Test Flex/Facebook Application localy - apache-flex

I´m new in Flex.
I'm trying to develop a Web Application integrated with Facebook.
I´m using Flash Builder 4.5 and the Adobe Facebook SDK.
The problem is that to test the application I need to upload the files to my webserver to avoid the facebook error.
I guess this is because Facebook only allows to run the application inside the domain that informed at my app page on Facebook.
Someone knows how can I test the application locally?
Best, Flávio

One way to test your application is to create a copy of your app on Facebook (i.e. register a new application), but set it up to point to localhost (i.e. your local development server). This will let Facebook send all the login redirects back to your local webserver rather than your current 'live' website.
It would help if you install a localhost webserver on your machine so you can run code locally. This will allow you to test your files on your own machine rather than having to upload them every time.

Set up a local web server (I like Apache, but IIS will work). with a virtual server and give it the same domain name as your production server. Use a hosts file to point the domain back to your own server.

You can also use Charles to record the web traffic, then build mock services that will provide that information.


Support with hosting an ASP.NET application from my PC at work using IIS Express

I'm fairly new to developing with ASP.NET and in general. I have created a simple data-driven web application that will be used to display images the colors of which will be changed depending on certain criteria. I used Visual Studio 2019 to create it. When I test/run it from within VS 2019 using the "play" button, it runs perfectly and the page opens in my browser just as you would expect.
My issue is that I'm trying to deploy it to the IIS and host it from my machine here at work, so others can access the pages. I have published the application to a local file on my C:\ drive. I then open up IIS Manager and create the website by pointing to that local file. Now, when I choose to browse that site from the IIS manager, at first I was getting an error saying that access is denied.
Then I followed the instructions to configure the security on that local file folder to allow IIS_USRS to access the file, but when I run it, I just get a page that tries to load indefinitely.
What am I doing wrong? If I point the IIS Manager to the files after saving them to a location on my company's network, I again get the access is denied error.
Do I understand it correctly that IIS needs permission to access the files? If so, how do I configure it that way other than what I already tried? If I need to provide further information, please let me know. Thanks so much for your support.

What role does a web sever play in hosting of single page applications

As per my understanding, when user visits a url of a SPA application, the whole application is downloaded including any static html,assets and javascript. Can someone please clarify what role does the host web server play from there on? If after download of all the assets, I turn off the web server the application does not work. But ideally, it should work because now all the code to create any views is with the client already in form of javascript files. Let's assume there are no API calls for data.
Yeah it will work
If the application is fully loaded in browser it will work even after you turned off or disconnect the web server
Web Server No Need after the client has downloaded all the assets

Configure IIS 6 web application on a personal server

A group of us wrote a .NET web application for our University class and in order to let our prof test with it I am setting it up on my webserver at home. Here is what I have done so far:
I created a new account on my domain, I then granted that account Read, write access to the folder where the app is stored. I have setup an application pool that uses this new account as its identity and created a new site that uses the new application pool.
I initially was receiving the Service unavailable error message, so I realized I had to add my account to the IIS_WPG account. So now I am stuck at the "page cannot be found". The website is pointing to the correct folder (I can see the aspx page list from within the IIS browser) but when browsing the site either in IIS, on a browser on the server or on a browser within my network I keep getting Page cannot be found. The home directory is pointing to default.aspx which is what our app uses.
The app of course works just fine when running from within the IDE, but now that I am trying to get it to work it doesn't want to.
Any thoughts?
you should give error details first.
for now, I suggest you check the 'network service' account's permission.this is the ASP.NET's account.
then publish your site to *.aspx file and *.dll file. to see if there is any errors.
So I found the issue. What I didn't know is that by default, IIS 6 does not turn on support of active server pages and .NET pages in Web Service Extensions. Once I had turned this on the site began to work just fine.

Best way to create a sandbox area on my asp .net host

I would like to create a sandbox area on my hosting provider that only the client can see. For example the production website would be at www.domain.com. However, would it be possible to create a sandbox version of the website at www.domain.com/sandbox and only provide access to the client?
If so, what is the best method? Do I manually have to create a login page etc in the sandbox folder? Or, can I publish the test website in the sandbox area and restrict access through my hosting provider?
Generally a sandbox/staging/test version of your production site would be a complete duplicate of your production deployment, not just the login page.
You'd have a separate copy of the application and the database, and then serve it via another hostname/IP address or on an entirely different machine.
For instance, you could have www.domain.com and test.domain.com, each with the own isolated version of the software. This way your client can play as much as they want in the sandbox without fear of damaging the production environment.
To restrict access you could use access control lists in IIS to restrict the sandbox to a specific ip address (or range), or enable basic support on it with a username/password required security.

Error attempting to access a web service (hosted locally or externally), can't resolve host name

I'm stumped. I've got an asp.net mvc app being hosted on a shared hosting provider. The configuration of their system leaves a little to be desired, but it's cheap (getting what I pay for I suppose...)
The problem is this: The application is hosted at the root level of the hosting account. I have a virtual directory established underneath the root that is running a .net 2.0 web app along with a web service. I can access the web service directly via the domain/subdirectory url. The main web app (at the root level) needs access to the web service in the virtual (subdirectory). Locally in development, I can run the app against the web service out on the hosting server and it runs just fine. When I push the web app up to the root of the hosting service, I get "The remote name could not be resolved: ".
At first I thought the error was related to the DNS settings of the primary domain since both the web app and web service technically live at the same domain. As part of just trying to get something working, I reverted the web app to reference an older version of the web service on a different server (different host altogether). Again, it works fine locally. When I push the updated web app, I got the same error, but noticed the host name referenced is that of the external domain. Of course, I can access the web service via the browser just fine.
Sorry if this doesn't make total sense... it's late and I'm beat from looking at this for the last few hours. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So the web app simply has a Web Reference to the web service (I could probably just restructure the app avoiding the web service altogether, but time is of the essence [for now]). Since I got stuck last night, I pointed the web reference back to an old server but the issue remains. Right now the url the web reference points to is http://road34.hi-fisoftware.com/webservices/giigsterservice.asmx.
If the server has a firewall then and an external ip and different internal ip then probably you will not be able to access the webservice with the domain name. you will need to access it as internal url or as relative url.
