Cygwin: Unable to find Java path. - unix

I am using cygwin on windows 7 env and it is unable to locate java, error message i get is that
ERROR: /cygdrive/c/Program
Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_22 does not exist!
wired path is if I do echo $JAVA_HOME then it shows me
$ echo $JAVA_HOME
/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_22
not sure what is happening here, any suggestions?

The problem is that the pathname contains spaces. You need to escape the spaces as described here:
Adding this line to your .bashrc should do it:
export JAVA_HOME='/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_22'
Edit: You could try running this script which I found in this blog post:
case "`uname`" in
CYGWIN*) cygwin=true ;;
# For Cygwin, switch paths to Windows format before running java
if $cygwin; then
JAVA_HOME=`cygpath --windows "$JAVA_HOME"`
CLASSPATH=`cygpath --windows --path "$CLASSPATH"`

Use the old school way:
export JAVA_HOME=/cygdrive/c/Progra~1/Java/jdk1.6.0_22
It worked for me.


Difficulty making Healpix compatible with GDL

I am having difficulty running Healpix-IDL routines with GDL with the current version of Healpix, Healpix_3.20.
The easiest thing to do would be to follow user gilo in this post:
All Healpix IDL routines are downloaded in ~/user/downloads/Healpix_3.20/src/idl
Then, use !PATH i.e.:
GDL> !PATH = expand_path('+/user/myname/downloads/HEALPix_3.20/')+':'+!PATH
and after that you have access to all healpix procedures within gdl
That doesn't work for me. I try the command hidl and hididle in the Terminal (I'm using Mac OS X Yosemite, 10.10.5):
GDL> hidl
% Procedure not found: HIDL
% Execution halted at: $MAIN$
Any other solutions?
In the installation procedures install.pdf, Section 7.6 hidl usage describes that hidl is sometimes not recognized. A fix is setting the environment variable IDL STARTUP to be equal to the HEALPix startup file HEALPix startup including the directory path to the file, i.e. use
setenv IDL_STARTUP /disk1/user1/HEALPix_2.15a/src/idl/HEALPix_startup for C shell, csh
export IDL_STARTUP="+/disk1/user1/HEALPix_2.15a/src/idl/HEALPix_startup" for s, sh, bash
For my routines, this should be
export IDL_STARTUP="+/usr/downloads/HEALPix_3.20/src/idl/HEALPix_startup"
on bash Terminal
(Recall syntax:
export key=value is sh, ksh, bash
setenv key value is csh)
This doesn't work for me. After executing the command, and entering gdl, I get:
% Error opening startup file: /user/myname/downloads/HEALPix_3.20/src/idl/HEALPix_startup
Following Section 7.8 Using GDL instead of IDL, I try
$ export IDL_TMPDIR=/tmp
$ gdl
This doesn't work either.
Following Using HEALPix IDL together with other IDL libraries in the IDL routines manual, idl.pdf, I try
export IDL_PATH="+/user/myname/downloads/HEALPix_3.20/src/idl/:+/opt/local/share/gnudatalanguage/lib:<IDL_DEFAULT>"
export IDL_STARTUP="+/user/myname/downloads/HEALPix_3.20/src/idl/HEALPix_startup"gdl`
output error:
% Error opening startup file: /user/myname/downloads/HEALPix_3.20/src/idl/HEALPix_startup.
I try
export IDL_PATH="+/opt/local/share/gnudatalanguage/lib:<IDL_DEFAULT>"
output error:
-bash: hidl: command not found
Nothing works.
Healpix has the installation procedures here, at source
and the IDL routines here:
The sourcecode is here:
In order to install Healpix, you use ./configure and then make. (See install.pdf, section 4)
Healpix IDL routines are downloaded in /user/myname/downloads/HEALPix_3.20/
GDL routines are located in /opt/local/share/gnudatalanguage/lib/
hidl is an alias to start IDL with the Healpix startup file and path. Type it on the system command line, not the IDL command line. You must run through their configure system to define hidl.
In subdirectory ~/.healpix/3_20_Darwin there are two files, config and
The config is
# configuration for Healpix 3.20
HEALPIX=/Users/myname/downloads/Healpix_3.20 ; export HEALPIX
if [ -r ${HPX_CONF_DIR}/ ] ; then . ${HPX_CONF_DIR}/ ; fi
if [ -r ${HPX_CONF_DIR}/ ] ; then . ${HPX_CONF_DIR}/ ; fi
if [ -r ${HPX_CONF_DIR}/ ] ; then . ${HPX_CONF_DIR}/ ; fi
if [ -r ${HPX_CONF_DIR}/ ] ; then . ${HPX_CONF_DIR}/ ; fi
The file is
# IDL configuration for HEALPix Fri MONTH DAY TIME EDT YEAR
# make sure IDL related variables are global
# back up original IDL config, or give default value
# create Healpix IDL config, and return to original config after running Healpix-enhanced IDL
So, if I manually set the paths in this file and run config, i.e ~/.config. This should then allow one to use hidl in the command line to run the Healpix IDL routines, right?

Running Groovy script from the command line

When I did which groovy, I got the below output:
So I went ahead and created a helloworld.groovy with the below content
println "hello world"
After that I did chmod +x helloworld.groovy and attempted to run the file with ./hellworld.groovy and sadly, I got this error ./helloworld.groovy: line 2: print: command not found
I could get rid of the error by changing to
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
println "hello world"
Why would the first method cause the error?
You need to run the script like this:
groovy helloworld.groovy
println("hello world!")
$ chmod +x script.groovy
$ ./script.groovy
It will work on Linux kernel 2.6.28 (confirmed on 4.9.x). It won't work on FreeBSD and other Unix flavors.
Your /usr/local/bin/groovy is a shell script wrapping the Java runtime running Groovy.
See the Interpreter Scripts section of EXECVE(2) and EXECVE(2).
sed '1,2d' "$0"|$(which groovy) /dev/stdin; exit;

R script from command line

I wanted to run this example script: from Windows command line. So I opened the command line and typed Rscript tryCatch.R 1. However, I keep getting the error message Error: R not found. I did set the PATH environment variable as C:\Programme\R\R-3.0.1\bin. If I just type R.exe, it does start R, but it cannot find the packages that are to be loaded at start (e.g. package 'utils' in options<"defaultPackages"> was not found). I guess I have to set another path to the libraries somewhere, but I haven't got any idea where to do this.
UPDATE: After explicitly typing PATH C:\Programme\R\R-3.0.1\bin (rather than just adding this to the value of the environment variable PATH) it seems that R is found. However, a new problem occurs: In normalizePath<path.expand(path), winslash, mustWork>: path[2] = "C:/Programme/R/R-3.0.1/library": Access denied, the same than for the methods library. Then: Calls: .First ... library -> .getRequiredPackages2 -> library -> normalizePath Execution stopped. I'm using Windows 7 and I do have administrator rights.
Rscript is very handy (R CMD BATCH is the old way to ) specially under windows, But generally under I create a batch file to avoid all path's headache.
For example say launcher.bat:
#echo off
PATH C:\Programme\R\R-3.0.1\bin;%path%
Rscript tryCatch.R 1
And open a console(using cmd) , go where you have stored your launcher.bat and launch it. Or from the R cosnole using shell:
I've found out that it was a language-specific problem on Windows 7, similar to what is described here:
After changing PATH to C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.1\bin the script is properly executed from the command prompt.
Thanks to everyone who tried to help!
I ran into this problem under windows 7, apparently, when setting environment variables>user variables the path is not added into the PATH, so the user must add this path in system variables > PATH
at the end just add the path to your .EXE files and voila.

Raspberry PI: PHP call python script with sudo

i'm running Nginx on my Raspberry PI with PHP 5.4.14 (fpm-fcgi). It all works well. But in one script i make a shell call using shell_exec.
echo shell_exec("sudo python " . $file);
it works well if i use the console with
php test.php
but if i use the browser to call this file the php-file will be executed but i don't get any output by the shell_exec (not even an error message).
So i hope you could help me fix this problem.
The called python file makes use of the GPIO so sudo is required, right?
Here is my python code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
except RuntimeError:
print "Error Importing GPIO. Did your forgot the superuser privilieges?"
GPIO.setup(3, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(3, not GPIO.input(3))
print "New LED state is: ", GPIO.input(3)
for future reference:
I found a - i my eyes - not really nice solution:
sudo echo "apache ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
Found here.
Mm, i have try with this two simple example:
#!/usr/bin/env python
print (str('hello world'))
echo shell_exec('/Scripts/');
via a browser, show me "hello world"
Perhaps try this:
chmod a+x
Hope that help..

Custom PS1 not showing the current working directory

I have customized the primary prompt for bash shell but unfortunately it is not showing the current working directory as can be seen below.
[cifsamidala]w# pwd
Here is what I have customized my PS1:
HOST=`tput bold``hostname``tput sgr0`
PS1="[${HOST}]\w # "
Here is the Shell info for your reference.
[cifsamidala]w# echo $SHELL
[cifsamidala]w# echo $0
I also tried with 'pwd' as below but of no use.
PS1="[${HOST}]`pwd` # "
Kindly let me know if I am missing something here.
Thanks in avance.
Vinod Yadav
Your shell is not the bash shell and this is probably the reason why it won't work. Ask your sysadmin to give you an unrestricted shell.
