using unix time utility to find thetha equivalence class for quicksort - unix

I used the time utility to calculate the user time for a quicksort algorithm with inputs of 10000,20000, ...,60000 words and here are the results I have
n( in thousands) T(n)
1 1.740
2 3.7
3 5.83
4 7.93
5 10.18
6 12.41
What I want to find out is f(n) such that T(n)= theta(f(n)) i.e., I need to guess f(n) such that T(n)/f(n) approaches a non-zero constant.
I tried the following f(n) functions but nothing seems to generate the constant
f(n) =n
f(n) = nlogn
f(n) = n+sqrt(n)
f(n) = n^2
f(n)=n + logn
From what I inferred, T(n) has n as lower bound and n log n as upper bound. So I need a function between these two values. Please help.

You have a lot of possible options there. I would start by fitting your data to each of the six equations and seeing what how well the fits work. For instance, if you tried plotting your results you would immediately see that they are in a nearly straight line. Using any graphing software would help you see this. In science and mathematics, this is always a good idea: plot your results!
I was lazy, so I used Excel to fit a straight line to your data and I found the equation:
T(n) = 2.1379n - 0.524
with an R2 of 0.9995. Even Excel will give you these R2 values, to tell you how good the fit is to the data (you want R2 as close to 1 as possible). Now, this result is quite good, and you could stop there, but I thought I would try to fit your data to the rest of the equations and see what I got. I found that the best fit to your six functions was:
T(n) = 0.0327n<sup>2</sup> + 1.911n + 0.219
with an R2 of better than 0.999! Now THAT is a really good fit. Of course, if you want more accuracy, you should probably try this in Igor (which is free) instead of Excel. Especially since Excel has been known to give negative R2 values.
The take home message, I think is that you should always try plotting your results. It's so easy these days. After that, I think you were too concerned about re-inventing the wheel and deriving these fits yourself. There is plenty of software to do this for you.


Recomendations (functions/solution) to apply in OpenMDAO instead of boolean conditions (if/else)

I have been working for a couple of months with OpenMDAO and I find myself struggling with my code when I want to impose conditions for trying to replicate a physical/engineering behaviour.
I have tried using sigmoid functions, but I am still not convinced with that, due to the difficulty about trading off sensibility and numerical stabilization. Most of times I found overflows in exp so I end up including other conditionals (like np.where) so loosing linearity.
outputs['sigmoid'] = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
I was looking for another kind of step function or something like that, able to keep linearity and derivability to the ease of the optimization. I don't know if something like that exists or if there is any strategy that can help me. If it helps, I am working with an OpenConcept benchmark, which uses vectorized computations ans Simpson's rule numerical integration.
Thank you very much.
PD: This is my first ever question in stackoverflow, so I would like to apologyze in advance for any error or bad practice commited. Hope to eventually collaborate and become active in the community.
Update after Justin answer:
I will take the opportunity to define a little bit more my problem and the strategy I tried. I am trying to monitorize and control thermodynamics conditions inside a tank. One of the things is to take actions when pressure P1 reaches certein threshold P2, for defining this:
eval= (inputs['P1'] - inputs['P2']) / (inputs['P1'] + inputs['P2'])
# P2 = threshold [Pa]
# P1 = calculated pressure [Pa]
k=100 #steepness control
outputs['sigmoid'] = (1 / (1 + np.exp(-eval * k)))
eval was defined in order avoid overflows normalizing the values, so when the threshold is recahed, corrections are taken. In a very similar way, I defined a function to check if there is still mass (so flowing can continue between systems):
eval= inputs['mass']/inputs['max']
outputs['sigmoid'] = (1 / (1 + np.exp(-eval*k)))**3
maxis also used for normalizing the value and the exponent is added for reaching zero before entering in the negative domain.
PLot (sorry it seems I cannot post images yet for my reputation)
It may be important to highlight that both mass and pressure are calculated from coupled ODE integration, in which this activation functions take part. I guess OpenConcept nature 'explore' a lot of possible values before arriving the solution, so most of the times giving negative infeasible values for massand pressure and creating overflows. For that sometimes I try to include:
eval[np.where(eval > 1.5)] = 1.5
eval[np.where(eval < -1.5)] = -1.5
That is not a beautiful but sometimes effective solution. I try to avoid using it since I taste that this bounds difficult solver and optimizer work.
I could give you a more complete answer if you distilled your question down to a specific code example of the function you're wrestling with and its expected input range. If you provide that code-sample, I'll update my answer.
Broadly, this is a common challenge when using gradient based optimization. You want some kind of behavior like an if-condition to turn something on/off and in many cases thats a fundamentally discontinuous function.
To work around that we often use sigmoid functions, but these do have some of the numerical challenges you pointed out. You could try a hyberbolic tangent as an alternative, though it may suffer the same kinds of problems.
I will give you two broad options:
Option 1
sometimes its ok (even if not ideal) to leave the purely discrete conditional in the code. Lets say you wanted to represent a kind of simple piecewise function:
y = 2x; x>=0
y = 0; x < 0
There is a sharp corner in that function right at 0. That corner is not differentiable, but the function is fine everywhere else. This is very much like the absolute value function in practice, though you might not draw the analogy looking at the piecewise definition of the function because the piecewise nature of abs is often hidden from you.
If you know (or at least can check after the fact) that your final answer will no lie right on or very near to that C1 discontinuity, then its probably fine to leave the code the way is is. Your derivatives will be well defined everywhere but right at 0 and you can simply pick the left or the right answer for 0.
Its not strictly mathematically correct, but it works fine as long as you're not ending up stuck right there.
Option 2
Apply a smoothing function. This can be a sigmoid, or a simple polynomial. The exact nature of the smoothing function is highly specific to the kind of discontinuity you are trying to approximate.
In the case of the piecewise function above, you might be tempted to define that function as:
That would give you roughly the correct behavior, and would be differentiable everywhere. But wolfram alpha shows that it actually undershoots a little. Thats probably undesirable, so you can increase the exponent to mitigate that. This however, is where you start to get underflow and overflow problems.
So to work around that, and make a better behaved function all around, you could instead defined a three part piecewise polynomial:
y = 2x; x>=a
y = c0 + c1*x + c2*x**2; -a <= x < a
y = 0 x < -a
you can solve for the coefficients as a function of a (please double check my algebra before using this!):
c0 = 1.5a
c1 = 2
c2 = 1/(2a)
The nice thing about this approach is that it will never overshoot and go negative. You can also make a reasonably small and still get decent numerics. But if you try to make it too small, c2 will obviously blow up.
In general, I consider the sigmoid function to be a bit of a blunt instrument. It works fine in many cases, but if you try to make it approximate a step function too closely, its a nightmare. If you want to represent physical processes, I find polynomial fillet functions work more nicely.
It takes a little effort to derive that polynomial, because you want it to be c1 continuous on both sides of the curve. So you have to construct the system of equations to solve for it as a function of the polynomial order and the specific relaxation you want (0.1 here).
My goto has generally been to consult the table of activation functions on wikipedia:
I've had good luck with sigmoid and the hyperbolic tangent, scaling them such that we can choose the lower and upper values as well as choosing the location of the activation on the x-axis and the steepness.
Dymos uses a vectorization that I think is similar to OpenConcept and I've had success with numpy.where there as well, providing derivatives for each possible "branch" taken. It is true that you may have issues with derivative mismatches if you have an analysis point right on the transition, but often I've had success despite that. If the derivative at the transition becomes a hinderance then implementing a sigmoid or relu are more appropriate.
If x is of a magnitude such that it can cause overflows, consider applying units or using scaling to put it within reasonable limits if you cannot bound it directly.

how to understand time complexity from a plot?

I have written a program in C where I allocate memory to store a matrix of dimensions n-by-n and then feed a linear algebra subroutine with. I'm having big troubles in understanding how to identify time complexity for these operations from a plot. Particularly, I'm interested in identify how CPU time scales as a function of n, where n is my size.
To do so, I created an array of n = 2, 4, 8, ..., 512 and I computed the CPU time for both the operations. I repeated this process 10000 times for each n and I took the mean eventually. I therefore come up with a second array that I can match with my array of n.
I've been suggested to print in double logarithmic plot, and I read here and here that, using this way, "powers shows up as a straight line" (2). This is the resulting figure (dgesv is the linear algebra subroutine I used).
Now, I'm guessing that my time complexity is O(log n) since I get straight lines for both my operations (I do not take into consideration the red line). I saw the shapes differences between, say, linear complexity, logarithmic complexity etc. But I still have doubts if I should say something about the time complexity of dgesv, for instance. I'm sure there's a way that I don't know at all, so I'd be glad if someone could help me in understanding how to look at this plot properly.
PS: if there's a specific community where to post this question, please let me know so I could move it avoiding much more mess here. Thanks everyone.
Take your yellow line, it appears to be going from (0.9, -2.6) to (2.7, 1.6), giving it a slope roughly equal to 2.5. As you're plotting log(t) versus log(n) this means that:
log(t) = 2.5 log(n) + c
or, exponentiating both sides:
t = exp(2.5 log(n) + c) = c' n^2.5
The power of 2.5 may be an underestimate as your dsegv likely has a cost of 2/3 n^3 (though O(n^2.5) is theoretically possible).

How to numerically compute nonlinear polynomials efficiently and accurately?

(I'm not sure whether I should post this problem on this site or on the math site. Please feel free to migrate this post if necessary.)
My problem at hand is that given a value of k I'd like to numerically compute a rational function of nonlinear polynomials in k which looks like the following: (sorry I don't know how to typeset equations here...)
where {a_0, ..., a_N; b_0, ..., b_N} are complex constants, {u_0, ..., u_N, v_0, ..., v_N} are real constants and i is the imaginary number. I learned from Numerical Recipes that there are whole bunch of ways to compute polynomials quickly, in the meanwhile keeping the rounding error small enough, if all coefficients were constant. But I do not think those ideas are useful in my case since the exponential prefactors also depend on k.
Currently I calculate it in a brute force way in C with complex.h (this is just a pseudo code):
double complex function(double k)
return (a_0+a_1*cexp(I*u_1*k)*k+a_2*cexp(I*u_2*k)*k*k+...)/(b_0+b_1*cexp(I*v_1*k)*k+v_2*cexp(I*v_2*k)*k*k+...);
However when the number of calls of function increases (because this is just a part of my real calculation), it is very slow and inaccurate (only 6 valid digits). I appreciate any comments and/or suggestions.
I trust that this isn't a homework assignment!
Normally the trick is to use a loop add the next coefficient to the running sum, and multiply by k. However, in your case, I think the "e" term in the coefficient is going to overwhelm any savings by factoring out k. You can still do it, but the savings will probably be small.
Is u_i a constant? Depending on how many times you need to run this formula, maybe you could premultiply u_i * k (unless k changes each run). It's been so many decades since I took a Numerical Analysis course that I have only vague recollections of the tricks of the trade. Let's see... is e^(i*u_i*k) the same as (e^(i*u_i))^k? I don't remember the rules on imaginary numbers, or whether you'll save anything since you've got a real^real (assuming k is real) anyway (internally done using e^power).
If you're getting only 6 digits, that suggests that your math, and maybe your library, is working in single precision (32 bit) reals. Check your library and check your declarations that you are using at least double precision (64 bit) reals everywhere.

Big-O running time for functions

Find the big-O running time for each of these functions:
T(n) = T(n - 2) + n²
Our Answers: n², n³
T(n) = 3T(n/2) + n
Our Answers: O(n log n), O(nlog₂3)
T(n) = 2T(n/3) + n
Our Answers: O(n log base 3 of n), O(n)
T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n^3
Our Answers: O(n³ log₂n), O(n³)
So we're having trouble deciding on the right answers for each of the questions.
We all got different results and would like an outside opinion on what the running time would be.
Thanks in advance.
A bit of clarification:
The functions in the questions appear to be running time functions as hinted by their T() name and their n parameter. A more subtle hint is the fact that they are all recursive and recursive functions are, alas, a common occurrence when one produces a function to describe the running time of an algorithm (even when the algorithm itself isn't formally using recursion). Indeed, recursive formulas are a rather inconvenient form and that is why we use the Big O notation to better summarize the behavior of an algorithm.
A running time function is a parametrized mathematical expression which allows computing a [sometimes approximate] relative value for the running time of an algorithm, given specific value(s) for the parameter(s). As is the case here, running time functions typically have a single parameter, often named n, and corresponding to the total number of items the algorithm is expected to work on/with (for e.g. with a search algorithm it could be the total number of records in a database, with a sort algorithm it could be the number of entries in the unsorted list and for a path finding algorithm, the number of nodes in the graph....). In some cases a running time function may have multiple arguments, for example, the performance of an algorithm performing some transformation on a graph may be bound to both the total number of nodes and the total number of vertices or the average number of connections between two nodes, etc.
The task at hand (for what appears to be homework, hence my partial answer), is therefore to find a Big O expression that qualifies the upper bound limit of each of running time functions, whatever the underlying algorithm they may correspond to. The task is not that of finding and qualifying an algorithm to produce the results of the functions (this second possibility is also a very common type of exercise in Algorithm classes of a CS cursus but is apparently not what is required here.)
The problem is therefore more one of mathematics than of Computer Science per se. Basically one needs to find the limit (or an approximation thereof) of each of these functions as n approaches infinity.
This note from Prof. Jeff Erikson at University of Illinois Urbana Champaign provides a good intro to solving recurrences.
Although there are a few shortcuts to solving recurrences, particularly if one has with a good command of calculus, a generic approach is to guess the answer and then to prove it by induction. Tools like Excel, a few snippets in a programming languages such as Python or also MATLAB or Sage can be useful to produce tables of the first few hundred values (or beyond) along with values such as n^2, n^3, n! as well as ratios of the terms of the function; these tables often provide enough insight into the function to find the closed form of the function.
A few hints regarding the answers listed in the question:
Function a)
O(n^2) is for sure wrong:
a quick inspection of the first few values in the sequence show that n^2 is increasingly much smaller than T(n)
O(n^3) on the other hand appears to be systematically bigger than T(n) as n grows towards big numbers. A closer look shows that O(n^3) is effectively the order of the Big O notation for this function, but that O(n^3 / 6) is a more precise notation which systematically exceed the value of T(n) [for bigger values of n, and/or as n tends towards infinity] but only by a minute fraction compared with the coarser n^3 estimate.
One can confirm that O(n^3 / 6) is it, by induction:
T(n) = T(n-2) + n^2 // (1) by definition
T(n) = n^3 / 6 // (2) our "guess"
T(n) = ((n - 2)^3 / 6) + n^2 // by substitution of T(n-2) by the (2) expression
= (n^3 - 2n^2 -4n^2 -8n + 4n - 8) / 6 + 6n^2 / 6
= (n^3 - 4n -8) / 6
= n^3/6 - 2n/3 - 4/3
~= n^3/6 // as n grows towards infinity, the 2n/3 and 4/3 factors
// become relatively insignificant, leaving us with the
// (n^3 / 6) limit expression, QED

Fastest numerical solution of a real cubic polynomial?

R question: Looking for the fastest way to NUMERICALLY solve a bunch of arbitrary cubics known to have real coeffs and three real roots. The polyroot function in R is reported to use Jenkins-Traub's algorithm 419 for complex polynomials, but for real polynomials the authors refer to their earlier work. What are the faster options for a real cubic, or more generally for a real polynomial?
The numerical solution for doing this many times in a reliable, stable manner, involve: (1) Form the companion matrix, (2) find the eigenvalues of the companion matrix.
You may think this is a harder problem to solve than the original one, but this is how the solution is implemented in most production code (say, Matlab).
For the polynomial:
p(t) = c0 + c1 * t + c2 * t^2 + t^3
the companion matrix is:
[[0 0 -c0],[1 0 -c1],[0 1 -c2]]
Find the eigenvalues of such matrix; they correspond to the roots of the original polynomial.
For doing this very fast, download the singular value subroutines from LAPACK, compile them, and link them to your code. Do this in parallel if you have too many (say, about a million) sets of coefficients.
Notice that the coefficient of t^3 is one, if this is not the case in your polynomials, you will have to divide the whole thing by the coefficient and then proceed.
Good luck.
Edit: Numpy and octave also depend on this methodology for computing the roots of polynomials. See, for instance, this link.
The fastest known way (that I'm aware of) to find the real solutions a system of arbitrary polynomials in n variables is polyhedral homotopy. A detailed explanation is probably beyond a StackOverflow answer, but essentially it's a path algorithm that exploits the structure of each equation using toric geometries. Google will give you a number of papers.
Perhaps this question is better suited for mathoverflow?
Fleshing out Arietta's answer above:
> a <- c(1,3,-4)
> m <- matrix(c(0,0,-a[1],1,0,-a[2],0,1,-a[3]), byrow=T, nrow=3)
> roots <- eigen(m, symm=F, only.values=T)$values
Whether this is faster or slower than using the cubic solver in the GSL package (as suggested by knguyen above) is a matter of benchmarking it on your system.
Do you need all 3 roots or just one? If just one, I would think Newton's Method would work ok. If all 3 then it might be problematic in circumstances where two are close together.
1) Solve for the derivative polynomial P' to locate your three roots. See there to know how to do it properly. Call those roots a and b (with a < b)
2) For the middle root, use a few steps of bisection between a and b, and when you're close enough, finish with Newton's method.
3) For the min and max root, "hunt" the solution. For the max root:
Start with x0 = b, x1 = b + (b - a) * lambda, where lambda is a moderate number (say 1.6)
do x_n = b + (x_{n - 1} - a) * lambda until P(x_n) and P(b) have different signs
Perform bisection + newton between x_{n - 1} and x_n
The common methods are available: Newton's Method, Bisection Method, Secant, Fixed point iteration, etc. Google any one of them.
If you have a non-linear system on the other hand (e.g. a system on N polynomial eqn's in N unknowns), a method such as high-order Newton may be used.
Have you tried looking into the GSL package
