Creating a dynamic graphic in -

I am busy creating a control in The control consists of some text and an image. The image will be used to display a graph. The control gets the data for the graph by reading it from a database. It seems I have two options to display the graph in the image box. First, I can create a jpg from the data and save the file on the server. I can then load this file into the image box. I think this would cause a problem if various users try to access the site at the same time, so I don't think it is a good option. The other options is to create a file called output, that outputs the graph like this: objBitmap.Save(Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Gif)
I can then display the image like this in my control: Image1.ImageUrl = "output.aspx"
The problem that I am facing is how do I get the data from my control to the output page? As far as I know it is too much data to pass as a parameter. If there is another better method of doing it, please let me know

You can write the image content to the response of output.aspx. Something like this (taken from one of my existing GetImage pages:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim strFilename As String
strFilename = Request.QueryString("filename")
Dim strPath As String = AppSettings("ProxyImageSavePath") & strFilename
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"
If Not IO.File.Exists(strPath) Then
Response.Write("file not found")
End If
End Sub
Edit: I've just realised this may not be the solution you're looking for; Your webserver should be able to cache this though.

You need handlers. See in this article, Protecting Your Images, section "Creating the ImageHandler HTTP Handler", you'll find the code how to write the handler, so it outputs an image. You don't need all, it's only an example.
You also need to register the handler in the web.config.
To reference it Image1.ImageUrl = "handler.ashx?graphdata=xxxx". Use QueryString to get the data source to generate the graph.


ASP Email Validator

I have a textbox with multiple lines in it, each being an email address. I have a button that when clicked should read the emails from the textbox and validate that they are working emails (no spelling errors or anything). How would I go about doing something like this? For context the textbox is called emailBox
Protected Sub SaveButton(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
End Sub
Thank you all so much in advanced!
Hi there I'm guessing by spelling errors you just mean valid email syntax.
You could use a regular expression. Like this:
Protected Sub SaveButton(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
dim regexExpression As New Regex("^[_a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)#[a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)*(.[a-z]{2,4})$")
'get an array of emails
dim emails = emailBox.text.Split(",")
'loop through emails checking each one
For Each email in emails
dim valid = regexExpression.IsMatch(email)
'do whatever with result
End Sub
you will need to import this too, add it to the top of your file:
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
then the variable 'valid' will have a value of True or False that you can do what you like with.
I have edited my answer, assuming you can use a comma to separate your emails.
Edit 2: I can't guarantee the regex will work 100% correctly. Run your own tests, tweak it if need be or find/write another.

Visual Basic Download Not Doing Anything On Completion

My other issue was with a bigger file made dynamically but now I'm just doing a small, already existing text file to try and get this concept working at least.
I'm attempting to download a file when the user clicks on the button but after the Response lines run nothing seems to download nor does the browser recognize a possible download. I've stepped through it as well as it just goes through every line but the front end no download file begins or prompted for. The file is currently in the bin file of the project and I've also tried just in my own local downloads file. Just contains "hello" nothing major.
The asp:
<asp:button id = "Button1" Class="button" text = "TEST" runat = "server" />
And the vb
Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim fileToDownload = Server.MapPath("~/bin/test.txt")
Response.ContentType = "text/plain"
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=test.txt")
I've tried the response lines in different orders, as well as just using flush or just end. This is just a tempt file of course as the bigger scheme is to dynamically create and excel file and download that to the user.
edit: sry, i just tried your code as-is and it worked on my machine. i'm using firefox. i've seen some long articles about dealing with internet explorer. any chance you're using that?
original post:
can a file be downloaded from bin? just a thought.
also, try removing Response.Flush() and see if that helps. i think Response.End takes care of that - when everything is actually done.

ASP.NET Export - Response not ending?

I'm trying to export some text to a text file, and that part works fine. The trouble is that the text files get a bunch of HTML/.NET output at the bottom of them... In other words, it's like the response isn't ending and the page is trying to write the rest of the page. Here's the code:
Private Sub WriteData(ByRef Context As System.Web.HttpContext, Data As List(of String), fileName as String)
With Context.Response
.AddHeader("content-disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename={0}", fileName))
.ContentType = contentType
End With
For Each curValue in Data
End Sub
To call this, I just pass the HttpContext.Current and a list of data.
Does anybody know why this might happen? I'm not sure how to interpret it, and I've looked all over without much luck. My assumption was that the response wasn't actually ending with "Response.End()"...
My assumption is that you're using an .aspx to do this.
This would be a perfect scenario for a Generic Handler. Try using .ashx instead.
Here is a pretty simple tutorial if you need more info:

Read source of popup windows opened with javacript:void()?

I am going to do my best to ask this question as clearly as possible. Is it possible to write some code that can go through and read the source of pop up windows that are normally opened by clicking a javascript:void() link. Basically i want to read the source of said popups, extract specific links and then render those links in a web page. What i am trying to achieve is a way to make it easy to download the videos of the Senate floor - their videos open in a new popup that uses silverlight. The mp4 file location is in the source so i want to read that url. I did something similar using the code below. The difference was that the mp4 links were in main page. The code read the source and then outputted the video links so i could just right click and do a save as. This was for the videos at the German security conference. Apologies if this is not seen as a constructive question and ends up being closed.
Protected Sub btnClick_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnClick.Click
Dim r As New Regex("\bhttps?://\S+\.(?:jpg|png|gif|mp3|mp4|3gp)\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
Dim c As New WebClient
Dim s As String = c.DownloadString(txtUrl.Text)
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
For Each m As Match In r.Matches(s)
sb.Append("" & m.Value & "<br />")
divLinks.InnerHtml = sb.ToString
End Sub

ASP.NET create a page dynamically

I am dynamically generating HTML which is stored in a string variable.
I would like to open a new window with a new page created from this HTML.
This seems too simple, but I just cannot find the solution.
I am using ASP.NET 3.5 and VS2008.
Best idea would be to create an http handler, register it in your web.config file to handle the various request paths that you need to have dynamic content for, and then detect the content to display based on HttpContext.Current.Request.Path.
This way you don't have to save any files, and you write from your string variable to the output stream
You can try this in your new page:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "text/html
End Sub
Create an .ashx page that takes a query string, e.g. pagebuilder.ashx?pageid=12345
The purpose of this page is simply to lookup in a session id based on the pageid query string. e.g.
var page = Session["PAGE_" + QueryString["pageid"]].ToString();
On the page that generates the html in a variable, store the variable in Session at Page_Init
` ["PAGE_12345"] = generatedHtml;
Then on Page_Load, generate a javascript that opens to the url pagebuilder.ashx?pageid=12345.
That's it. You will be able to open your newly generated html in another window.
