How to create "Available field" properties in my own property? -

I have created a class inherit from StateManagedCollection.
It has got a few class as Columns like GridView.
But I can not select which filed I want to select from.
It should look like the picture below in design.
But mine is the one below:
I have written the property as below:
[Description("A collection of ToolBarItem's ")]
[Editor(typeof(System.ComponentModel.Design.CollectionEditor), typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor)), PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty)]
public virtual Items Items
Can anyone help me out?

GridView columns collection uses a custom UI Type editor to show this interface. The in-built ASP.NET CollectionEditor will not show the required UI. Further in your case, CollectionEditor may not work if the collection's item type is a abstract class.
Solution is to build your own custom UI Type editor - basic steps are
Inherit from System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor.
Override GetEditStyle method to inform the property browser that you will launch modal form.
Override the EditValue method to launch your custom UI form.
Build the custom UI Form.
See a couple examples here (see sample for TagTypeEditor) and here.


Filter page datasource based on record selection

I seem to be struggling with this. I am working on a project management app in Google App Maker. I am using SQL data models. The portion of the app I am having trouble with is several project detail pages linked with a project list page. I have no trouble going from the project list page to the first project detail page.
I have a table widget in the project list page, and the onClick code for a table row is:
This filters the first detail page with the primary key of the record in focus. No problem here. When I want to navigate the next detail page that has a different datasource (but I still need to filter using the same primary key) I am struggling.
If someone can guide me in making a button in the first detail page that when clicked gets the _key of the project loaded in that current page and filters another detail page for the same project in focus, (using another data model, let's call it ProjectBudgetPage for example) I would really appreciate the help.
This was one my latest attempts at navigation to other detail pages within a project, this was for an onClick event:
var widgets = widget.parent.descendants;
var projectID = widgets.HiddenProjectID.text;
var projectDataSource = app.datasources.ProjectBudgetView.item;
projectDataSource = projectID;
which results in: (TypeError) : Cannot read property '__gwt_instance' of undefined
at HeaderProjectTabs.HeaderContainer.InfoTabButton.onClick:5:5
I am not sure if I understood properly but I suggest that you start by checking this official App Maker template available here which provides a ready-to-run app you can use to manage an internal list of partners, but you can also customize it with your own needs. I recently used most of the UI and logic of this template and I was able to integrate it with SQL data models and it works really great.
I noticed that for this template they are saving the (widget.datasource.item._key) to a Page custom property which you can access afterwards. Custom properties are page-level properties that store data for a single user session. Custom properties are useful when you need to bind properties of multiple widgets to a single value. More info available here
In your scenario, you can create a new custom property (string) inside your ProjectInfoPage and then you can add a script to the button onClick event in your ProjectPage to save the _key or any other item to a page property. For example: = widget.datasource.item._key;
Then you can get the “ProjectKey” property by adding this to the onAttach event in your ProjectInfoPage:
var key =;
In the onAttach event you can filter the new model or pass the property values to a server script. I believe there are other approaches but I hope this helps!

What is the proper way to create control in Xamarin Form PCL?

What is the proper way to create control in Xamarin Form PCL?
In my class library I have "control" class not derived from any View, just a layout with some labels, scrollviews, logic etc.
I am using it in my pages in the same PLC in several places.
My question is - what is the proper way to wrap this "control" and use it in PLC pages?
I ended up having this control class to expose its root layout where I add all the child elements and subsequently add this layout to the children of page layout. This makes this class to be some sort of a builder of a part of UI of a page.
It looks like that using "View" as a base class requires me to add custom renderers to Android and iOS projects
which I don't need to do - all my UI functionality fits into PCL withot the need for any custom work.
I have a feeling that I am not doing it the right way.
Advise and/or link to the documentation on how to properly do it will be greatly appreciated.
It seems to me that you're actually hurting yourself by not wanting to use a View as a base class. I commonly use ContentView as a base class to create my own controls and it works great without the need for a custom renderer since ContentView already has its own renderers in iOS and Android. Something like this should do the trick.
public class MyContentView : ContentView
private Layout createLayout();
public MyContentView()
Content = createLayout();

Entity reference field and dependent dropdown

I have a content type with an entity reference field referencing to a custom entity. I need to use a select box because an autocomplete widget is not suitable in my case. However, I cannot load all the entities at once as selectable values because they are too many (72000+ the form won't even load). So I default the entity reference select box to a limited number of values using a views filter and then hide it by default. Then I use an ajax dependent dropdown to show and populate the entity reference select box with filtered down values (I'm using a module that implements hook_form_alter).
My problem is that the form won't validate because now I can select entity reference values which are not the default ones in the select box. So I guess I should control in some way the validation rules of the entity reference field. Is there an easy way to do this? Which hook should I use?
Set the entity reference field to autocomplete and take it out of the process entirely in your form alter with $form['field_entity_ref']['#access'] = FALSE. This should fix the validation problem. (of course, "field_entity_ref" is what I'm calling your actual reference field.
Add your own validation to the form, if that is still necessary.
Finally, implement hook_node_presave() to manually put the value of your custom ajax drop down box.
So if your custom ajax select box was named my_custom_ref, then it would look something like this:
function mymodule_node_presave($node) {
if (isset($node->my_custom_ref)) {
$node->field_entity_ref[$node->language][0]['target_id'] = $node->my_custom_ref;

Setting a design-time property from the properties window of a custom web server control hangs/crashes Visual Studio 2010

As my title says, I have a set property crash problem.
Here's the scenario:
I have created a simple custom ASP.Net server control that generates some text.
I wanted to give design-time property for that text so its style can be accessed by developers from the properties window.
All the properties in the properties window are working except the ones with the type System.Web.UI.WebControls.Style that I have created.
Here is my property:
[Description("The style for the header")]
public Style HeaderTextStyle
Style s = (Style)(ViewState["HeaderTextStyle"] == null ? Styles.defaultHeaderStyle : ViewState["HeaderTextStyle"]);
return s;
ViewState["HeaderTextStyle"] = value;
Oh and Styles.defaultHeaderStyle is just a property from an internal class that returns a new Style.
Let me point that the hanging/crashing occurs only when I CHANGE the property, so it cannot be from the getter.
I won't paste my render control because the error occurs even when I'm not rendering anything.
What is it that causes this?
Thank you.
I found the answer to my problem.
You see, the Style class is a property that has sub-properties and it is called a complex property. Complex properties ( a property that has subproperties) need custom state management to use view state. The Style class need design-time attributes to enable persistence within the control's tags. So what I wrote in my original post will not work.
For complete explanation visit: Server Control Properties Example from MSDN
I managed to implement it using that example. I hope this will be useful to others out there.

Dynamically add different user controls

I'm working on a website that will allow instructors to report on the academic progress of students in their classes. I've got the website set up two primary pages: one with a user control that displays the classes (a GridView of basic class info with a child GridView in a template field that displays student names and checkboxes to select them -- called MiniStudents), and another with a user control that displays the selected students -- called FullStudents.
Although improbable, it's possible that an instructor could have the same student in two separate classes. I've already accounted for this in the current page setup -- the combination of student ID and class ID (class IDs change each quarter, for those thinking this will be an issue) form a unique key within the database. Recently, one of my users asked if I could break records out by classes on the page, so that instructors would be able easily recognize which class they're operating in.
So, my question is this: is it possible for me to dynamically add a column to the end of the class user control that would allow me to switch out MiniStudents for FullStudents?
If I've left out any important details or if anyone wants/needs code, please let me know.
Try this:
//Under page_load
string path;
if(condition) path = "~/MiniStudents.ascx";
else path = "~/FullStudents.ascx";
Control userControl = this.LoadControl(path);
And if you have specific properties that you want to set before the usercontrol gets rendered then make them inherit a custom usercontrol class:
public class CustomControl : UserControl
public class MiniStudents : CustomControl
public class FullStudents : CustomControl
So then you can do this:
CustomControl userControl = (CustomControl)this.LoadControl(path);
userControl.UserId = userId;
I hope this helps!
You could add both, and hide one or the other.
You could use a multiview control to control which control is visible. Though I would be concerned about your viewstate size if you are loading all these controls simulantously. It sounds like there could be a lot of data and markup on the page.
