Persisting interfaces using JDO/Datanucleus - jdo

I have the following class:
#PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION, detachable = "true")
public class TclRequest implements Comparable<TclRequest> {
private String id;
#Persistent(types = { DNSTestData.class, POP3TestData.class, PPPoETestData.class, RADIUSTestData.class }, defaultFetchGroup = "true")
#Columns({ #Column(name = "dnstestdata_fk"), #Column(name = "pop3testdata_fk"), #Column(name = "pppoetestdata_fk"), #Column(name = "radiustestdata_fk") })
private TestData testData;
public String getId() {
return id;
public TestData getTestData() {
return testData;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
public void setTestData(TestData testData) {
this.testData = testData;
The TestData interface looks like this:
#PersistenceCapable(detachable = "true")
public interface TestData {
public String getId();
public void setId(String id);
Which is implemented by many classed including this one:
#PersistenceCapable(detachable = "true")
public class RADIUSTestData implements TestData {
private String id;
private String password;
private String username;
public RADIUSTestData() {
public RADIUSTestData(String password, String username) {
this.password = password;
this.username = username;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
When I try to persiste the TclRequest class, after constructing it of course and using the RADIUSTestData:
//'o' is the constructed TclRequest object.
PersistenceManager pm = null;
Transaction t = null;
try {
pm = getPM();
t = pm.currentTransaction();
} catch (Exception e) {
if (t != null && t.isActive()) {
} finally {
The interface field isn't persisted. And the column is not created in the table ! I enabled the debug mode and found 2 catchy things:
-Class com.skycomm.cth.beans.ixload.radius.TestData specified to use "application identity" but no "objectid-class" was specified. Reverting to javax.jdo.identity.StringIdentity
-Performing reachability on PC field "com.skycomm.cth.beans.TclRequest.testData"
-Could not find StateManager for PC object "" at field "com.skycomm.cth.beans.TclRequest.testData" - ignoring for reachability
What could this mean ?
Thanks in advance.

I have figured out how to do it. It's not very much scalable but it works for now.
These are the annotations for the interface member variable. Note that the order of declared types, columns and class names in the extension value is important to be maintaned:
#Persistent(types = { RADIUSTestData.class, POP3TestData.class, PPPoETestData.class, DNSTestData.class }, defaultFetchGroup = "true")
#Columns({ #Column(name = "radiustestdata_fk"), #Column(name = "pop3testdata_fk"), #Column(name = "pppoetestdata_fk"),
#Column(name = "dnstestdata_fk") })
#Extension(vendorName = "datanucleus", key = "implementation-classes", value = "com.skycomm.cth.tcl.beans.radius.RADIUSTestData, com.skycomm.cth.tcl.beans.pop3.POP3TestData, com.skycomm.cth.tcl.beans.pppoe.PPPoETestData, com.skycomm.cth.tcl.beans.dns.DNSTestData")
A sample class implementing one of the interfaces (Just it's "header"):
#PersistenceCapable(detachable = "true")
public class RADIUSTestData implements TestData {
So it's pretty normal here.


Can we set the disable conversion value from config in #Converter

#Convert(converter = MsisdnEncryptor.class,disableConversion=true)
I have used this converter in my spring boot entity class.
package com.example.demo.entity;
This is the entity class:
public class Employee {
#Column(name = "emp_id")
name = "employee_sequence",
sequenceName = "employee_sequence",
allocationSize = 1
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE,
generator = "employee_sequence")
private Long EmpId;
#Column(name = "first_name")
private String firstName;
#Column(name = "last_name")
private String lastName;
#Column(name = "mobile_number")
**#Convert(converter = MsisdnEncryptor.class,disableConversion=true)**
**here I want to put values from in disableConversion**
private String mobileNumber;
#Column(name= "date_time")
#JsonFormat(shape=JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern="dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss", timezone="GMT+5:30")
private Timestamp dateTime;
This is the Encryptor class:
public class MsisdnEncryptor implements AttributeConverter<String, String> {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MsisdnEncryptor.class);
private boolean isEnabled;
private static final String AES = "AES";
private static final String SECRET = "secret-key-12345";
private final Key key;
private final Cipher cipher;
public MsisdnEncryptor() throws Exception {
key = new SecretKeySpec(SECRET.getBytes(), AES);
cipher = Cipher.getInstance(AES);
public String convertToDatabaseColumn(String attribute) {
try {
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(cipher.doFinal(attribute.getBytes()));
} catch (IllegalBlockSizeException | BadPaddingException | InvalidKeyException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
public String convertToEntityAttribute(String dbData) {
try {
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);
return new String(cipher.doFinal(Base64.getDecoder().decode(dbData)));
} catch (InvalidKeyException | BadPaddingException | IllegalBlockSizeException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
I know we can use #Value for taking the values , but it doesn't work here as it says attribute value must be constant.
Or if there is any other way of doing the encryption and enabling/disabling it from config , I would be more than happy to go through it.

Spring JPA: Adding an entity with current user ID as foreign key

I'm using a Thymeleaf HTML registration form and simple save/update method to save/update a 'dish' object to a mySQL database. Restaurant Id is a foreign key for the 'dish' but using the below methods it saves as 'null',
I would like to make it so that the Restaurant id of the currently logged in restaurant owner saves automatically when they add a dish.
Is there an uncomplicated way to do this? The closest tutorial I've found on Youtube involves using JSON requests in Postman and I've had issue adapting that to a HTML registration form in the past.
I'm quite new to all of this so any help would be very much appreciated!
See Dish class:
package com.bron.demoJPA.appuser;
#ToString(exclude = "reqlist")
public class Dish {
#SequenceGenerator(name = "dish_sequence", sequenceName = "dish_sequence", allocationSize = 1)
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "dish_sequence")
#Column(name = "dish_Id")
private Long dishId;
#Column(name = "dish_name")
private String dname;
#Column(name = "dish_description")
private String description;
#Column(name = "dish_price")
private double price;
#ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
#JoinColumn(name = "Rest_ID", referencedColumnName = "Rest_ID")
private AppUser app;
#ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
#JoinTable(name = "dish_requirment_mapping", joinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "dish_Id", referencedColumnName = "dish_Id"), inverseJoinColumns = #JoinColumn(name = "Require_ID", referencedColumnName = "Require_ID"))
private List<Requirments> reqlist;
public void addRequirments(Requirments req) {
if (reqlist == null)
reqlist = new ArrayList<>();
See AppUser(restaurant owner) Class
#Column(name = "Rest_Password")
private String password;
#Column(name = "Rest_Email_Address")
private String email;
private AppUserRole appUserRole;
private Boolean locked = false;
// don't enable user until email verification
private Boolean enabled = false;
public AppUser(String restname, String email, String pass, AppUserRole app) {
this.restaurantName = restname; = email;
this.password = pass;
this.appUserRole = app;
public Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> getAuthorities() {
SimpleGrantedAuthority authority = new SimpleGrantedAuthority(;
return Collections.singletonList(authority);
public String getUsername() {
return email;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public boolean isAccountNonExpired() {
return true;
public boolean isAccountNonLocked() {
return !locked;
public boolean isCredentialsNonExpired() {
return true;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return enabled;
#OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, optional = true)
#JoinColumn(name = "openingHourID", referencedColumnName = "OpeningHour_ID")
private OpeningHour opening;
See Controller class:
package com.bron.demoJPA.conroller;
public class DishController {
//display list of employees
private DishService dishService;
public String viewHomePage(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("listDish", dishService.getAllDish());
return "index";
public String showNewDishForm(Model model) {
// Create model attribute to bind form data
Dish dish = new Dish();
model.addAttribute("dish", dish);
return "new_dish";
public String saveDish(#ModelAttribute("dish") Dish dish) {
// save dish to database
return "redirect:/dish";
public String showFormForUpdate(#PathVariable(value = "dishId") long dishId, Model model) {
// get dish from service
Dish dish = dishService.getDishByDishId(dishId);
// set dish as model to pre-populate the form data
model.addAttribute("dish", dish);
return "update_dish";
See Service implementation
package com.bron.demoJPA.service;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import com.bron.demoJPA.appuser.Dish;
import com.bron.demoJPA.repository.DishRepository;
public class DishServiceImpl implements DishService {
private DishRepository dishRepository;
public List<Dish> getAllDish() {
return dishRepository.findAll();
public void saveDish(Dish dish) {;
public Dish getDishByDishId(long dishId) {
Optional<Dish> optional = dishRepository.findById(dishId);
Dish dish = null;
if (optional.isPresent()) {
dish = optional.get();
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Dish not found for: " + dishId);
return dish;
See Service class
public interface DishService {
List<Dish> getAllDish();
void saveDish(Dish dish);
Dish getDishByDishId(long dishId);
Can you make sure Dish's "app" attribute is being set correctly before trying to save it?
If it's null or it's a brand new instance of AppUser class it makes sense that when trying to match and persist it ends up on null.

How to query DynamoDB using ONLY Partition Key [Java]?

I am new to DynamoDB and wanted to know how can we query on a table in DynamoDB by using ONLY partition key in JAVA
I have table called "ervive-pdi-data-invalid-qa" and it's Schema is :
partition key is "SubmissionId"
Sort key is "Id".
City (Attribute)
Errors (Attribute)
The table looks like this:
I want to retrieve the sort key value and remaining attributes data by using Partition key using ( new version of AWS SDK DynamoDB classes.
is it possible to get it? If so, can any one post the answers?
Have tried this:
DynamoDbClient ddb =
DynamoDbEnhancedClient enhancedClient =
//Define table
DynamoDbTable<ErvivePdiDataInvalidQa> table =
Key key = Key.builder().partitionValue(2023).build();
ErvivePdiDataInvalidQa result = table.getItem(r->r.key(key));
System.out.println("The record id is "+result.getId());
ErvivePdiDataInvalidQa table class is in below comment*
and it is returning "The provided key element does not match the schema (Service: DynamoDb, Status Code: 400, Request ID: PE1MKPMQ9MLT51OLJQVDCURQGBVV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG, Extended Request ID: null)"
Query you need is documented in one of the examples of AWS Dynamodb Query API for Java.
AmazonDynamoDB client = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard()
DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(client);
Table table = dynamoDB.getTable("ervive-pdi-data-invalid-qa");
QuerySpec spec = new QuerySpec()
.withKeyConditionExpression("SubmissionId = :v_id")
.withValueMap(new ValueMap()
.withInt(":v_id", 2146));
ItemCollection<QueryOutcome> items = table.query(spec);
Iterator<Item> iterator = items.iterator();
Item item = null;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
item =;
A single Query operation can retrieve a maximum of 1 MB of data, see documentation
I have been working with Padma on this issue. We first tried A. Khan's code but could not get passed authentication with v1. Instead we got "WARNING: Your profile name includes a 'profile ' prefix. This is considered part of the profile name in the Java SDK, so you will need to include this prefix in your profile name when you reference this profile from your Java code."
ultimately it could not get the credentials. Our credentials assume IAM roles in .aws/config-i2 file. It works fine in v2 but not v1.
So then we tried v2 of the SDK and have no problems with connecting but we get NULL returned on trying to fetch all records from the table.
In all of the below attempts using v2 of SDK, table data returns NULL
We created this table class
package data;
public class ErvivePdiDataInvalidQa {
private int submissionId;
private String id;
private String address1;
private String city;
private String dateOfBirth;
private String errors;
private String firstName;
private String firstNameNormalized;
private String gender;
private String lastName;
private String lastNameNormalized;
private String middleNameInitial;
private String postalCode;
private String rowNumber;
private String state;
private String submissionType;
public int getSubmissionId() {
return submissionId;
public void setSubmissionId(int submissionId) {
this.submissionId = submissionId;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
public String getAddress1() {
return address1;
public void setAddress1(String Address1) {
this.address1 = Address1;
public String getCity() {
return city;
public void setCity(String city) { = city;
public String getDateOfBirth() {
return dateOfBirth;
public void setDateOfBirth(String dateOfBirth) {
this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;
public String getErrors() {
return errors;
public void setErrors(String errors) {
this.errors = errors;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getFirstNameNormalized() {
return firstNameNormalized;
public void setFirstNameNormalized(String firstNameNormalized) {
this.firstNameNormalized = firstNameNormalized;
public String getGender() {
return gender;
public void setGender(String gender) {
this.gender = gender;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
public String getLastNameNormalized() {
return lastNameNormalized;
public void setLastNameNormalized(String lastNameNormalized) {
this.lastNameNormalized = lastNameNormalized;
public String getMiddleNameInitial() {
return middleNameInitial;
public void setMiddleNameInitial(String middleNameInitial) {
this.middleNameInitial = middleNameInitial;
public String getPostalCode() {
return postalCode;
public void setPostalCode(String postalCode) {
this.postalCode = postalCode;
public String getRowNumber() {
return rowNumber;
public void setRowNumber(String rowNumber) {
this.rowNumber = rowNumber;
public String getState() {
return state;
public void setState(String state) {
this.state = state;
public String getSubmissionType() {
return submissionType;
public void setSubmissionType(String submissionType) {
this.submissionType = submissionType;
DynamoDB code to get all records
DynamoDbClient ddb = DynamoDbClient.builder().build();
DynamoDbEnhancedClient enhancedClient = DynamoDbEnhancedClient.builder()
//Define table
DynamoDbTable<ErvivePdiDataInvalidQa> table = enhancedClient.table("ervive-pdi-data-invalid-qa", TableSchema.fromBean(ErvivePdiDataInvalidQa.class));
//Get All Items from table - RETURNING NULL
Iterator<ErvivePdiDataInvalidQa> results = table.scan().items().iterator();
while (results.hasNext()) {
ErvivePdiDataInvalidQa rec =;
System.out.println("The record id is "+rec.getId());
Also tried:
DynamoDB code to filter by SubmissionID
AttributeValue attr = AttributeValue.builder()
// Get only Open items in the Work table
Map<String, AttributeValue> myMap = new HashMap<>();
myMap.put(":val1", attr);
Map<String, String> myExMap = new HashMap<>();
myExMap.put("#sid", "SubmissionId");
// Set the Expression so only Closed items are queried from the Work table
Expression expression = Expression.builder()
.expression("#sid = :val1")
ScanEnhancedRequest enhancedRequest = ScanEnhancedRequest.builder()
// Get items in the Record table and write out the ID value
Iterator<ErvivePdiDataInvalidQa> results = table.scan(enhancedRequest).items().iterator();
while (results.hasNext()) {
ErvivePdiDataInvalidQa record =;
System.out.println("The record id is " + record.getId());

Firebase snapshot getValue could not pars int suddenly

I hade a strange happening today with my Firebase project.
Suddenly the
AddressChatMessage chatMessage = snapshot.getValue(AddressChatMessage.class);
parsed everything ok for the AddressChatMessage except for one int.
Took me 2 hour until i tried this, setting the field to public
public int type;
Note I use this code for weeks without problem and today Android studio made some core updated to 2.3.2 and maybe that trigger this strange event.
Here´s the nothing strange except that the public int type cannot be private, if it is, it will be zero, that too is strange, usually Firebase give out a logcat warning when pojo parsing fails. I have 10 other modell classes like this with plenty of int´s
public class AddressChatMessage {
// [START Firebase keys inside AddressChatMessage ]
public static final String TYPE = "type";
public static final String SENDER_ID = "senderId";
public static final String MESSAGE = "message";
public static final String FILENAME = "fileName";
public static final String DOWNLOAD_URI = "downloadUri";
public static final String TIME = "time";
// [STOP Firebase keys inside AddressChatMessage ]
public int type;
private String senderId;
private String message;
private String fileName;
private String downloadUri;
private long time;
private String messageId;
public AddressChatMessage() {
public AddressChatMessage(int type, String senderUid) {
this.senderId = senderUid;
this.type = type;
public AddressChatMessage(int type, String senderUid, String message) {
this.type = type;
this.senderId = senderUid;
this.message = message;
private int getType() {
return type;
public void setType(int type) {
this.type = type;
public String getSenderId() {
return senderId;
public void setSenderId(String senderId) {
this.senderId = senderId;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
public String getFileName() {
return fileName;
public void setFileName(String fileName) {
this.fileName = fileName;
public String getDownloadUri() {
return downloadUri;
public void setDownloadUri(String downloadUri) {
this.downloadUri = downloadUri;
public long getTime() {
return time;
public String getMessageId() {
return messageId;
public void setMessageId(String messageId) {
this.messageId = messageId;
public Map<String, Object> toMap() {
HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
result.put(TYPE, type);
result.put(SENDER_ID, senderId);
result.put(MESSAGE, message);
result.put(FILENAME, fileName);
result.put(DOWNLOAD_URI, downloadUri);
result.put(TIME, time);
return result;
public boolean isTypeNormal() {
return getType() == ChatAdapter.MessageType.NORMAL.ordinal();
public boolean isTypeImage() {
return getType() == ChatAdapter.MessageType.IMAGE.ordinal();
When cleaning the code using Lint. Lint suggested changes like "This can be private instead of public" - I accidentally set the getType() to private access.

passing in SimpleJdbcCall to StoredProcedure

I am using JBoss 7.1.Final as application server and Oracle as database. We are using Spring framework 3.x and Java 6. trying to pass in an array of Strings and convert them inside the stored proc to array of varchars. I haven't found a good example for this yet. Please provide a pointer if you can to any documentation or previous forum post. I have searched and not found one that seems to apply.
The stored proc is defined as:
Type RR_ARRAY is defined as:
create or replace
type RR_ARRAY as table of varchar2(15);
Within my java code I have:
jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
this.getTestContents = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate)
new SqlParameter("IN_RR_ARRAY", OracleTypes.ARRAY,
new SqlParameter("IN_ORDER_STATE", OracleTypes.VARCHAR), new SqlOutParameter("OUT_FLAG",
new SqlOutParameter("OUT_RETURN_VAL", OracleTypes.INTEGER),
new SqlOutParameter("OUT_RETURN_CODE", OracleTypes.VARCHAR),
new SqlOutParameter("OUT_RETURN_DESC", OracleTypes.VARCHAR),
new SqlOutParameter("OUT_RETURN_TYPE", OracleTypes.VARCHAR));
//I get a different error here so creating new connection for testing
//conn = jdbcTemplate.getDataSource().getConnection();
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcURL, user, passwd);
ArrayDescriptor desc = new ArrayDescriptor("STAR.RR_ARRAY", conn);
ARRAY arr = new ARRAY(desc, conn, testArray); // testArray is just
// String[] with 2 values
Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>();
hm.put("IN_RR_ARRAY", arr);
hm.put("IN_ORDER_STATE", stateCode);
hm.put("OUT_FLAG", Types.VARCHAR);
SqlParameterSource in = new MapSqlParameterSource().addValues(hm);
Map out = getTestContents .execute(in);
The stack trace returned is:
11:24:43,691 ERROR [com.test.repository.TestContentsDao] (http-localhost- Error while calling GET_TEST_CONTENTS Stored procedure: org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: CallableStatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL [{call STAR.GET_TEST_CONTENTS(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}]; SQL state [99999]; error code [17059]; Fail to convert to internal representation: oracle.sql.ARRAY#2a081f8f; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Fail to convert to internal representation: oracle.sql.ARRAY#2a081f8f
at [spring-jdbc-3.0.7.RELEASE.jar:3.0.7.RELEASE]
at [spring-jdbc-3.0.7.RELEASE.jar:3.0.7.RELEASE]
at [spring-jdbc-3.0.7.RELEASE.jar:3.0.7.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate.execute( [spring-jdbc-3.0.7.RELEASE.jar:3.0.7.RELEASE]
at [spring-jdbc-3.0.7.RELEASE.jar:3.0.7.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.AbstractJdbcCall.executeCallInternal( [spring-jdbc-3.0.7.RELEASE.jar:3.0.7.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.AbstractJdbcCall.doExecute( [spring-jdbc-3.0.7.RELEASE.jar:3.0.7.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcCall.execute( [spring-jdbc-3.0.7.RELEASE.jar:3.0.7.RELEASE]
at com.test.repository.TestContentsDao.isGood( [classes:]
Any advice or pointers to examples or docs will be appreciated
I found the fix for this. Now I use this List of Strings:
List<String> ndcList;
I changed the array parameter from OracleTypes.ARRAY to java.sql.stypes.ARRAY and specified schema prefix on array name. And changed the code and created a few new convenience methods at the bottom.
I needed the wrapped connection and had to add this dependency to my pom:
---- method code starts here------------
jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
this.getTestContents = new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate)
new SqlParameter("IN_RR_ARRAY", java.sql.types.ARRAY, "STAR.RR_ARRAY"),
new SqlParameter("IN_ORDER_STATE", OracleTypes.VARCHAR),
new SqlOutParameter("OUT_FLAG", OracleTypes.VARCHAR),
new SqlOutParameter("OUT_RETURN_VAL", OracleTypes.INTEGER),
new SqlOutParameter("OUT_RETURN_CODE", OracleTypes.VARCHAR),
new SqlOutParameter("OUT_RETURN_DESC", OracleTypes.VARCHAR),
new SqlOutParameter("OUT_RETURN_TYPE", OracleTypes.VARCHAR));
Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>();
hm.put("IN_RR_ARRAY", new ScriptArray(ndcList));
hm.put("IN_ORDER_STATE", stateCode);
hm.put("OUT_FLAG", Types.VARCHAR);
SqlParameterSource in = new MapSqlParameterSource().addValues(hm);
Map out = getTestContents.execute(in);
---- method code ends here------------
public class ScriptArray extends AbstractSqlTypeValue {
private List<String> values;
public ScriptArray(List<String> values) {
this.values = values;
public Object createTypeValue(Connection con, int sqlType,
String typeName) throws SQLException {
oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection wrappedConnection = con
con = wrappedConnection;
ArrayDescriptor desc = new ArrayDescriptor(typeName, con);
return new ARRAY(desc, con,
(String[]) values.toArray(new String[values.size()]));
Been fighting the similar issue for a day. This article helped me.
Here's code backup, in case page will be unavailable:
-- custom type
create or replace TYPE "MY_TYPE"
as object(name varchar(255),
value varchar(255))
-- array of MY_TYPE
create or replace
as table of MY_TYPE
-- echo like SP, doesn't do too much
create or replace
procedure foo(
i_array in MY_ARRAY,
o_array out MY_ARRAY)
o_array := MY_ARRAY();
for i in 1 .. i_array.count loop
o_array(i) := MY_TYPE(i_array(i).name, i_array(i).value);
end loop;
Java code:
public class FooStoredProcedure {
private static final String SP_NAME = "FOO";
private static final String MY_ARRAY = "MY_ARRAY";
private static final String MY_TYPE = "MY_TYPE";
private static final String I_ARRAY = "i_array";
private static final String O_ARRAY = "o_array";
private final StoredProcedure storedProcedure;
public FooStoredProcedure(DataSource dataSource) {
storedProcedure = new StoredProcedure(dataSource, SP_NAME) {
declareParameter(new SqlParameter(I_ARRAY, Types.ARRAY, MY_ARRAY));
declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter(O_ARRAY, Types.ARRAY, MY_ARRAY, new SqlReturnType() {
public Object getTypeValue(CallableStatement cs, int paramIndex,
int sqlType, String typeName) throws SQLException {
Connection connection = cs.getConnection();
Map<String, Class<?>> typeMap = connection.getTypeMap();
typeMap.put(MY_TYPE, MyType.class);
return cs.getObject(paramIndex);
* #return array of {#link MyType} objects or <code>null</code>
public MyType[] execute(final MyType[] values) {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put(I_ARRAY, new AbstractSqlTypeValue() {
protected Object createTypeValue(Connection con, int sqlType, String typeName) throws SQLException {
ArrayDescriptor descriptor = new ArrayDescriptor(typeName, con);
return new ARRAY(descriptor, con, values);
Map<?, ?> result = storedProcedure.execute(params);
if ((!result.containsKey(O_ARRAY) || result.get(O_ARRAY) == null)) {
return null;
try {
Object[] resultArray = (Object[]) ((ARRAY) result.get(O_ARRAY)).getArray();
return Arrays.copyOf(resultArray, resultArray.length, MyType[].class);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DataRetrievalFailureException("Unable to retrieve array", e);
public static class MyType implements SQLData {
private String name;
private String value;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getSQLTypeName() throws SQLException {
return MY_TYPE;
public void readSQL(SQLInput stream, String typeName) throws SQLException {
name = stream.readString();
value = stream.readString();
public void writeSQL(SQLOutput stream) throws SQLException {
public String toString() {
return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE);
I looked at the internet and it was very difficult to get it working with the solution many people have provided.. here is working code example.. in pom.xml create this dependency.
oracle sample code
create table employee (EMPNO number(12) not null, FNAME varchar2(60), LNAME varchar2(60), EMAIL varchar2(120));
AS OBJECT (EMPNO number(12), FNAME varchar2(60), LNAME varchar2(60), EMAIL varchar2(120));
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE employee_table_type AS TABLE OF employee_type;
create or replace PROCEDURE SAVE_EMPLOYEES(p_emp_insert_array in employee_table_type) AS
FORALL i IN p_emp_insert_array.first .. p_emp_insert_array.last
insert into employee(
values (
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Struct;
* #author rsharma
public class EmployeeStructMapper implements StructMapper<Employee> {
public Struct toStruct(Employee emp, Connection conn, String oracleTypeName) throws SQLException {
Object[] attributes = {
return conn.createStruct(oracleTypeName, attributes);
public Employee fromStruct(Struct struct) throws SQLException {
Employee emp= new Employee();
Object[] attributes = struct.getAttributes();
emp.setEmpno(((Number) attributes[0]).longValue());
return emp;
SqlStructArrayValue in spring has some issue with OracleConnection casting so i created my own one similar to them.
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Struct;
import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection;
import org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException;
* #author rsharma
public class OracleSqlStructArrayValue<T> extends SqlStructArrayValue<T> {
private T[] values;
* The object that will do the mapping *
private StructMapper<T> mapper;
* The type name of the STRUCT *
private String structTypeName;
* The type name of the ARRAY *
private String arrayTypeName;
public OracleSqlStructArrayValue(T[] values, StructMapper<T> mapper, String structTypeName) {
super(values, mapper, structTypeName);
this.values = values;
this.mapper = mapper;
this.structTypeName = structTypeName;
public OracleSqlStructArrayValue(T[] values, StructMapper<T> mapper, String structTypeName, String arrayTypeName) {
super(values, mapper, structTypeName, arrayTypeName);
this.values = values;
this.mapper = mapper;
this.structTypeName = structTypeName;
this.arrayTypeName = arrayTypeName;
protected Object createTypeValue(Connection conn, int sqlType, String typeName) throws SQLException {
if (typeName == null && arrayTypeName == null) {
throw new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException(
"The typeName for the array is null in this context. Consider setting the arrayTypeName.");
Struct[] structValues = new Struct[values.length];
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
structValues[i] = mapper.toStruct(values[i], conn, structTypeName);
OracleConnection oracleConn = (OracleConnection) conn;
return oracleConn.createOracleArray(typeName != null ? typeName : arrayTypeName, structValues);
Now in your DAO Class do the following...
public class EmployeeDAO {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EmployeeDAO.class);
private DataSource dataSource;
private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
private SimpleJdbcCall saveEmployeesArrayCall;
private void postConstruct() {
jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource);
this.saveEmployeesArrayCall =
new SimpleJdbcCall(dataSource).withProcedureName(SQLConstants.SAVE_EMPLOYEES_STORE_PROC)
.declareParameters(new SqlParameter("p_emp_insert_array", Types.ARRAY, SQLConstants.EMPLOYEE_OBJ_TABLE_TYPE));
public void saveEmployees(List<Employee> employees) {
Map<String, Object> in = new HashMap<>();
in.put("p_emp_insert_array", new OracleSqlStructArrayValue<>(employees.toArray(new Employee[0]), new EmployeeStructMapper(), SQLConstants.EMPLOYEE_OBJ_TYPE));
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import java.util.Objects;
* #author rsharma
public class Employee implements{
#ApiModelProperty(notes = "The database generated Employee Number")
private Long empno;
#ApiModelProperty(notes = "First Name of the Employee", required = true)
private String firstName;
#ApiModelProperty(notes = "Last Name of the Employee")
private String lastName;
private String emailAddress;
public Employee() {
public Employee(Long empno, String emailAddress, String firstName, String lastName) {
this.empno = empno;
this.emailAddress = emailAddress;
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
public Long getEmpno() {
return empno;
public void setEmpno(Long empno) {
this.empno = empno;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
public String getEmailAddress() {
return emailAddress;
public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress) {
this.emailAddress = emailAddress;
public String toString() {
return "Employee{" + "empno=" + empno + ", firstName=" + firstName + ", lastName=" + lastName + ", emailAddress=" + emailAddress + '}';
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 7;
hash = 59 * hash + Objects.hashCode(this.empno);
return hash;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
return false;
final Employee other = (Employee) obj;
if (!Objects.equals(this.empno, other.empno)) {
return false;
return true;
