situation and I use Perforce. It is free for up to two users and integrates well with Visual Studio.
Subversion is well supported and has tools for most any environment. It's also mostly straightforward to use, so you should be able to get up and running quickly.
If you need to work on a lot of separate features and bugs at the same time, you might try Mercurial instead. The tooling support is a lot less mature but I find the distributed design to do a better job of merging and facilitating work on separate issues concurrently.
But really, if you aren't using anything currently and aren't sure what your needs are, just choose one that has support in the IDE/tools you use. It will probably be Subversion.