Does the name of an HTTP status code matter - http

Say I'm sending some HTTP status code in PHP, do I actually need to do
header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
or is it enough to
header('HTTP/1.1 301 FooBar');
I once did this in a quick and dirty reverse proxy, where I could only get the code, not the message, from a CURL response and sent it back with FooBar as message. This appeared to work fine.

Via the spec:
The individual values of the numeric status codes defined for
HTTP/1.1, and an example set of corresponding Reason-Phrase's, are
presented below. The reason phrases listed here are only
recommendations -- they MAY be replaced by local equivalents without
affecting the protocol.


HTTP health check - GET or HEAD and 200 or 204 response?

I’m wondering if there is a general convention for this: When implementing a HTTP health check for any given application where you are not interested in any response body but just the status code, what would the default/expected endpoint look like?
Using a HEAD request - and returning 200 or 204 status code (which one of those?)
Using a GET with 204
something else?
As of my experience, people use mostly GET and 200. A health check wouldn't respond too much content, so no use of making a HEAD request. But this is mostly the case with a dedicated health check URL.
Today's cloud systems often use Kubernetes or OpenShift. They appear to use a GET request. I think they'll probably want to get a 200ish response code, so 200-299:
Another example, Drupal defines the HTTP response code to be 200:
In Oracle's Infrastructure-as-a-Service docs you can choose between GET and HEAD requests, but the default is HEAD:
Use a GET with 204 possibly supporting also HEAD with same status code
A HEAD should give the same response as GET but without response body, so you should first know/define what the GET response gives out in terms of headers (and status code), then, if you want, you can support also HEAD on the same endpoint, returning the same status, in this case 204.
Note that if GET employee/34 anwswers with 404 also HEAD must anwser with same code. That means one must do the same work as for GET: check if employee esists, set status etc. but must not write any response. Tomcat supports this automatically as it uses for HEAD request a response object that never writes to the "real" response, so one can use same code handling GET
For a check one may consider also TRACE but it produces a response body / output mirroring what you send to it, is different, I haven't seen implemented anywhere.
TRACE allows the client to see what is being received at the other
end of the request chain and use that data for testing or diagnostic

Are multiple status code headers allowed in a single HTTP response?

I have a web app which sends HTTP status codes. In some instances, a 404 code is sent as a header, but then a 200 error is sent as well, in the same response.
HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
HTTP/1.0 200 Ok
I can't change the execution order to prevent the first status code from being sent, so the second code is attempting to override it.
Chrome ignores the first code and assumes the status to be Ok. Does this conform to the HTTP standard, and should I rely on it?
No, it does not conform to the standard, and you should not rely on it. See
More than one response message per request only occurs when one or more informational responses (1xx, see Section 6.2 of [RFC7231]) precede a final answer to the same request.
The rfc for http 1.1 is given here:
Section 2.1 states:
A server responds to a client's request by sending one or more HTTP
response messages, each beginning with a status line ...
The standard states that you can send more than one response, if you wish, but that each response must have it's own status line. Further, the first line of the header must contain the status-line/code.
So, according to the standard interpreted literally, in theory you can send more than one response, but I've no idea what browsers would do with that, and definitely wouldn't rely on it.
What you've got at the moment is conforming to the rfc; the rfc doesn't say you can't have more than status line, only that the status line on the first line of each response is the one that matters - which chrome doesn't interpret correctly according to the rfc.
It might work, but I wouldn't rely on it.

How to name my custom HTTP codes?

We're building a backend with a number of APIs. What should be the ideal range of HTTP codes that I should be using?
I've gone through and they give a list such as:
1xx Informational
2xx Success
3xx Redirection
4xx Client Error
5xx Server Error
But since I want to implement my own status codes for various purposes such as missing email, I want to name the response accordingly.
So, according to me, a missing email response should trigger a 4xx response as it's a client error. What I'm trying to understand is that should I look for the first open slot such as #419 or should I begin to number the HTTP codes after #451?
You shouldn't use any custom codes at all - they might conflict with future standardization.
If you think you have a use case for a new code that is of general use, propose it in the right place (the HTTP Working Group).
If you just need something specific to your application, use a 400 (in this case), and provide additional information in the response body.

Is the Location Header Ignored for Specific HTTP Response Codes?

Related Questions:
For Which Redirection Responses are Location Headers Mandatory?
Is it Possible to Send a 401 Unauthorized and Redirect with a Location?
While trying to figure out how to send error responses for users in PHP, I came across these interesting questions above. In one of the answers to the 2nd question listed above, it was mentioned that the Location headers are ignored for responses other than redirects. I was looking at the HTTP/1.1 RFC and from what I have looked at, there is no mention of ignoring any Location headers within the spec.
So, is the Location header within an HTTP response actually ignored for response codes that are not classified as redirects (3XX)?
No, there are status codes where Location is relevant as well, such as 201 Created. It varies on status code, not status code class.

What is the correct behavior expected of an HTTP POST => 302 redirect to GET?

What is the correct behavior expected of a POST => 302 redirect to GET?
In chrome (and likely most every browser), after I POST (to a resource that wants me to redirect) and I receive a 302 redirect, the browser automatically issues a GET on the 302 location. This is even a well known pattern. But the way I read the spec, it seems to suggest this should not happen.
The HTTP spec says
If the 302 status code is received in response to a request other than
GET or HEAD, the user agent MUST NOT automatically redirect the
request unless it can be confirmed by the user, since this might
change the conditions under which the request was issued.
And fiddler is showing:
RESPONSE 1: 302 redirect to URLB
The section above seems to say that the browser should not make the GET request? What am I missing?
Something earlier in the spec that makes this section irrelevant
My understanding of automatically redirect is wrong (and the chrome browser that did the GET wasn't really automatically redirecting)
My understanding of confirmed this as a user
Something else?
The very next line in the spec begins:
Note: RFC 1945 and RFC 2068 specify that the client is not allowed
to change the method on the redirected request. However, most
existing user agent implementations treat 302 as if it were a 303
response, performing a GET on the Location field-value regardless
of the original request method. The status codes 303 and 307 have
been added for servers that wish to make unambiguously clear which
kind of reaction is expected of the client.
And immediately after that, it explains how a 303 should be handled, and it's exactly what you're seeing.
If you're asking why servers are still using 302 instead of 307, which all current browsers will handle correctly, it's because old browsers won't handle it. If you're wondering why browsers handle 302 as 303, it's because old servers expect it. There's really no way out of that loop, and it would probably be better for HTTP to just revert 302 to mean what it used to mean, and deprecate it (for non-GET/HEAD) in favor of 307.
abarnert was right ! I had the same issue with Google App Engine but I found a different solution.
My issue with appengine was,I did a POST with a form to a GO formHandler at backend. But it was executed as follow.
request 1: GET /formHandler -> response 1: 302 Found
request 1: POST /formHandler -> response 1: 302 Found
request 1: GET /formHandler -> response 1: 200 Ok.
Additionaly I got
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource
Which was a CORS problem.
However the solutions turns out to be to use HTTPS instead of HTTP.
Then you will have
request : POST /formHandler -> response : 200 Ok
You may want to read, which tries to clarify the situation.
Note: In HTTP/1.0, the status codes 301 (Moved Permanently) and 302 (Found) were defined for the first type of redirect ([RFC1945], Section 9.3). Early user agents split on whether the method applied to the redirect target would be the same as the original request or would be rewritten as GET. Although HTTP originally defined the former semantics for 301 and 302 (to match its original implementation at CERN), and defined 303 (See Other) to match the latter semantics, prevailing practice gradually converged on the latter semantics for 301 and 302 as well. The first revision of HTTP/1.1 added 307 (Temporary Redirect) to indicate the former semantics without being impacted by divergent practice. Over 10 years later, most user agents still do method rewriting for 301 and 302; therefore, this specification makes that behavior conformant when the original request is POST.
