Why can't I define this symbol in masm? - assemblies

I'm just starting to learn intel assembly and I'm having trouble with this simple program.
main PROC ;program execution begins here
A = 1 ;define A with 1
B = 12o ;define B with 12 octal
X dword A1h ;initialize the variable X with value A1 hex
Y dword 11001001b ;initialize the variable Y with value 11001001 binary
SUM dword 0 ;initializes the sum variable to 0
ADD EAX, A ;adds A to sum
ADD EAX, B ;adds B to sum
ADD EAX, X ;adds X to sum
ADD EAX, Y ;adds Y to sum
exit ;end of program
main ENDP
but whenever I try to build this it says "Error A2006: undefined symbol : A1"
if anyone could help me that'd be great.

You have to write 0A1h because A1h looks like a variable name.

This says to prepend hex values starting with letters with a 0 http://www.piclist.com/techref/language/masms.htm


Fibonacci with recursion steps shown indented / nested

This is the format that I need:
F(3) = F(2) + F(1) =
F(2) = (F1) + F(0) =
F(1) = 1
F(0) = 1
F(2) = 1
F(1) = 1
F(3) = 2
and this is my code, how am I going to do to get the format I want?
Please give me a hint or something that may help, thank you. I just start learning assembly language.
I only know how to show the first line like f()= the answer, but don't know how to show the process.
fib1 BYTE "f(",0
fib2 BYTE ") + f(",0
fib3 BYTE ") = ",0
intVal DWORD ?
main PROC
mov edx, OFFSET fib1 ;show f(intVal)=
call WriteString
mov edx, intVal
call WriteDec
mov edx, OFFSET fib3
call WriteString
mov ecx, intVal-1
push intVal
call fib
add esp, 4
call WriteDec ;show result
call crlf
mov edx, OFFSET msg5 ;show goodbye msg
call WriteString
mov edx, OFFSET username
call WriteString
main ENDP
fib PROC c
add ecx, 1
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
sub esp,4
mov eax, [ebp+8] ;get value
cmp eax,2 ;if ((n=1)or(n=2))
je S4
cmp eax,1
je S4
dec eax ;do fib(n-1)+fib(n-2)
push eax ;fib(n-1)
call fib
mov [ebp-4], eax ;store first result
dec dword ptr [esp] ;(n-1) -> (n-2)
call fib
add esp,4 ;clear
add eax,[ebp-4] ;add result and stored first result
jmp Quit
mov eax,1 ;start from 1,1
mov esp,ebp ;restore esp
pop ebp ;restore ebp
fib ENDP
END main
The code needs to output a "newline" at the end of each line of output, which could be a carriage return (00dh) followed by a linefeed (00ah) or just a linefeed (00ah) depending on the system (I don't know the irvine setup).
The indented lines should be printed from within the fib function, which means you have to save (push/pop stack) any registers that the print functions use.
The fib function needs to print out a variable number of spaces depending on the level of recursion, based on the text, 2 spaces per level of recursion.
The fib function needs to handle an input of 0 and return 0.
Note that the number of recursive calls to the fib function will be 2 * fib(n) - 1, assuming fib checks for fib(0), fib(1), fib(2) (more if it doesn't check for fib(2) ), which would be 5.94 billion calls for fib(47) = 2971215073, the max value for 32 bit unsigned integers. You may want to limit inputs to something like fib(10) = 55 or fib(11) = 89 or fib(12) = 144.

Attempting to implement this recursive Fibonacci sequence gives wrong outputs

I am trying to implement Fibonacci sequence in assembly by using recursion. This is my first time of trying to implement recursion in x86 Assembly.
The code compiles fine but it gives wrong outputs. The output for 1 is 1, output for 2 is 0, output for 3 is 1, output for 4 is 2, output for 5 is 3.
Only output it gives correct when you plug 5 in.
Is there something wrong with the algorithm?
n1 DWORD ?
prompt1 BYTE "Please enter the first value", 0
prompt3 BYTE "No negative numbers!",0
string BYTE 40 DUP (?)
resultLbl BYTE "The Fib is: ", 0
fib BYTE 40 DUP (?), 0
_MainProc PROC
input prompt1, string, 40
atod string
test eax, eax
js signed
mov n1, eax
jmp procName
output prompt3, string
jmp end1
mov eax, n1
push n1
call fib1
add esp,4
dtoa fib, eax
output resultLbl, fib
mov eax, 0
_MainProc ENDP
Fib1 proc
PUSH EBP ; save previous frame pointer
MOV EBP, ESP ; set current frame pointer
MOV EAX, [EBP+8] ; get argument N
CMP EAX, 1 ; N<=1?
JA Recurse ; no, compute it recursively
MOV ECX, 1 ; yes, Fib(1)--> 1
JMP exit
DEC EAX ; = N-1
MOV EDX, EAX ; = N-1
PUSH EDX ; save N-1
PUSH EAX ; set argument = N-1
CALL Fib1 ; compute Fib(N-1) to ECX
POP EAX ; pop N-1
DEC EAX ; = N-2
PUSH ECX ; save Fib(N-1)
PUSH EAX ; set argument = N-2
CALL Fib1 ; compute Fib(N-2) to ECX
POP EAX ; = Fib(N-1)
ADD ECX, EAX ; = Fib(N-1)+FIB(N-2)
MOV ESP,EBP ; reset stack to value at function entry
POP EBP ; restore caller's frame pointer
Fib1 endp

In my assembly program, I am trying to calculate the equation of (((((2^0 + 2^1) * 2^2) + 2^3) * 2^4) + 2^5)

In my 80x86 assembly program, I am trying to calculate the equation of
(((((2^0 + 2^1) * 2^2) + 2^3) * 2^4) + 2^5)...(2^n), where each even exponent is preceded by a multiplication and each odd exponent is preceded by a plus. I have code, but my result is continuously off from the desired result. When 5 is put in for n, the result should be 354, however I get 330.
Any and all advice will be appreciated.
.model flat
include io.h
.stack 4096
number dword ?
prompt byte "enter the power", 0
string byte 40 dup (?), 0
result byte 11 dup (?), 0
lbl_msg byte "answer", 0
bool dword ?
runtot dword ?
_MainProc proc
input prompt, string, 40
atod string
push eax
call power
add esp, 4
dtoa result, eax
output lbl_msg, result
mov eax, 0
_MainProc endp
power proc
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ecx
mov bool, 1 ;initial boolean value
mov eax, 1
mov runtot, 2 ;to keep a running total
mov ecx, [ebp + 8]
jecxz done
add eax, eax ;power of 2
test bool, ecx ;test case for whether exp is odd/even
jnz oddexp ;if boolean is 1
add runtot, eax ;if boolean is 0
loop loop1
mov ebx, eax ;move eax to seperate register for multiplication
mov eax, runtot ;move existing total for multiplication
mul ebx ;multiplication of old eax to new eax/running total
loop loop1
mov eax, runtot ;move final runtotal for print
pop ecx
pop ebp
power endp
You're overcomplicating your code with static variables and branching.
These are powers of 2, you can (and should) just left-shift by n instead of actually constructing 2^n and using a mul instruction.
add eax,eax is the best way to multiply by 2 (aka left shift by 1), but it's not clear why you're doing that to the value in EAX at that point. It's either the multiply result (which you probably should have stored back into runtot after mul), or it's that left-shifted by 1 after an even iteration.
If you were trying to make a 2^i variable (with a strength reduction optimization to shift by 1 every iteration instead of shifting by i), then your bug is that you clobber EAX with mul, and its setup, in the oddexp block.
As Jester points out, if the first loop loop1 falls through, it will fall through into oddexp:. When you're doing loop tail duplication, make sure you consider where fall-through will go from each tail if the loop does end there.
There's also no point in having a static variable called bool which holds a 1, which you only use as an operand for test. That implies to human readers that the mask sometimes needs to change; test ecx,1 is a lot clearer as a way to check the low bit for zero / non-zero.
You also don't need static storage for runtot, just use a register (like EAX where you want the result eventually anyway). 32-bit x86 has 7 registers (not including the stack pointer).
This is how I'd do it. Untested, but I simplified a lot by unrolling by 2. Then the test for odd/even goes away because that alternating pattern is hard-coded into the loop structure.
We increment and compare/branch twice in the loop, so unrolling didn't get rid of the loop overhead, just changed one of the loop branches into an an if() break that can leave the loop from the middle.
This is not the most efficient way to write this; the increment and early-exit check in the middle of the loop could be optimized away by counting another counter down from n, and leaving the loop if there are less than 2 steps left. (Then sort it out in the epilogue)
power proc ; fastcall calling convention: arg: ECX = unsigned int n
; clobbers: ECX, EDX
; returns: EAX
push ebx ; save a call-preserved register for scratch space
mov eax, 1 ; EAX = 2^0 running total / return value
test ecx,ecx
jz done
mov edx, ecx ; EDX = n
mov ecx, 1 ; ECX = i=1..n loop counter and shift count
loop1: ; do{ // unrolled by 2
; add 2^odd power
mov ebx, 1
shl ebx, cl ; 2^i ; xor ebx, ebx; bts ebx, ecx
add eax, ebx ; total += 2^i
inc ecx
cmp ecx, edx
jae done ; if (++i >= n) break;
; multiply by 2^even power
shl eax, cl ; total <<= i; // same as total *= (1<<i)
inc ecx ; ++i
cmp ecx, edx
jb loop1 ; }while(i<n);
pop ebx
I didn't check if the adding-odd-power step ever produces a carry into another bit. I think it doesn't, so it could be safe to implement it as bts eax, ecx (setting bit i). Effectively an OR instead of an ADD, but those are equivalent as long as the bit was previously cleared.
To make the asm look more like the source and avoid obscure instructions, I implemented 1<<i with shl to generate 2^i for total += 2^i, instead of a more-efficient-on-Intel xor ebx,ebx / bts ebx, ecx. (Variable-count shifts are 3 uops on Intel Sandybridge-family because of x86 flag-handling legacy baggage: flags have to be untouched if count=0). But that's worse on AMD Ryzen, where bts reg,reg is 2 uops but shl reg,cl is 1.
Update: i=3 does produce a carry when adding, so we can't OR or BTS the bit for that case. But optimizations are possible with more branching.
Using calc:
; define shiftadd_power(n) { local res=1; local i; for(i=1;i<=n;i++){ res+=1<<i; i++; if(i>n)break; res<<=i;} return res;}
shiftadd_power(n) defined
; base2(2)
; shiftadd_power(0)
1 /* 1 */
The first few outputs are:
n shiftadd(n) (base2)
0 1
1 11
2 1100
3 10100 ; 1100 + 1000 carries
4 101000000
5 101100000 ; 101000000 + 100000 set a bit that was previously 0
6 101100000000000
7 101100010000000 ; increasing amounts of trailing zero around the bit being flipped by ADD
Peeling the first 3 iterations would enable the BTS optimization, where you just set the bit instead of actually creating 2^n and adding.
Instead of just peeling them, we can just hard-code the starting point for i=3 for larger n, and optimize the code that figures out a return value for the n<3 case. I came up with a branchless formula for that based on right-shifting the 0b1100 bit-pattern by 3, 2, or 0.
Also note that for n>=18, the last shift count is strictly greater than half the width of the register, and the 2^i from odd i has no low bits. So only the last 1 or 2 iterations can affect the result. It boils down to either 1<<n for odd n, or 0 for even n. This simplifies to (n&1) << n.
For n=14..17, there are at most 2 bits set. Starting with result=0 and doing the last 3 or 4 iterations should be enough to get the correct total. In fact, for any n, we only need to do the last k iterations, where k is enough that the total shift count from even i is >= 32. Any bits set by earlier iterations are shifted out. (I didn't add a branch for this special case.)
;; special cases for n<3, and for n>=18
;; enabling an optimization in the main loop (BTS instead of add)
;; funky overflow behaviour for n>31: large odd n gives 1<<(n%32) instead of 0
power_optimized proc
; fastcall calling convention: arg: ECX = unsigned int n <= 31
; clobbers: ECX, EDX
; returns: EAX
mov eax, 14h ; 0b10100 = power(3)
cmp ecx, 3
ja n_gt_3 ; goto main loop or fall through to hard-coded low n
je early_ret
;; n=0, 1, or 2 => 1, 3, 12 (0b1, 0b11, 0b1100)
mov eax, 0ch ; 0b1100 to be right-shifted by 3, 2, or 0
cmp ecx, 1 ; count=0,1,2 => CF,ZF,neither flag set
setbe cl ; count=0,1,2 => cl=1,1,0
adc cl, cl ; 3,2,0 (cl = cl+cl + (count<1) )
shr eax, cl
large_n: ; odd n: result = 1<<n. even n: result = 0
mov eax, ecx
and eax, 1 ; n&1
shl eax, cl ; n>31 will wrap the shift count so this "fails"
ret ; if you need to return 0 for all n>31, add another check
;; eax = running total for i=3 already
cmp ecx, 18
jae large_n
mov edx, ecx ; EDX = n
mov ecx, 4 ; ECX = i=4..n loop counter and shift count
loop1: ; do{ // unrolled by 2
; multiply by 2^even power
shl eax, cl ; total <<= i; // same as total *= (1<<i)
inc edx
cmp ecx, edx
jae done ; if (++i >= n) break;
; add 2^odd power. i>3 so it won't already be set (thus no carry)
bts eax, edx ; total |= 1<<i;
inc ecx ; ++i
cmp ecx, edx
jb loop1 ; }while(i<n);
By using BTS to set a bit in EAX avoids needing an extra scratch register to construct 1<<i in, so we don't have to save/restore EBX. So that's a minor bonus saving.
Notice that this time the main loop is entered with i=4, which is even, instead of i=1. So I swapped the add vs. shift.
I still didn't get around to pulling the cmp/jae out of the middle of the loop. Something like lea edx, [ecx-2] instead of mov would set the loop-exit condition, but would require a check to not run the loop at all for i=4 or 5. For large-count throughput, many CPUs can sustain 1 taken + 1 not-taken branch every 2 clocks, not creating a worse bottleneck than the loop-carried dep chains (through eax and ecx). But branch-prediction will be different, and it uses more branch-order-buffer entries to record more possible roll-back / fast-recovery points.

intel 8080: Am I missing something in this code?

Here is a code for the fibonnaci sequence taken from rosettacode.com
FIBNCI: MOV C, A ; C will store the counter
DCR C ; decrement, because we know f(1) already
MVI A, 1
MVI B, 0
ADD B ; A := A + B
JNZ LOOP ; jump if not zero
RET ; return from subroutine
If the value taken from A is originally 0 and we decrement C, does C become -1? if so what happens to that value at the 2nd DCR; and what does the the JNZ instruction see or do?
This is my first contact with assembly language so its a bit confusing at the moment. I'm thinking that if C is already -1 and counting when we reach the JNZ instruction, wouldn't this code be stuck in a loop? Or is the JNZ looking elsewhere?
Intel 8080 registers A, B, C, ... are 8 bit.
So if A was 0, then C becomes -1, which is encoded in 8 bits as 0b11111111 (all eight bits set to 1). When you treat that as unsigned 8 bit value, it's equal to 255.
Now if you would increment that value by 1, it would become 256, which in binary is 0b100000000 -> as C is 8 bit wide, that value would be truncated to 0b00000000, which is 0. So -1 + 1 = 0, as expected (and 255 + 1 = 0 in unsigned Math, because you hit the 8 bit limit, so the value "overflows").
The second DCR will decrease that -1/255 value, the C will then contain -2 (which equals to 254 unsigned, as 255 - 1 = 254, and in binary looks like 0b11111110).
JNZ will loop till zero, so that means the loop will run 255 times (for A=0 argument, for A=1 it will run 256 times), until the C does reach again zero from the 255 (meanwhile the A and B registers containing F(n-2) and F(n-1) will overflow many times, thus rendering the result unusable ... the last correct result is for A=13 being 233 I think (too lazy to verify))
For the start check for input < 2:
FIBNCI: CPI 2 ;return if A < 2
RC ;F(0) = 0, F(1) = 1
The rest of the code seems to be OK. F(2) = 1, F(3) = 2, F(4) = 3, ...
You could modify the code to use double add (DAD) to get a 16 bit result. The largest input for 8 bit result is decimal 13: fib(13) = 233. The largest input for 16 bit result is 24: F(24) = 46368.

x86-64 Big Integer Representation?

How do hig-performance native big-integer libraries on x86-64 represent a big integer in memory? (or does it vary? Is there a most common way?)
Naively I was thinking about storing them as 0-terminated strings of numbers in base 264.
For example suppose X is in memory as:
[8 bytes] Dn
[8 bytes] D2
[8 bytes] D1
[8 bytes] D0
[8 bytes] 0
Let B = 264
X = Dn * Bn + ... + D2 * B2 + D1 * B1 + D0
The empty string (i.e. 8 bytes of zero) means zero.
Is this a reasonable way? What are the pros and cons of this way? Is there a better way?
How would you handle signedness? Does 2's complement work with this variable length value?
(Found this: http://gmplib.org/manual/Integer-Internals.html Whats a limb?)
I would think it would be as an array lowest value to highest. I implemented addition of arbitrary sized numbers in assembler. The CPU provides the carry flag that allows you to easily perform these sorts of operations. You write a loop that performs the operation in byte size chunks. The carry flag is included in the next operation using the "Add with carry" instruction (ADC opcode).
Here I have some examples of processing Big Integers.
Principle is pretty simple. You need to use CF (carry-flag) for any bigger overflow, with adc (add with carry) propagating that carry between chunks. Let's think about two 128-bit number addition.
num1_lo: dq 1<<63
num1_hi: dq 1<<63
num2_lo: dq 1<<63
num2_hi: dq 1<<62
;Result of addition should be 0xC0000000 0x000000001 0x00000000 0x00000000
mov eax, dword [num1_lo]
mov ebx, dword [num1_lo+4]
mov ecx, dword [num1_hi]
mov edx, dword [num1_hi+4]
add eax, dword [num2_lo]
adc ebx, dword [num2_lo+4]
adc ecx, dword [num2_hi]
adc edx, dword [num2_hi+4]
; 128-bit integer sum in EDX:ECX:EBX:EAX
jc .overflow ; detect wrapping if you want
You don't need all of it in registers at once; you could store a 32-bit chunk before loading the next, because mov doesn't affect FLAGS. (Looping is trickier, although dec/jnz is usable on modern CPUs which don't have partial-flag stalls for ADC reading CF after dec writes other FLAGS. See Problems with ADC/SBB and INC/DEC in tight loops on some CPUs)
Very similar to addition, although you CF is now called borrow.
mov eax, dword [num1_lo]
mov ebx, dword [num1_lo+4]
mov ecx, dword [num1_hi]
mov edx, dword [num1_hi+4]
sub eax, dword [num2_lo]
sbb ebx, dword [num2_lo+4]
sbb ecx, dword [num2_hi]
sbb edx, dword [num2_hi+4]
jb .overflow ;or jc
Is much more difficult. You need to multiply each part of first number with each part of second number and add the results. You don't have to multiply only two highest parts that will surely overflow. Pseudocode:
long long int /*128-bit*/ result = 0;
long long int n1 = ;
long long int n2 = ;
#define PART_WIDTH 32 //to be able to manipulate with numbers in 32-bit registers
int i_1 = 0; /*iteration index*/
for(each n-bit wide part of first number : n1_part) {
int i_2 = 0;
for(each n-bit wide part of second number : n2_part) {
result += (n1_part << (i_1*PART_WIDTH))*(n2_part << (i_2*PART_WIDTH));
is even more complicated. User Brendan on OsDev.org forum posted example pseudocode for division of n-bit integers. I'm pasting it here because principle is the same.
result = 0;
count = 0;
remainder = numerator;
while(highest_bit_of_divisor_not_set) {
divisor = divisor << 1;
while(remainder != 0) {
if(remainder >= divisor) {
remainder = remainder - divisor;
result = result | (1 << count);
if(count == 0) {
divisor = divisor >> 1;
Dividing a wide number by a 1-chunk (32 or 64-bit number) can use a sequence of div instructions, using the remainder of the high element as the high half of the dividend for the next lower chunk. See Why should EDX be 0 before using the DIV instruction? for an example of when div is useful with non-zero EDX.
But this doesn't generalize to N-chunk / N-chunk division, hence the above manual shift / subtract algorithm.
