tree navigation to show folder structure -

Project: ASP.NET 3.5 with C#
I have this much :-
A table which used to store the "Folders". Each folder may contain sub folders and files. So if I click a folder, I have to list the content of the folder.
So I want to tell the user where he is now some thing like the following
Parent Folder --> Child Folder1 --> Child Folder1_1
Which ASP.NET control should I use here? How can I accomplish this task?
I think SiteMapPath is the best option. What you think ?

I hope the folder structure might be a dynamic one, so using SiteMap control is some what difficult. I will recommend you to manually do this my maintaining a ViewState/SessionState stored variable.
Update the Variable/Property when you are changing the Folder.
public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> FolderPath
if (ViewState["__FolderPath"] == null)
ViewState["__FolderPath"] = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
ViewState["__FolderPath"] = value;
public string CurrentPath
//retrun the current path from the List FolderPath. ;

You can achive this with the TreeView control

You could also look at the oBout TreeView which is an excellent upgrade from the Microsoft Treeview control:


DotNetNuke MVC including cshtml in div

First MVC attempt in DNN.
I have a fairly involved index.cshtml that I'd like to simplify by using jquery's
$('#mydiv').load() method.
Currently, in the index.cshtml, I'm having to do a bunch of divs like this (very simple) example:
<div id="dvBands">
#using (var ac = new ArtistListingController())
foreach (var a in ac.Recordset)
I tried putting the above code in its own _ArtistListing.cshtml and using
with this in my item controller:
public ActionResult _ArtistListing()
return View("_ArtistListing");
However, not only does it now display the data, it displays the entire page in the div, including the DNN menu and whatnot.
So, how do I separate out my different database calls and include them in the specified div?
In my index.cshtml ---
#{ Html.RenderPartial("_ArtistListing"); }
It looks for a .cshtml file first in the current path and if it can't find it there, in the Shared folders path.
That's it.

Preparing for Internationalization of MVC website

I'm going to start a website which I know is going to be presented in multiple languages. However, for the first version we're only going to need the English version. Once the features are all working, we'll add the other languages.
Unfortunately since there are not enough enough features baked into Asp.Net Core, we have to use the Asp.Net MVC 5 for the website. My question has 2 parts:
Right now, which practice is considered the best approach for this? Using resource files and loading them in razor pages? Using a framework? Can we use the new localization and globalization features of Asp.Net MVC 6 somehow? Or is there a better alternative? I personally hate using the resource files. It adds too much clutter to the code.
Would you suggest just using plane text for now and then adding the Internationalization features to the website or start now and only add the translations?
I would use resource files, seems to be the easiest solution. You can also use a Database resource provider, so you have less clutter.
If you start with plain text, it will get more complicated and cumbersome to add the translations later. So I would not do that.
We use Smart internationalization for ASP.NET.
Localize everything: HTML, Razor, C#, VB, JavaScript, .NET attributes
and data annotations, ...;
SEO-friendly: language selection varies the URL, and Content-Language is set appropriately;
Automatic: no URL/routing changes required in the app;
High performance, minimal overhead and minimal heap allocations; Unit testing support;
Smart: knows when to hold them, fold them, walk away, or run, based on i18n best practices.
How I use i18n in the project step by step:
Add the I18N nuget package to your MVC project.
in Web.config:
Add a folder named "locale" to the root of your site. Create a subfolder for each culture you wish to support. For example, /locale/fr/.
copy i18n.PostBuild.exe into locale folder
Right click on tne project name --> Properties --> Build Events:
in Post-build event command line:
"$(TargetDir)i18n.PostBuild.exe" "$(ProjectDir)\web.config"
In views use [[[some text]]] to translate it later
Build the project
Refresh Solution Explorer and push Show All Files
Include all files in "locale" folder into the project
Provide translation of the words in locale\fr\messages.po
In Global.aspx add :
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
//other app start code
UrlLocalizer.UrlLocalizationScheme = UrlLocalizationScheme.Void;
Create DefaultController :
public class DefaultController : Controller
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
if (Session["currentLanguage"] == null)
Session["currentLanguage"] = "en";
In HomeController add inheritance of DefaultController and SwitchLanguage(string lang):
public class HomeController : DefaultController
public HomeController() : base()
public async Task<ActionResult> SwitchLanguage(string lang)
LocalizedApplication.Current.DefaultLanguage = lang;
Session["currentLanguage"] = lang;
return Redirect(Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery);
In navigation bar View (_LoginPartial.cshtml in my case) add links to switch between languages:
#if (Session["currentLanguage"].ToString() == "fr")
<li class="navItem">#Html.ActionLink("EN", "SwitchLanguage", "Home", new { lang = "en", area = "" }, null)</li>
<li class="navItem">#Html.ActionLink("FR", "SwitchLanguage", "Home", new { lang = "fr", area = "" }, null)</li>
Build project, Start in Browser and enjoy!!!
see some help in:

How to add JS and CSS to all content parts in an Orchard module

I am writing a module for Orchard CMS 1.8.1
I would like to add custom styles to all content parts that I have written for the module. I need these to work regardless of the theme chosen by the website admins. I could add links to the CSS and JS files in every view file for every content part - but that seems messy and prone to future bugs - what's the best way to have a single file that loads up the styles needed for all my content parts?
Should I provide a different Content.cshtml that includes the links? This also seems like it could be problematic if the admins need their own control over the main Content.cshtml
Many thanks
Handler should do the trick, I wrote this from the top of my head so not sure if it really works.
First create ResourceManifest.cs and define your stylesheets and scripts
public class ResourceManifest : IResourceManifestProvider
public void BuildManifests(ResourceManifestBuilder builder)
var manifest = builder.Add();
manifest.DefineStyle("MyStylesheet").SetUrl("mystylesheet.min.css", "mystylesheet.css").SetVersion("1.0.0");
manifest.DefineScript("MyScript").SetUrl("myscript.min.js", "myscript.js").SetVersion("1.0.0");
Then it should be enough to create content handler and override the BuildDisplayShape
public class MyResourceHandler : ContentHandler
private readonly Work<IResourceManager> _resourceManager;
public MyResourceHandler(Work<IResourceManager> resourceManager)
_resourceManager = resourceManager;
protected override void BuildDisplayShape(BuildDisplayContext context)
if (context.DisplayType == "Detail" && context.ContentItem.Has(typeof(MyPart)))
this._resourceManager.Value.Require("stylesheet", "MyStylesheet");
this._resourceManager.Value.Require("script", "MyScript");
Adjust the IF as necessary. And let me know if it works ;)
Beauty of using ResourceManifest with versioning is that anyone can replace your stylesheets/javascript with their own just by defining style in their own ResourceManifest (module/theme) with same name and higher version number and don't have to touch any original files.

Using SiteMapPath to create a dynamic page title?

I currently use SiteMapPath to generate a breadcrumb for my 3.5 ( pages and it works great.
Now I am trying to figure out how I might be able to use the same control to build a dynamic page title (in the tag). I want a reverse path listed, but the SiteMapPath control includes links and bunch of styling spans. Is there any way to remove all of that, and just get a plain path with separators?
For example, Let's say we are on the "Press Releases" page inside of the "About" section of my site.
The breadcrumb shows up as:
Home > About > Press Releases
I want to have the page title be:
Press Releases - About - Company Name
So I need it to reverse the order, drop all spans, links and styling (since this is inside the tag) and drop the root node "Home" and then add the company name to the end. Since my menu nav and breadrumbs are all driven from the sitemap file, I thought it would make sense to try to make the title do the same.
Any thoughts? Thanks.
The best way to achieve your desired output is to ignore the SitePath control, and instead use the SiteMap's SiteMapNode's collection. The server parses the web.sitemap into a collection of SiteMapNodes and wires up the SiteMap.CurrentNode by finding a node that matches the current page's URL. Each SiteMapNode has a ParentNode property. Here is the reference page on MSDN.
So, all you need to do is check if the CurrentNode has a parent, if it does you add the ParentNode's title to the CurrentNode's title and keep going until you reach the RootNode (where you substitute your company name for the root node's title).
Below is a quick solution; it could go in the MasterPage if you are using one. I'm not sure your language, but this should be easy to rewrite in VB.Net. I gave it a simple test and it seemed to work.
You can customize the characters that separate the page titles.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.Title = SiteMapTitle(SiteMap.CurrentNode, "", " - ");
private string GetNodeTitle(SiteMapNode oNode)
if (oNode == SiteMap.RootNode)
return "Company Name";
return oNode.Title;
private string SiteMapTitle(SiteMapNode oNode, string szTitle, string szItemSeparator)
if (szTitle != string.Empty)
szTitle = szTitle + szItemSeparator + GetNodeTitle(oNode);
szTitle = GetNodeTitle(oNode);
if (oNode.ParentNode != null)
szTitle = SiteMapTitle(oNode.ParentNode, szTitle, szItemSeparator);
return szTitle;
Hope that helps...

How do I make a custom ASP.NET control based/subclassed on an existing one?

I want to make a custom ASP.NET control that is a subclasse of System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar. I need it to add a few data members and set up a few event handlers in it's constructor.
Is this possible? If so How?
So far I have tried using add new item to add a default web user control and tried editing in Calendar in a few different places. None have worked so far.
Edit: it seems I'm totally missing how this stuff is supposed to work.
Does anyone known of a demo project that I can look at? Something that already exists. (Unless you are really board, don't go out and make one for me.)
Unless I'm misunderstanding the question, you can just create a new class file and inherit from Calendar. Add in the properties you need, and the event handlers you want to set up.
public class MyCalendar : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar
public MyCalendar()
// set up handlers/properties
Then anywhere you'd like to add a Calendar to your pages, you can simply create a MyCalendar instead. If you need to do so in the designer, you can look at several good tutorials about how to make your inherited controls show their new properties in the designer, like this one.
In a new class file you need to inherit from System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar instead of System.Web.UI.UserControl.
namespace MyNamespace
[ToolboxData("<{0}:UserCalendar runat=\"server\" />")]
public class UserCalendar : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar
private string property1;
public UserCalendar() { }
public string Property1 { get { return property1;} set { property1 = value; } }
Then on your .aspx page (or in another control .ascx):
<%# Register TagPrefix="userControl" namespace="MyNamespace" assembly="MyProjectAssembly" %>
<userControl:UserCalendar runat="server" ID="myCalendar" property1="some value" />
Stuff to read: Developing Custom ASP.NET Server Controls.
