Problem with Default Document and IIS7.5/Windows 7 -

I'm having a problem with a component used in a Sitecore solution on our Windows 7 workstations that is driving me batty.
In short, the component in question adds <script> tags to the page that load supporting JavaScript files. The src attributes are set to something like:
Those paths are not working - I'm getting a 404 back.
You might thing "oh ... well, the path doesn't exist." But it does, and it also has a Default.aspx page in it. In fact, if I try the following path, the JS is generated and returned by the server:
We're testing the site using IIS7.5, not Visual Studio's debugging web server. Of course, on the production machines, which are Win Server 2008, things work just fine.
The component in question is a third-party component and I have no access to the source code, so I can't just modify it to append default.aspx to the SRC path.
I have checked to verify that Default.aspx is set up as a default document for the site, and it is.
I tried to work around the problem using ISAPI_Rewrite, but for some reason, rules that I set up for /path/to/scriptgenerator are ignored.
I've tried the solution described in these questions, and that has no effect on my problem:
IIS 7 Not Serving Default Document
ASP.NET 2.0 and 4.0 seem to treat the root url differently in Forms Authentication
I'm really not sure what to try or look for next ... any suggestions?

Is this component set up within the same IIS Site as the Sitecore application?
If so, have you added path /path/to/scriptgenerator to IgnoreUrlPrefixes setting in web.config?


MVC CSS not rendering in Visual Studio When debugging

I have an issue where the CSS is not rendering properly when I compile the MVC project and view it on [https://localhost/MyApp.] The buttons, and background image are not showing up. It worked one time, then for some reason it stop working. Something with the pages not caching? I used firebug to check to see if the pages were missing, and no errors were found. Something in Visual Studio 2010 settings need changing or IIS?
However, when I publish it to an individual website, instead of in the (default web site) area, using [https://localhost:444] website I setup in IIS 7.5, the css seem to render fine.
What is the problem?
One common problem that occurs on MVC 4 websites is difference between release and debug when you have css bundles. It does not have to be your case, but you have the symptoms.
I will explain on an example.
If you have bundle which looks like this:
var styles = new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include(
And in flags16.css you have:
Which uses file in ~Content/flags/images/flags16.png
That will work in release mode (compilation debug="false" in web.config), because all of your css files in bundle will be served as 1 file located at ~/Content/css with relative path 'flags/images/flags16.png' pointing at correct file.
However, in debug mode, ASP.NET MVC will disable minification, and if you used #Styles.Render("~/Content/css") inside your view, it will render link to every one of your files contained in a bundle, so there will be a:
<link href="/WorkOrders.Web/Content/flags/stylesheets/flags16.css" rel="stylesheet">
And from that path, relative path to image is not ok, so images in flags16.png will not be rendered.
One way to solve this, you need to move your .css file which contains references to images to the location where bundle is pointing (~/Content in this case), so it will have same path when it is served minified and raw.
UPDATE As your app is not mvc4, and you have problems when your app is not in the root of your web site (i.e. when it is in localhost/myapp) then you need to check paths in references to your pictures. It is possible that you referenced them absolutely ('/somepath/mypic.png'), and when your app is in localhost/MyApp, path needs to be localhost/MyApp/somepath/mypic.png. You can solve that by replacing path with #Url.Content(~/somepath/mypic.png), if you are using it from cshtml. If path is in css, then you need to put relative path to your pictures.
I have just been battling with the same problem - images, scripts and css not being found or rendered. (Visual Studio 2013, Windows 8.1. Project moved across from Visual Studio 2010.)
The problem was caused by a line in Web.config:
<mimeMap fileExtension=".mp4" mimeType="video/mp4" />
It seems that because the IIS Express file already contained this mimeMap definition, IIS Express couldn't cope with it being defined again.
Removing this line from Web.config completely solved the problem.
It looks like your web site is configured to use SSL. Except that when running locally you probably do not have a valid SSL certificate which is trusted by a certification authority and the client browser is refusing to download the static resources. One way to fix that is to add the address as trusted. So copy paste the url to some of your CSS files in your browser address bar:
and you will see a warning about the invalid certificate that you could ignore by adding an exception to your browser. Hit Ctrl+F5 to force a refresh once the exception is added and your application should start working properly.
When I had this problem I found that all of my CSS and Script files were encountering a HTTP 500 error when they were being downloaded in the browser (Firefox 33.0.2).
Killing the instance of my browser in the Task Manager and then starting afresh fixed the issue for me.

MS Chart not showing on hosted site

I have a MS Chart component displaying fine on an ASP.Net page. When I deploy it I get a broken image. The settings in the web.config are the same and the temporary images folder has the correct permissions.
When I get the URL of the images I can see that the /.png file is not getting created.
What sort of things do I need to look at to track down the problem?
I was able to resolve the issue by ensuring that my application pool settings was using "ASP .net integrated" and not "ASP .Net Classic". This will ensure that your handler is being used.
I had the same problem when I was working with the charting in .NET 4 and my problem turned out to be related to the default value of the privateImages attribute and the fact that my code wasn't using any identifying attributes for the session or the user.
See my post here for an explanation of how I solved my problem.
It's also worth noting that the ASP.NET Development server ignores the config settings for charting and renders them in memory unless you specifically set an attribute to force it to use your config.

Web.Routing for the site root or homepage

I am doing some work with Web.Routing, using it to have friendly urls and nice Rest like interfaces to a site that is essentially rendered by a single IHttpHandler. There are no webforms, the handler generates all the html/json and writes it as part of process request.
This works well for things like /Sites/Accounting for example, but I can't get it to work for the site root, i.e. '/'.
I have tried registering a route with an empty string, with 'default.aspx' (which is the empty aspx file I keep in my root folder to play nice with cassini and iis). I set RouteExistingFiles to false explicitly, but whatever I do when hitting the root url it still opens default.axpx, which has no code it inherits from, and contains a simple h1 tag to show that I've hit it.
I don't want to change the default file to redirect to a desired route, I just want the equivalent of a 'default' route that is applied when no other routes are found, similar to MVC.
For reference, the previous version of the site didn't use Web.Routing, but had a handler referenced in the web.config that was perfectly capable of intercepting requests for the root or default.aspx.
Specs: ASP.NET 3.5sp1, C#, no webforms, MVC or openrasta. Plain old IHttpHandlers.
Fixed my own problem: the issue is the integrated web server, Cassini or some such. Seems that it doesnt play nice with routing, and will by default simply return the default.aspx file or, if it is missing, show a directory listing.
Using IIS with a virtual directory works fine, but is annoying (frustrates code sharers because they need to set up new virtual directories when they open my app, and pollutes my own IIS instance. Bah. Probably what I'll do for the moment however, or setup a new application manually so I can use the domain host only path like what will exist in live.
An alternative is to use the updated version of cassini, seen here, which works if the default.aspx file is missing, but I have not worked out how to integrate it with visual studio yet. Any help would be appreciated, but its not a big priority given I have workarounds.
I realise that this is a really old post, but I just ran into the same problem using VS2012, so I'm posting this here just in case.
I solved the problem by installing IIS Express and setting the project to use IIS Express in Visual Studio. Solved the problem.

newbie question about css property set up in Web developer 2010 Express

I am relatively new in C# and ASP.NET MVC.
There is something unusual that happens and it could be a simple property setup...
I have a MVC Web app and a css file associated with it in my Content folder.
Now everytime I do some changes in the css file I don't see these changes when I run the app. It seems that whatever I do the app keeps on using the old file. I can see it when I do a View Source on the page.
I played a bit with the Copy to Output Directory property in Web Developer without any good results.
Am I really missing something here ?
Either restart casini, the web server for, the icon down by the clock or try hitting F5 in the browser a bunch of times.
Try clearing the cache in your browser.

No styles / images on asp.Net MVC 2 application

i have a little problem with my ASP MVC application.
On my local development server everything works just fine but when i try to publish the application to an IIS 7.0 server it just displays plain pages without any styles / markups / images.
I put all those things in the /Content/ subfolder but when i try to access that folder on the production server it just returns me a 404 not found error.
I set the IIS server up with .Net 4.0 and followed the deployment guide on here:
All views / controllers / classes seem to work just fine, the only thing which does not is the content subfolder and i cant see why.
Anyone got a suggestion what i could have overlooked or does anyone know that problem?
I had the same issue, but I found the reason why it was forcing authentication on the Contents folder.
When a user is not logged in yet, they are classified as Anonymous Authentication. In IIS7 (which is what I am using, guessing it is the same in IIS6) you need to open the authentication window in features view. Then edit the Anonymous Authentication, to use your application pool identity, or the default one, just make sure that user has permissions to read in that folder.
That fixed it for me, hope it works for you.
Well, I added the IIS_IUSRs to the project directory and found the same problem:
CSS won't load and nothing from the content folder.
But it resolved the Unable to start debugging on the web server problem.
Then, I added the IUSR to the same folder and that fixed the problem. Now, I can see images, css styles and all that stuff.
This is because you are probably using a fixed path on the src, like: ../../Content/Styles/style.css. In MVC you should use the Url helper: Url.Content("~/Content/Styles/style.css").
Using the Url helper you should have no issues.
Been pulling my hair out all night with this one.
On W2K8, MVC2, .NET 4.0, and IIS 7 (using VS 2010)
Made sure that IIS_IUSRS had full rights to the root folder but still no go - css, js, images still not being accessed in rendering the page....
and then .... so simple:
In Features view for the site - defined MIME types for .js, .css, and .jpg - and voila!
p.s. my 1st mvc app - and I think I'm liking it...
Check the properties of your content folders...see if they are not 'copying locally' for some reason.
The folder that your virtual directory is pointing to gave to the user "All" reading properties.
