Google+ integration with ASP.NET -

Is there a way to post data from a ASP.NET application to Google+ account of a user. Does Google+ provide any API for the .NET platform?

Since the Google+ API is now available, you can use the Google APIs Client Library for .NET to access the API.

As of 9-7-2011, the API has not yet been released:
There is, however, a platform preview for which you can sign up:
Here is some discussion of the issue as well as some unofficial (that is to say, they will break eventually) APIs:


Successfactors SSO with Dotnet API and IdentityServer 4

I have an Dotnet Core API application which uses IdentityServer4 as IDP. The frontend is built in Angular.
Now, I need to connect to Successfactors of one of my client. I understand SAML is the best federation protocol there.
Please suggest what should be my approach here and relevant tutorials that I can follow. I am not getting good google results.
You need a SAML stack.
Microsoft does not have one. So you need to integrate a third-party product.
There are a number of examples here.

How is security implemented in an ASP.NET MVC REST API application?

I was reading here,
but I am missing how to do security.
What security model is used for an API?
Do I give a consumer a generated "key"?
Windows Authentication?
I have found this blog post to be very helpful when implementing security for Web API. Look at Owin token based authentication first. The blog describes usage with AngularJS but the client could be anything including mobile.

Authentication using OAuth in Web API

I'm working on a project using ASP.Net MVC5 which also includes a Web API. The API will be for internal use only. I'm using the OWIN library to provider authentication.
I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to correctly implement authentication through the API. I was planning on using OAuth 2.0 but the problem with OAuth is that the user needs to login through a browser page instead of a native login screen. So I was wondering if it is possible to somehow skip the browser.
I've found this example which creates it's own OAuth Authorization Server. But it doesn't show how to make the login native.
If it's a highly trusted client, then you can use the OAuth2 resource owner password flow. You can look at the VS2013 SPA template and/or read on this post:
You could use Thinktecture.IdentityServer v2 as a light-weight security token service.
You will need to create a WOPI host, which is basically a software solution that can take advantage of the browser-based Office(office web).
Create a custom WOPI host and configure it to use Office Web Apps Server to provide the browser-based file viewing and editing for Office files.
Nice sample on Microsoft MSDN

Is there any library for OAuth registration on .NET?

everybody:) I need to implement OAuth registration on my project, but I don't have a time to learn whole protocol, and write low-level code. Is there any library for .NET that can make it easier? I wanna make OAuth registration for Facebook and some not so famous portals. Thanks for any help!
The ASP.NET MVC4 project templates include user registration using OAuth authentication servers out-of-the-box for Facebook, Google, Twitter.
Aside from that, you can try looking at DotNetOpenAuth

Questions about Developing on LinkedIn

I am looking at building a LinkedIn application and i am a little bit flustered because of the paucity of Information out there. Here are things i need to know:
Is there any LinkedIn AppStore or a central place where i can test out applications? The link i could find is but i dont want to believe there is only 18 Applications on the LinkedIn platform
How do i host or integrate my Application into LinkedIn. The only option i can see when it comes to using LinkedIn API is to have the application on your domain and call the API from your APP. But is there a possibility of having the Application have a linkedIn domain? like we have on Facebook?
Those applications you link are indeed the only ones that have been approved for use on the site - there is no open development system to build apps on LinkedIn.
To build applications against the LinkedIn platform, you would use the JavaScript or REST APIs, and you would need to host the application on your own domain.
