Comments on wordpress author profile page - wordpress

I'm trying to figure out how to allow users to comments on an authors profile page (where it displays recent posts by xxx). Anyone have any idea where I would even start?
I don't think I'll be able even inserts comments into the comments table in mysql because of the comment_post_ID conflict. Unless I inserted authors comments as a{AUTH-ID} so there would be no number conflicts (with the post id).
But how would I do this? Bad coding practice?
Thank you.

See the top answer on this page, it's the best method of getting comments working on author pages :
Be sure to avoid use the Wordpress plugin 'Author Page Comments' which claims to to what you want, but is reported as unworking and potentially vulnerable to security problems.


Wordpress PeepSo modification - display WP comments in activity stream

I am working on a website that will have social media features and I am using the PeepSo plugin for most of the features. Unfortunately, this plugin does not allow the admin to approve posts and comments before they are posted, and this is the functionality that is the most important to me. I found a way to approve the posts - I integrated the User Submitted Posts plugin with PeepSo, but I want the comments to be approved too.
When a user submits a post it is displayed in the PeepSo activity stream, and then they can click on it and it will be displayed as a WP post. Then they can comment on it using WP comments, these comments can be moderated before they are posted.
But the users can also comment directly from the activity stream and these comments are handled by PeepSo and are posted directly without admin approval.
So I want to try some of these workarounds:
Delete the PeepSo comment function, which will only enable the user to comment after clicking on a post, then the comments will be handled by WP
Find a way to code the WP comments to be displayed in the PeepSo activity stream, so that the user can comment directly from the stream and the comments can be approved by the admin before they are posted
Find a way to make the PeepSo comments from the stream to be approved by the admin before they are posted, so that there will be no need for the WP comments.
I can delete the PeepSo comment function, but I don't like this idea, because it makes user interactions a bit harder with more clicks required. I would like to be able to make option 2 or 3 possible, but I am worried about messing with the PeepSo plugin code. Maybe you can help me with how to do it and not crash my website?
PeepSo has an option to integrate PeepSo comments with WP comments, but it only works one way - gets rid of the WP comments, and only allows PeepSo comments on the entire website.
Please help me, I would really appreciate that.
Please notice that PeepSo used its own comments with his own Tables.
They don't integrade the comments from Wordpress but they deactivate them.
I have a simular problem with Borlabs Caching tool, While PeepSo used its own comments, Borlabs Cache can't update the post automaticly after new comments.

Wordpress: Comment on Archive Pages

I'm currently developing a Wordpress site/theme for a client.
He has a specific requirement to be able to add comments to an archive page - it actually needs to be a comment on the page itself, rather than the posts/products within that archive.
I effectively need a way to add comments.php to the bottom of archive.php, although I understand this won't work because an archive page doesn't have an ID for the comments to associate with.
Is there any way to give a category archive page an ID based on the category, and then hook the comments template into this ID for each archive?
Thanks so much in advance for any advice you can offer - it's been a long process and this is the last bit remaining to finalise the project!
Unfortunately it would seem this isn't directly possible, however for anyone who would like to do something similar, there is a third party comment solution called IntenseDebate which is suitable to be added to the archive pages.
If you use DISQUS, you can call the comments template using PHP to bypass WordPress checks and have comments on archives pages.
include 'comments.php';

wp email publishing with custom content type?

having researched wp forums and only found people asking this question without any answers, I resort to the source of all truth (stack overflow).
I use wordpress custom post types (Custom Post Type UI plugin) and find it very handy.
Now, I want to be able to email-publish some content via WPs built-in email publishing system, but by default that is set up to only publish as regular posts.
I am aware that I can choose categories for the emailed content, but I would very much like to keep all the pages and content of my news (=blogposts) feeds the way they are, being able to put the email-published content into a content type of its own would really help me out.
So I wonder if anyone has done that, and how you would go about it. Thanks for any input.
Not sure if this helps people looking for a solution, but I managed to do it like this...
When a post is submitted for publish by WordPress default email2post, there is an action hook named 'publish_phone' running, so you can get the post there and change its type like this:
function custom_type_by_mail($post_id){
$p = get_post($post_id,'ARRAY_A');
$p['post_type'] = "my-custom-type";
I resorted to converting it into a post category instead of its own content type. I know not whether there be any other solution =)

Wordpress 3.2: Hide Spam and Unapproved Comments form Contributors

We're using Wordpress for a School Project. Every Student has his own Contributor account. The teacher holds the admin role and approves comments on the blog. Due to Spam and not so nice comments we need to watch for bullying comments to articles.
Is there a way to filter those unapproved and spam comments and show only approved comments to the students?
WordPress provides an array of moderation options. If you would like every comment to be held for moderation, check the An administrator must approve the comment option, listed under Before a comment appears.
#user971056 I can't see a way to do this unless you change them from being Contributor level users. However, I would suggest you install GASP (Growmap antispambot plugin) which uses a client side 'tickbox' on comments to stop automated spambots posting spam in the first place - seems to be 100% effective.
Then use a plugin like Antispam Bee to automatically delete any human spam that gets through (set to strict filtering) and disable pingbacks/trackbacks to get rid of spam links to dodgy gambling/adult sites. Combination of above should stop your students seeing spam (but human bullying comments would still need reviewing)
Or stop allowing contributor level access to wordpress backend.

Organising Custom Content for Wordpress

I am already very confused as I am typing this thread out. Please forgive me if my query is a little too difficult to understand.
I have an existing Real Estate Site that I intend to move 100% into WordPress. The existing site has one backend for listings and another blog section for reviews.
You can probably see why I have decided to make the move to a full WordPress powered site. Maintaining both ends of the site is both tedious & cumbersome.
I have read and understood Custom Post Types & Custom Taxonomies and how they work. I am rather excited about implementing them. However there is some content I am finding difficult to organise.
* An existing database table of about 4,000 Condominium Projects
Each entry in the Condominiums table has some "bio-data" like Year Completed, No. of Units, Facilities, Amenities etc.
Currently each listing in my site has an ajax query that fetches information from this table on demand.
In the new site, I intend to have a link to the respective condominium in each property listing.
This link should display information about the specific condo and display 'results' of matching listings.
Also, some condos have long article reviews done for them. In my current site, these reviews are displayed in the blog section. Separated altogether.
So here's my question.
How would I connect everything together. A duplicate perhaps? Taxonomy & Post for each condo? That will mean over 3,000 unique entries. Wouldn't that be an "overkill"?
If it is a taxonomy, the link will probably display all posts (listings) that have that condo name. But it wouldn't link to an actual page of either it's review or bio-data.
Any thoughts will be very much appreciated... Please feel free to ask if I have missed out any vital information!
Thanks in advance
The seems very straightforward to me and a perfect fit for WordPress (and I shudder to think of doing anything in Drupal you don't have too; and this from someone who developed in Drupal for 2+ years...)
Each condo gets stored in a custom post type.
All the "bio-data" gets stored in a custom field. Alternately you could create a taxonomy called "bio-data" and have a term value for each of the options but this won't work well for things like "SqFt" unless you do ranges (i.e. 1200sft-1300sqft) because terms can only be used for "true/false" attributes (i.e. either it applies or it doesn't) and not for specifics like exact offer prices, etc.
The long articles can just be stored in the "content" section of the condo post type (unless you have multiple per condo then you can either store in comments as #Jan Fabry suggested or you can create a custom post type "review")
Like I said this is really straightforward. Of course I've lived and breathed database apps for 20+ years so it comes second nature to me. Any questions, just ask...
This was how I managed to solve my own question!, Ironically enough, MikeSchinkel had an almost identical answer, so I accepted his answer instead.. So here's what I have:
A Custom Post Type for Condominiums labelled 'Reviews' in the admin section. The property 'Bio-data' is in custom fields. This Custom Post Type has a rewrite rule:
array( 'slug' => 'condominium' );
That way, I managed to have each Permalink to show something like:
I have added a page called Condominiums and had it set to use a custom template - which basically shows the latest posts of condominiums with reviews. I also intend to extend the template for it to show a Search Condominiums function.
Added relevant taxonomies that can be searchable - like Brands & Developers.
I have already converted previous reviews to this. The last thing I will have to do will be to post all the Condominiums from the condominiums database to the wp_posts table using this Custom Post Type.
This is the part I am crossing my fingers for as I will have to see if the rewrite rules are going to significantly slow down my site as this will be 4,000 entries. This issue has been recently brought to my attention here
I will update this thread once I have completed the importing - since this is the only place I have posted a question and have it answered - if anyone might be interested!
Thank you for your suggestions. I hope this helps someone else who is in a similar predicament.
Would it work if you view the Condominiums as posts, and the reviews as comments to these posts? This would keep them together, and is conceptually not even too far from the original intention. You can put the extra information in custom fields and tags (which gives you free searching capabilities). Then you should see for yourself if you still need to create a custom post type, or just do it with regular posts (why not?).
But yes, you are stretching the original WordPress concept a little. Drupal or some other CMS might be a better option, and have more plugins that are suited to your situation.
