Snowball Stemmer only stems last word - r

I want to stem the documents in a Corpus of plain text documents using the tm package in R. When I apply the SnowballStemmer function to all documents of the corpus, only the last word of each document is stemmed.
path <- c("C:/path/to/diretory")
corp <- Corpus(DirSource(path),
readerControl = list(reader = readPlain, language = "en_US",
load = TRUE))
tm_map(corp,SnowballStemmer) #stemDocument has the same problem
I think it is related to the way the documents are read into the corpus. To illustrate this with some simple examples:
> vec<-c("running runner runs","happyness happies")
> stemDocument(vec)
[1] "running runner run" "happyness happi"
> vec2<-c("running","runner","runs","happyness","happies")
> stemDocument(vec2)
[1] "run" "runner" "run" "happy" "happi" <-
> corp<-Corpus(VectorSource(vec))
> corp<-tm_map(corp, stemDocument)
> inspect(corp)
A corpus with 2 text documents
The metadata consists of 2 tag-value pairs and a data frame
Available tags are:
create_date creator
Available variables in the data frame are:
run runner run
happy happi
> corp2<-Corpus(DirSource(path),readerControl=list(reader=readPlain,language="en_US" , load=T))
> corp2<-tm_map(corp2, stemDocument)
> inspect(corp2)
A corpus with 2 text documents
The metadata consists of 2 tag-value pairs and a data frame
Available tags are:
create_date creator
Available variables in the data frame are:
running runner runs
happyness happies

load required libraries
create vector
vec<-c("running runner runs","happyness happies")
create corpus from vector
very important thing is to check class of our corpus and preserve it as we want a standard corpus that R functions understand
<<PlainTextDocument (metadata: 7)>>
running runner runs
this will probably tell you Plain text document
So now we modify our faulty stemDocument function. first we convert our plain text to character and then we split out text, apply stemDocument which works fine now and paste it back together. most importantly we reconvert output to PlainTextDocument given by tm package.
stemDocumentfix <- function(x)
PlainTextDocument(paste(stemDocument(unlist(strsplit(as.character(x), " "))),collapse=' '))
now we can use standard tm_map on our corpus
vec1 = tm_map(vec, stemDocumentfix)
result is
<<PlainTextDocument (metadata: 7)>>
run runner run
most important thing you need remember is to presever class of documents in corpus always.
i hope this is a simplified solution to your problem using function from within the 2 libraries loaded.

The problem I see is that wordStem takes in a vector of words but Corpus plainTextReader assumes that in the documents that it reads, each word is on its own line. In other words, this would confuse plainTextReader as you will end up with 3 "words" in your document
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
Instead the document should be
Note also that punctuation also confuses wordStem so you would have to take them out as well.
Another way to do this without modifying your actual documents is defining a function that would do the separation and remove non-alphanumerics that appear before or after a word. Here is a simple one:
wordStem2 <- function(x) {
mywords <- unlist(strsplit(x, " "))
mycleanwords <- gsub("^\\W+|\\W+$", "", mywords, perl=T)
mycleanwords <- mycleanwords[mycleanwords != ""]
corpA <- tm_map(mycorpus, wordStem2);
corpB <- Corpus(VectorSource(corpA));
Now just use corpB as your usual Corpus.


Print first line of one element of Corpus in R using tm package

How do you print a small sample, or first line, of a corpus in R using the tm package? I have a very large corpus ( > 1 GB) and am doing some text cleaning. I would like to test as I apply cleaning procedures. Printing just the first line, or first few lines of a corpus would be ideal.
# Load Libraries
# Read in Corpus
corp <- SimpleCorpus( DirSource(
# Remove puncuation
corp <- removePunctuation(corp,
preserve_intra_word_contractions = TRUE,
preserve_intra_word_dashes = TRUE)
I have tried accessing the corpus several ways:
# Print first line of first element of corpus
# Print first line using 'content' element of corpus
Both of these result in very long run times without the desired output.
The crude corpus in the tm package can be used for example purposes.
strwrap does this job nicely since it prints your paragraphs formatted by breaking lines at word boundaries. (See ?strwrap.) Then you can use the head function to see the first 6 lines.

Subsetting a corpus based on content of textfile

I'm using R and the tm package to do some text analysis.
I'm trying to build a subset of a corpus based on whether a certain expression is found within the content of the individual text files.
I create a corpus with 20 textfiles (thank you lukeA for this example):
reut21578 <- system.file("texts", "crude", package = "tm")
corp <- VCorpus(DirSource(reut21578), list(reader = readReut21578XMLasPlain))
I now would like to select only those textfiles that contain the string "price reduction" to create a subset-corpus.
Inspecting the first textfile of the document, I know that there is at least one textfile containing that string:
How would I best go about doing this?
Here's a simpler way using the quanteda package, and one more consistent with the way that reuses existing methods already defined for other R objects. quanteda has a subset method for corpus objects that works just like the subset method for a data.frame, but selects on logical vectors including document variables defined in the corpus. Below, I have extracted the texts from the corpus using the texts() method for corpus objects, and used that in a grep() to search for your pair of words.
# corpus constructor recognises tm Corpus objects
(qcorpus <- corpus(crude))
## Corpus consisting of 20 documents.
# use subset method
(qcorpussub <- corpus_subset(qcorpus, grepl("price\\s+reduction", texts(qcorpus))))
## Corpus consisting of 1 document.
# see the context
## kwic(qcorpus, "price reduction")
## contextPre keyword contextPost
## [127, 45:46] copany said." The [ price reduction ] today was made in the
Note: I spaced your regex with "\s+" since you could have some variation of spaces, tabs, or newlines instead of just a single space.
Here's one way using tm_filter:
reut21578 <- system.file("texts", "crude", package = "tm")
corp <- VCorpus(DirSource(reut21578), list(reader = readReut21578XMLasPlain))
( corp_sub <- tm_filter(corp, function(x) any(grep("price reduction", content(x), fixed=TRUE))) )
# <<VCorpus>>
# Metadata: corpus specific: 0, document level (indexed): 0
# Content: documents: 1
# Diamond Shamrock Corp said that
# effective today it had cut its contract prices for crude oil by
# 1.50 dlrs a barrel.
# The reduction brings its posted price for West Texas
# Intermediate to 16.00 dlrs a barrel, the copany said.
# "The price reduction today was made in the light of falling # <=====
# oil product prices and a weak crude oil market," a company
# spokeswoman said.
# Diamond is the latest in a line of U.S. oil companies that
# have cut its contract, or posted, prices over the last two days
# citing weak oil markets.
# Reuter
How did I get there? By looking into the packages' vignette, searching for subset, and then looking at the examples for tm_filter (help: ?tm_filter), which is mentioned there. It might also be worth looking at ?grep to inspect the options for pattern matching.
#lukeA's solution works. I want to give another solution I prefer.
reut21578 <- system.file("texts", "crude", package = "tm")
corp <- VCorpus(DirSource(reut21578), list(reader = readReut21578XMLasPlain))
corpTF <- lapply(corp, function(x) any(grep("price reduction", content(x), fixed=TRUE)))
for(i in 1:length(corp))
corp[[i]]$meta["mySubset"] <- corpTF[i]
idx <- meta(corp, tag ="mySubset") == 'TRUE'
filtered <- corp[idx]
Advantage of this solution by using meta tags, we can see all corpus elements with a selection tag mySubset, value 'TRUE' for our selected ones, and value 'FALSE' for otherwise.

tm combine list of corpora

I have a list of URL for which i have fetched the webcontent, and included that into tm corpora:
link <- c(
create.corpus <- function({
if (length(parag)==0){
cc <- lapply(link, create.corpus)
This gives me a "large list" of corpora, one for each URL.
Combining them one by one works:
z=c(x,y,recursive=T) # preserved metadata
# A corpus with 8 text documents
# A corpus with 2 text documents
# A corpus with 10 text documents
But this becomes unfeasible for a list with a few thousand corpora.
So how can a list of corpora be merged into one corpus while maintaining the meta data?
You can use to call c: c(..., recursive = TRUE), cc)
# A corpus with 155 text documents
I don't think that tm offer any built-in function to join/merge many corpus. But after all a corpus is a list of document , so how the question is how to transform a list of list to a list. I would do create a new corpus using all documents , then assign meta manually:
y = Corpus(VectorSource(unlist(cc)))
meta(y,'link') =,lapply(cc,meta))$link
Your code does not work because catch is not defined, so I don't know exactly what that is supposed to do.
But now tm corpora can just be put into a vector to make one big corpora:
So maybe c(unlist(cc)) would work. I have no way to test if that would work though because your code doesn't run.

Text-mining with the tm-package - word stemming

I am doing some text mining in R with the tm-package. Everything works very smooth. However, one problem occurs after stemming ( Obviously, there are some words, which have the same stem, but it is important that they are not "thrown together" (as those words mean different things).
For an example see the 4 texts below. Here you cannnot use "lecturer" or "lecture" ("association" and "associate") interchangeable. However, this is what is done in step 4.
Is there any elegant solution how to implement this for some cases/words manually (e.g. that "lecturer" and "lecture" are kept as two different things)?
texts <- c("i am member of the XYZ association",
"apply for our open associate position",
"xyz memorial lecture takes place on wednesday",
"vote for the most popular lecturer")
# Step 1: Create corpus
corpus <- Corpus(DataframeSource(data.frame(texts)))
# Step 2: Keep a copy of corpus to use later as a dictionary for stem completion
corpus.copy <- corpus
# Step 3: Stem words in the corpus
corpus.temp <- tm_map(corpus, stemDocument, language = "english")
# Step 4: Complete the stems to their original form <- tm_map(corpus.temp, stemCompletion, dictionary = corpus.copy)
I'm not 100% sure what you're after and don't totally get how tm_map works. If I understand then the following works. As I understand you want to supply a list of words that should not be stemmed. I'm using the qdap package mostly because I'm lazy and it has a function mgsub I like.
Note that I got frustrated with using mgsub and tm_map as it kept throwing an error so I just used lapply instead.
texts <- c("i am member of the XYZ association",
"apply for our open associate position",
"xyz memorial lecture takes place on wednesday",
"vote for the most popular lecturer")
# Step 1: Create corpus
corpus.copy <- corpus <- Corpus(DataframeSource(data.frame(texts)))
# Step 2: list to retain and indentifier keys
retain <- c("lecturer", "lecture")
replace <- paste(seq_len(length(retain)), "SPECIAL_WORD", sep="_")
# Step 3: sub the words you want to retain with identifier keys
corpus[seq_len(length(corpus))] <- lapply(corpus, mgsub, pattern=retain, replacement=replace)
# Step 4: Stem it
corpus.temp <- tm_map(corpus, stemDocument, language = "english")
# Step 5: reverse -> sub the identifier keys with the words you want to retain
corpus.temp[seq_len(length(corpus.temp))] <- lapply(corpus.temp, mgsub, pattern=replace, replacement=retain)
inspect(corpus) #inspect the pieces for the folks playing along at home
# Step 6: complete the stem <- tm_map(corpus.temp, stemCompletion, dictionary = corpus.copy)
Basically it works by:
subbing out a unique identifier key for the supplied "NO STEM" words (the mgsub)
then you stem (using stemDocument)
next you reverse it and sub the identifier keys with the "NO STEM" words (the mgsub)
last complete the Stem (stemCompletion)
Here's the output:
## > inspect(
## A corpus with 4 text documents
## The metadata consists of 2 tag-value pairs and a data frame
## Available tags are:
## create_date creator
## Available variables in the data frame are:
## MetaID
## $`1`
## i am member of the XYZ associate
## $`2`
## for our open associate position
## $`3`
## xyz memorial lecture takes place on wednesday
## $`4`
## vote for the most popular lecturer
You can also use the following package for steeming words:
You just need to use the function wordStem, passing the vector of words to be stemmed and also the language you are dealing with. To know the exactly language string you need to use, you can refer to the method getStemLanguages, which will return all possible options for it.
Kind Regards

R text mining package: Allowing to incorporate new documents into an existing corpus

I was wondering if there is any chance of R's text mining package having the following feature:
myCorpus <- Corpus(DirSource(<directory-contatining-textfiles>),control=...)
# add docs
Ideally I would like to incorporate additional documents into the existing corpus.
Any help is appreciated
You should be able just to use c(,) as in
> library(tm)
> data("acq")
> data("crude")
> together <- c(acq,crude)
> acq
A corpus with 50 text documents
> crude
A corpus with 20 text documents
> together
A corpus with 70 text documents
You can find more in the tm package documentation under tm_combine.
I overcome this issue as well in the context of big data text mining sets. It was not possible to load the entire data set at once.
Here, another option for such big data sets is possible. The approach is to collect a vector of one document corpora inside a loop. After processing all documents like this, it is possible to convert this vector into one huge corpus e.g. to create a DTM on it.
# Vector to collect the corpora:
webCorpusCollection <- c()
# Loop over raw data:
for(i in ...) {
# Convert one document into a corpus:
webDocument <- Corpus(VectorSource(iconv(webDocuments[i,1], "latin1", "UTF-8")))
# Do other things e.g. preprocessing...
# Store this document into the corpus vector:
webCorpusCollection <- rbind(webCorpusCollection, webDocument)
# Collecting done. Create one huge corpus:
webCorpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(unlist(webCorpusCollection[,"content"])))
