Text floats out of its div - css

I'm dealing with a text who goes out of its div. I've coded the frontpage. So, no matter how long the main content is, it should force the sub-content (the grey area and the footer) to move down.
You see how the dummy text is acting
URL http://nicejob.is/clients/pizzahollin/www/divproblem.htm
I've accomplish this before but somehow it's not working now.

You've set an explicit height on that div. For it to reshape itself to its content, you'll need to set height:auto. (or never set its height in the first place)
EDIT: As ANeve said, you'll need to remove the height on both .article and .opentext, as well you'll need to put a clear:left on .lower-container to push the footer down.

If you have an element that only contains floating elements, the container's height will be zero. To fix this you can add a clearing div (<div style="clear:both"></div>).
If you add a clearing div at the end of the #under-content section, it will automatically adjust the height of the section to it's contents.
The other issue you have is that you are using relative positioning on your .opentext div elements. When you set a 'top' property, it actually pushes the content down, causing it to overlap with your #lower-container. You're better off using the 'margin-top' property, which will expand the size the .opentext div to fit all the contents.
So in short:
Add <div style="clear:both"></div> at the end of the #under-content <section>
Change the 'top:82px' to 'margin-top:82px' on your .opentext div
I hope this helps!

Just use wordwrap: break-word; for the div and it will break the word to the next line.

You have set the height property of your .article and .opentext divs. If you remove this property, the content should expand accordingly.
However, you will also need to adjust the positioning of your background image. You should set the background image of .footer itself, rather than relying on one statically-sized background image for the entire page.


How to mix scrolling and fixed elements?

I'd like to have many elements fixed, but then have the main text block scroll.
Before I start coding, I'd just like some advice on the best way to do this. Should I wrap ALL the fixed elements together, and then inside that, have a relative element for the scrolling part?
Here is what I am trying to do:
I think you should create a main wrapper for your page which will have a relative position and that you center horizontally on your page (using margin: 0 auto; for example).
Then add inside that wrapper a <nav> for your top navigation and set its css position property to fixed, and then do the same for the sidebar with a <aside>.
Then add inside the wrapper a <div id="content"></div> for instance for your content and set its css position property to relative. If you want the content of this div to scroll vertically, you can add the following css : overflow: auto;
If I understand you well, you want your content to change without the page being reloaded & that the content scrolls, but not the rest.
You can :
Wrap your content into an iframe, so you can change the content without refreshing the whole page with a fixed height,
Just use a fixed height to your content div, and set this :
height: XXX px; //Fixed height;
Note : your mouse will have to hover the content to scroll it.
Well an advice?
Create separately three blocks; for fixed Nav, Fixed sidebar(for category) and scrolled main block(article). It'll be easy to order, I guess.
How many Category will display on the fixed sidebar? if the list heigher than window's screen, some category will be hidden unless you make it 'overflow:auto'. also consider about possibility of user resizing the screen.
Happy Coding !

Floating elements, full width

I have a fixed size layout where I center the content container.
I want the menu (home, about, contact, login), to span 100% of the screen.
Take a look at this jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/Hxhc5/1/
The result I want is this:
I have tried a to make a 100% width container with the menus, where I would have a container inside to center the menu, but it did not work well, because then the layout is relative, changed with the window size.
Wrap an extra div arround the menu, give it the grey background, remove the extra padding, make the menu bg white:
This is problematic when we want to keep the space between the menu and the right col 'open' though.
The easiest way and probably the best is to have a mock image of which the middle is left 'open' and use it as a background. Since a png image of this type is insanely small it is better than more markup, css or a js solution, plus it has no quirks if used correctly:
You also showed your actual developement site; if you want to implement this for the menu you will have to make the menu fixed height (everthing else and its width can still be fluid) due to the type of opacity you use in the layer. The same background trick can be made to work with it.
Why not use a background image that spans the entire page instead?
Just add the content of the menu into another div, with width: 500px, margin: auto; and set the menu width to 100%. Here is updated jsFiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/Hxhc5/2/

Prohibiting an item's margin to overflow its container

I have a DIV that contains user-generated contents. These contents may and will start with an item that has a margin-top and that margin-top overflows the container so that there will be a gap between the container and preceding elements. I found out you can set the container to either display:inline-block, float:left/right or give it a padding-top value.
If you do one of the first 2 options the container will shrink its width to its contained elements. Padding-top is not an option because of the gap that the padding will generate. Basically you could set a specific width to the container but the problem with that is that there's a templating system with 60+ layouts and I cannot edit all of them.
So I was wondering, do you see any CSS-way to get rid of that margin-overflowing problem or the shrinking-problem here?
One of the ways is to add "overflow: hidden;" to its parent. But it not always an option if you have content that you want to overflow parent's boundaries.
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/cLxhE/1/
Another way is to use pseudo-elements to clear it. But it will not work in IE7 and below.
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/cLxhE/2/
You could add this to the top of your container div before the user added contents:
<div> </div>
Then give it a height of 0px.

Stretching and resize a div dynamically

I am trying to stretch div as soon as some text is loaded.I am able to do that by giving min-height:140 px and height:100% to its parent container. But content in my div is crossing its parent container. How can I limit the inner div so that it will not cross its parent container.
Please help me as I am trying for it from so long.
thanks in advance
Use the overflow attribute in your CSS.
#myDiv {
Depending on the width you assign, this will get the nested div to display a scrollbar once it's width exceeds that of its parent.
Every single element on a page is a rectangular box. The sizing, positioning, and behavior of these boxes can all be controlled via CSS. By behavior, I mean how the box handles it when the content inside and around it changes. For example, if you don't set the height of a box, the height of that box will grow as large as it needs to be to accommodate the content. But what happens when you do set a specific height or width on a box, and the content inside cannot fit? That is where the CSS overflow property comes in, allowing you to specify how you would like that handled.
css tricks

How to "clear" overflow:visible elements?

I have one div element at the top of my page that is set to overflow:visible. Immediately beneath it, I have the page content.
I do not want the top div to expand, because of aesthetic reasons, but I would like the content below to treat the overflow from above as it would a block element...by "clearing" it.
I know about CSS clear...but it doesn't seem to apply to overflow.
Is there a correct method to do this?
The overflow:visible doesn't really have anything to do with the issue, as it's the default.
Set the height of the top div, and put another floating div inside it for the content. The floating div will expand outside the top div, and you can use the clear style to get below it.
overflow: auto;
it will expand the div and should solve your problem
