How do I target a SPECIFIC template with is_page_template() in Wordpress 3+ - wordpress

I'm running Wordpress 3.2 and I need a conditional to test for a certain template. My template is a file called special_offer.php. The name of the template is "Special Offer". I've tried both of the following:
is_page_template('Special Offer');
Neither of these work! The documentation clearly says that the parameter should be a string with the name of the file so I'm not sure what's wrong. I know the function is at least partially working because if I don't include a parameter, it returns true for any pages using templates (as expected).

I solved this by adding wp_reset_query() just before the conditional.
I had already read warnings about many WP conditionals not working inside the loop. However, my conditional is NOT inside a loop. Turns out, it won't work even AFTER the loop, which is where mine was. So you you need to reset the query before you call it.

It's worth double checking which file is being used according to the WordPress template hierarchy [image].
Try adding this magic constant to the template file you think is being called:
<?php echo(__FILE__); ?>
If you don't see a path and filename a different file is being used (refer to the template hierarchy diagram in the link above) or check which templates are available:
<?php print_r( get_page_templates() ); ?>
(^ looks like this has to be called from the admin interface e.g. in a plugin)
Also, the documentation seems to state that is_page_template() won't work in the Loop without calling another function first.


add_action() in wordpress uses php file name as first parameter. What does it mean?

Recently I am trying to understand the codebase of a custom wordpress plugin.
Some syntax of add_action() looks confusing to me.
add_action( 'after_plugin_row_wc-smart-cod/wc-smart-cod.php', array( $this, 'add_warning' ) );
I know the first parameter of add_action() is the name of the action to which the function 'add_warning' of $this object is hooked.
But in the above example the first parameter is the name of a php file, instead of an action name.
What does it mean ?
The first parameter to an action is a string. Generally it is something like wp_footer or before_send_email but there really isn't any restrictions on it. For instance, in my company's code, we often use slashes to give the action a (fake) namespace such as company/plugin-name/class/action but this is 100% arbitrary from WordPress's perspective.
Back to your example, however, there actually is a specific pattern from WordPress for that specific hook which you can see here. Every plugin in WordPress has an "entrance" or "plugin" file that boots up the entire plugin. Because most plugins live in a sub-folder, it is often plugin-name/plugin-name.php or plugin-name/index.php but it is ultimately up to the plugin author.
Most people use that specific action to add special messages to their own plugin's row in the general listing of plugins. The plugin you mentioned is using it to give a warning to users with a very specific version of the plugin installed.

post_class not including classes with hyphens

I'm using the post_class function to add custom classes to my content in the content-page.php template.
I'm trying to add a class with a hyphen like this
but it returns nothing on the div, whereas if I include a class without a hyphen it correctly adds it.
I've tried as using an array, and storing it in a variable but neither worked.
Has anyone ran into this issue?
Sounds like one of those typical WordPress bugs which have to do with hyphens, maximum characters etc. etc. Your may report this as a bug to the WordPress project.
The following will hopefully work (untested):
$classes = array(
<div <?php post_class( $classes ); ?>>
Sometimes WordPress has strange behaviours. Have you tried
It may work.
Also make sure that you tried with deactivating your Plugins - it may also be a Plugin problem.
And ofc you have to be inside the loop.
Adding post classes with hyphens works just fine (tested locally on the latest WordPress release).
The likely issue here is a plugin, or custom code modifying the post classes. The generated post classes, together with any you pass in to post_class() are passed through a WordPress filter. This gives other plugins / code outside of WordPress core the opportunity to modify the list of classes before they are used.
If you take a look at the code in your theme, or plugins you'll find something that is attaching to this filter and causing the issue you're seeing.
Take a look for anything that is calling add_filter() with 'post_class' as the first argument.

Set wordpress query before template

I have a business goal forcing me to try to change the global wordpress query after the URL has been determined, but before the templates start outputting variables in the context of the original post. I need to be able to use a plugin to check some meta values on the original post, and then change the query to represent another post object to display different data without changing the url.
I've tried using setup_postdata() what seems like everywhere.
(tried including wp_reset_query();)
global $post;
$post = get_post(145, OBJECT );
However, the template is still outputting the original query.
I'm open to other solutions. Thanks in advance.
add_action('wp_loaded', function(){
query_posts(array('p'=>145,'post_type' =>'any'));
This worked out fine. It can be added just about anywhere. However, it messes up page templates, and displays pages as if they're single.php!!! If I can get around that, then I'll be in good shape. Help?
EDIT: Got it working. I have to check and use p for posts, and page_id for pages. So long as those are set, the templates will follow correctly. Otherwise it was trying to apply the standard post template to pages.

Wordpress theme name inside theme php files, what is the purpose of this?

I've been building basic themes now for nearly a year, and I'm trying to clean up my style as much as possible. But I don't know where to look to find out what this does...
In the kubrick theme php files, for example you get a php tag like this...
<?php the_content('<p class="serif">' . __('Read the rest of this entry »', 'kubrick') . '</p>'); ?>
You see the theme name 'kubrick' weaved in. What is the purpose of this?
You see it in all themes, twentyten, twentyeleven, etc.. but I never notice a difference if I leave it the same. What benefits does this have if I change it to my current theme name?
Can anyone enlighten me? or point me in the right direction?
This is the 'theme text domain' and is typically used for localization. You can find out more by reading the gettext filter reference. One note is that the text domain is not required to be the same as your theme name. You can make it whatever you want as long as you are consistent with what you load using load_theme_textdomain. It's just convention to make it the same as your theme name. Finally, as to why you should bother including a domain here is a quote from an article called How to localize WordPress themes and plugins with GetText:
Have you noticed the 2nd argument in the GetText calls? It’s an
optional argument that tells GetText what the scope (domain) of the
texts is. If supplied, this GetText will return the translations only
from the dictionary that you supply with that domain name. Although
optional, specifying the translation domain is highly recommended.
Without it, GetText might return a different translation, if the same
string also appears in a different plugin, or in WordPress.

Drupal7: Trying to theme a specific page using a preprocess function, but...I get a blank screen instead

I've just discovered that if you want to alter a specific page (or group of pages) all you need is to add templates file to the core templates. For instance, I need to theme my /helloword page using a page--helloworld.tpl.php and node--helloworld.tpl.php template files.
Now all I get is a blank screen so I tried to write a preprocess function that adds support for custom theme files like:
* Adding or modifying variables before page render.
function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
// Page change based on node->type
// Add a new page-TYPE template to the list of templates used
if (isset($vars['node'])) {
// Add template naming suggestion. It should alway use doublehyphens in Drupal7.
$vars['template_files'][] = 'page--'. str_replace('_', '-', $vars['node']->type);
I see no syntax error but I still get a blank screen. Still no luck
Is someone able to figure out what's wrong in the code/routine?
Drupal7 + Omega Sub-Theme
Kind Regards
I think there's a tiny bit of confusion here: a template file named node--type.tpl.php will automatically be called for any node which has the type don't need to add the template suggestions in yourself.
There is one caveat to this, you have to copy the original node.tpl.php to your theme folder and clear your caches otherwise Drupal won't pick it up.
Also you don't want to use the phptemplate_ prefix...rather you want your function to be called MYTHEMENAME_preprocess_page.
Your code to add the page template based on the node type looks spot on, see if you still have the problem after you change your function name and clear the caches.
Hope that helps :)
