Responsive design - Media Queries - How not to load certain images - css

Ok, So I designed a responsive layout that doesn't show images for very small screen sizes, using media queries and display: none;.
So far so good. But these images still download on these devices, causing an increase in bandwidth.
What is the proper way to make these images not download on the specified devices?
Any response would be much appreciated!

Two options I can think of:
Detect small devices on the server using browser-sniffing, and send them different HTML that doesn’t reference the images.
Display the images via CSS instead of HTML (in style attributes if you like), using either background-image or :before/:after and content (not supported by IE 6 or 7), and wrap that CSS code in media queries so that it’s only displayed by devices with larger screens.

The only accessible solution right now is to wrap the image with <noscript> tags, then pull the image out later with javascript. Cookies don't work on first page load (HTMLPreloadScanner), nor with CDNs. Browser-sniffing is useless if your images aren't always 100% of the viewport.
Slimmage.js implements context-friendly responsive images in 3KB of vanilla JS.
The markup is pretty simple as well:
<noscript data-slimmage>
<img src="" />
Of course, you can make a server-side helper to even abstract this away.

If you don't mind a javascript dependency you could check window.innerWidth and insert image tags for sufficiently large screens.
Images would only be requested if javascript is enabled and the window big enough.

If you don't have any issues using additional JavaScript, then you may try THIS. I've stumbled upon it while searching and learning about media queries.


responsive image inside svg

TL;DR: Is it possible to load other images based on media-query from svg included via img tag?
I generate a bunch of svg files with have tables with text and icons inside. A PDF would be semantically a better container, but I need to keep such "documents" as images for seamless embed/preview and it probably won't solve my problem. So the story is about icons.
I wrote inline styles with media queries picking icons corresponding to user's screen DPI. Icons are already bundled into sprites, so I use pattern/image[xlink:href] + fill:url(#id). Everything works as needed when I embed svg directly into HTML (DOM islands). But if I embed svg via img tag (i.e. <img src="foo.svg">), it doesn't load icons at all, let alone showing them.
I understand, that I can embed icons via data-URL, but embedding icons for all supported screen dpis seems too much. The irony is that icons are raster ones, hardly vectorizable pixel-art, so I cannot have one set of icons for all DPIs.
Is there a way to have proper icons picked by media query w/o embedding them all?
You can't load external files from an SVG used in an <img> tag (or used in other "image" contexts, like CSS background images). For security and performance reasons, SVG used as image has to behave like any other image -- a single file, no secondary resources and no scripts.
If you don't want to use inline SVG, you might consider embedding an SVG file with an <object> tag or <iframe>. However, I recommend that you actually test carefully to see whether browsers are downloading the image files even if they aren't using them because of CSS.
So since it's not possible to load conditionally: either embed or not, I should do some clever detection about raster sets. Technically not a direct answer, but in case someone needs.
I decided to go with cookies. People visit normally the same site that hosts those SVG.
I'd set a cookie for their DPI and then all SVGs served would pick proper DPI images.
For people who haven't visited the site yet, I'd go with UA sniffing: mobiles and macs get 2x, others 1x. Or just 1x for everyone.

Understanding changing content with responsive web design

I have been trying to learn how to design web pages using responsive web design. I have come across an interesting example that I do not understand:
On this page on a desktop you will see gifs but when you shrink the browser enough you will see still images.
I thought this type of change in content was not possible with responsive web design because it can only control the style not the content. I was hoping someone could tell me what is actually happening here, and if my conception of the limitations of responsive web design to not change content is correct.
Any responsive design is based on #media CSS queries where you can choose which style should be applied on elements on which screen sizes (CSS approach)
Or using some JS code which monitors window width and shows/hides some elements or does what it should do. (JS approach)
They are actually looping videos and not gif. If the resolution is low the video is hidden, and jpg shown using display:none. Check the end of their stylesheet:
They are using #media to control how it is shown on different devices. Read more about #media here:
Responsive web design is a wide variety of information on the Internet ,and the information is abstract,philosophical,and anecdotal.
Most of the time, in responsive mode we hide or display content.
For example: slideshow can be hidden in 480px less screens. for that we display a banner still banner with large text to explain the section / content.
So content can be changed with CSS. But the content does not change or added. Normally content is already loaded. But the showing will be changed with the responsiveness.
PS. your link does not work.

How to check whether my website is responsive or not?

I have been given a task to convert an already hosted website into responsive. My working knowledge on CSS is below average.
In that quest, I heard about media queries. I looked for a solution, but what I got was more confusion. Media Queries? I tried and checked my website in that. Actually I don't know how to know whether a website is responsive or not.
My website fits the mobile screens. Header and footer automatically adjusts themselves.
There is a big slider and it just got cropped, but still loads images and works fine. If my website is responsive, how come the slider get cropped?
To make a responsive CSS, Will I have to make any changes to the values in my already existing CSS? Or will I have to just add my styles (without any edits) into the media queries given below.
your media query defines which part of your css to look in, think of it like an if statement.
When it falls within a media query in your css file, your css has be defined to cater for that screen size,
Just because your page objects crop when you make the screen smaller does not make your site responsive,
best take your phone or tablet and visit your site, if the user interface is simple, easy and smooth, then you dont have to worry, but if you have a desktop styled site on a phone as wide as your numpad on the keyboard, you have some work to do.
It's quite difficult from my experience to "convert" a static website into a responsive one, especially if you do not have good CSS knowledge. Try to find elements with a fixed width and make them fluid by experimenting with max-width and procentual width values. Hope this helps.

Is it possible to scale the contents of an <iframe> without resizing the <iframe> itself?

I'm using media queries to scale an <iframe> based on screen resolution: the iframe and its contents get smaller, as the screen gets smaller. Now, this seems alright on paper, but for some reason, as the iframe's size decreases, it clips part of the content. I've tried going to the source file, and using media queries there, in hopes that the <iframe> would also include those; to no effect.
Is there any way to scale, or resize, the contents of an <iframe>, using CSS media queries, without resizing the iframe itself?
There is no possible way to style any of the content within a iFrame, because it is pulling content directly from somewhere else and is not taking anything from your site into account.
If you are just trying to grab a few things from a page maybe you should look into PHP.

How does display:none; effect css for mobile devices?

If we have hidden some stuff using display:none; for example: images , will it still be downloaded by rendering engine? If yes, does that mean while opening the same web page in mobile, it's going to be unnecessary extra weight to download?
This can further mean that modifying the same webpage for mobile can be a bad idea. Please advice. Thanks.
Yes, the entire page is downloaded (hidden elements and all). The display:none is meaningless until the page has been processed by the browser's CSS Engine.
There are several ways to stop an image being downloaded, wether the image is inline or is a background image within a CSS style, or wether it is being brought in through a media query. It works for nearly all mobile devices (except 'Fennec 10.0+' being the only device that still downloaded the image.- see Tim Kadle's test results)
Tim Kadlec's 'Media Query & Asset Downloading Test Results' research at:
It says, for a background image, hide the parent element. If you can’t do that, then use a media query to set the background-image to only download when screen or device size is at certain size. Just define what you want hidden / to not download by putting inside media queries. Isn't it marvellous.
Also another brilliant test to use, so simple, at:
On this test you just resize your browser window to mimic wether 'desktop' or 'mobile' to see wether it is downloading images related to the media queries. You simply click the links for each scenario you want to test.
