ASP.NET background loading process -

I'm working on an ASP.NET web site using VS2008, C#, I want my news pages to be displayed after being fully loaded, i.e. when user clicks on a link, my page loads (in the background?) and after the loading process has been fully performed the new contents get displayed on page, so that no flickering or empty page occurs, meanwhile I want to display a loading graphic on the page, what are my options? is it possible at all? I'm using a master page in my project

Related bypass dynamically loaded page to get to target

existing web application employs a number of dynamically-loaded user
controls and pages
many of these pages and user controls depend on parent page context
a new project containing “version 2” of the application needs to integrate with aforementioned legacy version in production while “version 2” continues to be developed
I’m using a response.redirect with a parameterized URL to navigate from “version 2” page back to a dynamically-loaded legacy page - a "page 1", if you will. This works fine. However, the ultimate goal/target is to navigate directly to a dynamically-loaded legacy page which is “2 clicks away” from the initial target. The “clicks” would be from the dynamically-rendered controls.
Is it possible from my “version 2” page in the code-behind to navigate directly to this ultimate target? When I call the user click procedures in code immediately following the call stack from the initial redirect, it still lands me on legacy page 1.
So the basic question is more conceptual in terms of handling direct navigation several “hops” into dynamically-loaded pages. In other words, can navigation be controlled in code-behind from dynamic controls without actually rendering them back to the client onscreen?
Much obliged for any help to get me beyond this impasse.
The crux of the issue was how to reach a dynamically generated target page from a point in the application which required multiple click events (i.e. multiple round trips), and reduce that to a single round-trip in the code-behind.
Invoking consecutive click events in the code-behind without rendering would have been a recursive violation of the page life-cycle.
Essentially, sequential click events cannot be leveraged in 1 round trip - the solution is to leverage the relevant underlying procedure calls, and/or write new ones in order to yield the target page.

Master page oddity on server deployment

I have inherited a solution created in with and am having a real problem with the error message "Content controls have to be top-level controls in a content page or a nested master page that references a master page."
The design is somewhat complex as follows:
The app uses a single Masterpage. The child page accessed has a custom user control on it. The user control contains, amongst other controls, an iframe. The source of the iframe is set programatically to another page, (aspx) which does not inherit from the Masterpage as we don't want the headers, footers etc. to appear in the iframe.
This aspx page has another custom user control on it that displays a small number of controls, buttons, text fields, file upload etc.)
This all works well in my IDE (Visual Studio 2005) and the file upload control is displayed properly. As soon as it's deployed to a server, (test or live) I get the error message at the beginning of this post.
The pages and code are too complex to post here but if I haven't given enough detail I will try to explain as necessary. I hope someone can help as this has been driving me insane. I've searched extensively with no success.
Many thanks.

Facebook like button with silverlight

I have created a silverlight app that consits of like buttons within specific usercontrols (all in one asp page). Ie.
It is all incorporated within the silverlight app on one page. Hence when the control is loaded the meta tags are updated and the like button is placed within an iframe and linked to the appropriate page. When the like button is pressed a javascript function is invoked which changes a picture behind the silverlight obj. This picture in theory should be used as the default image after the like button is pressed (on clients page). But it seems to be stuck on old images.
(the above is using an image which doesnt even exist)
(is using an image from the main page)
(fails.. the website is inaccessable)
I have also tried create the open graph tags with in the page to reference new images but to no avail.
I'm using the following facebook tool to debug as well
a bit lost ... any suggestions?
Take a look at Add Facebook Like to your Silverlight Application.
Worked out what was going on. Facebook and google (using their bots) cannot crawl into the silvelright control itself. So they cannot invoke the functions that will get the meta and pics changing. Had to call the change meta stuff from the asp page itself. All sorted.

Load multiple flex modules in one application

I come from ASP.NET and I am learning Flex now. I don't know if I can do what I want in flex, so imagine this in ASP: I have an aspx page that loads a Login.ascx control, the control checks if login is correct, and if so the aspx page loads the XXX.ascx control (so there is only one control visible).
I want to do more or less the same in Flex: I have the main application with the code that connects to the database, check the login, and if its correct it loads a new module. I have made everything until the module load, I mean, I have the main application (Login.mxml) associated to a, and a Module.mxml associated to a When the user press the login button (in Login.mxml), a method is fired and checks the login. If it is correct, it shows the new module.
My problem is that it is shown in the same page that the login page, instead of "changing" the page. I have used two ways to do that: ModuleLoader and PopUpManager, and both load the new module in the same page.
QUESTION: How can I load, inside an application, a Flex module in a different page?
If you want to build Applications, I strongly suggest you get out of the page mindset. Excel doesn't have the concept of pages in it's UI as one example. You wouldn't have links tot he formula editor or whatnot.
But, that said you should probably investigate the BrowserManager and how to Deep Link into a flex Application. Then you can change the URL in the browser's address bar when your application view change.
If your adamant about applying the page paradigm to application building
You could also use the navigatetoURL to redirect to a different page which would load a new flex applications.

Is there a way from preventing other ReportViewers on the same webpage from refreshing?

Currently I am working on a web page that has six ReportViewer controls that are using remote processing and that allow for drill-down. When a user clicks on one control the entire page refreshes and the other five reports all refresh as well. Users are currently requesting that the refreshing of the other controls be removed in favor of only the one they click on refreshing. Is there a way of doing this, I've noticed that in Sharepoint that clicking a drill-down report does not require the entire entire page to be reloaded and I'm wondering if I can provide the same functionality.
I have been doing some more research on this issue and it looks like the AsyncRendering property of the ReportViewer control controls the functionality that I'm looking for. When it is set to "false" it prevents the "Report is Being Generated" message from being displayed which is what the users were commenting on. The downside is that the page can take a bit longer to load than before, but as we are working on a development machine this might not be as noticeable once we move to the actual production box.
