MaxCharLimit on the TextInput according to it's width - apache-flex

I am using Flex 4.5 and I want to set the maximum characters limit according to the textinput width means if user enter more character then the textinput width it should not accept those extra characters.

unfortunately, i have no flex in front of me right now.
You should know, how many space e.g. 20 characters needed and set this value to your textinput.width.
Check out the widthInChars-property for the spark Textinput. Maybe you can work with a litte offset. When it works, you just have to synchronize this value with maxChars.
Let me know, if that work.


How to add a default Text at the start of the multiline React Native TextInput

I'm trying to implement the replying input in React Native and I'd like to have a possibility to render the person name I want to reply to at the start of my reply text. I attached the example image. This Input will be multiline and it's important because I was thinking about adding some padding for my reply TextInput and just absolutely position the Person Name text at the padded space.
It looks like a possible solution but:
How to do it if we have multiline Text? if we add some padding for the TextInput it will affect all lines when I need only the first one
The person name text could have various width so the padding value shouldn't be hardcoded. I think it could be solved by just rendering the Person name text first, calculating its width, and the set the padding for the TextInput but even in this case we'll face the issue 1)
Is it possible to achieve this feature somehow?
Thanks for any help!
You could have a nested style.
<Text style={styles.username}>#Rosemary#9234<Text style={styles.body}>I agree with you!</Text></Text>

Codenameone : How to set MaxLines and MinLines in SpanLabel?

Label in CN1 is limited to being a Single line.
Now that we have to use SpanLabel for anything that can take more than 1 line,
we face one issue.
When we have a strict design that uses consistent height for a list item, we have to give max/min lines allowed for the SpanLabel (At least that's how it works in Android And Flutter).
When I searched for anything that says line in SpanLabel file, I only found that word in one place, that too in a comment.
It did not feel right using fixed height/width property to a SpanLabel as they will vary with fonts and font sizes. The hight should be calculated with respect to the number of lines of the text & font config like font size, line spacing, padding, etc.
What is the right way to achieve consistent height across various SpanLabel despite the varied length of the text they display?
The "right way" would be the layout manager as it would allocate the right amount of space to the span label and everything else. E.g. if you use TableLayout you can allocate the height as percentage.
SpanLabel is technically a TextArea that's encapsulated. It has that distinction between rows/lines which isn't exposed within SpanLabel. But you can manipulate the underlying text area by using getTextComponent().

Is there a CSS property which acts like android XML "wrap content"?

In particular I have a GWT project with a
TextArea element which I want to conform to a set width and expand as much as needed to the bottom.
ListBox element which I want to conform to a set width and expand vertically to show the entirety of the displayed list item.
Those are two widgets using replaced elements: <textarea> and <select> respectively.
for the TextArea, there's no way to make it really "resize automatically" other than listening to events and computing the new size (there's actually no need to compute the new size, you can just let the browser do it; see
for the ListBox, it's impossible to have the items' text wrap. See Word wrap options in a select list for a similar question in pure JS.
Set the width to whatever number and set height to auto.

How do I truncate a Flex StyleableTextField after two lines?

In my Flex 4.5 mobile app, I have an actionScript item renderer (that derives from Flex's LabelItemRenderer). I want to fit in exactly 2 lines of text, and then truncate the rest. The width and height of the label are fixed and known statically.
How can I do this? The StyleableTextField.truncateToFit() method only works for one line of text.
I've set wordWrap = true, so the text now flows into the second line - but I need to truncate the text if it doesn't fit in two lines.
I need it to show all the text if there is only one line. (in both cases the label should be vertically middle-aligned in my renderer)
I know how to override layoutContents to do sizing and positioning etc of the StyleableTextField. So I'm looking specifically for ideas to implement custom text truncation with the StyleableTextField).
Any ideas?
Unless you're using something specific to the StyleableTextField try the s:Label. It has a property maxDisplayedLines which you could set to 2 and it will handle the truncation.

How to truncate text with ellipsis (...) in flex?

In my flex app, I have a <mx:Text> control with a fixed height and width enough to show two lines. Now if the text is too long to be shown in two lines, I would like to have it truncated with showing ellipsis (...). The default truncation with ellipsis seems to be present with label, but label cannot show text in two lines.
How do I mimic this behavior in <mx:Text> control in flex? Thanks in advance!!!
The spark.components.Label component inherits the maxDisplayedLines property from spark.components.supportClasses.TextBase. Here is the help for that particular property:
An integer which determines whether, and where, the text gets truncated.
Truncating text means replacing excess text with a truncation indicator such as "...". The truncation indicator is locale-dependent; it is specified by the "truncationIndicator" resource in the "core" resource bundle.
If the value is 0, no truncation occurs. Instead, the text will simply be clipped if it doesn't fit within the component's bounds.
If the value is is a positive integer, the text will be truncated if necessary to reduce the number of lines to this integer.
If the value is -1, the text will be truncated to display as many lines as will completely fit within the height of the component.
Truncation is only performed if the lineBreak style is "toFit"; the value of this property is ignored if lineBreak is "explicit".
The default value is 0.
From this we can see that if you set the maxDisplayedLines property to -1, the component will display as much text as it can, and append the "..." if it had to truncate the text.
It so happens that the Text class in Flex 3 is a subclass of Label. Which means setting "truncateToFit" property on your Text control to true should be enough.
The best solution I've found is via the spark Label and the maxDisplayedLines property, like so:
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="" xmlns:s="library://" >
<s:Label text="{data.Name}" maxDisplayedLines="3" verticalAlign="middle" />
Worked perfectly for me.
In general I've found the spark Label to be better than the mx Label, but YMMV.
I know this is an old post, but lots of people still developing and maintaining mixed Spark/MX projects. So I will give my two cents for people that are still facing this problem, specially when using MX lists and datagrids and in need of a multiline truncation in the renderer.
As far as I can tell, the question is about MX components, using Spark would be a good choice, but only if possible.
So, in case a "s:Label" is not a choice, I would think that the best approach is to extend the MX Label component and set its textField's multiline property to true. That should do the trick, I'd first try adding that logic in the override of the updateDisplayList method.
I have a blog post on this topic here, that works well regardless of the version of Flex you are using:
The short of it is this:
myString.slice(0, 150).concat(myString.length > 150 ? "..." : "");
This will truncate the string to 150 characters and if the string is longer than 150 characters it adds an ellipsis.
On flex 4 you need to set the Label#maxDisplayedLines to something above 0 and it will do the clipping for you.
See this to see how to customize the "..."
spark component Does have the trancion propert:#see.
