MVP Pattern : Separating the database dependency from the presenter? -

Whenever I try to actually unit test a presenter and a mocked view, I end up running into too many database dependencies
public EditAccount(IAccountEditPage _view, ISession _session, IResponse _response)
public void view_SaveUser()
//Class that takes the view's data and persists it to DB
Obviously I can't write unit tests for this presenter because I have a concretion of using my model class that has a strong database dependency.
How am I supposed to removed the dependency on the database without constructor injecting every class that touches the database in my presenter? I don't want to do this every time in every view I have.
I'm using moq, if it helps.
Edit : Also I should mention that the code in "view_SaveUser" is very lean and isn't direct database access or anything like that. It's usually only a few lines. I'm not overstepping the scope of the presenter, AFAIK.

If you don't want to inject the instances on the constructor another option you have is using a setter injection using a IoC framework as Spring.Net or Castle Windsor to inject the dependencies.
Doing this, you would only need to specify on the framework configuration which classes are used for real code and for test project, dependencies would be automatically injected and you would avoid having to use the contructor.


Unity DI - C# Dependency Injection how to use with a repository class constructor ? It's only intended for controllers?

i wanna know if it's possible to inject dependency for a class constructor as it is injected for controllers, i have the following cenario as an example:
An AccountController which depends on an AccountRepository like bellow:
public AccountController(IAccountRepository repository)
The dependency is injected perfectly using Unity DI, which have the following configuration:
container.RegisterType<IUserStore<ApplicationUser>, UserStore<ApplicationUser>>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager(), accountInjectionConstructor);
container.RegisterType<UserManager<ApplicationUser>>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager());
container.RegisterType<IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser>, ApplicationDbContext>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager());
The problem is that i have a class AuthorizationServiceProvider which also needs the AccountRepository... In this case, how would i instantiate or use this AuthorizationServiceProvider class without having to instantiate and provide it all the dependencies?
Provider = new SimpleAuthorizationServerProvider>(),
This provider is set inside the Startup class and called before the Unity DI config initializes...
Here the visual studio complains that there's no argument given that corresponds to the class constructor, but if i provide a new AccountRepository i'd have to provide all it's dependencies as well, (ApplicationDbContext context, UserManager userManager) which are already provided for the Unity DI when creating the controllers....
Could somebody help me please?
Thanks in advance...
how would i instantiate or use this AuthorizationServiceProvider class without having to instantiate and provide it all the dependencies?
You can't. This is actually the core of what we're trying to achieve with Dependency Injection. Your application code should let go of the control over its dependencies. This means that your application code should not create an AuthorizationServiceProvider. Rather, it should let a third-party provide this dependency. Typically, this means you require the dependency be supplied using Constructor Injection.
Letting application code create these dependencies itself causes problems, typically referred to as the Control Freak anti-pattern or Dependency Inversion Principle violation. It causes strong coupling, which can hinder maintainability.
When working with Dependency Injection, this third-party is called the Composition Root. The Composition Root is:
a (preferably) unique location in an application where modules are composed together.
With DI, only the Composition Root will create graphs of objects. You are using Unity, which is a DI Container. The DI Container acts as the Composer, which is part of your Composition Root.
Instead of using a DI Container, you can build the object graphs by hand, which means you will have to create a complete tree of dependencies at once. This practice is called Pure DI. Still, the Composition Root is the location where those object graphs are created; with or without a DI Container.
Your view of DI might be troubled by the use of the standard Identity template that Visual Studio provides. From a design and DI perspective, however, this template is horrifying.
Either way, all these stated concepts, patterns and anti-patterns are described quite thoroughly in the book Dependency Injection in .NET by Mark Seemann.

ASP.NET 5 dependency injection outside of Controllers and Views

Each tutorial or example that I've found for using DI in ASP.NET 5 only shows how it works with Controllers and Razor Views. I need to use DI for other classes but don't know the proper way to resolve types and provide an instance. Right now I have an instance of a HackyDependencyResolver that everything must reference in order to get the proper instances. I want to either access ASP.NET's service resolver or follow some other best-practice for resolving dependencies.
For example if I have
public class SomeClass
public SomeClass(IUseMe useMe)
which is not an ASP.NET MVC Controller. I need a pattern for resolving a correct instance for IUseMe when SomeClass is created. Certainly I can make my own global factory, but is that the best way?
DI has nothing to do with, controllers or views. In the end all are classes. Considering that an action is an entrypoint in your app, any service you need there should be injected, The service itself has some dependencies and those will be injected automatically by the DI Container when it instantiates the controller.
All you have to do is to define your services (not every object needs injected deps) then register those services into the Di Container.
How do I resolve IUseMe so that I'm not dependent on a particular implementation?
You don't. The Di Container does that based on configuration, when the controller is instantiated. Everything has a flow, you don't just pick classes out of thin air and say "I want this created by the Di container". OK you could, but it would be the wrong approach.
The whole point of using a DI Container is not to care about instantiating services. The framework takes care of integrating with the container, your only job is to define the classes properly and to configure the container .

Lazy loading dependencies with symfony DI

Currently I've got a Symfony2 DI container instance ready with a service and all it's dependencies. Lets say for example I have a Car class and it has Engine and Lights as dependencies.
In my current setup both these dependencies are automatically created through setter injection when the Car object is created, but it might very well be that my Car object won't need it's lights this time around thus it doesn't explicitly need to create an instance of this dependency.
Is there a way to achieve this in Symfony DI? Thus only creating an instance of the Lights object when needed? My guess is it'll be some sort of Proxy implementation like Doctrine has but as far as i've seen it doesn't exist in Symfony DI.
Inject the dedendencies that are mandatory through the Constructor via your services.yml, automatically.
If you have optional dependencies inject them through a setter in your Controller when you need them.
$this->container->get('cars')->setLights(new \Namespace\Lights());
Of course your Cars class must be designed like so and you have to direct the injections yourself in your controller, or whereever needed, code.
Question is already answered, but for who needs this functionality, lazy services are implemented in Symfony 2.3.
You need to install the ProxyManager bridge.
You can find official documentation here.
A very interesting question, but I don't think it's possible within Symfony2's Dependency Injection Container. The container is only aware of what you tell it - in this case, you have a dependency that's conditional on a specific use-case. Plus, the registration of services happens early on in the app's life, so I don't see how you could get this to work.
Maybe you should use the Factory pattern. Register a CarFactory as a service, and then when fetching a Car instance, you can specify that it should include a Light dependency.
Can I ask why you want to achieve this? There may be a simpler solution.
It's not a pretty workaround, but you can try injecting the whole DIC, then getting the Light and Engine services when neccessary.
I was thinking about something like this method in the Car class:
protected function getLightService()
if (!$this->light) { //so we reuse the first instance
$this->light = $this->dic->get("car.light");
return $this->light;

Using Microsoft Unity 2.0 framework with a web application

When using Unity 2.0 for dependency injection within a web application, it appears that user controls, pages, etc will all need make explicit calls to retrieve the container and "fetch" the dependencies … so using the annotations like [dependency] won't offer any value. This is likely since the location of the container (application context, http context cache, etc.) is unknown in the web configuration.
Since Unity itself provides method interception, isn't there a way to "tell" unity how to fetch the container correctly when you build your own web application? Rather than having to create base classes for page, etc.?
The problem is that the WebForms Pages and Controls are not set up to allow for construction by dependency injection, so Unity never gets invoked at all unless the class invokes Unity itself. I've found the best pattern in these cases is to invoke the DI framework in the constructor via a Service Locator and then use annotations to mark dependency properties. Something like this:
public MyPage()
// Injector is a wrapper class so you can change the underlying DI framework
// later if necessary.
public SomeService MyService {get;set;}

Ninject.Web (webforms extension), injecting outside of a webform page?

I've been using the Ninject.Web extension to inject business objects, repositories, Entity Framework context etc into my application. This works very well using the [Inject] attribute which can be applied within a webform that inherits from PageBase. I am now running into a snag as I am trying to write a custom membership provider that needs injection done inside of it but of course this provider is not instantiated from within a webform. Forms Authentication will instantiate the object when it needs it. I am unsure how to about doing this without having access to the [Inject] attribute. I understand that there is an application level kernel somewhere, but I have no idea how to tap into it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You don't have to use the service locator pattern, just inject into properties of your custom membership provider in Application_Start. Assuming you've registed the providers properly you can do this with something like:
protected void Application_Start()
// Inject account repository into our custom membership & role providers.
// Register the Object Id binder.
ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(ObjectId), new ObjectIdModelBinder());
I've written up a more in depth explanation here:
You do a IKernel.Inject on the the instance. Have a look at the source for the Application class in the extension project you're using.
In the case of V2, it's in a KernelContainer. So you need to do a:
KernelContainer.Inject( this )
where this is the non-page, non application class of which you speak.
You'll need to make sure this only happens once - be careful doing this in Global, which may get instantiated multiple times.
Also, your Application / Global class needs to derive from NinjectHttpAppplication, but I'm sure you've that covered.
you may need to use the Service Locator pattern, since you have no control over the creation of the membership provider.
