Missing Wordpress WYSIWYG formatting tools - wordpress

I am trying my hand at developing a Wordpress theme, however I seem to have hit a little snag. When creating posts in Wordpress you have the WYSIWYG content area.
At present, mine looks like this:
Missing some formatting tools http://www.threethinkers.co.uk/stackoverflow/missing.jpg.
However, I would like to make available the following additional formatting tools:
Missing some formatting tools http://www.threethinkers.co.uk/stackoverflow/not.missing.jpg.
Does anybody know if this a plugin or do I need to enable something inside Wordpress?
Although I usually get on great with Google, I don't think I am using the correct search terms as the results tend to be off track.
Any help is appreciated - but my preference would be a way of implementing this myself rather than using a plugin.

That looks like the kitchen sink, which can be expanded by clicking the first button on the right in the first picture.


Dynamically change other content when clicking on a tab

I'm updating my WordPress website which is using Thrive Themes. I want to change the content displayed in another section of my page whenever a tab is clicked.
This image visualizes what I'm trying to explain:
For whatever reason I can't figure out how this is done in Thrive Themes. Are there any other good plugins available that does this basic job?
Alternatively, while I'd prefer using a plugin, knowing other programming languages I'd presume this isn't hard at all to code (but I never programmed a website, so I may be wrong). So if you have a simple suggestions for how I code it I'd appreciate that also.
Grateful for any help!

How to create an interactive timeline (example site: https://evianexperience.com/en) using SVG - in WordPress

I am creating a website in WordPress and I am using DIVI theme.
I need help to create an interactive timeline for a project. The example site is: https://evianexperience.com/en. This is the exact thing I want to implement.
Please see me web layout (https://snag.gy/IKF13r.jpg) to get an idea, what actually I need it for.
I have tried to use Interactive Storytelling (https://tympanus.net/codrops/2015/12/16/animated-map-path-for-interactive-storytelling/) but it didn't worked either.
You could try scroll magic, seems to have plenty of features to achieve what you need.
Also I think skrollr will still work but it's pretty old
If you need exactly what they have, looks like they are using some product called greensock, probably even this module: https://greensock.com/drawSVG and also ScrollMagic to control the animation by scrolling. A tutorial I found online with different animation https://ihatetomatoes.net/svg-scrolling-animation-triggered-scrollmagic/
I don't think you could do it with Divi alone, you can definitely try just some scroll plugins which are free. Otherwise you could see if greenstock's free/business license works for your project.

Grabbing the HTML within a div / class / id from another website

I'm currently creating a website using Wordpress. On one of the pages I want to extract news articles from another website, but I don't want to use iframe (I want to style it with css), nor do I want the entire page, just what's within the text of the article.
I'm pretty new to coding (which is one of the reason why I'm using wordpress), so I'm not sure how to go about it. I've looked around online, but the answers are either different from what I need, or they're far beyond my understanding. If there's some sort of wordpress plugin that does the job for me, that'd be great, but otherwise I'd be grateful to be pointed in the right direction.
Look for RSS feed, it might contain the content you need and its easier to grab things from RSS than from HTML. Or simply download the page via any programming language into object and find the element with either REGEX or Xpath.
Or use WordPress WebScraper plugin: Here

From static blogging to manual html editing?

I have my site done with WordPress. It's been like that for a few years.
Now, I have started to look for other options. WordPress has all these things I don't really need. One option would be static blogging. Generate the content locally and deploy the generated content to web with rsync, for example. There is tools like Jekyll, Hyde and Octopress for this.
But even Octopress seems like an overkill for me. It really feels like that. I don't need all those plugins it comes with. I'm building an image heavy site for myself, just a place where I can put my drawings that I create with my tablet.
So what if I would just manually edit HTML-files, where every file would become "a post" and make an index for them at root of my site? Come to think of it, I could work faster with this type of solution, even compared to Octopress. I could have a blank "post template" as raw html and set it as fill in snippet in TextExpander. In there, I could fill all the details for that html file like the title tag and so on.
I'm not really a coder. I draw things and write stories. In spite of this, I somehow have managed to work my way around with WordPress and recently, with Octopress.
I'm just thinking why Jekyll or Octopress or Hyde or Cactus would be a better fit for me instead of manually editing html files, and calling them "articles" or "posts"?
Thanks for any views or answers.
Why do you want to go to static html?
If you have problems with using too many resources, you should add a caching plugin to your WordPress install and that will help greatly.
Most of the time you still want some "dynamic" functionality that happens every time you add a page. For example you probably want to have a RSS/Atom feed so that people can subscribe to your site. And you want that automatically updated when you add a new page. You probably also want something to generate a sitemap file for the search engines to index it better.
These static site generators are able to do that well, so I would recommend using one.

Drupal 7 theme "Busy" customization

I am a starter of Drupal 7.
I like the "Busy" theme a lot, especially this one in its screenshot of demos.
Yet, after I installed this theme, it seemed pretty far from what it looks like in the screenshot above. I tried to customize it but so far, I did not make much progress.
I see a lot of people saying this theme is good. The usage statistic shows a lot of websites are using this theme. I do like its neat layout, but as a starter, I really need some advice on how to work with this theme. How to make it look like the screenshot?
Any advice is appreciated.
What exactly are you having trouble with?
I don't know your level of experience with Drupal so I'm just going to give you a couple ideas.
If you go to (yourSiteName)/admin/structure/block/demo/busy it will show a demo of where you can place blocks on the page to make your site look more like the picture.
(yourSiteName)/admin/appearance/settings/busy will take you to the settings screen where you can change colors and toggle features on and off.
(yourSiteName)/admin/structure/block will take you to the blocks page where you can change the layout of each block and also configure individual blocks.
I hope this helps, if you can give a more detailed question, you'll probably get a better answer
