Qt OpengGL Shader Program fails - qt

I am trying to write a modern OpenGL (programmable pipeline) program using Qt SDK .Qt OpenGL examples show only the fixed pipeline implementation.The documentation on how to initialize Shader Program is very poor.This is the best example on how to setup a shader program and load shaders they have:http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qglshaderprogram.html#details
This is not very descriptive as one can see.
I tried to follow this doc and cann't get the Shader program working .Getting segmentation error when the program tries to assign attributes to the shaders.I think the problem is that I access the context in the wrong way.But I can't find any reference on how to setup or retrieve the rendering context.My code goes like this:
static GLfloat const triangleVertices[] = {
60.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f,
110.0f, 110.0f, 0.0f,
10.0f, 110.0f, 0.0f
QColor color(0, 255, 0, 255);
int vertexLocation =0;
int matrixLocation =0;
int colorLocation =0;
QGLShaderProgram *pprogram=0;
void OpenGLWrapper::initShaderProgram(){
QGLContext context(QGLFormat::defaultFormat());
QGLShaderProgram program(context.currentContext());
"attribute highp vec4 vertex;\n"
"attribute mediump mat4 matrix;\n"
"void main(void)\n"
" gl_Position = matrix * vertex;\n"
"uniform mediump vec4 color;\n"
"void main(void)\n"
" gl_FragColor = color;\n"
vertexLocation= pprogram->attributeLocation("vertex");
matrixLocation= pprogram->attributeLocation("matrix");
colorLocation= pprogram->uniformLocation("color");
And here is the rendering loop:
void OpenGLWrapper::paintGL()
QMatrix4x4 pmvMatrix;
pprogram->setAttributeArray(vertexLocation, triangleVertices, 3);
pprogram->setUniformValue(matrixLocation, pmvMatrix);
pprogram->setUniformValue(colorLocation, color);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
Anybody has can help with this setup? Thanks a lot .

You create a local program variable and let your pprogram pointer point to its address. But when initShaderProgram returns, the local program's lifetime ends and you pprogram points to garbage, therefore the segfault when you try to use it. You should rather create the program dynamically and let Qt handle the memory management:
pprogram = new QGLShaderProgram(context.currentContext(), this);
This assumes OpenGLWrapper derives somewhoe from QObject, if not, then you need to delete the program in its destructor manually (or use some smart pointer, or whatever).
Otherwise your initialization code looks quite reasonable. Your matrix variable should be a uniform and not an attribute, but I'm willing to classfiy this as a typo. You should also not bind the program for the whole lifetime, as this is equivalent to a call to glUseProgram. You should rather use bind (and release, which does glUseProgram(0)) in your render routine.

In my experience the Qt wrappers for OpenGL objects are rather poor and limited, I just made a thin-wrapper for straight OpenGL objects (made cross-platform and easy via GLEW), and made the usual OpenGL calls in QGLWidget. It worked no problem, after struggling for awhile with Qt's equivalents.


Using QGLFramebufferObject and shaders without QGLWidget

I want to create an OGL data processor using QGLFunctions shaders and framebuffers. I don't need any widgets. But to create valid Shader and framebuffer instances, I need a valid QGLContext with support for the appropriate glExtensions.
With zero context, of course, nothing works. With context of zero QPaintDevice too. With Qpixmap as device it creates a valid context, but it lacks glExtensions for Shader and framebuffer.
#include <QGLFramebufferObject>
#include <QGLShaderProgram>
#include <QtOpenGL/QGLFunctions>
// ...
void GLProcessor::init()
auto format = QGLFormat::defaultFormat();
if (!context()){
m_context = new QGLContext(format, new QPixmap(1, 1));
bool ok = m_context->create();
qDebug() << "CREATING CONTEXT "<< ok;
m_binFBO = new QGLFramebufferObject(lowsize ,lowsize ,QGLFramebufferObject::NoAttachment, GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_RED);
m_outFBO = new QGLFramebufferObject(lowsize ,1 ,QGLFramebufferObject::NoAttachment, GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_RED);
// ...
There is an option, of course, to do as always is to get the context from the QGLWidget and hide it. But somehow inelegant. PS CUDA, OpenCL, AMP and so on I don't need. For my tasks need OpenGL.
How do I use shaders and framebuffers in qt4 without creating a QGLWidget?

Communicating large/changing/complex sets of vertices in OpenGL?

I've got a very basic scene rendering with a vertex and color array (some code below). I see how to bind the vertexes and colors to the vertex shaders attributes. Currently this vertex and color information is in a local array variable in my render function as you can see below and then glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, n) is called to draw them for each frame.
I'm trying to picture the architecture of a larger moving scene where there are lots of models with lots of verticies that need to be loaded and unloaded.
The naïve way I imagine to extend this would be to place all the vertex/color data in one big array in main memory and then call glDrawArrays once for each frame. This seems to be inefficient to me. On every frame the vertex and color information changes only in parts, so arranging and reloading an entire monolithic vertex array for every frame seems wrong.
What do 3D games and so forth do about this? Are they for each frame placing all the vertexes in one big array in main memory, and then calling glDrawArrays once? If not, what architecture and OpenGL calls do they generally use to communicate all the vertexes of the scene to the GPU? Is it possible to load vertexes into GPU memory and then reuse them for several frames? Is it possible to draw multiple vertex arrays from multiple places in main memory?
static const char *vertexShaderSource =
attribute highp vec4 posAttr;
attribute lowp vec4 colAttr;
varying lowp vec4 col;
uniform highp mat4 matrix;
void main()
col = colAttr;
gl_Position = matrix * posAttr;
static const char *fragmentShaderSource =
varying lowp vec4 col;
void main()
gl_FragColor = col;
void Window::render()
glViewport(0, 0, width(), height());
constexpr float delta = 0.001;
if (forward)
eyepos += QVector3D{0,0,+delta};
if (backward)
eyepos += QVector3D{0,0,-delta};
if (left)
eyepos += QVector3D{-delta,0,0};
if (right)
eyepos += QVector3D{delta,0,0};
QMatrix4x4 matrix;
matrix.perspective(60, 4.0/3.0, 0.1, 10000.0);
matrix.lookAt(eyepos, eyepos+direction, {0, 1, 0});
matrix.rotate(timer.elapsed() / 100.0f, 0, 1, 0);
m_program->setUniformValue("matrix", matrix);
QVector3D vertices[] =
{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
{1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f},
QVector3D colors[] =
{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
{1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f},
{1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f},
m_program->setAttributeArray("posAttr", vertices);
m_program->setAttributeArray("colAttr", colors);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3);
Depends on how you want to structure things.
If you have a detailed model that needs to be moved and rotated and transformed but without changing its shape, then a pretty clear way to do it is to load that model into e.g. a VBO (I'm not sure what your setAttributeArray does), and this has to happen only before the first frame, and subsequent frames can render that model with any transformation you want by simply setting the model view matrix uniform which is a much smaller chunk of data going over the bus.
Vertex shaders can and should be used for letting the GPU help or offload entirely the computation and/or application of these types of operations.

CUDA streams, texture binding and async memcpy

Writing some signal processing in CUDA I recently made huge progress in optimizing it. By using 1D textures and adjusting my access patterns I managed to get a 10× performance boost. (I previously tried transaction aligned prefetching from global into shared memory, but the nonuniform access patterns happening later messed up the warp→shared cache bank association (I think)).
So now I'm facing the problem, how CUDA textures and bindings interact with asynchronous memcpy.
Consider the following kernel
texture<...> mytexture;
__global__ void mykernel(float *pOut)
pOut[threadIdx.x] = tex1Dfetch(texture, threadIdx.x);
The kernel is launched in multiple streams
extern void *sourcedata;
#define N_CUDA_STREAMS ...
cudaStream stream[N_CUDA_STREAMS];
void *d_pOut[N_CUDA_STREAMS];
void *d_texData[N_CUDA_STREAMS];
for(int k_stream = 0; k_stream < N_CUDA_STREAMS; k_stream++) {
cudaMalloc(&d_pOut[k_stream], ...);
cudaMalloc(&d_texData[k_stream], ...);
/* ... */
for(int i_datablock; i_datablock < n_datablocks; i_datablock++) {
int const k_stream = i_datablock % N_CUDA_STREAMS;
cudaMemcpyAsync(d_texData[k_stream], (char*)sourcedata + i_datablock * blocksize, ..., stream[k_stream]);
cudaBindTexture(0, &mytexture, d_texData[k_stream], ...);
mykernel<<<..., stream[k_stream]>>>(d_pOut);
Now what I wonder about is, since there is only one texture reference, what happens when I bind a buffer to a texture while other streams' kernels access that texture? cudaBindStream doesn't take a stream parameter, so I'm worried that by binding the texture to another device pointer while running kernels are asynchronously accessing said texture I'll divert their accesses to the other data.
The CUDA documentation doesn't tell anything about this. If have to to disentangle this to allow concurrent access, it seems I'd have to create a number of texture references and use a switch statementto chose between them, based on the stream number passed as a kernel launch parameter.
Unfortunately CUDA doesn't allow to put arrays of textures on the device side, i.e. the following does not work:
texture<...> texarray[N_CUDA_STREAMS];
Layered textures are not an option, because the amount of data I have only fits within a plain 1D texture not bound to a CUDA array (see table F-2 in the CUDA 4.2 C Programming Guide).
Indeed you cannot unbind the texture while still using it in a different stream.
Since the number of streams doesn't need to be large to hide the asynchronous memcpys (2 would already do), you could use C++ templates to give each stream its own texture:
texture<float, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> mytexture1;
texture<float, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> mytexture2;
template<int TexSel> __device__ float myTex1Dfetch(int x);
template<> __device__ float myTex1Dfetch<1>(int x) { return tex1Dfetch(mytexture1, x); }
template<> __device__ float myTex1Dfetch<2>(int x) { return tex1Dfetch(mytexture2, x); }
template<int TexSel> __global__ void mykernel(float *pOut)
pOut[threadIdx.x] = myTex1Dfetch<TexSel>(threadIdx.x);
int main(void)
float *out_d[2];
// ...
mykernel<1><<<blocks, threads, stream[0]>>>(out_d[0]);
mykernel<2><<<blocks, threads, stream[1]>>>(out_d[1]);
// ...

Pass a Qt QImage to a glsl texture sampler

I am writing a rendering engine using Qt and am running into problems with texturing my models
I have a very simple shader to test texturing:
vertex shader:
Attribute vec4 Vertex;
Attribute vec2 texcoords;
uniform mat4 mvp;
varying vec2 outTexture;
void main() {
gl_Position = mvp * Vertex;
outTexture = texcoords;
and fragment shader:
uniform sampler2D tex;
varying vec2 outTexture;
void main() {
vec4 color = texture2D(tex, outTexture);
gl_FragColor = color;
I am passing my texture coordinates to the shaders correctly
My problem is with binding a QImage and sending it to its texture uniform.
I am using the following code to bind the texture:
const QString& filename;
GLuint m_texture;
QImage image(filename);
image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);
glGenTextures(1, &m_texture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, image.width(), image.height(), 0, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image.bits());
The shader works and I can pass a uniform to the matrix and attributes to the vertex and texture coordinates, but when I try to send a uniform to the texture the same way as such:
effect->setUniformValue(effect->uniformLocation("tex", texture->m_texture));
the program crashes with an “access violation reading location” error with glGetError() returning “invalid enumerant”
Interestingly, when I try running the program without attempting to send the texture to the sampler, the texture is actually appearing on the model. Which makes me think the way I’m binding it has something to do with the legacy texture handling and the texture is being bound to a particular texture address which is being picked up by the shader. This is not the effect I want because I want the programmer to be able to explicitly state at draw time what texture should be passed to the uniform (just as any other uniform is set)
How can I pass the texture to it’s sampler, what do I need to change when binding a texture?
Change it to
effect->setUniformValue(effect->uniformLocation("tex"), texture->m_texture);
effect->setUniformValue("tex", texture->m_texture);
Try converting the QImage using:
image = QGLWidget::convertToGLFormat(image);
Another thought, if you are using ES2, then GL_RGBA8 is not valid. I think GL_BGRA may be an optional extension, or not ES 2. Hope this helps.

glDeleteTextures, leaking?

I found a rather disguting behaviour of glDeleteTexture, deleteing only parts of the aqcuired memory (GPU side and as Textures get saved back for the sake of speed in RAM), which in my case, is a showstopper bug, my program eating up all memory.
I don't want/require you to read all of the code, it's just a demo, I'd rather know how to actually use glDeleteTextures so it does not leak any memory.
The example code requires Qt 4.5 or later to compile:
QT += opengl
SOURCES += main.cpp \
HEADERS += glleak.h
#include <QtOpenGL>
#include <QtGui>
#include "glleak.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv){
QApplication app(argc, argv);
glleak gll(0);
return app.exec();
#ifndef GLLEAK_H
#define GLLEAK_H
#include <QGLWidget>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QList>
class glleak : public QGLWidget
glleak(QWidget* parent = 0);
virtual ~glleak();
void initializeGL();
void paintGL();
void resizeGL(int w, int h);
void drawScene(GLenum mode);
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event);
void hardcoreTexturing();
QList<GLuint> texels;
#endif // GLLEAK_H
glleak::glleak(QWidget* parent) :
void glleak::initializeGL(){
glLineWidth (1.5f);
glEnable (GL_BLEND);
void glleak::resizeGL(int w, int h){
glOrtho(-w/2.0, w/2.0, h/2.0, -h/2.0, -1.0, 1.0);
glViewport(0, 0, w, h);
void glleak::paintGL(){
void glleak::drawScene(GLenum mode){
qDebug() << "drawed #" << texels.count() << " Textures";
void glleak::hardcoreTexturing(){
for ( int i(0); i<texels.count(); ++i){
glTranslatef(1.1f*i, 2.2f*i, 0.0f);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texels.at(i));
void glleak::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event){
int n(50);
if (event->delta()>0){
qDebug() << "gen textures";
for (int i(0); i<n; ++i){
QImage t("./ballmer_peak.png","png");
GLuint tex(0);
glGenTextures(1, &tex);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);
glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, t.width(), t.height(), 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, t.bits() );
qDebug() << "del textures";
for (QList<GLuint>::iterator i(texels.begin()); i!=texels.end();){
glDeleteTextures(1, &(*i));
i = texels.erase(i);
if (--n <= 0)
A Image to load and render
Note: Compile demo: Just put it all in a folder, rename your image to ballmer_peak.png, call qmake, make, ./glleak
Note: Demo usage: Use mousewheel to generate or delete 50 Textures at once
If I use glDeleteTextures completly wrong, please tell me how to use it.
I am way out of ideas as my usage complies to the official OpenGL glDeleteTextures usage.
This may or may not be the reason for your leak, but for starters you are using glGenTextures wrongly.
1) You should not put this inside the for loop which initializes the textures. You need to put it before the loop and call it ONCE, with the number of textures required as the first parameter. Say n == 50:
glGenTextures(50, &tex);
2) tex should be a static array of n GLuints and should be persisted (not an auto variable as you have it!) until glDeleteTextures has been called, again, ONCE - not in a loop:
glDeleteTextures(50, &tex);
Think of tex as a repository for storing texture ids. It is important you use it and not say a separate QList, as you have done, for binding textures, since (as specified in the OpenGL reference) there is no guarantee that the texture ids will be a contiguous set of integers. I should imagine your leak happens because internally OpenGL loses the original pointer to the local (auto) variable you used to generate each texture, so the texture memory becomes orphaned.
Hope this helps!
I did not run your example code, but I get a similar thing on Windows7-64bits. Using per-texture glGenTextures() and glDeleteTextures(), it might leak memory, but I'm seeing my thread's handle count increase (in TaskManager for example, but I can also check it from the source).
It seems glDeleteTextures() does not release a handle. Perhaps it'd do it later on, but 24-hour tests indicate it never releases the handle. Seems like a leak inside the driver (nVidia GTX285, driver 270.61).
Eventually indeed the program runs out of memory. I'm beginning to think it's a driver issue...
There's nothing that looks wrong in your code. So... What makes you think you have a memory leak ? What makes you think it's textures specifically that leak ?
It is possible, but highly unlikely, that the OpenGL implementation you use leaks. That would be implementation specific.
Whatever the mechanism you use to look at memory leaks, what happens once you free the OpenGL context ?
You may need to call makeCurrent() at the top of wheelEvent.
For paintEvent, resizeEvent etc, Qt provides an implementation which handles this before calling paintGL/resizeGL/etc, but for other events like wheelEvent you have to do it yourself.
I might be doing this wrong, but when I compiled and ran your code I didn't run into any problems? Going up to 650 textures (can't increase further: get a 'killed' message then) and back my ram usage goes up from 1% to 24% and back to 1%. Going up to about 200 and back down repeatedly also doesn't cause problems: ram usage is still 1% at the end. From what I understand this would've caused massive leaks on your system? Ubuntu 10.10 here (Qt 4.7.0).
Your test on my system eats memory well, and not releases it immediatly when I delete all the textures, but if I wait for some time, memory is returned to system.
It seems that OGL driver uses some lazy memory releasing algorithm.
for (QList<GLuint>::iterator i(texels.begin()); i!=texels.end();)
switch to
for (QList<GLuint>::iterator i(texels.end()); i!=texels.begin();)
