two problems with Web Site type project (not Web Application) -

I have a project which is a Web Site, not Web Application and have two problems because of that.
I have a custom control derived from BaseValidator which I had to put in the App_Code folder. Now on the page I want to register this control by
<%# Register tagname="mytagname" Namespace="PP" TagPrefix="dv2" %>
But when I get enter to this page, I have exception, because the src attribute is missing. I can't put in the src attr. path to the App_Code because I have another exception. How can I do that? This is a Web Site, so the sources are not compiled to one dll file, so I don't know what to add to the src attribute.
When I want to add to the Web Site a new project library, I have to compile it and manually copy the library dll file to the bin folder in the Web Site. But don't know, how can I debug this library with brakepoints?
This is my first time with Web Site project type. I always created the Web App.

1- Don't use tagname attribute here, tagname is suitable for UserControls.
2- There is no any difference between using library in a web app or website. Just choose Add Reference from project node's context menu and select your class library from project tab.

Try creating a separate project for your CustomControls and reference it in your WebSite project by the namespace you use in your CutomControls project. Also check out this post for some information add custom control in website
Your second question, if you keep all of your projects in the same solution and just reference them to each other's projects, you will be able to debug and step into methods and set break points in any of the projects in your solution. If you don't want to do that, you have to copy the debug symbol files along with the .dll to the bin or point VS to where the necessary debug symbol files are located and then you will be able to step through the code in the .dll


How application works?

I am quite new to .NET development and I am just wondering how does it work?
My undermentioned points are:
While developing ASP.NET application, under the project we have files like:
After adding certain functionality to pagename.aspx page, assuming I have the development required web application (this is not my concern, what is developed)
Now I'm going to deploy this application, I use web deployment MSI which creates the required files in the one folder called folderdelopyed.
This folder contains the files required to support this application but interesting does not contain pagename.aspx.cs and pagename.aspx.designer.cs files.
My question is if folderdelopyed does not contain .cs file, then how does it work to run the segment of code which I have written in this file called PageName.aspx.cs?
The code in your cs files gets compiled into a dll.
For Web Application projects this is one dll
For Web Site projects, this is a dll per page.
All of the code is now in the dll's in the bin folder of the website.
You can use a tool like ILSpy ( to look inside the dll's and see your code.
In the old days, for classic ASP, the script used to be embedded in your page - a mix of code and HTML, and was interpreted at runtime.
I like the new way more :-)
ASP.NET code is compiled into Dynamic-link library files, also known as DLL files.
The code you write in your code behind, which is the files with .cs extension, is compiled and put into whole new file, with .dll extension - and that file is copied to the server, to the BIN folder of your site.
Depending on what project type you choose, it's possible to have several DLL files for the web application, changing in every build - see dash's answer for more details.
On every .aspx page you have referece to what DLL file to use, as the very first line. For example:
<%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="pagename.aspx.cs" Inherits="MyNameSpace.pagename" %>
In this example, the Inherits part determines what DLL to use. How? By the namespace, which is also the name of the DLL file.
When the above .aspx is requested by a browser, the .NET engine will go to the BIN folder, look for MyNameSpace.dll and in there look for class called pagename that inherits from the base Page class - all the rest is typical life cycle of ASP.NET page.
let me to say you something more Amazing.
you can hide your aspx file too.and put their content in to dll as same as your cs file put in dll.
you can make k aspx that just contain an address to the ddl file and no html body :D
that was greate!!! not only you can hide your cs file, you can hide you aspx file too :D

reference app_code classes in web application project

I have created an website, with the accompanying app_code folder.
In the same solution I added a web application project, and I want to use the classes that are in the website app_code folder.
I tried adding a reference, and then adding the project (the website), but the list of project is empty...
You are doing it wrong. Create a class library project and move all those classes from the app_code folder to the new project. Then reference this project from both website and web application project.
Very late, but sometimes classes in App_Code may need to stay in the same project, then
Create a new folder (say "code" )in web application, and add class files from app_code as links to this folder. This lets you have a single copy.
2) Ensure Build Action for each of these imported files are "Compile" in the file property folder if need be.
3) Exclude App_Code folder from web application.
More information and reasons - please see here:

consuming classes from folder other than App_Code

I am creating a site wherein I have a folder which contains some .cs files. I want to access those classes in .aspx and .ascx files. I’ve created some properties in it, but when I create the object of the class I don’t find that property via IntelliSense.
How can I use and consume those properties from that .cs file?
The website will only compile code files that are in the App_Code folder or are codebehind files for referenced controls. There isn't a way to reference classes defined in code files outside of the App_Code folder.
If you compile those classes and put the resulting dll in your website's bin folder, then you can reference them. To do that, you'll need to add them to a Web Application project in Visual Studio. See Ian Robinson's WAP blog post for most details.
Just have those properties public and you'll see them.
If still no luck please post your code and also tell: can you create instance of the class without error? Can you access any other properties or methods?

generating a dll of a web usercontrol

How can I make a dll of my web application usercontrol?
I have usercontrol222.ascx, but I want to make a dll out of this usercontrol.
Create a project containing only your user control ("usercontrol222.ascx") and grab the control's dll from the deployment of your new project. Here's the source of this method with a more complete explanation: Turning an .ascx User Control into a Redistributable Custom Control (Notable excerpts below, see the link for the full run-down).
Step 3: Use the Publish Command to Precompile the Site
The next step is to use the new
Publish command to precompile your
site and turn your user control into a
potential custom control. You'll find
the command under Build / Publish Web
Site. In the Publish dialog, do the
Pick a Target Location. This is the location on your hard drive that your
site will be precompiled to.
Deselect "Allow this precompiled site to be updatable". In updatable
mode, only the code behind file (if
any) would get compiled, and the ascx
would be left unprocessed. This is
useful in some scenarios, but is not
what you want here since you want the
resulting DLL to be self-contained.
Select "Use fixed naming and single page assemblies". This will guarantee
that your user control will be
compiled into a single assembly that
will have a name based on the ascx
file. If you don't check this option,
your user control could be compiled
together with other pages and user
controls (if you had some), and the
assembly would receive a random name
that would be more difficult to work
Step 4: Finding the Resulting Custom Control
Now, using the Windows
Explorer or a command-line window,
let's go to the directory you
specified as the target so we can see
what was generated. You will see a
number of files there, but let's focus
on the one that is relevant to our
goal of turning the user control into
a custom control.
In the "bin" directory, you will find
a file named something like
You are basically done, as this file
is your user control transformed into
a custom control! The only thing
that's left to do is to actually use
You cannot. User controls are for the simplified scenario where you do not want to create a custom control. They have the disadvantage that the .ascx file and any other artifacts (images, styles, etc) must be included in each web site that uses the user control.
If you need complete reuse between projects, then you need to create a custom control. That's not actually that hard, if you directly translate the user control into a custom control.
You may want to look at developing your own server controls. See the following similar discussion: ASP.NET Web User Control Library.

Not able to create an instance of a class

In a Project I have different modules or folders.In a module I have a namespace called idsobject.I have class in this namespace.
In another CS fle in the same folder I'm trying to access this class.But i'm not able.while if put that cs file in aPP_code than i able to get that class.
how to access the class in another cs file within the same folder.
thanks in advance
In an ASP.NET web site project, *.cs files are only compiled and made available to the rest of the application if they're located in the App_Code folder, or a subfolder in App_Code, or if they are associated with a *.aspx as code behind. The architecture is intended to allow full server-side compilation. You can't just put a *.cs anywhere and expect IIS to be able to find it, compile it, and link it with the rest of the app.
With an ASP.NET web application, you can put *.cs files where ever you want, because they are compiled by Visual Studio using details that are kept in the project file.
I'm guessing that you're using a web site project, which is why it works when you put the file in App_Code.
First check the namespace. If you accessing the correct namespace then perhaps the class access is set to private.
You could give us some extra information.
This sounds strange. Putting a class in a file in a Web project with a .cs extension should work just fine no matter which folder the file is located.
The only thing I can suggest is to make sure that there is at least a
using idsobject;
line at the top of the code unit where you are trying to access the class. The default behaviour for ASP.NET Web forms is for no namespace to be defined, which can sometimes lead to confusion.
The class should be marked as public if you've tried to access it from another namespace.
If it doesn't help, please post here a problematic code snippet.
