Digging into R profiling information - r

I am trying to optimize a bit of code, and am puzzled about information from summaryRprof(). In particular, it looks like a number of calls are made to external C programs, but I'm not able to pin down which C program, from which R function. I am planning to resolve this through a bunch of slicing and dicing of the code, but wondered if I am overlooking some better way to interpret the profiling data.
The highest-consuming function is .Call, which is apparently a generic description for calls to C code; the next leading functions appear to be assignment operations:
self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
".Call" 2281.0 54.40 2312.0 55.14
"[.data.frame" 145.0 3.46 218.5 5.21
"initialize" 123.5 2.95 217.5 5.19
"$<-.data.frame" 121.5 2.90 121.5 2.90
"as.vector" 110.5 2.64 416.0 9.92
I decided to focus on the .Call to see how this arises. I looked through the profiling file to find those entries with .Call in the call stack, and the following are the top entries in the call stack (by count of # of appearances):
13640 "eval"
11252 "["
7044 "standardGeneric"
4691 "<Anonymous>"
4658 "tryCatch"
4654 "tryCatchList"
4652 "tryCatchOne"
4648 "doTryCatch"
This list is as clear as mud: I have <Anonymous> and standardGeneric in there.
I believe this is due to calls to functions in the Matrix package, but that's because I'm looking at the code and that package appears to be the only possible source of C code. However, a lot of different functions from Matrix are called in this package, and it seems very difficult to determine which function is consuming this time.
So, my question is pretty basic: is there some way of deciphering and attributing these calls (e.g. .Call, <Anonymous>, etc.) in some other way? The plot of the call graph for this code is rather tricky to render, given the # of functions involved.
The fallback tactics I see are to either (1) comment out bits of code (and hack around to make the code work with this) to see where the time consumption occurs, or to (2) wrap certain operations inside of other functions and see when those functions appear on the call stack. The latter is inelegant, but it seems like it's the best way to add a tag to the call stack. The former is unpleasant because it takes quite some time to run the code, and iteratively uncommenting code and rerunning is unpleasant.

May I suggest you use the profr package. This is another bit of Hadley magic. It's a wrapper around Rprof and gives a visulation of the call stack and timings.
I find profr very easy to use and interpret. For example, here is a profile of a bit of ddply example code and the resulting profr plot:
p <- profr(
ddply(baseball, .(year), "nrow"),
You can immediately see the following:
How ddply calls ldply, llply and loop_apply.
Inside loop_apply there is a .Call function.
You can confirm this by reading the source code for loop_apply:
> plyr:::loop_apply
function (n, f, env = parent.frame())
.Call("loop_apply", as.integer(n), f, env)
<environment: namespace:plyr>
Edit. There is something very odd about the ggplot.profr method. I have proposed the following fix to Hadley. (You may wish to try this on your example.)
ggplot.profr <- function (data, ..., minlabel = 0.1, angle = 0){
if (!require("ggplot2", quiet = TRUE))
stop("Please install ggplot2 to use this plotting method")
data$range <- diff(range(data$time))
ggplot(as.data.frame(data), aes(y=level)) +
#aes(xmin=(level), xmax=factor(level)+1, ymin=start, ymax=end),
aes(ymin=level-0.5, ymax=level+0.5, xmin=start, xmax=end),
#position = "identity", stat = "identity", width = 1,
fill = "grey95",
colour = "black", size = 0.5) +
geom_text(aes(label = f, x = start + range/60),
data = subset(data, time > max(time) * minlabel), size = 4, angle = angle, vjust=0.5, hjust = 0) +
scale_x_continuous("time") +

It seems that the short answer is "No" and the long answer is "Yes, but you're not going to enjoy this." Even answering this question is going to take some time (so stick around, I may be updating it).
There are several basic things to get one's head around when working with profiling in R:
First, there are many different ways to think about profiling. It is quite typical to think in terms of a call stack. At any given instant, this is the sequence of function calls that are active, essentially nested within each other (subroutines, if you will). This is quite useful for understanding the state of evaluations, where functions will return, and lots of other things that are important for seeing things as the computer / interpreter / OS may see them. Rprof does call stack profiling.
Second, a different perspective is that I've got a bunch of code and a particular call is taking a long time: which line in my code caused that call to be made? This is line profiling. R doesn't have line profiling, as far as I can tell. This is in contrast with Python and Matlab, which both have line profilers.
Third, the map from from lines to calls is surjective, but it is not bijective: given a particular call stack we cannot guarantee that we can map it back to the code. In fact, call stack analyses often summarize the calls completely out of context of the whole stack (i.e. cumulative times are reported no matter where that call was on all of the different stacks in which it occurred).
Fourth, even though we have these constraints, we can put on our statistical hats and analyze the call stack data carefully and see what we can make of it. The call stack information is data and we like data, don't we? :)
Just a quick intro to a call stack. Let's just assume that our call stack looked like this:
"C" "B" "A"
This means that function A called B which then calls C (the order is reversed), and the call stack is 3 levels deep. In my code, the call stack gets to as many as 41 levels deep. Since the stacks can be so deep and are presented in reverse order, this is more interpretable by software than by a human. Naturally, we begin cleaning and transforming this data. :)
Now, our data really comes along looking like:
".Call" "subCsp_cols" "[" "standardGeneric" "[" "eval" "eval" "callGeneric"
"[" "standardGeneric" "[" "myFunc2" "myFunc1" "eval" "eval" "doTryCatch"
"tryCatchOne" "tryCatchList" "tryCatch" "FUN" "lapply" "mclapply"
"<Anonymous>" "%dopar%"
Miserable, isn't it? It even has duplicates of things like eval, some guy called <Anonymous> - probably some darn hacker. (Anonymous is legion, by the way. :-))
The first step in transforming this into something useful was to split each line of Rprof() output and reverse the entries (via strsplit and rev). The first 12 entries (last 12 if you look at the raw call stack, rather than the post-rev version) were the same for every line (of which there were about 12000, the sampling interval was 0.5 seconds - so about 100 minutes of profiling), and these can be discarded.
Remember, we're still interested in knowing which line(s) led to .Call, which took so much time. Before we get to that question, we put on our statistical caps: the profiling reports, e.g. from summaryRprof, profr, ggplot, etc., only reflect the cumulative time spent for a given call or for calls beneath a given call. What does this cumulative information not tell us? Bingo: whether that call was made many times, or a few, and whether the time spent was constant over all invocations of that call or whether there are some outliers. A particular function might be executed 100 times or 100K times, but all of the cost may come from a single invocation (it shouldn't, but we don't know until we look at the data).
This only begins to describe the fun. The A->B->C example doesn't reflect the way things may really appear, such as A->B->C->D->B->E. Now, "B" may be counted a couple of times. What's more, suppose that a lot of time is spent in the C level, but we never sample at precisely that level, only seeing its child calls in the stack. We may see a sizable time for "total.time", but not for "self.time". If there are lots of different child calls under C, we may lose sight of what to optimize - should we take out C altogether or tweak the children, B, D, and E?
Just to account for the time spent, I took the sequences and ran them through digest, storing counts for the digested values, via hash. I also split up the sequences, storing {(A),(A,B), (A,B,C), etc.}. This doesn't seem so interesting, but removing singletons from the counts helps a lot in cleaning up the data. We can also store the time spent in each call by using rle(). This is useful for analyzing the distribution of time spent for a given call.
Still we're nowhere closer to finding the actual time spent per line of code. We'll never get lines of code from the call stack. A simpler way to do this is to store a list of times throughout the code, which stores the output of proc.time(), for a given invocation. Taking the difference of these times reveals which lines or sections of code are taking a long time. (Hint: that's what we're really looking for, not the actual calls.)
However, we have this call stack and we might as well do something useful. Going up the stack is somewhat interesting, but if we rewind the profile information to a little earlier, we can find which calls tend to precede the longer running calls. This allows us to look for landmarks in the call stack - positions where we can tie a call to a particular line of code. This makes it a bit easier to map more calls back to code, if all we have is the call stack, rather than instrumented code. (As I keep mentioning: out of context, there isn't a 1:1 mapping, but at a fine enough granularity, especially in repeatedly hit calls that are distinctive, you may be able to find landmarks in the calls that map to code.)
Altogether, I was able to find which calls were taking a lot of time, whether that was based on 1 long interval or many small ones, what the distribution of time spent was like, and, with some effort, I was able to map the most important & time consuming calls back to the code and discover which parts of the code could benefit the most from rewriting or from a change in algorithms.
Statistical analyses of the call stack is loads of fun, but investigating a particular call based on cumulative time consumption is not a very good way to go. The cumulative time consumed by a call is informative on a relative basis, but it doesn't enlighten us as whether one or many calls consumed this time, nor the depth of the call in the stack, nor the section of code responsible for the invocations. The first two things can be addressed via a bit more R code, while the latter is best pursued through instrumented code.
As R doesn't yet have line profilers like Python and Matlab, the simplest way to handle this is to just instrument one's code.

A line in a profile file might look like
"strsplit" ".parseTabix" ".readVcf" "readVcf" "standardGeneric" "readVcf" "system.time"
which says, reading right to left, that the outermost function was system.time, which invoked readVcf, which was an S4 generic that dispatched to a readVcf method, invoking a function .readVcf, which invoked .parseTabix, which finally called strsplit.
Here we read in the profile file, sort the lines, tally them up (using rle -- run length encoding), then select the six most common paths in the profile file
r = rle(sort(readLines("readVcf.Rprof"))
o = order(r$lengths, decreasing=TRUE)
tells us how many times each of those call stacks were sampled.
There are some common patterns that can help interpret this. Here's an S4 generic being dispatched to its method
"readVcf" "standardGeneric" "readVcf"
an lapply iterating over its function
"FUN" "lapply"
and a tryCatch surrounding a .Call
".Call" "doTryCatch" "tryCatchOne" "tryCatchList" "tryCatch"
Usually one tries to profile relatively small chunks of code, rather than a whole script, with the small chunk identified by, e.g., stepping through the code interactively or making some educated guesses about what parts are likely to be slow. The fact that .Call is the most commonly sampled function is not encouraging -- it suggests most of the time is already being spent in C. Likely your best bet will involve coming up with a better overall algorithm, rather than say a brute force approach.


General information or tips about eval(parse( [duplicate]

There are several questions on how to avoid using eval(parse(...))
Which sparks the questions:
Why Specifically should eval(parse()) be avoided?
And most importantly, What are the dangers?
Are there any dangerous if the code is not used in production? (I'm thinking, any danger of getting back unintended results. Clearly if you are not careful about what you are parsing, you will have issues. But is that any more dangerous than being sloppy with get()?)
Most of the arguments against eval(parse(...)) arise not because of security concerns, after all, no claims are made about R being a safe interface to expose to the Internet, but rather because such code is generally doing things that can be accomplished using less obscure methods, i.e. methods that are both quicker and more human parse-able. The R language is supposed to be high-level, so the preference of the cognoscenti (and I do not consider myself in that group) is to see code that is both compact and expressive.
So the danger is that eval(parse(..)) is a backdoor method of getting around lack of knowledge and the hope in raising that barrier is that people will improve their use of the R language. The door remains open but the hope is for more expressive use of other features. Carl Witthoft's question earlier today illustrated not knowing that the get function was available, and the question he linked to exposed a lack of understanding of how the [[ function behaved (and how $ was more limited than [[). In both cases an eval(parse(..)) solution could be constructed, but it was clunkier and less clear than the alternative.
The security concerns only really arise if you start calling eval on strings that another user has passed to you. This is a big deal if you are creating an application that runs R in the background, but for data analysis where you are writing code to be run by yourself, then you shouldn't need to worry about the effect of eval on security.
Some other problems with eval(parse( though.
Firstly, code using eval-parse is usually much harder to debug than non-parsed code, which is problematic because debugging software is twice as difficult as writing it in the first place.
Here's a function with a mistake in it.
std <- function()
Silly me, I've forgotten about the colon operator and created my vector wrongly. If I try and source this function, then R notices the problem and throws an error, pointing me at my mistake.
Here's the eval-parse version.
ep <- function()
eval(parse(text = "mean(1to10)"))
This will source, because the error is inside a valid string. It is only later, when we come to run the code that the error is thrown. So by using eval-parse, we've lost the source-time error checking capability.
I also think that this second version of the function is much more difficult to read.
The other problem with eval-parse is that it is much slower than directly executed code. Compare
system.time(for(i in seq_len(1e4)) mean(1:10))
user system elapsed
0.08 0.00 0.07
system.time(for(i in seq_len(1e4)) eval(parse(text = "mean(1:10)")))
user system elapsed
1.54 0.14 1.69
Usually there's a better way of 'computing on the language' than working with code-strings; evalparse heavy-code needs a lot of safe-guarding to guarantee a sensible output, in my experience.
The same task can usually be solved by working on R code as a language object directly; Hadley Wickham has a useful guide on meta-programming in R here:
The defmacro() function in the gtools library is my favourite substitute (no half-assed R pun intended) for the evalparse construct
# both action_to_take & predicate will be subbed with code
F <- defmacro(predicate, action_to_take, expr =
if(predicate) action_to_take)
F(1 != 1, action_to_take = print('arithmetic doesnt work!'))
F(pi > 3, action_to_take = return('good!'))
[1] 'good!'
# the raw code for F
function (predicate = stop("predicate not supplied"), action_to_take = stop("action_to_take not supplied"))
tmp <- substitute(if (predicate) action_to_take)
eval(tmp, parent.frame())
<environment: 0x05ad5d3c>
The benefit of this method is that you are guaranteed to get back syntactically-legal R code. More on this useful function can be found here:
Hope that helps!
In some programming languages, eval() is a function which evaluates
a string as though it were an expression and returns a result; in
others, it executes multiple lines of code as though they had been
included instead of the line including the eval. The input to eval is
not necessarily a string; in languages that support syntactic
abstractions (like Lisp), eval's input will consist of abstract
syntactic forms.
There are all kinds of exploits that one can take advantage of if eval is used improperly.
An attacker could supply a program with the string
"session.update(authenticated=True)" as data, which would update the
session dictionary to set an authenticated key to be True. To remedy
this, all data which will be used with eval must be escaped, or it
must be run without access to potentially harmful functions.
In other words, the biggest danger of eval() is the potential for code injection into your application. The use of eval() can also cause performance issues in some languages depending on what is being used for.
Specifically in R, it's probably because you can use get() in place of eval(parse()) and your results will be the same without having to resort to eval()

How to not fall into R's 'lazy evaluation trap'

"R passes promises, not values. The promise is forced when it is first evaluated, not when it is passed.", see this answer by G. Grothendieck. Also see this question referring to Hadley's book.
In simple examples such as
> funs <- lapply(1:10, function(i) function() print(i))
> funs[[1]]()
[1] 10
> funs[[2]]()
[1] 10
it is possible to take such unintuitive behaviour into account.
However, I find myself frequently falling into this trap during daily development. I follow a rather functional programming style, which means that I often have a function A returning a function B, where B is in some way depending on the parameters with which A was called. The dependency is not as easy to see as in the above example, since calculations are complex and there are multiple parameters.
Overlooking such an issue leads to difficult to debug problems, since all calculations run smoothly - except that the result is incorrect. Only an explicit validation of the results reveals the problem.
What comes on top is that even if I have noticed such a problem, I am never really sure which variables I need to force and which I don't.
How can I make sure not to fall into this trap? Are there any programming patterns that prevent this or that at least make sure that I notice that there is a problem?
You are creating functions with implicit parameters, which isn't necessarily best practice. In your example, the implicit parameter is i. Another way to rework it would be:
myprint <- function(x) print(x)
funs <- lapply(1:10, function(i) Curry(myprint, i))
# [1] 1
# [1] 2
Here, we explicitly specify the parameters to the function by using Curry. Note we could have curried print directly but didn't here for illustrative purposes.
Curry creates a new version of the function with parameters pre-specified. This makes the parameter specification explicit and avoids the potential issues you are running into because Curry forces evaluations (there is a version that doesn't, but it wouldn't help here).
Another option is to capture the entire environment of the parent function, copy it, and make it the parent env of your new function:
funs2 <- lapply(
1:10, function(i) {
fun.res <- function() print(i)
environment(fun.res) <- list2env(as.list(environment())) # force parent env copy
# [1] 1
# [1] 2
but I don't recommend this since you will be potentially copying a whole bunch of variables you may not even need. Worse, this gets a lot more complicated if you have nested layers of functions that create functions. The only benefit of this approach is that you can continue your implicit parameter specification, but again, that seems like bad practice to me.
As others pointed out, this might not be the best style of programming in R. But, one simple option is to just get into the habit of forcing everything. If you do this, realize you don't need to actually call force, just evaluating the symbol will do it. To make it less ugly, you could make it a practice to start functions like this:
## code
There is some work in progress to improve R's higher order functions like the apply functions, Reduce, and such in handling situations like these. Whether this makes into R 3.2.0 to be released in a few weeks depend on how disruptive the changes turn out to be. Should become clear in a week or so.
R has a function that helps safeguard against lazy evaluation, in situations like closure creation: forceAndCall().
From the online R help documentation:
forceAndCall is intended to help defining higher order functions like apply to behave more reasonably when the result returned by the function applied is a closure that captured its arguments.

How to verify number of function evaluations when profiling R code

When profiling R code with Rprof-type functions we get the time spent in function alone and the time spent in function and callees. However, as far as I know we don't get the number of times a given function was evaluated.
For example, assume I wants to compare two integration functions:
integrate_1(myfunc, from = -Inf, to = Inf)
integrate_2(myfunc, from = -Inf, to Inf)
I could easily see how much time each function takes and where this time was spent, but I don't know how to check how many times myfunc had to be evaluated in each of the integrate functions.
One way of implementing Joran's counter method is to use the trace function.
For example, first we set the counter to zero. (Assigned in the global environment, for convenience.)
count <- 0
Then set up the trace. Here we set it on the identity function (that just returns the value that you input to it).
trace("identity", quote(count <<- count + 1), print = FALSE)
Now whenever identity is called, the value of count is incremented. print = FALSE just stops a message being printed to the console when the function is called.
Let's call the function a few times and inspect the count:
for(i in seq_len(123)) identity(1)
## [1] 123
Rprof works by sampling the call stack on a timer. It does not count calls.
It records the sampled call stacks in a file, and though it does not record line numbers where calls occur, those samples are still useful for seeing what causes time to be spent.
For example, if you happen to look at M random samples, and you see a pattern like A calling B calling C on N of them, then you know the program spends roughly fraction N/M of its time doing that (assuming N > 1).
If you see such a thing, and you can think of a way to avoid even part of it, you will save a substantial fraction of the total time.
Rprof comes with a summarization tool that gives you the kind of numbers you mentioned, but I don't find those numbers useful anyway.
I would much rather get a real sense of what's happening.

What specifically are the dangers of eval(parse(...))?

There are several questions on how to avoid using eval(parse(...))
Which sparks the questions:
Why Specifically should eval(parse()) be avoided?
And most importantly, What are the dangers?
Are there any dangerous if the code is not used in production? (I'm thinking, any danger of getting back unintended results. Clearly if you are not careful about what you are parsing, you will have issues. But is that any more dangerous than being sloppy with get()?)
Most of the arguments against eval(parse(...)) arise not because of security concerns, after all, no claims are made about R being a safe interface to expose to the Internet, but rather because such code is generally doing things that can be accomplished using less obscure methods, i.e. methods that are both quicker and more human parse-able. The R language is supposed to be high-level, so the preference of the cognoscenti (and I do not consider myself in that group) is to see code that is both compact and expressive.
So the danger is that eval(parse(..)) is a backdoor method of getting around lack of knowledge and the hope in raising that barrier is that people will improve their use of the R language. The door remains open but the hope is for more expressive use of other features. Carl Witthoft's question earlier today illustrated not knowing that the get function was available, and the question he linked to exposed a lack of understanding of how the [[ function behaved (and how $ was more limited than [[). In both cases an eval(parse(..)) solution could be constructed, but it was clunkier and less clear than the alternative.
The security concerns only really arise if you start calling eval on strings that another user has passed to you. This is a big deal if you are creating an application that runs R in the background, but for data analysis where you are writing code to be run by yourself, then you shouldn't need to worry about the effect of eval on security.
Some other problems with eval(parse( though.
Firstly, code using eval-parse is usually much harder to debug than non-parsed code, which is problematic because debugging software is twice as difficult as writing it in the first place.
Here's a function with a mistake in it.
std <- function()
Silly me, I've forgotten about the colon operator and created my vector wrongly. If I try and source this function, then R notices the problem and throws an error, pointing me at my mistake.
Here's the eval-parse version.
ep <- function()
eval(parse(text = "mean(1to10)"))
This will source, because the error is inside a valid string. It is only later, when we come to run the code that the error is thrown. So by using eval-parse, we've lost the source-time error checking capability.
I also think that this second version of the function is much more difficult to read.
The other problem with eval-parse is that it is much slower than directly executed code. Compare
system.time(for(i in seq_len(1e4)) mean(1:10))
user system elapsed
0.08 0.00 0.07
system.time(for(i in seq_len(1e4)) eval(parse(text = "mean(1:10)")))
user system elapsed
1.54 0.14 1.69
Usually there's a better way of 'computing on the language' than working with code-strings; evalparse heavy-code needs a lot of safe-guarding to guarantee a sensible output, in my experience.
The same task can usually be solved by working on R code as a language object directly; Hadley Wickham has a useful guide on meta-programming in R here:
The defmacro() function in the gtools library is my favourite substitute (no half-assed R pun intended) for the evalparse construct
# both action_to_take & predicate will be subbed with code
F <- defmacro(predicate, action_to_take, expr =
if(predicate) action_to_take)
F(1 != 1, action_to_take = print('arithmetic doesnt work!'))
F(pi > 3, action_to_take = return('good!'))
[1] 'good!'
# the raw code for F
function (predicate = stop("predicate not supplied"), action_to_take = stop("action_to_take not supplied"))
tmp <- substitute(if (predicate) action_to_take)
eval(tmp, parent.frame())
<environment: 0x05ad5d3c>
The benefit of this method is that you are guaranteed to get back syntactically-legal R code. More on this useful function can be found here:
Hope that helps!
In some programming languages, eval() is a function which evaluates
a string as though it were an expression and returns a result; in
others, it executes multiple lines of code as though they had been
included instead of the line including the eval. The input to eval is
not necessarily a string; in languages that support syntactic
abstractions (like Lisp), eval's input will consist of abstract
syntactic forms.
There are all kinds of exploits that one can take advantage of if eval is used improperly.
An attacker could supply a program with the string
"session.update(authenticated=True)" as data, which would update the
session dictionary to set an authenticated key to be True. To remedy
this, all data which will be used with eval must be escaped, or it
must be run without access to potentially harmful functions.
In other words, the biggest danger of eval() is the potential for code injection into your application. The use of eval() can also cause performance issues in some languages depending on what is being used for.
Specifically in R, it's probably because you can use get() in place of eval(parse()) and your results will be the same without having to resort to eval()

How does setTimeLimit work in R?

I am trying to master setTimeLimit() in R and my experience has led to several related questions, so maybe the fundamental question is: how does this really work? (I have been looking at evalWithTimeout() from R.utils as well, and it may suit my purposes slightly better, but it's built on this function.)
Here are the key things I am trying to figure out:
How does it monitor the elapsed time? I.e. it seems to get inserted into the flow control, so how does it do that? Being able to have "background" processes is cool, and could be used for reporting status, checkpointing, and more.
Can I determine how much time remains until it is triggered? I realize I can wrap it and store, somewhere, the elapsed & CPU time consumed at about the point of invocation (i.e. the output of proc.time()). But, this function is already storing these somewhere and I'd like to know where, or at least how to determine the time remaining.
Can it be made to do something useful if the R console is idle? Being able to monitor elapsed.time() and cpu.time() is very useful. I'd like to be able to monitor when R is idle, but it seems from tinkering that it requires a command to be submitted or completed. Moreover, just outputting an error doesn't trigger a subsequent action. (Maybe I need to give more attention to evalWithTimeout.)
The help information says that it can be applicable with C or Fortran, but doesn't give examples. Any suggestions on how this should be done?
To show that setTimeLimit does not work during a C function call:
rfunction <- function(){
x <- rnorm(100);
cfunction <- function(){
x <- eigen(matrix(rnorm(1e6), 1e3));
system.time(try(rfunction(), silent=TRUE))
system.time(try(cfunction(), silent=TRUE))
