Flex - Disable Soft Keyboard with checkbox - apache-flex

I have a TextArea and a Checkbox. I want to disable the SoftKeyboard when the checkbox is checcked, so the TextArea can be scrolled without it popping up. I can get the keyboard to disable when the Checkbox is clicked, but as soon as I click on the TextArea to scroll it pops back up. How do I enable/disable the keyboard with a checkbox? Below is my code:
protected function toggle_keyboard_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
checkboxStatus = event.target.selected;
if(checkboxStatus == true){

A SoftKeyboardEvent object is dispatched when a software-driven keyboard is activated or de-activated on a device or operating system. A SoftKeyboardEvent object is dispatched by a TextField or InteractiveObject that has the needsSoftKeyboardproperty set to true.


Popup Hide Show

I want to create show and hide a alert bar using (alert) button click, If i click that alert button it needs to show what is that alert & again I click that button it needs to be (Hide) visibility gone...I want to switch that visibility thats all.
How to do this in android kotlin, I am new to this field, Plz help me..
This is my code
// for alert popup
binding.alertImage.setOnClickListener {
binding.scrollText1.visibility = View.VISIBLE

ZKOSS: onClick() working differently for mouse click vs mouse tap

I am trying to disable double clicking a Help label which is an anchor to open the Help window.
<p:a id="helpClick" onClick="help()">
<label value="Help" style="color:#FFFFFF;" />
When onClick() event is triggered once, either by Mouse click or Tapping the touchpad once, the help() method is being invoked.
void help() {
flag = true;
Window popupWindow = null;
popupWindow = (Window) Executions.createComponents("/zul/mainHelp.zul",
null, null);
popupWindow.addEventListener("onClose", new EventListener() {
void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception {
is the code which i added to handle the anchor tag with the id helpClick.
This is working perfectly fine when i use mouse clicks. For the first click, the window gets opened and simultaneously the Label is not taking any more click events.
When i try the same with mouse tap(using the touchpad), two single clicks are being triggered.
I have used onClick() to capture the event.
I am trying to disable the Label once it is clicked and the window is opened. Only after the window gets closed, i am enabling the label.
This is working totally fine when i use mouse clicks but not when i use tap.
With tapping, the label is taking multiple clicks which isnt the case with Mouse Click.
Without seeing code it's difficult to provide advice but maybe you can capture the onDoubleClick event and ignore it or forward it to the to the same listener as your onClick event.
... forward="onClick=onHelpClick,onDoubleClick=onHelpClick" ...
After question edit:
It sounds like a bug if you can double click a disabled component. One thing you could try is set your link to autodisable <p:a id="helpClick" onClick="help()" autodisable="self"> as per A component documentation

Prevent Controls from stealing keyboard focus

In QML only a single object can have keyboard focus (per window). In my application, I need the option of having multiple objects with keyboard focus, thus I use a custom event dispatcher in combination with a custom multiple selection implementation.
The problem is however that every time any of the stock Control elements are clicked, they automatically steal the focus, breaking the custom event dispatcher.
In addition to that, it still needs to be possible to explicitly set another focus item, in the case of overlay popups and such.
I'm not sure how it fits in with your custom event stuff, but this answer might also help others who have found your question but are simply looking to prevent a control from getting focus.
You can prevent controls from getting focus with the focusPolicy enum:
Button {
focusPolicy: Qt.NoFocus
// Other options:
// focusPolicy: Qt.TabFocus - The control accepts focus by tabbing.
// focusPolicy: Qt.ClickFocus - The control accepts focus by clicking.
// focusPolicy: Qt.StrongFocus - The control accepts focus by both tabbing and clicking.
// focusPolicy: Qt.WheelFocus - The control accepts focus by tabbing, clicking, and using the mouse wheel.
I ended up with this interface, applied to all focus-able items:
Item {
onFocusChanged: if (keepFocus) focus = true
property bool keepFocus: false
property Item prevFocus: null
function getFocus() {
if (prevFocus) {
prevFocus.keepFocus = false
keepFocus = true
focus = true
function restoreFocus() {
if (prevFocus) {
keepFocus = false
prevFocus.keepFocus = true
prevFocus.focus = true
Since only overlay dialogs are supposed to take focus from the event dispatcher, the dialog base type automatically handles the acquiring and restoring of focus on dialog show and hide respectively.
So from "one item may have focus" I move to a "one item may have explicit focus", causing the focus to be re-enabled for that item whenever a Control element might steal it.

Dragging a radio button performes the action but doesn't set the check

I am creating an application that should work on desktop and some mobile platforms.
The following example creates and connects my portrait/landscape buttons, in a group, to a slot, on the release signal.
m_landscapeRadio = new QRadioButton(QObject::tr("Landscape "));
m_portraitRadio = new QRadioButton(QObject::tr("Portrait "));
m_orientationGroup.addButton(m_landscapeRadio, 0);
m_orientationGroup.addButton(m_portraitRadio, 1);
connect(&m_orientationGroup, SIGNAL(buttonReleased(int)), this, SLOT(orientationSlot(int)));
But I found a weird situation:
Assume landscape button is checked. If I press and drag away from the portrait radio button, the slot action is performed (for the portrait option) but the portrait button is not checked.
I would like the action not to be performed.
For now...
In the orientationSlot I test the argument and set the checked value myself... Though I really expected the buttons to know to do that themselves.
But I think it is more expected by users that, if the press a button and change their mind, to be able to drag away from the button and not have the action be performed.
I can handle verifying if the check really happened in the action slot, and either check or discard the action depending on how I will think the user experience is better...
If I want the buttons to be checked and to perform the action as well:
void MyWidget::orientationSlot(int checked)
if(checked) m_portraitRadio->setChecked(true);
else m_landscapeRadio->setChecked(true);
.... actual actions
If I want the action not to be performed when the user drags away from the button (my preferred option):
void MyWidget::orientationSlot(int checked)
if(m_orientationGroup.checkedId() != checked) return;
.... actual actions
I use QRadioButton and handle mouse button being released event for reacting
on radio button being switched. It causes problems altogether with dragging event. I would like to either get the button
to be checked, or the action not to be performed.
Whenever a button is switched on or off, it emits the toggled()
signal. Connect to this signal if you want to trigger an action each
time the button changes state. Use isChecked() to see if a particular
button is selected.
Either you connect the radio button to the handler explicitly or the whole group: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qbuttongroup.html#buttonToggled
void QButtonGroup::buttonToggled(QAbstractButton *button, bool
This signal is emitted when the given button is toggled. checked is
true if the button is checked, or false if the button is unchecked.
Note: Signal buttonToggled is overloaded in this class. To connect to
this one using the function pointer syntax, you must specify the
signal type in a static cast, as shown in this example:
connect(buttonGroup, static_cast<void(QButtonGroup::*)
(QAbstractButton *, bool)>(&QButtonGroup::buttonToggled),
[=](QAbstractButton *button, bool checked) {
if (button == m_portraitRadio) {
// Portrait (un)checked
if (checked)
// checked!
/* ... */ });

JavaFX alert dialog ignores the focused button

Why does the JavaFX alert dialog fires the Platform.exit(); when I press the Enter key even though the focused button in the alert dialog is Cancel?
soaStage.setOnCloseRequest(new EventHandler<WindowEvent>()
public void handle(WindowEvent event)
Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.CONFIRMATION);
alert.setHeaderText("Are you sure you want to exit?");
alert.setContentText("Press OK to exit, or Cancel to stay.");
Optional<ButtonType> result = alert.showAndWait();
if (result.get() == ButtonType.OK)
Default buttons are fired on enter
The OK button is fired when you press enter because it is a default button.
A default Button is the button that receives a keyboard VK_ENTER press, if no other node in the scene consumes it.
In the default JavaFX 8 Modena stylesheet, the default button is indicated by being a blue color rather than than the gray color of a standard button.
How to remove default button behaviour
You can remove this behavior from the alert dialog by not making the OK button a default button:
Button okButton = (Button) alert.getDialogPane().lookupButton(ButtonType.OK);
I advise you not to do this, but instead to always leave a default button in alert dialogs.
On OS X, standard alert type dialogs have a default button which is triggered by enter even if another button is focused, so the standard behavior in JavaFX is consistent with that. Note: to allow this behavior in default dialogs in OS X it is necessary to enable full keyboard access.
If you do change the OK button to not be a default button, I suggest you change its text to something else (e.g. Exit for your case):
How to make enter fire focused buttons
Now, if you also want to make it so that the focused button fires when you press enter, then you can do this:
EventHandler<KeyEvent> fireOnEnter = event -> {
if (KeyCode.ENTER.equals(event.getCode())
&& event.getTarget() instanceof Button) {
((Button) event.getTarget()).fire();
DialogPane dialogPane = alert.getDialogPane();
.forEach(button ->
Note: In any case, focused buttons are always fired when you press space.
We can add ENTER binding to the whole buttons by creating a class that need to be instantiated once when the application starts.
public class EnableButtonEnterKey extends ButtonBehavior<Button> {
public EnableButtonEnterKey() {
super(new Button());
BUTTON_BINDINGS.add(new KeyBinding(ENTER, KEY_PRESSED, "Press"));
BUTTON_BINDINGS.add(new KeyBinding(ENTER, KEY_RELEASED, "Release"));
When starting the application, call
new EnableButtonEnterKey();
That's it.
