How to define a parameter recursively in GAMS? - recursion

I need to define a set of parameters that have a natural recursive relation.
Here is a MWE where I try to define the factorial function over a set of (nine) parameters S:
$title TitleOfProblem
set S / s1*s9 /;
alias(S, S1, S2);
set delta1(S1,S2);
delta1(S1,S2) = yes$(ord(S1) + 1 = ord(S2));
parameter f(S);
f(S) = 1$(ord(S) = 1) + (ord(S) * sum(S1$(delta1(S1, S)), f(S1)))$(ord(S) > 1);
display f;
"delta1" is a relation containing pairs of elements in sorted order that differ by 1. Logically, the definition of f matches the definition of the factorial function (for inputs 1 to 9), but GAMS doesn't seem to like that f is defined recursively. The output of GAMS compilation looks something like this:
f(S) = 1$(ord(S) = 1) + (ord(S) * sum(S1$(delta1(S1, S)), f(S1)))$(ord(S) > 1);
141 Symbol neither initialized nor assigned
A wild shot: You may have spurious commas in the explanatory
text of a declaration. Check symbol reference list.
Is it possible to recursively define a parameter in GAMS? If not, what is a work-around?
(P.S. Someone with enough rep should create a tag "GAMS" and add it to this question.)

Someone showed me a solution for my example using a while loop. However, this solution is specific to factorial and does not generalize to an arbitrary recursive function.
$title factorial
set S / s1*s9 /;
parameter f(S);
parameter temp;
While(temp > 1,
f(S) = f(S) * (temp-1);
temp = temp - 1;
display f;


How to compute and evaluate composite function in GP?

I found a workaround to make composite function, but I believe there should be a better way to do this:
? f = x^2
%1 = x^2
? g = x^3
%2 = x^3
? x = g
%3 = x^3
? fog = eval(f)
%4 = x^6
? x = 2
%5 = 2
? result = eval(fog)
%6 = 64
In this method, I need to assign x many times and I don't want to use eval function. The code is not readable and maintainable.
You can simplify Piotr's nice answer to
comp(f, g) = x->f(g(x));
Indeed, you do not need to assign to the (global) variable h in the comp function itself. Also, the braces are not necessary for a single-line statement, and neither are type annotations (which are meant to optimize the byte compiler output or help gp2c; in this specific case they do not help).
Finally the parentheses around the argument list are optional in the closure definition when there is a single argument, as (x) here.
I would modify the examples as follows
f(x) = x^2;
g(x) = x^3;
h = comp(f, g);
? h('x) \\ note the backquote
%1 = x^6
? h(2)
%2 = 64
The backquote in 'x makes sure we use the formal variable x and not whatever value was assigned to the GP variable with that name. For the second example, there is no need to assign the value 2 to x, we can call h(2) directly
P.S. The confusion between formal variables and GP variables is unfortunate but very common for short names such as x or y. The quote operator was introduced to avoid having to kill variables. In more complicated functions, it can be cumbersome to systematically type 'x instead of x. The idiomatic construct to avoid this is my(x = 'x). This makes sure that the x GP variable really refers to the formal variable in the current scope.
PARI/GP supports the anonymous closures. So you can define the function composition on your own like this:
comp(f: t_FUNC, g: t_FUNC) = {
h = (x) -> f(g(x))
Then your code can be transformed to a more readable form:
f(x) = x^2;
g(x) = x^3;
h = comp(f, g);
? x^6
x = 2; h(x)
? 64
Hope, this helps.

How to find the filter coefficients for a DVBS2 shaping SRRC?

in the DVBS2 Standard the SRRC filter is defined as
How can i find the filter's time domain coefficients for implementation? The Inverse Fourier transform of this is not clear to me.
For DVBS2 signal you can use RRC match filter before timing recovery. For match filter, you can use this expression:
For example for n_ISI = 32 and Roll of factor = 0.25 with any sample per symbol you can use this Matlab code:
SPS = 4; %for example
rolloff = 0.25;
n = linspace(-n_ISI/2,n_ISI/2,n_ISI*SPS+1) ;
rrcFilt = zeros(size(n)) ;
for iter = 1:length(n)
if n(iter) == 0
rrcFilt(iter) = 1 - rolloff + 4*rolloff/pi ;
elseif abs(n(iter)) == 1/4/rolloff
rrcFilt(iter) = rolloff/sqrt(2)*((1+2/pi)*sin(pi/4/rolloff)+(1-2/pi)*cos(pi/4/rolloff)) ;
rrcFilt(iter) = (4*rolloff/pi)/(1-(4*rolloff*n(iter)).^2) * (cos((1+rolloff)*pi*n(iter)) + sin((1-rolloff)*pi*n(iter))/(4*rolloff*n(iter))) ;
But if you want to use SRRC, there are two ways: 1. You can use its frequency representation form if you use filtering in the frequency domain. And for implementation, you can use the expression that you've noted. 2. For time-domain filtering, you should define the FIR filter with its time representation sequence. The time representation of such SRRC pulses is shown to adopt the following form:

How do I evaluate the function in only one of its variables in Scilab

How do I evaluate the function in only one of its variables, that is, I hope to obtain another function after evaluating the function. I have the following piece of code.
deff ('[F] = fun (x, y)', 'F = x ^ 2-3 * y ^ 2 + x * y ^ 3');
fun (4, y)
I hope to get 16-3y ^ 2 + 4y ^ 3
If what you want to do is to write x = f(4,y), and later just do x(2) to get -36, that is called partial application:
Intuitively, partial function application says "if you fix the first arguments of the function, you get a function of the remaining arguments".
This is a very useful feature, and very common Functional Programming Languages, such as Haskell, but even JS and Python now are able to do it. It is also possible to do this in MATLAB and GNU/Octave using anonymous functions (see this answer). In Scilab, however, this feature is not available.
Nonetheless, Scilab itself uses a workarounds to carry a function with its arguments without fully evaluating. You see this being used in ode(), fsolve(), optim(), and others:
Create a list containing the function and the arguments to partial evaluation: list(f,arg1,arg2,...,argn)
Use another function to evaluate such list and the last argument: evalPartList(list(...),last_arg)
The implementation of evalPartList() can be something like this:
function y = evalPartList(fList,last_arg)
//fList: list in which the first element is a function
//last_arg: last argument to be applied to the function
func = fList(1); //extract function from the list
y = func(fList(2:$),last_arg); //each element of the list, from second
//to last, becomes an argument
You can test it on Scilab's console:
--> deff ('[F] = fun (x, y)', 'F = x ^ 2-3 * y ^ 2 + x * y ^ 3');
--> x = list(fun,4)
x =
[F]= x(1)(x,y)
--> evalPartList(x,2)
ans =
This is a very simple implementation for evalPartList(), and you have to be careful not to exceed or be short on the number of arguments.
In the way you're asking, you can't.
What you're looking is called symbolic (or formal) computational mathematics, because you don't pass actual numerical values to functions.
Scilab is numerical software so it can't do such thing. But there is a toolbox scimax (installation guide) that rely on a the free formal software wxmaxima.
An ugly, stupid but still sort of working solution is to takes advantages of strings :
function F = fun (x, y) // Here we define a function that may return a constant or string depending on the input
fmt = '%10.3E'
if (type(x)==type('')) & (type(y)==type(0)) // x is string is
ys = msprintf(fmt,y)
F = x+'^2 - 3*'+ys+'^2 + '+x+'*'+ys+'^3'
if (type(y)==type('')) & (type(x)==type(0)) // y is string so is F
xs = msprintf(fmt,x)
F = xs+'^2 - 3*'+y+'^2 + '+xs+'*'+y+'^3'
if (type(y)==type('')) & (type(x)==type('')) // x&y are strings so is F
F = x+'^2 - 3*'+y+'^2 + '+x+'*'+y+'^3'
if (type(y)==type(0)) & (type(x)==type(0)) // x&y are constant so is F
F = x^2 - 3*y^2 + x*y^3
// Then we can use this 'symbolic' function
deff('F2 = fun2(y)',' F2 = '+fun(4,'y'))
F2=fun2(2) // does compute fun(4,2)

Is it possible to overload functions in Scilab?

I would like to know how to overload a function in scilab. It doesn't seem to be as simple as in C++. For example,
function [A1,B1,np1]=pivota_parcial(A,B,n,k,np)
.......//this is just an example// the code doesn't really matter
//has less input/output variables//operates differently
function [A1,np1]=pivota_parcial(A,n,k,np)
.......//this is just an example// the code doesn't really matter
Beginner in scilab ....
You can accomplish something like that by combining varargin, varargout and argn() when you implement your function. Take a look at the following example:
function varargout = pivota_parcial(varargin)
[lhs,rhs] = argn();
//first check number of inputs or outputs
//lhs: left-hand side (number of outputs)
//rhs: right-hand side (number of inputs)
if rhs == 4 then
A = varargin(1); B = 0;
n = varargin(2); k = varargin(3);
np = varargin(4);
elseif rhs == 5 then
A = varargin(1); B = varargin(2);
n = varargin(3); k = varargin(4);
np = varargin(5);
error("Input error message");
//computation goes on and it may depend on (rhs) and (lhs)
//for the sake of running this code, let's just do:
A1 = A;
B1 = B;
np1 = n;
varargout = list(A1,B1,np1);
First, you use argn() to check how many arguments are passed to the function. Then, you rename them the way you need, doing A = varargin(1) and so on. Notice that B, which is not an input in the case of 4 inputs, is now set to a constant. Maybe you actually need a value for it anyways, maybe not.
After everything is said and done, you need to set your output, and here comes the part in which using only varargout may not satisfy your need. If you use the last line the way it is, varargout = list(A1,B1,np1), you can actually call the function with 0 and up to 3 outputs, but they will be provided in the same sequence as they appear in the list(), like this:
pivota_parcial(A,B,n,k,np);: will run and the first output A1 will be delivered, but it won't be stored in any variable.
[x] = pivota_parcial(A,B,n,k,np);: x will be A1.
[x,y] = pivota_parcial(A,B,n,k,np);: x will be A1 and y will be B1.
[x,y,z] = pivota_parcial(A,B,n,k,np);: x will be A1, y will be B1, z will be np1.
If you specifically need to change the order of the output, you'll need to do the same thing you did with your inputs: check the number of outputs and use that to define varargout for each case. Basically, you'll have to change the last line by something like the following:
if lhs == 2 then
varargout = list(A1,np1);
elseif lhs == 3 then
varargout = list(A1,B1,np1);
error("Output error message");
Note that even by doing this, the ability to call this functions with 0 and up to 2 or 3 outputs is retained.

Why do i get this error - MATLAB

I have the image and the vector
a = imread('Lena.tiff');
v = [0,2,5,8,10,12,15,20,25];
and this M-file
function y = Funks(I, gama, c)
[m n] = size(I);
for i=1:m
for j=1:n
J(i, j) = (I(i, j) ^ gama) * c;
y = J;
when I'm trying to do this:
f = Funks(a,v,2)
I am getting this error:
??? Error using ==> mpower
Integers can only be combined with integers of the same class, or scalar doubles.
Error in ==> Funks at 5
J(i, j) = (I(i, j) ^ gama) * c;
Can anybody help me, with this please?
The error is caused because you're trying to raise a number to a vector power. Translated (i.e. replacing formal arguments with actual arguments in the function call), it would be something like:
J(i, j) = (a(i, j) ^ [0,2,5,8,10,12,15,20,25]) * 2
Element-wise power .^ won't work either, because you'll try to "stuck" a vector into a scalar container.
Later edit: If you want to apply each gamma to your image, maybe this loop is more intuitive (though not the most efficient):
a = imread('Lena.tiff'); % Pics or GTFO
v = [0,2,5,8,10,12,15,20,25]; % Gamma (ar)ray -- this will burn any picture
f = cell(1, numel(v)); % Prepare container for your results
for k=1:numel(v)
f{k} = Funks(a, v(k), 2); % Save result from your function
% (Afterwards you use cell array f for further processing)
Or you may take a look at the other (more efficient if maybe not clearer) solutions posted here.
Later(er?) edit: If your tiff file is CYMK, then the result of imread is a MxNx4 color matrix, which must be handled differently than usual (because it 3-dimensional).
There are two ways I would follow:
1) arrayfun
results = arrayfun(#(i) I(:).^gama(i)*c,1:numel(gama),'UniformOutput',false);
J = cellfun(#(x) reshape(x,size(I)),results,'UniformOutput',false);
2) bsxfun
results = bsxfun(#power,I(:),gama)*c;
results = num2cell(results,1);
J = cellfun(#(x) reshape(x,size(I)),results,'UniformOutput',false);
What you're trying to do makes no sense mathematically. You're trying to assign a vector to a number. Your problem is not the MATLAB programming, it's in the definition of what you're trying to do.
If you're trying to produce several images J, each of which corresponds to a certain gamma applied to the image, you should do it as follows:
function J = Funks(I, gama, c)
[m n] = size(I);
% get the number of images to produce
k = length(gama);
% Pre-allocate the output
J = zeros(m,n,k);
for i=1:m
for j=1:n
J(i, j, :) = (I(i, j) .^ gama) * c;
In the end you will get images J(:,:,1), J(:,:,2), etc.
If this is not what you want to do, then figure out your equations first.
