Invoke server side method using XMLHttpRequest -

how can i directly call my own server side function using XMLHttpRequest.
suppose i have one static webmethod in my aspx file then how can i call it by XMLHttpRequest. what header info i need to pass to engine and as a result engine can invoke my method and return the response back in the out going stream.
this way i need to call my server side method
<script type="text/javascript">
var request;
// A
// Here is the new function that is called when the user submits the form.
// This example uses POST.
function submitCallback() {
var inputValue = document.getElementById("SearchInput").value;
var sendStr = "name=" + inputValue;
request = new XMLHttpRequest();
// B
// Specify the POST method and send it."POST", "Default.aspx/Getdata");
request.onreadystatechange = readyCallback;
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
request.setRequestHeader("IsLookup", "true");
please guide me....thanks

I believe you are probably referring to ASP.NET Page Methods when you say One static webmethod in my aspx file. ASP.NET page methods (or web services for consumption in JS) uses JSON serialization for i/p and o/p. So you need to set JSON as the content type for the request and actually send the JSON string in the body i.e.
var sendStr = "{name:" + inputValue + "}";
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
Further, I will suggest you to use jquery or ASP.NET generated proxies (by ScriptManager) instead of directly coding against XmlHttpRequest. See this article for how to use jquery for calling Page methods.

I think, the easiest way will be usage of jQuery for ajax requests:


OData without HTTP in .NET Core

I would like to utilize oData without HTTP.
Scenario: "Load Balancer" oData-capable service receives requests from
clients, puts them into a queue (in serialized form), then "background" workers pick up
messages from the queue and process the request (get data from data
storage and provide response)
And it seems that such functionality either it is not exposed in MS oData libs, or it is so simple and obvious (though not for me) that nobody cares to highlight it in the docs.
I see it something like (pseudo-code)
var model = GetEdmModel();
var processor = GetProcessor(); // something like ODataController in AspNet.oData - contains functions and whatever
var request = GetRequestFromQueueAndParse();
var uriPath = request.Path; // like "/Books"
var queryString = request.QueryString; // like "$filter=price lt 50"
var method = request.Method; // GET or POST or ...
var body = request.Body;
// *** here is what I am looking for ***
var response = SomeMagicODataHelper.ProcessQuery(model, processor, method, uriPath, queryString, body);
Is there something alike provided by (preferable) standard MS oData library, or as a third-party library?

how to process XMLHttpRequest at server side with

I plan to use XMLHttpRequest "post" text/string to server from client side. I need the text/string to be saved. I am new to XMLHttpRequest. I see a lot javascript coding but few server side coding. How can I process XMLHttpRequest at server side with Many thanks."POST", "processing.aspx", true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", " ");
var data = " ";
this is the javascript code to send data. I need some code example "processing.aspx" to save data at server side.
You can post to a web method like below using javascript.
public static object GetData(string strFromHttpRequest)
return yourData;
here is a good tutorial to sart.

Passing flash variables to

I don't know much about Flash but we are working on a site that has a flash form and when the users pick an option, like selecting a value from a drop down list, we need the value to be passed to server-side code. What's the easiest way to do this?
Flash can invoke server side service. So use GET or POST to pass data
You could explore these options:
1) Communicate between the SWF and the containing page through JavaScript
2) Communicate via webservices from the SWF directly to the webservice.
3) Not sure but could probably do a POST to a processing aspx page?
I think a good option is to use the XML class so consider this:
var xmlRequest = new XML();
xmlRequest.onLoad = parseXMLResponse;
function parseXMLRequest(loaded)
You can also have the page give you data back this way so it's not just one way communication.
Assuming you are using Action Script 2.
Read the important notes at the bottom of each codes pertain to sending and retrieving data from flash to .net page. Explanation of the code is in the comment inside the code.
Flash Part (Action Script 2)
//function to send collected form data to page
//use other control/button to call this function
//important: in order for the 'onLoad' event to work correctly, this function has to be 'Void'
function sendForm():Void
//create LoadVars object
var lv_in:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var lv_out:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
//set onLoad event
lv_in.onLoad = function(success:Boolean)
//if success, meaning data has received from .net page, run this code
if (success)
//lv_in.status is use to get the posted data from .Net page
statusMsg.text = "Thank you for filling up the form!" + lv_in.status;
//if fail, run this code
statusMsg.text = "The form you are trying to fill up has an error!";
//this is the collected data from the form
lv_out.userName = txtUserName.text;
lv_out.userAddress = txtUserAddress.text;
lv_out.userBirthday = txtUserBirthday.text;
//begin invoke .net page
lv_out.sendAndLoad("ProcessDataForm.aspx", lv_in, "POST");
Important note:
The function that contain onLoad event, in this case sendForm function, has to be Void function, meaning it's not returning value. If this function return value, what happen is the function will be executed all the way without waiting for the returned data from .net page, thus the onLoad event will not be set properly.
.Net Part
public void ProcessData
//process the data here
Important note:
To send data/message back to flash, you can use Response.Write. However, if you want Action Script to parse the posted message/data from .Net page keep in mind you have to include & symbol at the end of the message. When parsing data/message, Action Script will stop at & symbol, thus leave the rest of the message alone and only get the message under sent variable.

getting XML from other domain using ASP.NET

I'm fairly new to ASP.NET. And I was wondering how I could go about getting xml from a site (Kuler's API in this case), and then post the result using AJAX?
So what I want here, is to be able to do a query to Kuler's API. The URL would be something like ""+queryVariable
Then send the resulting xml back to JS in some way.
Any pointers would be appreciated (:
What you'll need to do is have a handler that will perform the request for the XML and send it back to the browser using AJAX. It will act as an intermediary between server and client, and you won't have to worry about cross-domain policies.
This is what I do on one of my sites. I have a handler (let's call it proxy.ashx) that I call from a jQuery AJAX request. The proxy.ashx simply performs a WebClient.DownloadString action on the remote URL and sends the remote response (the XML) back to the client-side.
I think that Tim said enough, but what I would like to add is how you could do the server side request:
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
HttpWebRequest r = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(""+queryVariable);
r.Method = "POST";
using (Stream writeStream = r.GetRequestStream())
UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
byte[] bytes = encoding.GetBytes(bodyRequest);
writeStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)r.GetResponse())
using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
using (StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8))
catch (WebException ex)
//Handle exception
I'd do the whole thing in Javascript using Jquery's ajax library, if possible. It's very simple to use and you don't have to worry about getting the XML from server to client that way.
Write a .net webservice (.asmx) that encapsulate the cross domain call, then call that service with AJAX.

ASP NET MVC Server Response to a basic ajax request

We have to make an ASP.NET MVC or ASP.NET application for basic ajax navigation in Customer.html of Notrhwind.mdb.
We have this 3 things:
A pure HTML/JavaScript form having HTML input text tags, one for each field of Customers table.
We have also 2 navigation buttons: NextRecord and PrevRecord having at OnClick() event : clientGetRecord(NextOrPrev)
A javascript ajax clientGetRecord function, something like this:
function clientGetRecord(NextOrPrev) {
var oXMLHTTP = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var sURL = "ServerGetRecord.aspx?ID=" + NextOrPrev; "POST", sURL, FALSE );
var sResult=oXMLHTTP.responseText;
var aRecord = sResult.split(";");
document.getElementById('CustomerID').value = aRecord[0];
document.getElementById('CompanyName').value = aRecord[1];
document.getElementById('ContactName').value = aRecord[2];
document.getElementById('Adress').value = aRecord[3];
//... and so on ...
We must have something like a ServerGetRecord controler function which returns to the clientGetRecord function, a simple string containing the current record fields values separated by comma and using classic ADO database handling.
The question is : How to program and invoke the ServerGetRecord function? Can i have a VB code example of ServerGetRecord function (or ASPX, or ASHX, or something else?..) ?
Don't have any VB smaples for you, but you can create a controller ( mvc) that returns a JsonResult. You get your data from the DB and build the JsonResult object to return.
Then on your client use jQuery to call the controller and get the results as json format.
This post can help you get started: Link
Hope this helps
