TYPO3 and CDN setup - cdn

I am trying to figure out how to setup CDN for a TYPO3 website and I have some
questions regarding it.
I have created 3 subdomains:
cdn.domain.com - typo3temp
cdn1.domain.com - fileadmin
cdn2.domain.com - typo3conf
Do I need to move/copy the folders from the root folder on domain.com to the httpdocs on each of these subdomains or will TYPO3 fetch the static content from the root directory
on domain.com and how to do it?
I am trying to use it with ja_replacer and httpconnection - none of them seems to work, so I am doing something completely wrong.

I got it it solved by symlinking it directory to the subdomain to be used and the ja_replacer to replace all path in the FE ouput and it works perfectly.


OpenLiteSpeed WordPress VPS 404 Error on Non-Wordpress Site Install in Sub Folder

I have an OpenLiteSpeed VPS WordPress install over at Vultr, and am trying to install a non-WordPress website into a sub-folder I created.
Ex.) https://example.com/test that is pointed to a new folder I created in the WordPress root install directory of /var/www/html/test
I created the directory and placed the files needed there that include an index.php file, however when I go to https://example.com/test, I receive a 404 Not Found error. I believe it has something to do with modifying the .htaccess file in the root of my WordPress install, but am unsure of what to modify 100%.
Any help is appreciated!
I tried modifying the Rewrite rules but am not confident in the options I chose. I since reverted the .htaccess file back to my default settings in which OpenLiteSpeed defines.
This can be closed out - I have it defined in my index.php file that resides in that folder point to a database I created in phpMyAdmin and I had the database field filled out incorrectly. Thank you to everyone who replied though. Oops!

Silverstripe install root folder public

I have installed silverstripe 4 into the /var/www/html folder in apache.
However, when I go to the url, I have to use "localhost/public/index.php" in order to obtain the main page. I thought I was to be able to just go to "localhost" to find the defaut page. What am I to do if I want to have a main page without people having to specify "/public/" before it?
Normally, your localhost website can be resolved without adding /public/ if the following 2 things are configured correctly.
Enable Apache mod_rewrite
Having .htaccess rewrite config in /var/www/html
Check if you got the right .htaccess in /var/www/html. Basically, this Apache config file will forward all the requests to /public/ folder.
If .htaccess is fine, make sure your mod_rewrite is enabled in your Apache. Check this link.

Wordpress on Nginx server - .htaccess vs. nginx.conf

I have recently changed from Apache to Nginx server and running a Wordpress installation that was migrated onto this new Nginx server.
I only just realised that (the server provider forgot to mention) that the .htaccess file is no longer supported and shouldn't be used with Nginx.
Instead the nginx.conf file should be used. I know I can convert the contents of my current .htaccess file to nginx.conf using one of the convertors, but I don't even have the nginx.conf file.
Can I just create one?? And If I create one, do I place it into the root where currently my .htaccess file is??
Do I then delete the existing .htaccess file?
How should I go about this?
You definitely have nginx.conf - without it, your site wouldn't work. It is in /etc/nginx/ folder, and some additional configs can exist there and in subfolders.
Standard recommendations for WordPress with nginx you can find here in Codex. But if your site works, you have nothing else to do.
Unlike Apache with .htaccess files, nginx does not use any configuration files in WordPress folders. Everything is centralized in /etc/nginx/.
.htaccess files are ignored by nginx and can be deleted or kept in WordPress folders - it doesn't matter.
However, if you have some non-standard tuning in .htaccess files, you should implement relevant directives in nginx conf files. Convertors not very good for it, and produce errors sometimes, unfortunately. You should learn Apache rules used and create similar for nginx by yourself.

Using wordpress in a subdirectory

I use to have wordpress installed on the root of the website, but today I moved to a subdirectory "root/blog" with these steps:
1) Moved all the files>
2) Copied .htaccess and index.php do "root" and modify them
3) Change the wordpress URL on the settings.
It worked fine.
But I don't want it be accessed via www.mysite.com. I want to be access as www.mysite.com/blog. I want to do my own main index.
But if I remove the index.php from root, it gives me problems like /blog won't find my static first page.
What I'm missing?
You need to change your apache virtualhosts settings.
More infos here.

Bitnami Stack : accessing wordpress installation in its own directory at domain root

Please Bear With Me!!
i am using this tutorial Giving Wordpress Its Own Directory (Using a pre-existing subdirectory install part ) to launch a wordpress (installed at a sub folder called wordpress) by using example.com instead of example.com/wordpress.
Now it says that copy index.php to your root folder and change the relative path to wp-blog-header.php accordingly now by folder structure is a little complex hence i have attached a pic
Now to access site root i go to example.com(obvious)
but to access wordpress i have to go to example.com/wordpress (if anyone wondering why i am using bitnami wordpress stack AMI and thus everything came preconfigured)
now accoringly to tutorial i should copy index.php to site root from wordpress root and change relative location of wp-blog-header.php accordingly.
when index.php was in same directory the function was require('./wp-blog-header.php') . Now this location is to be changed
I have tried all three options i could think of (i guess)
1) ../apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-blog-header.php
Edit : its a bitmani wordpress stack ami on amazon aws and its the reason i believe there is problem in the first place.
But visiting the domain root gives server error . Any suggesstions??
Try require ( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wherever/wp-blog-header.php/is/located and it should find it.
Here is the answer http://wiki.bitnami.org/Components/Apache#How_to_change_the_URL.3f
it was because of bitnami and not a fault of wordpress
