How to append new list item to a list - docx

I would like to find a list paragraph (starting with a. ), and append another list item to this list (it depend on the text of first list element).
I have tried many ways of creating new paragraph, but all what I achieved is that new list elements are created, but org.docx4j.wml.Text objects are appended to paragraph the new paragraph was appended. The new paragraph text is empty. How can be new list element created and appended to the right element?
a. list element 1 |test| //|test| should be appended to b.
b. //new items are created, but there is no text
//traverse through a document
public List<Object> apply(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof org.docx4j.wml.P) {
if (p.getPPr() != null) {
if (p.getPPr().getPStyle() != null) {
if ((p.getPPr().getPStyle().getVal().equals("Akapitzlist"))) {
//there is a list paragraph
ObjectFactory factory = Context.getWmlObjectFactory();
Object deepCopy = XmlUtils.deepCopy(obj);
//Create the paragraph
org.docx4j.wml.P para = factory.createP();
// Create the text element
org.docx4j.wml.Text t = factory.createText();
// Create the run
org.docx4j.wml.R run = factory.createR();
//add new paragraph to the document
((org.docx4j.wml.P) obj).getContent().add(para);

My solution, just append to the body with incremented index. I' am creating deep copy to preserwe style.
public List<Object> apply(Object obj) {
Object deepCopy = null;
if (obj instanceof org.docx4j.wml.P) {
org.docx4j.wml.P p = (org.docx4j.wml.P) obj;
if (p.getPPr() != null) {
if (p.getPPr().getPStyle() != null) {
if ((p.getPPr().getPStyle().getVal().equals("Akapitzlist")) && (akapListCounter < 10)) {
if (((org.docx4j.wml.P) obj).getPPr().getPStyle() != null) {
if ((((org.docx4j.wml.P) obj).getPPr().getPStyle().getVal().equals("Akapitzlist"))) {
deepCopy = XmlUtils.deepCopy(obj);
int indexOf = wmlDocumentEl.getBody().getContent().indexOf(obj);
List<Object> content = ((org.docx4j.wml.P) deepCopy).getContent();
for (Object el : content) {
System.out.println("class1:" + el.getClass().toString());
if (el instanceof org.docx4j.wml.R) {
List<Object> subc = ((org.docx4j.wml.R) el).getContent();
for (Object r : subc) {
((javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement) r).setValue("tetetete");
}// end for
wmlDocumentEl.getBody().getContent().add(indexOf + 1, deepCopy);
}//end get style
} else {}
return null;


JavaFx Treeview reorder items by drag-and-drop

I have a treeview of hierarchical data that represents elements retrieved from a database. I would like to be able to move child (leaf) nodes from one parent to another and rearrange the sequence of leaf nodes within a parent via drag-and-drop, finally updating the database with the results of the move operations.
Right now I can drop one of the leaf nodes onto a parent node which allows me to add the child to the parent. However, I don't really see how to drop a leaf node between two other leaf nodes, either in the same parent or in a different parent node.
I would like to be able to do something like the following. Starting with a tree that looks like this:
| |
| +--L1a
| +--L1b
For example, I would like to be able to select L2a and drag it up and drop it between L1a and L1b. Or before L1a, or after L1b. Having done that I would like to drag the child nodes of P1 around and rearrange them via DND.
Part of this would be to provide an indication of the drop location. For example, a line between L1a and L1b if you have the cursor positioned 'between' these nodes.
Is this possible? I don't see any examples of this anywhere.
One other thing I am seeing is that the effect of DND doesn't remove the leaf node from its original location even though in the setOnDragDetected method call for my cells I call cell.startDragAndDrop(TransferMode.MOVE). How can I get that to work?
Edit 9/1/17
I figured out the last part of not removing the leaf node.
Here is the code I am using to test this process out. I have an interface IStoryItem that is the (empty) interface implemented by two subclasses, Story and Part (just to create a hierarchy to test with). The Story class has title (String) and parts (Part[]) fields. The Part class has title (String) and partNumber (int) fields. I have a Utils class that creates an array of Story objects to populate my TreeView instance.
Here is my controller class. It's a bit long and in need of cleanup but shows what I have tried so far.
public class Controller {
public TreeView<IStoryItem> tv;
private final DataFormat objectDataFormat = new DataFormat("application/x-java-serialized-object");
class StoryRoot implements IStoryItem { }
TreeItem<IStoryItem> rootItem;
public void initialize() {
StoryRoot storyRoot = new StoryRoot();
rootItem = new TreeItem<>(storyRoot);
// For Drag and Drop:
// - rootItem can only accept Story nodes.
// - Story nodes can only accept Part nodes.
// - Part nodes can't accept any other nodes.
tv.setCellFactory(new Callback<TreeView<IStoryItem>, TreeCell<IStoryItem>>() {
public TreeCell<IStoryItem> call(TreeView<IStoryItem> siTreeView) {
TreeCell<IStoryItem> cell = new TreeCell<IStoryItem>() {
protected void updateItem(IStoryItem item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item != null) { setText(item.toString()); }
// The following calls are as outlined in:
cell.setOnDragDetected((MouseEvent event) -> {
// Don't drag Story nodes.
if (cell.getItem() instanceof Story) return;
// drag was detected, start a drag-and-drop gesture
// allow Move transfer mode only
Dragboard db = cell.startDragAndDrop(TransferMode.MOVE);
// Put the Part on the dragboard
// From:
ClipboardContent content = new ClipboardContent();
content.put(objectDataFormat, cell.getItem());
cell.setOnDragDropped((DragEvent event) -> {
try {
Dragboard db = event.getDragboard();
boolean success = false;
if (db.hasContent(objectDataFormat)) {
Part droppedPart = (Part)db.getContent(objectDataFormat);
IStoryItem targetStoryItem = cell.getItem();
// Question: How to handle drops between leaf items or
// before the initial leaf or after the final leaf.
if (targetStoryItem instanceof Story) {
Story story = (Story) targetStoryItem;
updateStoryWith(droppedPart, story);
addPartTo(cell.getTreeItem(), droppedPart);
success = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
cell.setOnDragDone((DragEvent event) -> {
* the drag and drop gesture ended
* if the data was successfully moved, clear it
if (event.getTransferMode() == TransferMode.MOVE) {
// TODO: remove the part that got moved.
IStoryItem item = cell.getItem();
TreeItem<IStoryItem> ti = cell.getTreeItem();
TreeItem<IStoryItem> pti = ti.getParent();
IStoryItem psi = pti.getValue();
boolean removed = removePartFrom(psi, item);
return cell;
.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> inspectObject(newValue.getValue()));;
Story[] stories = Utils.createStories();
for (Story s: stories) {
private void updateStoryWith(Part droppedPart, Story story) {
List<Part> partsList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(;
Part [] newParts = (Part[])partsList.toArray(new Part[partsList.size()]);
int idx = 1;
for (Part part : newParts) {
part.partnumber = idx++;
} = newParts;
private void inspectObject(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof IStoryItem)) {
} else if (o instanceof Story) {
Story s = (Story)o;
System.out.println("Story: " + s.toString());
} else if (o instanceof Part) {
Part s = (Part)o;
System.out.println("Part: " + s.toString());
void addStoryToTree(Story story) {
if ( == 0) return;
TreeItem<IStoryItem> item = new TreeItem<>(story);
for (Part part : {
addPartTo(item, part);
void addPartTo(TreeItem<IStoryItem> storyItem, Part part) {
TreeItem<IStoryItem> partItem = new TreeItem<>(part);
boolean removePartFrom(IStoryItem si, IStoryItem pi) {
if (!(si instanceof Story)) return false;
if (!(pi instanceof Part)) return false;
Story story = (Story) si;
Part part = (Part) pi;
List<Part> plist = new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(;
if (!plist.contains(part)) return false;
boolean removed = plist.remove(part); = plist.toArray(new Part[plist.size()]);
return removed;

How can i get columns added on column?

heres my code below...
TableColumn tc = new TableColumn();
TableColumn[] tc2 = new TableColumn[10];
for(int i=0; i<5, i++){
and i try to override commit method for editing cells.
public void commit(Object val) {
// Get the table
TableView<MainTable> t = this.getTableView();
// Get the selected row/column
MainTable selectedRow = t.getItems().get(this.getTableRow().getIndex());
TableColumn<MainTable, ?> selectedColumn = t.getColumns().get(t.getColumns().indexOf(this.getTableColumn()));
// Get current property name
String propertyName = ((PropertyValueFactory) selectedColumn.getCellValueFactory()).getProperty();
// Create a method name conforming to java standards ( setProperty )
propertyName = ("" + propertyName.charAt(0)).toUpperCase() + propertyName.substring(1);
// Try to run the update
try {
// Type specific checks - could be done inside each setProperty() method
if(val instanceof Double) {
Method method = selectedRow.getClass().getMethod("set" + propertyName, double.class);
method.invoke(selectedRow, (double) val);
if(val instanceof String) {
Method method = selectedRow.getClass().getMethod("set" + propertyName, String.class);
method.invoke(selectedRow, (String) val);
if(val instanceof Integer) {
Method method = selectedRow.getClass().getMethod("set" + propertyName, int.class);
method.invoke(selectedRow, (int) val);
} catch (Exception e) {
// CommitEdit for good luck
commitEdit((String) val);
and i got ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException on console view.
so my question is
how can i select getcolumns added other column???
TableColumn<MainTable, ?> selectedColumn = t.getColumns().get(t.getColumns().indexOf(this.getTableColumn()));
i think this code has to be changed...
anyone got ideas??
Nested columns are not part of the TableView.columns list.
If you need the corresponding TableView column, just go up through the hierarchy until you reach a column without a parentColumn:
TableColumn<MainTable, ?> selectedColumn = this.getTableColumn();
TableColumn<MainTable, ?> c = selectedColumn;
while ((c = selectedColumn.getParentColumn()) != null) {
selectedColumn = c;
If you just need the column itself, simply use this.getTableColumn(), instead of finding the index of the column in the columns list and then accessing that index in the same list. (I guess the latter is what you need.)
Furthermore, if PropertyValueFactory returns properties of the item class, you could use this property to set the value instead of using reflection:
ObservableValue obs = selectedColumn.getCellObservableValue(this.getIndex());
if (obs instanceof WritableValue) {
((WritableValue) obs).setValue(val);
} else {
// reflecitive approach
Furthermore you shouldn't add null as a nested column, but you're doing it here:
TableColumn[] tc2 = new TableColumn[10];
for(int i=0; i<5, i++){

Using MvcSiteMap how do I create links to next and previous nodes?

I'd like to implement something like the following HTML helpers in MvcSiteMapProvider:
However, I am quite new to their API, is it possible to do that, and if so, how?
You can accomplish this by building custom HTML helpers. I have answered this question already at GitHub and provided a working demo project, but I am copying here for reference.
The logic to walk up and down the document would look something like this, the rest of the code is for the most part boilerplate templated HTML helper code.
private static ISiteMapNode GetNextNode(ISiteMapNode startingNode, IDictionary<string, object> sourceMetadata)
ISiteMapNode nextNode = null;
if (startingNode.HasChildNodes)
// Get the first child node
nextNode = startingNode.ChildNodes[0];
else if (startingNode.ParentNode != null)
// Get the next sibling node
nextNode = startingNode.NextSibling;
if (nextNode == null)
// If there are no more siblings, the next position
// should be the parent's next sibling
var parent = startingNode.ParentNode;
if (parent != null)
nextNode = parent.NextSibling;
// If the node is not visible or accessible, run the operation recursively until a visible node is found
if (nextNode != null && !(nextNode.IsVisible(sourceMetadata) || nextNode.IsAccessibleToUser()))
nextNode = GetNextNode(nextNode, sourceMetadata);
return nextNode;
private static ISiteMapNode GetPreviousNode(ISiteMapNode startingNode, IDictionary<string, object> sourceMetadata)
ISiteMapNode previousNode = null;
// Get the previous sibling
var previousSibling = startingNode.PreviousSibling;
if (previousSibling != null)
// If there are any children, go to the last descendant
if (previousSibling.HasChildNodes)
previousNode = previousSibling.Descendants.Last();
// If there are no children, return the sibling.
previousNode = previousSibling;
// If there are no more siblings before this one, go to the parent node
previousNode = startingNode.ParentNode;
// If the node is not visible or accessible, run the operation recursively until a visible node is found
if (previousNode != null && !(previousNode.IsVisible(sourceMetadata) || previousNode.IsAccessibleToUser()))
previousNode = GetPreviousNode(previousNode, sourceMetadata);
return previousNode;

List of all uncommon elements in arraylist

I have 2 ArrayList, which contains the filenames, now one list has more names and other might have less, or sometime equal, i want to list the filenames which are not common in both arraylist and accordingly update the database, i was able to check whether they are equal or not, but i am unable to list which list has extra elements and which are they.
Here is a code which i am currently using.
ArrayList DatabaseSavedThumbnail = objSlideShow.GetAllThumbnailBySlideShowId();
string[] FolderSavedThumbnail = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~/Portals/2/SlideShowThumbnails/" + SlideShowName));
if (Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~/Portals/2/SlideShowThumbnails/" + SlideShowName)).Length > 0)
if (!Object.Equals(DatabaseSavedThumbnail, FolderSavedThumbnail))
for (int i = 0; i < DatabaseSavedThumbnail.Count && i < FolderSavedThumbnail.Length; i++)
if (!object.Equals(DatabaseSavedThumbnail[i], FolderSavedThumbnail[i]))
if (DatabaseSavedThumbnail.Count > FolderSavedThumbnail.Length)
objSlideShow.Thumbnail = "/Portals/2/SlideShowThumbnails/" + SlideShowName + "/" + Path.GetFileName(DatabaseSavedThumbnail[i].ToString());
objSlideShow.Thumbnail = "/Portals/2/SlideShowThumbnails/" + SlideShowName + "/" + Path.GetFileName(FolderSavedThumbnail[i].ToString());
Response.Write(objSlideShow.Thumbnail + "<br>");
/*objSlideShow.SlideTitle = String.Empty;
objSlideShow.SlideDescription = string.Empty;
But this list all the elements of the arraylist which has more elements, i just want the differential elements, so that i can update the database with those elements only.
Can anyone tell me how could i get the differential records comparing 2 array list.
Try this to get elements not common in both lists (assuming DatabaseSavedThumbnail has strings):
using System.Linq;
var dstArray = DatabaseSavedThumbnail.ToArray(typeof(string));
var fstArray = FolderSavedThumbnail;
var notCommonElements = dstArray.Union(fstArray).Except(dstArray.InterSect(fstArray));
A very naive iterative approach can be:
private IEnumerable<string> GetNotCommonElements(string[] array1, string[] array2)
foreach (var item in array1)
if (!array2.Contains(item))
yield return item;
foreach (var item in array2)
if (!array1.Contains(item))
yield return item;
Then use it like:
foreach(var item in GetNotCommonElements(dstArray, fstArray))
// Do stuff with item
you can get idea from this
List<int> intersection = first.Cast<int>().Intersect(second.Cast<int>()).ToList();
ArrayList intersection = new ArrayList();
foreach (var i in first.Cast<int>().Intersect(second.Cast<int>()))
More detail
Two ArrayList manipulation

How to prevent tree items from being dragged into themselves?

I have a flex tree with dragMoveEnabled = true. I want to find out, when an item is dragged into itself or it's children. I'd like to use DragManager.showFeedback(DragManager.NONE) in the tree's onDragOver handler, but can't find out how get this to work. I'm using an ArrayCollection of nested objects as dataSource for the tree.
private function onDragOver(event:DragEvent):void {
var index:int = tree.calculateDropIndex(event);
tree.selectedIndex = index;
var subCategory:CategoryVO = CategoryVO(tree.selectedItem);
var currentCategory:CategoryVO = subCategory;
while(currentCategory.parent != 0) {
if (currentCategory.parent == {
currentCategory = tree.getParentItem(currentCategory);
if (currentCategory == null) {
That's how I solved it.
_draggedItem holds the currently dragged item, set in the tree's onDragEnter handler. CategoryVO is the value object I use.
can you do something like:
if(event.currentTarget =={
//item is being dropped on itself
