Evaluating expressions contained as strings - common-lisp

I've a database which returns vaild CL expressions within double quotes.
Is it possible to convert these strings to expressions.
For example, I make a query from this DB via CLSQL and as a result it returns me:
"(foo a b)"
How should I convert this expression to:
(foo a b)
and further evaluate it?

> (read-from-string "(foo a b)")
(FOO A B) ;
The 9 is the second of multiple values produced by read-from-string; you can ignore it:
(eval (read-from-string "(foo a b)"))
will do what you want given the proper definitions.

* (read-from-string "(+ 1 2)")
(+ 1 2)
There is a security problem. See the variable *read-eval*.
* (read-from-string "#.(+ 1 2)")
You really need to make sure that *read-eval* is NIL, so that reading will not evaluate code.
* (let ((*read-eval* nil)) (read-from-string "#.(+ 1 2)"))
debugger invoked on a SB-INT:SIMPLE-READER-ERROR:
can't read #. while *READ-EVAL* is NIL
Additionally calling EVAL on arbitrary input from a database is not a good idea.
Usually you want to make sure that the code does only call allowed functions.


Recursive Loop in Clojure via Macro is throwing me errors

I've been trying to write a recursive loop in clojure that will print me out the very last number in the list. The point is not that I need to get the last number (for which I'm sure there's a built in function for that) but that I want to better understand recursion and macros in clojure. So I have this macro...
(defmacro loop-do [the-list]
`(if (= (count '~the-list) 1)
(println (first '~the-list))
(loop-do (rest '~the-list))))
But I get a stackoverflow error. What am I doing wrong?
How will people use your macro?
Somewhere, someone will call:
(loop-do list)
As a piece of code, those are only two symbols in a list. The first one is recognized as your macro, and the second one, list, is a symbol that represents a variable that will be bound at runtime. But your macro only knows that this is a symbol.
The same goes for:
(loop-do (compute-something))
The argument is a form, but you do not want to get the last element of that form, only the last element of the list obtained after evaluating the code.
So: you only know that in your macro, the-list will be bound to an expression that, at runtime, will have to be a list. You cannot use the-list as-if it was a list itself: neither (count 'list) nor (count '(compute-something)) does what you want.
You could expand into (count list) or (count (compute-something)), though, but the result would only be computed at runtime. The job of the macro is only to produce code.
Recursive macros
Macros are not recursive: they expand into recursive calls.
(and a b c)
might expand as:
(let [a0 a] (if a0 a0 (and b c)))
The macroexpansion process is a fixpoint that should terminate, but the macro does not call itself (what would that mean, would you expand the code while defining the macro?). A macro that is "recursive" as-in "expands into recursive invocations" should have a base case where it does not expand into itself (independently of what will, or will not, happen at runtime).
(loop-do x)
... will be replaced by:
(loop-do (rest 'x))
... and that will be expanded again.
That's why the comments say the size actually grows, and that's why you have a stackoverflow error: macroexpansion never finds a fixpoint.
Debugging macros
You have a stackoverflow error. How do you debug that?
Use macroexpand-1, which only performs one pass of macroexpansion:
(macroexpand-1 '(loop-do x))
=> (if (clojure.core/= (clojure.core/count (quote x)) 1)
(clojure.core/println (clojure.core/first (quote x)))
(user/loop-do (clojure.core/rest (quote x))))
You can see that the generated code still contains a call to usr/loop-do , but that the argument is (clojure.core/rest (quote x)). That's the symptom you should be looking for.

How can I verify if an atom is NOT a number in LISP?

I want to print just the characters from a LISP list, and I need to verify if an atom is not a number, in CLisp. How can I do this?
Here’s how to loop through a list and check for things that aren’t numbers:
(loop for thing in list
do (if (numberp thing)
(format nil “I’m a number: ~a~%” thing)
(format nil “Not a number!~%”)
format is analogous to printf in C. And loop is a macro for iteration in Common Lisp. Explaining how that works beside saying “read the keywords as in English and guess what they mean” is beyond the scope of this answer and there are plenty of explanations of loop online, for example the “Loop for black belts” chapter of Peter Seibel’s Practical Common Lisp with is available free online.
Here is how one can write only the characters in a list. For the sake of variety this one explicitly defines a function and uses higher order list manipulation functions instead of explicit loops. Thus it is probably slower.
(defun print-characters (list)
(let ((chars (remove-if-not #’characterp list)))
(mapc #’write-char chars)))
remove-if-not returns a new list with the same contents as the input except it only includes the elements for which the predicate (in this case characterp) returns true. characterp returns true if and only if its input is a character.
mapc applies a function to each element of a list, discarding the return value. In this case write-char which when called with one argument writes a character to *standard-output*.
I'm assuming you're asking: "given a list of items, how do I filter out only the numbers in the list?"
If yes, here's a sample session:
Given a list:
CL-USER 11 > (setq mylist '(4 "foo" 10 'bar 2.5 "baz"))
(4 "foo" 10 (QUOTE BAR) 2.5 "baz")
To get all the numbers:
CL-USER 13 > (remove-if-not #'numberp mylist)
(4 10 2.5)
And (for completeness) to do the opposite (i.e. remove the numbers):
CL-USER 14 > (remove-if #'numberp mylist)
("foo" (QUOTE BAR) "baz")

Is the X in (LET ((x ...) a fully fleshed symbol?

Or in other words: Is it possible for a variable in CL not to be (part of) a symbol?
I think I may have a profound misconception about variables in CL.
I always thought CL has no variables, only symbols, and symbols have (among other properties) a name and a value cell (which is the variable).
And when someone said "variable x has the value 42" I thought it was short for "the value cell of the symbol named x stores the value 42".
But this is probably wrong.
When I type
> (let ((a 42))
(type-of 'a))
; The variable A is defined but never used.
is the lexical variable a in this example a fully fleshed symbol whose value cell has been set to 42?
Because the warning The variable A is defined but never used suggests otherwise and it appears that the lexical variable is not the same thing as the symbol a in the following form (type-of 'a).
Common Lisp has two data types which have a special meaning for evaluation:
cons cells / lists -> used in Lisp source code, lists are Lisp forms
symbols -> used as names for various purposes
If you want to use them as data in Lisp code, then you have to quote them.
Both are used in the Lisp source code, but once you compile code, they may disappear.
Variables are written as symbols in the source code. But in compiled code they may go away - when they are lexical variables.
Example using SBCL:
a file with
(defun test (foo)
(+ foo foo))
Now we do:
CL-USER> (proclaim '(optimize (debug 0))) ; the compiler saves no debug info
; No value
CL-USER> (compile-file "/tmp/test.lisp")
; compiling file "/private/tmp/test.lisp" (written 23 MAY 2017 09:06:51 PM):
; compiling (DEFUN TEST ...)
; /tmp/test.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.013
CL-USER> (find-symbol "FOO")
The compiler has read the source code and created a compiled FASL file. We see that the symbol FOO is now in the current package. FOO names the variable in our source code.
Now quit SBCL and restart it.
Let's load the machine code:
CL-USER> (load "/tmp/test")
CL-USER> (find-symbol "FOO")
There is no symbol FOO anymore. It's also not possible to retrieve the lexical value of the variable FOO using the symbol FOO. There is no mapping (like some kind of explicit lexical environment) from symbols to lexical values.
The value cell is used for dynamic (AKA "special") variables, not lexical variables. Lexical variables are symbols in the source code, but they don't have any runtime relationship to the symbol (except for internal use by the debugger).
So if you wrote:
(let ((a 42))
(declare (special a))
(print (symbol-value 'a)))
it would work because the declaration makes it a dynamic variable, and then you can access the value in the function cell.
You are not checking the type of the bound variable a or its value but that of a literal constant symbol that happens to have the same name as the variable in your let form:
(let ((a 42))
(type-of 'literal-symbol))
; ==> symbol (since 'literal-symbol evaluates to a symbol, just like 'a does)
To check the type of the value of the binding a you do it without the literal quote:
(let ((a 42))
(type-of a))
; ==> (integer 0 281474976710655)
Here you actually check the type of the let bound value and it's an integer. Surprised that 42 is a number and not a symbol?
(let ((a 10) (b 'a))
(list a b))
; ==> (10 a)
The variable a and the quoted literal 'a are not the same. They just happen to look the same when displayed but 'a is data and a is code. In CL a compiler might use lists and symbols internally but what it is when its executing is entirely up to the implementation and in most implementations they stack allocate when they can and the code that evaluate a stack allocated variable would be replaced by something that picks the value at the index from the stack. CL has a disassemble function and if you check the output in SBCL from something you'll see it's more similar to the output of a C compiler than the original lisp source.

LISP - Make new unique symbol

In a Common Lisp program, I want to find a way to generate a new symbol that is not in use in the program at the time. I am aware of the (gensym) function, but this makes symbols that may already be present in the program. I have some understanding that I need to intern the symbol, so I tried this:
(defun new-symbol () (intern (symbol-name (gensym))))
Which seems to get halfway to the answer. For instance,
[1]> (new-symbol)
[2]> (new-symbol)
[3]> (defvar a 'G3071)
[4]> (new-symbol)
As you can see, the function seems to recognize that the symbol 'G3071' is already in use elsewhere, but I don't know how to get it to generate a new symbol if that is the case.
I am aware of the (gensym) function, but this makes symbols that may already be present in the program.
No, it doesn't. It creates symbols that aren't interned in any package. The documentation says (emphasis added):
Function GENSYM
gensym &optional x ⇒ new-symbol
Arguments and Values:
x—a string or a non-negative integer. Complicated defaulting
behavior; see below.
new-symbol—a fresh, uninterned symbol.
You can also use make-symbol to create a symbol that's not interned in any package. It's documentation summary (pretty much identical to gensym's):
make-symbol name ⇒ new-symbol
Arguments and Values:
name—a string.
new-symbol—a fresh, uninterned symbol.
Regarding your second point:
I have some understanding that I need to intern the symbol, so I tried this:
No, if you want a fresh symbol, then you probably don't want to be interning anywhere. Interning is the process whereby you take a string (not a symbol) and get the symbol with the given name within a particular package. If you call intern with the same symbol name and package twice, you'll get back the same symbol, which is what you're trying to avoid.
CL-USER> (defparameter *a* (intern "A"))
CL-USER> (eq *a* (intern "A"))
Since gensym generates the name of the fresh symbol using *gensym-counter*, if you take the name from the gensym symbol and intern it somewhere, you could get the same symbol if someone modifies the value of *gensym-counter*. E.g.:
(let ((counter *gensym-counter*) ; save counter value
(s1 (gensym))) ; create a gensym (s1)
(setf *gensym-counter* counter) ; reset counter value
(let ((s2 (gensym))) ; create a gensym (s2)
(list s1
(eq s1 s2)
(symbol-name s1)
(symbol-name s2)
(string= (symbol-name s1)
(symbol-name s2)))))
; (#:G1037 #:G1037 NIL ; different symbols
; "G1037" "G1037" T) ; same name

Why is SET deprecated?

I'm curious to learn the reason for this since set seems unique. For instance:
(set 'nm 3) ;; set evaluates its first argument, a symbol, has to be quoted
nm ;; ==> evaluates to 3
(set 'nm 'nn) ;; assigns nn to the value cell of nm
nm ;; ==> evaluates to nn
nn ;; ==> ERROR. no value
(set nm 3) ;; since nm evaluates to nn ...
nm ;; evaluates to nn
nn ;; evaluates to 3
To achieve similar behavior, I've only been able to use setf:
(setq tu 'ty) ;;
(symbol-value 'tu) ;; returns ty
(setq (symbol-value 'tu) 5) ;; ERROR. setq expects a symbol
(setf (symbol-value tu) 5) ;; has to be unquoted to access the value cell
tu ;; ==> evaluates to ty
ty ;; ==> evaluates to 3
In other programming languages the reason(s) for demotion are pretty clear: inefficient, bug prone, or insecure come to mind. I wonder what the criteria for deprecation for set was at the time. All I've been able to glean from the web is this, which is laughable. Thanks.
The main reason set is deprecated is that its use can lead to errors when it is used on bound variables (e.g., in functions):
(set 'a 10)
==> 10
==> 10
(let ((a 1)) ; new lexical binding
(set 'a 15) ; modification of the value slot of the global symbol, not the lexical variable
a) ; access the lexical variable
==> 1 ; nope, not 15!
==> 15
set is a legacy function from the times when Lisp was "the language of symbols and lists". Lisp has matured since then; direct operations on symbol slots are relatively rare, and there is no reason to use set instead of the more explicit (setf symbol-value).
In your example:
(set nm 'nn) ;; assigns nn to the value cell of nm
nm ;; ==> evaluates to nn
This is completely wrong and the main reason why it's deprecated. It's the symbol you get when evaluating nm that is bound to nn. Unfortunately in your example that is the number 3 and it will signal an error at run time since you cannot use numbers as variables. If you were to write (setq 3 'nn) the error can be seen at compile time.
With set there is an additional reason. It's very difficult to compile when you don't know what symbol is to be bound and the compiler cannot optimize it.
Scheme didn't have automatic quoting either in it's first version and they didn't even have a quoted macro like setq. Instead it stated that set' would suffice. It's obvious that it didn't since Scheme no longer have set but only define.
I personally disagree that it should be removed (deprecation results in removal eventually) but like eval it should be avoided and only used as a last resort.
