Password protect website during development -

Is there an easy way to password protect my website during development so that only my tester can hit it? It's an ASP.NET site and is hosted on

You can just set up a temp user/password in the C# part of your login page. That'll keep others out, and let you get in until you implement a real user system.
If they click login without that pass, no redirect to the rest of site. If they enter the correct user and pass, redirect to the rest of the site.

Require ASP.NET Forms authentication in your web.config and redirect to login page if not authenticated. This can integrate into your existing authentication database.

You need to activate Windows Authentication for the website. This will require a domain or server account credentials to be filled in before the site can be accessed otherwise the user will receive a 401.2 not authorized error.
Example at Just hit escape when the popup appears to see the 401.2 not authorised error.


Active Singn In using STS. Want to send user name and password to STS for authentication from External website

I have configured thinktexture identity server which is connected with my database for authentication and returning the claims in response.
Now I am able to use STS in my website. Behavious of STS is, user is getting redirect to STS website login page for authentication and response is getting retun to my website after successfull login.
I want to implement a little bit different. I want to use Login page from my website itself instead of using this from STS so that stsyle and theming can be displayed as per my website.
Also want to implement many other password control features ie Password expiry warning, force change password etc can be implemented within the website.Please suggest the approach
Look into the WS-Trust endpoints that IdentityServer supports.
After a lot RnD, we finally reach at conclusion that it cannot be achieved.
It will always redirect to identity server URL for authentication.

ASP.NET Form Authentication + NTLM + LDAP

I'm trying to add LDAP support to an existing ASP.NET website that uses Form Authentication. This is not a big problem, I just build a simple login dialog (ordinary HTTP POST), query the LDAP directory and log the user in via Form Authentication ticket.
It would be extremely nice to automatically get the users credentials via NTLM (Integrated Windows Authentication) without the need for a login dialog (like what you get when using ASP.NET Windows Authentication with computers in the same Active Directory). Is there an easy way to do this (keep in mind, I can't use Windows Authentication for my ASP.NET app and the server is not in an Active Directory Domain, I need to be able to query LDAP directory manually)? Or would I have to manually do all the LDAP handshaking / challenge/response thingy?
Thanks for your help,
~ saxx
I do just this on my intranet here. These are the steps I use...
Create a login page (login.aspx seems good) & set the web app up for forms authentication. Set authorisation as deny anonymous. These means any attempt to use your app will cause the user to be redirected to your login page if they don't have a auth ticket.
Now the important step. In IIS, set the app to allow anonymous only. On your login page change this to only be Windows Integrated. Now what happens is when the user is bounced to your login page, IIS forces an NTLM authentication. We now have the users name in the headers.
2nd important step. in the page_load method add:
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(Request.ServerVariables["Logon_user"], false);
What this does is take the username IIS will always give us and put into a forms auth ticket.
There's of course a certain amount of tidying up you may want to do, perhaps adding a logout feature, or stripping the domain name of the username.

Windows and anonymous authentication side by side

I need help on authenticating users based on their location. The problem is this: If the users come to the web site out of domain then the user must fill a login page and the credentials he provided must be authenticated from a custom credential store. If the user is an Active Directory user, he must be directed to the resource he wants without asking for credentials.
If I enable both Anonymous Auth and Windows Auth for the web server, Anonymous Auth comes first and even the user is an Active Directory user I can't access his domain information.
Anyone can help?
One way I know is to set a single page, like AdLogin.aspx, to deny anonymous users and have that page log them into the Forms Authenication module. You then have to create a custom 401 error page that redirects to your Forms login page from your AdLogin. The one thing I don't like is that AD users try to login through the Forms login page all of the time, and it's hard to bookmark the AdLogin page because it just does an automatic redirect. I also don't like that it's so dependent on a custom IIS configuration.
See my answered here for details: ASP.NET Application to authenticate to Active Directory or SQL via Windows Authentication or Forms Authentication
How about publishing the website with 2 different Webapplications?
You could configer the internal one to use Windows Auth, and the external one to use Anonymous. If the user requests a site that requiers auth, you allow them to authenticate.
You can also post an "Login" Link on your (external) webpage, that will allow the user to manually log in on the external site. But if you allow a Page to use anonymous, then you have to consider that you wont know who the user is currently.

Using Windows Integrated Auth & Anonymous after jakarta redirect on IIS7

I have an application we bought that I need to integrate, and it uses jakarta connection to get to the application from IIS.
So, the basic operation is:
user goes to the url
Gets redirected to the application
SSO is enabled, so redirected back
to IIS for fetching of domain
Back to application
If username is blank show login
page, else let user in.
This is a simplification of all the steps, but the basic idea is here.
My difficulty is that I need both Windows Integrated Auth and anonymous on, as some users won't have credentials, and need to be prompted for a username/password.
I have looked at: IIS Windows Authentication before Anonymous already, but the user doesn't get to click on a link to decide. The application goes back to IIS looking for login.aspx and from there I want to either get their domain credentials or pass back to the application empty strings to signify that there are no credentials.
It seems this isn't going to be possible though as if anonymous is on it doesn't make the 401 request so the credentials aren't passed.
If I can't get this to work with just using an ASP.NET page, could it be done using an ISAPI filter, or a module?
I found a possible solution, but I need to figure out how to get it to work, as my login page is on the JBoss server.
Keep the Authentication in the IIS as the Anonymous.
When loading the home page check the ACTIVE DIRECTORY for the current logged in USERNAME if exist
provide the extra functionality to current user or else with fewer options.
Refer --> Active Directory Cheking

ASP.NET/IIS: Windows Authentication, setting max attempts and redirecting

We have an internal web app running on IIS6 and we use the integrated windows authentication for domain users to login to the app before they can use it.
What we would like to do is redirect the user to an error page if they fail to login to the domain 3 times.
Where should i be looking to configure this? My first thought was in IIS, but i don't see anything in the config there that relates to what i'm looking to do.
How are the users authenticating? If they are using IE then domain authentication should be automatic (ie. the server does an NTLM challenge to the browser which is handled automatically by IE if the web server is in the intranet zone). In this case it would not be possible to fail to log in if the user is a member of the domain.
If you are using a login form which then then verifies the credentials against the domain controller, then you can implement a custom solution which counts the invalid logins and does a Response.Redirect to an error page.
Without knowing more about the setup it is difficult to answer more fully...
Personally, I'd make this database driven. assuming the user enters the username credentials correctly but fails to enter the correct password. When they do login correctly, set their FailLoginCount to 0, and eachtime they fail, increase it by one.
Once it reaches 3, redirect them to your desired page and possible "lock" their account.
