Hide Chart Items based on some value - apache-flex

I have plot chart with an 'itemRenderer' to render the text. I have the renderer working corrrectly. Now, what I want to show/hide some of the chart tiems if it's below/above some value. I am using the 'Label' component as 'itemRenderer' and overriding the 'data' function (Please find my renderer component below..).
If the size of the dataprovider of the chart is greater than '100', I want to hide all the 'events' with 'low' severity. For that I need to get a reference to the dataprovider, but not sure how... ?
Has anyone come across this problem ?
public class EventChartItemRenderer extends Label
private var chartItem:ChartItem;
private var evtLblTxt:String;
private var txtBorderColor:uint;
private var showHide:Boolean;
public function EventChartItemRenderer()
override public function set data(val:Object):void {
chartItem = val as ChartItem;
var event:DeviceEventDetails = chartItem.item as DeviceEventDetails;
if(event.severity == 2){
evtLblTxt = "2";
txtBorderColor = 0xFFD685;
showHide = false;
}else if(event.severity == 4){
evtLblTxt = "4";
txtBorderColor = 0xE68D53;
showHide = true;
}else if(event.severity == 6){
evtLblTxt = "6";
txtBorderColor = 0xB870DB;
showHide = true;
override public function get data():Object {
return chartItem;
override protected function commitProperties():void {
if(!showHide) return;
this.text = evtLblTxt;
this.setStyle("color", txtBorderColor);
this.setStyle("fontWeight", "bold");
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {
super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
if(!showHide) return;
var rc:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
var g:Graphics = graphics;
g.moveTo(rc.left, rc.top);
g.lineStyle(1, txtBorderColor, 0.8);
g.lineTo(rc.width, rc.top);
g.lineTo(rc.width, rc.bottom+4);
g.lineTo(rc.left, rc.bottom+4);
g.lineTo(rc.left, rc.top);
It's actually chartItem.element. And you need to cast it to 'ChartElement' because the 'element' refers to an interface 'IChartElement' and access the 'dataProvider' property. The 'chartDataProvider' is write-only. So, the correct way of accessing it is...
(chartItem.element as ChartElement).dataProvider.

ChartItem has an IChartElement property with access to the chart data provider:
chartItem.item.chartDataProvider.length > 100


Checkbox itemrender of Advanced grid does not hold proper selections on next open event of tree in Flex 4

I have a checkbox in AdvancedDataGrid as GroupItemrenderer.I have selected certain child nodes in tree and closed its parent,later when I reopen the same parent node,selected child nodes are not those that i selected.How to retain the correct selections in checkbox.??
Also am unable to set the value for checkbox (GroupItemRenderer) by default from component and also unable to access the value for checkbox in Data property.
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.ui.Keyboard;
import mx.collections.ICollectionView;
import mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView;
import mx.collections.IHierarchicalData;
import mx.collections.IViewCursor;
import mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.controls.CheckBox;
import mx.controls.Image;
import mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn;
import mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer;
import mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridListData;
import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
use namespace mx_internal;
public class CheckADGRenderer extends AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer
protected var myImage:Image;
public var status:String = "false";
// set image properties
private var imageWidth:Number = 6;
private var imageHeight:Number = 6;
private var inner:String = "inner.png";
protected var myCheckBox:CheckBox;
static private var STATE_SCHRODINGER:String = "schrodinger";
static private var STATE_CHECKED:String = "checked";
static private var STATE_UNCHECKED:String = "unchecked";
public function CheckADGRenderer ()
mouseEnabled = false;
private function toggleParents(item:Object,adg:AdvancedDataGrid,state:String):void
if (item == null)
item.#state = false;
toggleParents(adg.getParentItem(item), adg, getState (adg, adg.getParentItem(item)));
private function toggleChildren (item:Object, adg:AdvancedDataGrid, state:String):void
if (item == null)
//item.#state = state;
var adgCollection:IHierarchicalCollectionView = adg.dataProvider as IHierarchicalCollectionView;
var adgHD:IHierarchicalData = adgCollection.source;
if (adgHD.hasChildren(item))
var children:ICollectionView = adgCollection.getChildren (item);
var cursor:IViewCursor = children.createCursor();
while (!cursor.afterLast)
toggleChildren(cursor.current, adg, state);
private function getState(adg:AdvancedDataGrid, parent:Object):String
var noChecks:int = 0;
var noCats:int = 0;
var noUnChecks:int = 0;
if (parent != null)
var adgCollection:IHierarchicalCollectionView = adg.dataProvider as IHierarchicalCollectionView;
var cursor:IViewCursor = adgCollection.getChildren(parent).createCursor();
if ((noChecks > 0 && noUnChecks > 0) || (noCats > 0))
else if (noChecks > 0)
private function imageToggleHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
myCheckBox.selected = !myCheckBox.selected;
var selectArr:Array = new Array();
private function checkBoxToggleHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (data)
var myListData:AdvancedDataGridListData = AdvancedDataGridListData(this.listData);
var selectedNode:Object = myListData.item;
var adg:AdvancedDataGrid = AdvancedDataGrid(myListData.owner);
var toggle:Boolean = myCheckBox.selected;
if (toggle)
toggleChildren(data, adg, STATE_CHECKED);
toggleChildren(data, adg, STATE_UNCHECKED);
var parent:Object = adg.getParentItem (data);
toggleParents (parent, adg, getState (adg, parent));
override protected function createChildren():void
myCheckBox = new CheckBox();
myCheckBox.setStyle( "verticalAlign", "middle" );
myCheckBox.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, checkBoxToggleHandler );
private function setCheckState (checkBox:CheckBox, value:Object, state:Boolean):void
if (state == STATE_CHECKED)
checkBox.selected = state;
else if (state == STATE_UNCHECKED)
checkBox.selected = false;
else if (state == STATE_SCHRODINGER)
checkBox.selected = false;
checkBox.selected = state;
override public function set data(value:Object):void
super.data = value;
var myListData:AdvancedDataGridListData = AdvancedDataGridListData(this.listData);
//var adg:AdvancedDataGrid = AdvancedDataGrid(myListData.owner);
var selectedNode:Object = myListData.item;
myCheckBox.selected = AdvancedDataGridListData(super.listData).item.show;
//var adg:AdvancedDataGrid = AdvancedDataGrid(myListData.owner);
//setCheckState (myCheckBox, value, Boolean(value.state));
override protected function commitProperties():void
var dg:AdvancedDataGrid = AdvancedDataGrid(listData.owner);
var column:AdvancedDataGridColumn =
label.wordWrap = dg.columnWordWrap(column);
* #private
override protected function measure():void
var w:Number = data ? AdvancedDataGridListData(listData).indent : 0;
if (disclosureIcon)
w += disclosureIcon.width;
if (icon)
w += icon.measuredWidth;
if (myCheckBox)
w += myCheckBox.measuredWidth;
// guarantee that label width isn't zero because it messes up ability to measure
if (label.width < 4 || label.height < 4)
label.width = 4;
label.height = 16;
if (isNaN(explicitWidth))
w += label.getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth();
measuredWidth = w;
label.width = Math.max(explicitWidth - w, 4);
measuredHeight = label.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight();
if (icon && icon.measuredHeight > measuredHeight)
measuredHeight = icon.measuredHeight;
if (myCheckBox && myCheckBox.measuredHeight > measuredHeight)
measuredHeight = myCheckBox.measuredHeight;
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
if (super.icon != null)
myCheckBox.x = super.icon.x;
myCheckBox.y = (unscaledHeight - myCheckBox.height) / 2;
super.icon.x = myCheckBox.x + myCheckBox.width + 17;
if (icon.x + icon.width > unscaledWidth)
icon.setActualSize(0, unscaledHeight);
super.label.x = super.icon.x + super.icon.width + 3;
super.label.setActualSize(Math.max(unscaledWidth - super.label.x, 4), unscaledHeight);
myCheckBox.x = super.label.x;
myCheckBox.y = (unscaledHeight - myCheckBox.height) / 2;
super.label.x = myCheckBox.x + myCheckBox.width + 17;
super.label.setActualSize(Math.max(unscaledWidth - super.label.x, 4), unscaledHeight);
if (myCheckBox.x + myCheckBox.width > unscaledWidth)
myCheckBox.visible = false;
I am using 2D array as dataprovider to ADG.
My post :
how to add an attribute to an existing array dynamically in Flex , is associated with the above post.
I suspect you haven't written any code to set the default state of the Checkbox based on data.
Generically, your itemRenderer's Checkbox state should be stored as part of the data. When the
itemRenderer is initialized, set the checkbox to checked--or not--based on the property in your data element. When the Checkbox is clicked; change that same property in your data element.
This approach will sync your itemRenderer's display state up with your data.
If you want a more specific answer, you'll have to share some code so we can see what you're doing.

Add "New item Label" to Spark ComboBox

I have a Custom Spark ComboBox which contains a list of items. I want to Add a new Item to the ComboBox stating the text "Add new Item", which on selecting popup a window to do some operations.
I have achieved this by creating a new object of the same type of the entities in the data provider, with the LabelField of the new object having the text "Add new Item". I have override the set dataProvider method and in the custom combobox.
But this adds the values to the Actual List which is binded to the DataProvider. The list is used in the business logics. So i do not want this to happen. I have lot of Entity Classes. i could not change all the objects.
All i want is to achieve the same functionality in my custom component without changing the other code. I have also tried to create a new instance of dataProvier but i noticed that the binding of the List and dataprovider is lost when i created a new instance.
Kindly help.!!
package components
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.collections.IList;
import spark.components.ComboBox;
import spark.events.DropDownEvent;
public class ExtendedComboBox extends ComboBox
private var _addItem:Boolean = false;
private var _addItemLabel:String = "Create New Item" ;
private var _dropDownClass:String = null ;
private var originalDP:IList ;
private var dpEdited:Boolean = false;
public function ExtendedComboBox()
this.addItem = true;
this.addEventListener(DropDownEvent.CLOSE, dropDownCloseEventListner );
this.addEventListener(DropDownEvent.OPEN, openDropDownEvent );
public function get dropDownClass():String
return _dropDownClass;
public function set dropDownClass(value:String):void
_dropDownClass = value;
public function get addItemLabel():String
return _addItemLabel;
public function set addItemLabel(value:String):void
_addItemLabel = value;
public function get addItem():Boolean
return _addItem;
public function set addItem(value:Boolean):void
_addItem = value;
private function dropDownCloseEventListner(event:DropDownEvent):void{
protected function openDropDownEvent(event:DropDownEvent):void{
// if(value) value = new ArrayCollection();
var value:IList ;
if(originalDP == null) value = new ArrayCollection ;
else value = new ArrayCollection( originalDP.toArray() ) ;
var tempObj:Object;
var createItemPresent:Boolean =false ;
if(dropDownClass != null)
var TempClass = flash.utils.getDefinitionByName(dropDownClass) as Class;
tempObj = new TempClass();
if(value.length >0)
// trace(value.getChildAt(0)[this.labelField]) ;
if(value.getItemAt(0)[this.labelField] == addItemLabel)
createItemPresent = true ;
tempObj[this.labelField] = addItemLabel ;
var sort = (value as ArrayCollection).sort ;
value.addItemAt(tempObj, 0);
(value as ArrayCollection).sort = sort ;
dpEdited = true;
super.dataProvider = value;
override public function set dataProvider(value:IList):void{
originalDP = value;
dpEdited = true;
// if(value) value = new ArrayCollection();
var tempObj:Object;
var createItemPresent:Boolean =false ;
if(dropDownClass != null)
var TempClass = flash.utils.getDefinitionByName(dropDownClass) as Class;
tempObj = new TempClass();
if(value.length >0)
if(value.getItemIndex(0)[this.labelField] == addItemLabel)
createItemPresent = true ;
tempObj[this.labelField] = addItemLabel ;
var sort = (value as ArrayCollection).sort ;
value.addItemAt(tempObj, 0);
(value as ArrayCollection).sort = sort ;
super.dataProvider = value;
package entity
public class MyEntityObj
private var _name:String ;
private var _age:int ;
private var _company:String;
public function MyEntityObj()
public function get company():String
return _company;
public function set company(value:String):void
_company = value;
public function get age():int
return _age;
public function set age(value:int):void
_age = value;
public function get name():String
return _name;
public function set name(value:String):void
_name = value;
And Implementation Sample - ComboImpl.mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.events.CollectionEvent;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
private var samplDP:ArrayCollection;
protected function application1_initializeHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
samplDP = new ArrayCollection ;
samplDP.addEventListener(CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE, changeHandlerFunc );
var sampVO:MyEntityObj;
for(var i:int = 0; i<5;i++)
sampVO = new MyEntityObj;
sampVO.name = "Name " + i;
sampVO.age = i;
sampVO.company = "Company " + i;
protected function changeHandlerFunc(event:CollectionEvent):void{
var nameList:String = "" ;
for each(var myObj:* in samplDP)
nameList += myObj.name + ", " ;
changeHandler.text = nameList ;
<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<s:Label id="changeHandler" />
<components:ExtendedComboBox dataProvider="{samplDP}" labelField="name" addItem="true" dropDownClass="entity.MyEntityObj" addItemLabel="Create Sample" />
As commented in the set DataProvider Overridden method and the in the DropDownClose events addition of the new item directly affects the original List. i do not want this to happen.
Note that its just a sample implementation. The component creation in my project actually happens in the action script class dynamically.
Kindly help.!!
It sounds to me like:
You're going to have to extend the ComboBox (If you drill down into how it's implemented, possibly the DataGroup) to include your extra "Add New Item" item w/o it being in the dataProvider.
I expect this to be very difficult, but have not reviewed the code for this purpose.

Flex 4 - Need help with a custom legend using legendItemClass

I'm creating a custom legend using legendItemClass to highlight each item when the user rolls over, remove it when they roll off and highlight it a little differently when they click. That all works just fine but I also want the pie wedge to explode out when the user click. I have the piece of code but it requires a LegendMouseEvent. I'm also thinking I may be able to re-write the code if I could get the displayName but I'm a loss with that as well. Here's what I have:
<mx:Legend id="legend" width="100%" direction="vertical"
labelPlacement="right" markerHeight="10" markerWidth="10"
color="{_color}" />
public function explode(event:LegendMouseEvent) : void {
var len : Number = PieSeries(event.item.source).legendData.length;
var index : Number = 0;
var arr:Array = new Array(len);
event.item.alpha = 0.70;
} else {
event.item.alpha = 0.70;
for(var i : Number = 0; i < len ; i++){
if(event.item.label == event.item.source.legendData[i].label){
index = i;
arr[i] = 0.1;
}else {
arr[i] = 0;
PieSeries(event.item.element).perWedgeExplodeRadius = arr;
import custom.charts;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import ilog.core.ilog_internal;
import mx.charts.LegendItem;
import mx.charts.events.LegendMouseEvent;
import mx.charts.series.PieSeries;
import mx.charts.series.items.PieSeriesItem;
public class CustomPieLegendItem extends LegendItem {
public function CustomPieLegendItem(){
private var mouseSprite:Sprite;
private var state:int=0;
private static var IDLE_STATE:int=0;
private static var OVER_STATE:int=1;
private static var SELECTED_STATE:int=2;
public function get selected():Boolean{
return (state == OVER_STATE || state == SELECTED_STATE);
public function set selected(value:Boolean):void {
if (value)
private function clickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
// returns the item USED for the displayName, not the actual name
trace((element as PieSeries).displayName);
// does not work because I need to pass a LegendMouseEvent
charts(document).explode("NEEDS LegendMouseEvent HERE");
private function overHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
if (state != SELECTED_STATE){
private function outHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
if (state != SELECTED_STATE){
override protected function createChildren():void {
mouseSprite=new Sprite();
mouseSprite.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overHandler);
mouseSprite.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, outHandler);
mouseSprite.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickHandler);
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void{
super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
mouseSprite.graphics.beginFill(0, 0);
mouseSprite.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
if (state == OVER_STATE || state == SELECTED_STATE)
graphics.beginFill(0xCCCCCC, 0.2);
if (state == SELECTED_STATE)
graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xCCCCCC);
graphics.drawRect(-2, 0, width+2, height);
Why don't you just create a new LegendMouseEvent using below code new LegendMouseEvent(LegendMouseEvent.ITEM_CLICK, e, this) and pass it to explode.
you can use nay types from LegendMouseEvent class , e - MouseEvent passed to clickhandler

Manually dispatch a collection change event

I have a standard combobox that dispatches a collection event when the dataprovider finishes initializing:
my_cb.addEventListener( CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE, getMyStuff );
Then I have a custom component that also has a dataProvider. How do I get it to dispatch a collection change event when its dataprovider finishes loading?
From what I've read, I can't do it. Will dispatching a propertychangeevent work?
Thanks for any helpful tips!
I have a custom component that I call 'SortingComboBox' but it is not a ComboBox at all; it extends Button and I set is dataProvider property to my arraycollection, model.product (which is an arraycollection).
And here is how I use the dataProvider in that component:
private var _dataProvider : Object;
public function get dataProvider() : Object
return _dataProvider;
public function set dataProvider(value : Object) : void
_dataProvider = value;
In the createChildren() method of this component, I use this:
BindingUtils.bindProperty(dropDown, "dataProvider", this, "dataProvider");
The dropDown is a custom VBox that I use to display labels.
When you call the setter, you have to make sure
1) that you actually are changing the value with the setter. So even if you are inside the class, call this.dataProvider = foo instead of _dataProvider = foo
2) The binding will not trigger unless you actually change the value. If you trace you'll see that the setter actually calls the getter, if the values of what you pass into the setter and the getter are the same, the binding will not occur.
Your other option is to put an event on the getter, then just call it to trigger the binding.
[Bindable( "somethingChanged" )]
public function get dataProvider() : Object
return _dataProvider;
dispatchEvent( new Event( "somethingChanged" ) );
Make your dataprovider bindable
protected var _dataProvider:ArrayCollection ;
Data binding is something unique to ActionScript/Flex.
Among other things it will dispatch change events.
Maybe if you post your code for the custom component I can be more specific.
Actually can you explain what your goal is you are trying to achieve?
All I can tell is you are trying to make a button have a drop down.
this is the custom component just to give you a better idea.
package com.fidelity.primeservices.act.components.sortingcombobox
import com.fidelity.primeservices.act.events.component.ResetSortEvent;
import com.fidelity.primeservices.act.events.component.SortEvent;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import mx.binding.utils.BindingUtils;
import mx.controls.Button;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
import mx.effects.Tween;
import mx.events.FlexMouseEvent;
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
import mx.events.PropertyChangeEvent;
import mx.events.PropertyChangeEventKind;
public class SortingComboBox extends Button
private const MAX_LABEL_LENGTH : int = 400;
private const ELIPSES : String = "...";
private var _dataProvider : Object;
private var dropDown : SortingDropDown;
private var inTween : Boolean;
private var showingDropdown : Boolean;
private var openCloseTween : Tween;
public var noSelectionLabel : String = "No Filter";
public var noSelectionData : String = "ALL";
public function get dataProvider() : Object
return _dataProvider;
public function set dataProvider(value : Object) : void
_dataProvider = value;
private function collectionEvent(e : Event):void
trace(new Date(), e);
public function SortingComboBox()
this.buttonMode = true;
this.useHandCursor = true;
inTween = false;
showingDropdown = false;
addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removedFromStage);
override protected function createChildren() : void
dropDown = new SortingDropDown();
dropDown.width = 240;
dropDown.maxHeight = 300;
dropDown.visible = false;
BindingUtils.bindProperty(dropDown, "dataProvider", this, "dataProvider");
dropDown.styleName = "sortingDropDown";
dropDown.addEventListener(SortEvent.CLOSE_SORT, closeDropDown);
dropDown.addEventListener(FlexMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN_OUTSIDE, dropdownCheckForClose);
dropDown.addEventListener(FlexMouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL_OUTSIDE, dropdownCheckForClose);
dropDown.addEventListener(SortEvent.UPDATE_SORT, onSortUpdate); //this event bubbles
dropDown.addEventListener(ResetSortEvent.RESET_SORT_EVENT, onSortUpdate);
PopUpManager.addPopUp(dropDown, this);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleDropDown);
// weak reference to stage
systemManager.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, stageResizeHandler, false, 0, true);
private function stageResizeHandler(evt : Event) : void
showingDropdown = false;
dropDown.visible = showingDropdown;
private function toggleDropDown(evt : MouseEvent) : void
private function openDropDown(evt : MouseEvent) : void
if (dropDown.parent == null) // was popped up then closed
PopUpManager.addPopUp(dropDown, this);
showingDropdown = true;
dropDown.visible = showingDropdown;
dropDown.enabled = false;
var point:Point = new Point(0, unscaledHeight);
point = localToGlobal(point);
point = dropDown.parent.globalToLocal(point);
//if the dropdown is larger than the button and its
//width would push it offscreen, align it to the left.
if (dropDown.width > unscaledWidth && point.x + dropDown.width > screen.width)
point.x -= dropDown.width - unscaledWidth;
dropDown.move(point.x, point.y);
//run opening tween
inTween = true;
// Block all layout, responses from web service, and other background
// processing until the tween finishes executing.
dropDown.scrollRect = new Rectangle(0, dropDown.height, dropDown.width, dropDown.height);
openCloseTween = new Tween(this, dropDown.height, 0, 250);
private function closeDropDown(evt : Event) : void
//dropDown.visible = false;
showingDropdown = false;
//run closing tween
inTween = true;
// Block all layout, responses from web service, and other background
// processing until the tween finishes executing.
openCloseTween = new Tween(this, 0, dropDown.height, 250);
private function dropdownCheckForClose(event : MouseEvent) : void
if (event.target != dropDown)
// the dropdown's items can dispatch a mouseDownOutside
// event which then bubbles up to us
if (!hitTestPoint(event.stageX, event.stageY, true))
public function refresh():void
private function onSortUpdate(evt1 : Event) : void
//update the label
var dpLength : int = this.dataProvider.length;
var nextLabel : String = "";
var nextData : String = "";
for (var i : int = 0; i < dpLength; i++)
if (this.dataProvider[i].selected == true)
nextLabel += this.dataProvider[i].label + ", ";
if (this.dataProvider[i].data != null)
nextData += this.dataProvider[i].data + ", ";
if (nextLabel.length > 0)
// remove extra comma at end
nextLabel = nextLabel.substr(0, nextLabel.length - 2);
if (nextData.length > 0)
nextData = nextData.substr(0, nextData.length - 2);
if (nextLabel.length > MAX_LABEL_LENGTH)
// limit label to MAX_LABEL_LENGTH + ... REASON: tooltips with lots of characters take a long time to render
nextLabel = nextLabel.substr(0, MAX_LABEL_LENGTH) + ELIPSES;
if (nextLabel.length == 0)
nextLabel = noSelectionLabel;
//nextLabel = "No Filter";
if (nextData.length == 0)
nextData = noSelectionData;
//nextData = "ALL";
label = nextLabel;
data = nextData;
toolTip = label;
if (evt1 is SortEvent)
trace("sort event");
var temp:Object = this.dataProvider;
this.dataProvider = null;
this.dataProvider = temp;
trace("not dispatching");
public function onTweenUpdate(value:Number):void
dropDown.scrollRect = new Rectangle(0, value, dropDown.width, dropDown.height);
public function onTweenEnd(value:Number) : void
// Clear the scrollRect here. This way if drop shadows are
// assigned to the dropdown they show up correctly
dropDown.scrollRect = null;
inTween = false;
dropDown.enabled = true;
dropDown.visible = showingDropdown;
private function removedFromStage(event:Event):void
// Ensure we've unregistered ourselves from PopupManager, else
// we'll be leaked.
Ok this code here
private var _dataProvider : Object;
public function get dataProvider() : Object
return _dataProvider;
public function set dataProvider(value : Object) : void
_dataProvider = value;
is no different then
public var _dataProvider : Object;
Since objects are passed by reference you are not protecting it in anyway and the setter and getter are pointless.
On the other hand you made the source _dataProvider Bindable so anytime the data changes it will dispatch a CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE

How do you set different columns to have alternatingItemColors on DataGridColumns?

On a DataGrid, setting alternatingItemColors will apply the color scheme to all of the columns of that grid. I'm looking for a way to define different alternating colors for each column. Is there a baked in way to do this?
Have a look on this:http://blog.flexexamples.com/2008/09/24/setting-background-colors-on-a-datagrid-column-in-flex/
I hope this would be helpful for you ;)
public class BlocksTable extends DataGrid
public static const VALID_COLOR:uint = 0xDBAB21;
public static const INVALID_COLOR:uint = 0xC7403E;
public function BlocksTable()
override protected function drawRowBackground(s:Sprite, rowIndex:int, y:Number, height:Number, color:uint, dataIndex:int):void
var contentHolder:ListBaseContentHolder = ListBaseContentHolder(s.parent);
var background:Shape;
if (rowIndex < s.numChildren)
background = Shape(s.getChildAt(rowIndex));
background = new FlexShape();
background.name = "background";
background.y = y;
// Height is usually as tall is the items in the row, but not if
// it would extend below the bottom of listContent
var height:Number = Math.min(height,
contentHolder.height -
var g:Graphics = background.graphics;
var fillColor:uint;
if(dataIndex < this.dataProvider.length)
fillColor = VALID_COLOR;
fillColor = INVALID_COLOR;
fillColor = color;
g.beginFill(fillColor, getStyle("backgroundAlpha"));
g.drawRect(0, 0, contentHolder.width, height);
