Generic traversal of a directed tree with Neo4J - graph

I modelled a directed tree structure using the graph database Neo4J. So I have something like this: (not mandatory binary)
Users of my database can add child nodes of existing nodes at will, so the height of the tree and the degree of the single nodes is unknown.
Now, I want to query my tree like this: Starting with node x, give me all leaves that are descendants of leave x.
Is this kind of query performable with Gremlin or Cypher and if so, how to do this achieving the maximum of performance? (I haven't found a possibility to perform queries on 'generic' trees because you alway have to specify a maximum depth)
I know, that it's possible with the REST / JSON framework and the JAVA API like this:
POST /db/data/node/51/traverse/node
"return_filter" :
"body" : "position.endNode().hasProperty('leave')" ,
"language" : "javascript"
"relationships" : [ { "type" : "_default", "direction" : "out" } ] ,
"prune_evaluator" : { "name" : "none" , "language" : "builtin" }
(my leaves have the property 'leave', my edges have no type -> so _default)
Is there a simpler / better way to do this maybe with a better performance?

Cypher could look like that:
start root=node({rootId})
match root-[*]->child
where child.leave
return child
rootId being a parameter to be passed in.


Multiple add if doesn't exist steps Gremlin

I have an injected array of values. I'm I want to add vertices if they don't exist. I use the fold and coalesce step, but it doesn't work in this instance since I'm trying to do it for multiple vertices. Since 1 vertex exists I can no longer get a null value, and the the unfold inside the coalesce step returns a value from there on. This leads to vertices that don't exist yet not to be added.
This is my current traversal:
const traversal = await g
{ twitterPostId: 'kay', like: true, retweet: false },
{ twitterPostId: 'fay', like: true, retweet: false },
{ twitterPostId: 'nay', like: true, retweet: false },
.where('b', p.eq('a'))
.coalesce(__.unfold(), __.addV().property(,'ta').unfold().select('twitterPostId')))
[Bn { id: 'kay', label: 'vertex', properties: undefined }]
Without using coalesce you can do conditional upserts using what we often refer to as "map injection". The Gremlin does get a little advanced, but here is an example
withSideEffect('p',['xyz': ['type':'dog'],'abc':['type':'cat']]).
That query will look for a set of vertices, figure out which ones exist, and for the rest use the ID values and properties from the map called 'p' to create the new vertices. You can build on this pattern a great many ways and I find it very useful until mergeV and mergeE are more broadly available
You can also use the list of IDs in the query to check which ones exist. However, this may lead to inefficient query plans depending on the given implementation:
withSideEffect('p',['xyz': ['type':'dog'],'abc':['type':'cat']]).
This is trickier than the first query, as the V step cannot take a traversal. So you cannot do V(select('ids')) in Gremlin today.

Add element to arrays, that are values to a given key name (json transformation with jq)

I'm a jq newbie, and I try to transform a json (a Swagger spec). I want to add an element to the array value of the "parameter" keys:
"paths": {
"/great/endpoint1": {
"get": {
"parameters": [] <<--- add a value here
"/great/endpoint2": {
"post": {
"parameters": [] <<-- and here too here too etc.
The following jqplay almost works. It adds values to the right arrays, but it has the nasty side effect of also removing the "x-id" value from the root of the input json. It's probably because of a faulty if-condition. As the paths contain a varying string (the endpoint names), I don't know how to write a wildcard path expression to address those, which is why I have tried using walk instead:
Since the sample data is incomplete, it's difficult to say exactly what you're looking for but it looks like you should be using parameters in the call to walk:
walk(if type=="object" and has("parameters")
then .parameters += [{"extra": "value"}]
else . end)
If you want to restrict the walk to the top-level paths, you would preface the above with: .paths |=

What's a good pattern to manage impossible states in Elm?

Maybe you can help. I'm an Elm beginner and I'm struggling with a rather mundane problem. I'm quite excited with Elm and I've been rather successful with smaller things, so now I tried something more complex but I just can't seem to get my head around it.
I'm trying to build something in Elm that uses a graph-like underlying data structure. I create the graph with a fluent/factory pattern like this:
sample : Result String MyThing
sample =
|> addNode 1 "bobble"
|> addNode 2 "why not"
|> addEdge 1 2 "some data here too"
When this code returns Ok MyThing, then the whole graph has been set up in a consistent manner, guaranteed, i.e. all nodes and edges have the required data and the edges for all nodes actually exist.
The actual code has more complex data associated with the nodes and edges but that doesn't matter for the question. Internally, the nodes and edges are stored in the Dict Int element.
type alias MyThing =
{ nodes : Dict Int String
, edges : Dict Int { from : Int, to : Int, label : String }
Now, in the users of the module, I want to access the various elements of the graph. But whenever I access one of the nodes or edges with Dict.get, I get a Maybe. That's rather inconvenient because by the virtue of my constructor code I know the indexes exist etc. I don't want to clutter upstream code with Maybe and Result when I know the indexes in an edge exist. To give an example:
getNodeTexts : Edge -> MyThing -> Maybe (String, String)
getNodeTexts edge thing =
case Dict.get edge.from thing.nodes of
Nothing ->
--Yeah, actually this can never happen...
Just fromNode -> case Dict.get thing.nodes of
Nothing ->
--Again, this can never actually happen because the builder code prevents it.
Just toNode ->
Just ( fromNode.label, toNode.label )
That's just a lot of boilerplate code to handle something I specifically prevented in the factory code. But what's even worse: Now the consumer needs extra boilerplate code to handle the Maybe--potentially not knowing that the Maybe will actually never be Nothing. The API is sort of lying to the consumer. Isn't that something Elm tries to avoid? Compare to the hypothetical but incorrect:
getNodeTexts : Edge -> MyThing -> (String, String)
getNodeTexts edge thing =
( Dict.get edge.from thing.nodes |> .label
, Dict.get thing.nodes |> .label
An alternative would be not to use Int IDs but use the actual data instead--but then updating things gets very tedious as connectors can have many edges. Managing state without the decoupling through Ints just doesn't seem like a good idea.
I feel there must be a solution to this dilemma using opaque ID types but I just don't see it. I would be very grateful for any pointers.
Note: I've also tried to use both drathier and elm-community elm-graph libraries but they don't address the specific question. They rely on Dict underneath as well, so I end up with the same Maybes.
There is no easy answer to your question. I can offer one comment and a coding suggestion.
You use the magic words "impossible state" but as OOBalance has pointed out, you can create an impossible state in your modelling. The normal meaning of "impossible state" in Elm is precisely in relation to modelling e.g. when you use two Bools to represent 3 possible states. In Elm you can use a custom type for this and not leave one combination of bools in your code.
As for your code, you can reduce its length (and perhaps complexity) with
getNodeTexts : Edge -> MyThing -> Maybe ( String, String )
getNodeTexts edge thing =
Maybe.map2 (\ n1 n2 -> ( n1.label, n2.label ))
(Dict.get edge.from thing.nodes)
(Dict.get thing.nodes)
From your description, it looks to me like those states actually aren't impossible.
Let's start with your definition of MyThing:
type alias MyThing =
{ nodes : Dict Int String
, edges : Dict Int { from : Int, to : Int, label : String }
This is a type alias, not a type – meaning the compiler will accept MyThing in place of {nodes : Dict Int String, edges : Dict Int {from : Int, to : Int, label : String}} and vice-versa.
So rather than construct a MyThing value safely using your factory functions, I can write:
import Dict
myThing = { nodes = Dict.empty, edges = Dict.fromList [(0, {from = 0, to = 1, label = "Edge 0"})] }
… and then pass myThing to any of your functions expecting MyThing, even though the nodes connected by Edge 0 aren't contained in myThing.nodes.
You can fix this by changing MyThing to be a custom type:
type MyThing
= MyThing { nodes : Dict Int String
, edges : Dict Int { from : Int, to : Int, label : String }
… and exposing it using exposing (MyThing) rather than exposing (MyThing(..)). That way, no constructor for MyThing is exposed, and code outside of your module must use the factory functions to obtain a value.
The same applies to Edge, wich I'm assuming is defined as:
type alias Edge =
{ from : Int, to : Int, label : String }
Unless it is changed to a custom type, it is trivial to construct arbitrary Edge values:
type Edge
= Edge { from : Int, to : Int, label : String }
Then however, you will need to expose some functions to obtain Edge values to pass to functions like getNodeTexts. Let's assume I have obtained a MyThing and one of its edges:
myThing : MyThing
-- created using factory functions
edge : Edge
-- an edge of myThing
Now I create another MyThing value, and pass it to getNodeTexts along with edge:
myOtherThing : MyThing
-- a different value of type MyThing
nodeTexts = getNodeTexts edge myOtherThing
This should return Maybe.Nothing or Result.Err String, but certainly not (String, String) – the edge does not belong to myOtherThing, so there is no guarantee its nodes are contained in it.

Using Parameters in Neo4j Relationship Queries

I'm struggling to work around a small limitation of Neo4j in that I am unable to use a parameter in the Relationship section of a Cypher query.
Christophe Willemsen has already graciously assisted me in working my query to the following:
MATCH (n1:Point { name: {n1name} }),
(n2:Point { name: {n2name} }),
p = shortestPath((n1)-[r]->(n2))
WHERE type(r) = {relType}
Unfortunately as r is a Collection of relationships and not a single relationship, this fails with an error:
scala.collection.immutable.Stream$Cons cannot be cast to org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship
Removing the use of shortestPath() allows the query to run successfully but returns no results.
Essentially my graph is a massive collection of "paths" that link "points" together. It is currently structured as such:
I need to be able to provide a starting point (n1Name), an ending point (n2Name), and a single path to travel along (relType). I need a list of nodes to come out of the query (all the ones along the path).
Have I structured my graph incorrectly / not optimally? I am open to advice on whether the overall structure is not optimal as well as advice on how best to structure the query!
Regarding your edit, the nodes() function returns you the nodes along the path :
MATCH p=allShortestPaths((n:Point { name:"Point5" })-[*]->(n2:Point { name:"Point8" }))
WHERE ALL (r IN rels(p) WHERE type(r)={relType})
RETURN nodes(p)
In the console link, it is returning nodes Points 5,6,7,8
I guess in your case that using a common relationship type name for connecting your Point nodes would be more efficient.
If having a Path1, Path2, .. is for knowing the distance between two points, you can easily know the distance by asking for the length of the path, like this query related to your console link :
MATCH (n:Point { name:"Point1" })
MATCH (n2:Point { name:"Point4" })
WITH n, n2
MATCH p=shortestPath((n)-[]->(n2))
RETURN length(p)
If you need to return only paths having a defined relationship length, you can use it without the shortestPath by specifying a strict depth :
MATCH (n:Point { name:"Point1" })
MATCH (n2:Point { name:"Point4" })
WITH n, n2
MATCH p=(n)-[*3..3]->(n2)
RETURN length(p)
As you can see here, the need to specify the relationship is not mandatory, you can just omit it or add the :NEXT type if you have other relationship types in your graph
If you need to match on the type, for e.g. the path from point 5 to point 8 in your console link, and the path can only have a PATH_TWO relationship, then you can do this :
MATCH (n:Point { name:"Point5" })
MATCH (n2:Point { name:"Point8" })
WITH n, n2
MATCH p=(n)-[r*]->(n2)
WHERE type(r[0])= 'PATH_TWO'
WITH p, length(p) AS l
If you really NEED to have the Path1, Path2 style, maybe a short explanation on the need could help us find the more appropriate query
MATCH p=shortestpath((n1:Point{name:{n1name}})-[:relType *]->(n2:Point {name:{n2name}}))

Making cyclic graphs in F#. Is mutability required?

I'm trying to do a cyclic graph in F#
My node type looks something like this:
type Node = { Value : int; Edges : Node list }
My question is: Do I need to make Edges mutable in order to have cycles?
F# makes it possible to create immediate recursive object references with cycles, but this really only works on (fairly simple) records. So, if you try this on your definition it won't work:
let rec loop =
{ Value = 0;
Edges = [loop] }
However, you can still avoid mutation - one reasonable alternative is to use lazy values:
type Node = { Value : int; Edges : Lazy<Node list>}
This way, you are giving the compiler "enough time" to create a loop value before it needs to evaluate the edges (and access the loop value again):
let rec loop =
{ Value = 0;
Edges = lazy [loop] }
In practice, you'll probably want to call some functions to create the edges, but that should work too. You should be able to write e.g. Edges = lazy (someFancyFunction loop).
Alternatively, you could also use seq<Edges> (as sequences are lazy by default), but that would re-evaluate the edges every time, so you probably don't want to do that.
