If / Else condition with OR clause not working in Classic ASP - asp-classic

I am checking if condition in Classic ASP but its not working properly. Here is the code that isn't working:
<% If (Request.QueryString("Cat")="") Then %>
<a class="home selected" href="/" alt="Home"></a>
<a class="home" href="/" alt="Home"></a>
<%End If%>
This displays both anchor tags but I want to display only one from both.
Please give me suggestions on how to fix it.

Sean has taken is a step in the right direction but but this is some include asp isn't it, providing some kind of common navigation bar. Consider this approach.
''# Some where at the top of the include we have a set of utlity functions
Function GetSelectedClass(cat)
If (Request.QueryString("Cat") = cat) Then
GetSelectedClass = " selected"
End If
End Function
''# Other utility functions here
<!-- Here we start the common navigation HTML -->
<a class="home <%=GetSelectedClass("")%>" href="/" alt="Home"></a>
<a class="tables <%=GetSelectedClass("tables")%>" href="/List.asp?Cat=tables" alt="Tables"></a>
<a class="chairs <%=GetSelectedClass("chairs")%>" href="/List.asp?Cat=chairs" alt="Chairs"></a>

While I don't see any issue with the code that is posted, I cleaner way of doing this:
Dim Cat, Selected
Cat = Request.QueryString("Cat")
If (Cat = "") Then
Selected = " selected"
End If
Response.Write("<a class=""home" & Selected & """ href=""/"" alt=""Home""></a>")


ASP content display issue

I moved my site to another hosting, but the language menu <a> tags between the content of the database does not print between the label. But inside the href parameter it draws the same query.
When I examined the output of the code:
Output code picture
Below is my code in that line:
<ul class="headerLanguage"><li><%=Session("lang")%><img alt="" title="" src="/images/icon/08.png" /><ul><%
Set a = SQL.Execute("SELECT kisa FROM diller WHERE kisa<>'"& Session("lang") &"'")
Do while not a.Eof %><li><%=a("kisa")%></li><% a.MoveNext:Loop
Set a = Nothing %></ul></li></ul>
When I delete the query inside the href parameter, the other query runs and the content is appearing.
My application is Classic ASP, but I did not have a problem with my old site, why was this so? How can I solve?
I'm grateful for your help.
I've encountered this problem before. I'm not sure exactly why it happens (hopefully someone else can explain), but sometimes if you reference data directly from a recordset multiple times it can return an empty value. The solution that worked for me was to assign the data to a variable first and reference the variable instead. Try this:
<ul class="headerLanguage">
<a href="/?lang=<%=Session("lang")%>"><%=Session("lang")%>
<img alt="" title="" src="/images/icon/08.png" />
Dim a, kisa
Set a = SQL.Execute("SELECT kisa FROM diller WHERE kisa<>'"& Session("lang") &"'")
Do while not a.Eof
kisa = a("kisa") %>
Set a = Nothing

Pass Variable from Content page to Master Page in classic ASP

I am new to classic ASP and I am trying to create a Master Page with variable placeholders and fill the information on that page with variables that are worked on a content page.
my master page looks like this:
<title>Template Loaded Properly</title>
<% call BodyContent %>
<span>Title: <% //place title here %></span>
<span>Content: <% //place content here %></span>
and the content page like this:
<!--#include virtual="/templates/TEMPLATE.html" -->
<% sub BodyContent %>
var Title = "This is the title"
var Content = "Here goes some content"
<% end sub %>
Any help will be appreciated.
Once you include the page with the variables, you can treat them as if they were created right then and there (because in a sense they are created right then and there, at least from the server's point of view). You do need to make the variables global in scope [read: dim them outside the sub], unless you want to list all of them when calling your BodyContent sub. (Personally, I don't see the point, but some people are unreasonably allergic to global variables.)
dim Title, Content
sub BodyContent
Title = "This is the title"
Content = "Here goes some content"
end sub
<% call BodyContent %>
<span>Title: <%=Title%></span>
<span>Content: <%=Content%></span>
One caveat, though: include files are processed long before the code, so you can't vary what file is included. In other words, don't do this:
<%If x = a Then%>
<!-- #include virtual="/templateA.inc" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/templateB.inc" -->
<%End If%>
The result of trying something like that is that both templateA and templateB will be included. If you need conditional includes, look into using FileSystemObject to read the content of the appropriate template, and then using Execute to, well, execute it.

show/hide css menu item depending user role using asp.net

I have the css layout: One column fixed width layout, from maxdesign.com
I have two menu items defined like the following:
<div id="navigation">
<li>Data Entry</li>
Now, let's say that I have two roles: guest and operator, and I want that for example if a user with role guest is logged in, then just the Report item from the menu appear, and in case of a user operator is logged in, then both options appear.
How can I accomplish that?
Based on your responses, I'll go with the server side logic to deal with this:
<div id="navigation">
<li><asp:LinkButton ID="lkbDataEntry" runat="server">Data Entry</asp:LinkButton></li>
<li><asp:LinkButton ID="lkbReports" runat="server">Reports</asp:LinkButton></li>
You can put this in the Page_Load..
Dim cs As ClientScriptManager = Page.ClientScript
If Not cs.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(Me.GetType(), "RoleVariable") Then
Dim js As New String
js = "var _role = " & role & ";"
cs.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "RoleVariable", js, True)
End If
And from there, you will have the role in the Javascript realm, where you can manipulate the visibility of the items you want.
<script type="text/javascript">
function hideStuff() {
if (_role === "operator") {
// hide/show your elements here
else if (_role === "guest") {
// hide/show your elements here
Keep in mind that this approach is all client-side and is therefore easy for another developer to manipulate if they really wanted to. But on the other hand, it's the simplest. Don't use this approach for high-security situations.
You could give your menu elements an ID attribute and then in your codebehind either use RegisterClientSideScriptBlock or use Response.Write to send JavaScript to the client to hide (or show) elements based on some condition.
how about something simple like?
<% if(Page.User.IsInRole("operator") || Page.User.IsInRole("guest")) { %>
<div id="navigation">
<% if(Page.User.IsInRole("operator")) { %>
<li>Data Entry</li>
<% } %>
<% } %>
I don't 100% think you can (or should) be doing logic operations with stylesheets. You may need to have some javascript and then decide based on guest or operator which style to display

VBscript pass parameters to included file

Ok, I'm new to the asp/vbscript world. I am working at a new company and am trying to reproduce a script I use on almost all projects when developing under php.I have two functions one called showHeader and one called showFooter. These functions both get arguments passed to them and those arguments need to be displayed in the included file. For example in php my showHeader function is like so
showHeader($page,$title,$passedCSS,$desc,$keywords) {
Now in the include file i can echo out the contents of any of those arguments simply by calling echo $var and i get the contents. Is this possible with vbscript. I'm having no luck what so ever.
#projectxmatt: You could do something like --
In header.asp:
Sub showHeader(page, title, passedCSS, desc, keywords)
<!-- some HTML code here -->
<title><%=page %></title>
<!-- more HTML code here -->
End Sub
In somefile.asp:
<!-- #include file="header.asp" -->
<% showHeader "value-for-page", "My Page Title", "", "", "" %>
With ASP you have to specify all the variables you have in your Sub or Function, they can't be left out or assigned with a default as in PHP if none was passed to the function (e.g. function showHeader(title = 'Default Value'))
Ok here is what i did
Sub showHeader(page,title,passedCSS,desc,keywords)
<!---#include file="header.asp"--->
end Sub
Sub showFooter(passedJS)
<!---#include file="footer.asp"--->
end Sub
Then in header.asp and footer.asp I passed in the vars just using <%=varname%>
Then in the main.asp my code was as follows.
<!---#include file="global.asp"--->
<% showHeader "Home","Test Page","test.css","Description","keywords" %>
<% showFooter "testjs.js" %>
And everything works great.
Response.Write would be another solution you could use to write output in classic ASP.

ASP.net mvc how to comment out html code in page

Is there an easy way to comment out a loop which renders some html and has inline html without deleting anything? I am copying and pasting some code from another project to rebuild a new public front end from a working internal backend.
Below is an example of a sitation in which it would be nice...in asp.net MVC 2
List<VehicleBodyTypeListItem> lstBodyTypes = (List<VehicleBodyTypeListItem>)ViewData["ddBodyType"];
foreach (VehicleBodyTypeListItem bodyType in lstBodyTypes)
<a href="<%= Url.Action( "Search", new { BodyTypeID=bodyType.BodyTypeID, BodyType= Url.Encode( Html.WebLinkify( bodyType.BodyType))}) + (string)ViewData["httpCriteria"] %>">
<%= Html.Encode( String.Format( "{0} ({1})", bodyType.BodyType, bodyType.Count.ToString())) %> </a>
<br />
I have not completed the method that populates this list yet, and have about 5 more like it further down the page.
The keyboard shortcut is, if you select the section you want commented out is: CTRL + K + C will comment out code. CTRL + K + U will uncomment the code.
Comment a block of code by enclosing it in #* and *#
Do you mean adding comments to the code. If so you just need to add //. Like here:
List<VehicleBodyTypeListItem> lstBodyTypes = (List<VehicleBodyTypeListItem>)ViewData["ddBodyType"];
foreach (VehicleBodyTypeListItem bodyType in lstBodyTypes) // Here there's a comment
<a href="<%= Url.Action( "Search", new { BodyTypeID=bodyType.BodyTypeID, BodyType= Url.Encode( Html.WebLinkify( bodyType.BodyType))}) + (string)ViewData["httpCriteria"] %>">
<%= Html.Encode( String.Format( "{0} ({1})", bodyType.BodyType, bodyType.Count.ToString())) %> </a>
<br />
