How can I check for a nil="true" value on XML that is passed back from webservice call? - apache-flex

I am receiving xml from a webservice call that contains a nil="true":
<systemFK nil="true"/>
I used the Flex DataService (webservice) wizard to create the service objects for the cacheEntry component. This object will be serialized later on a different webservice call and stored in a database.
I set a breakpoint on the set SystemFK method in the service object. It appears that the value passed in was an empty string!
Allowing this value to be an empty string will cause problems in the webservice implementation in Java on the other side. Since the database value was null it is expecting a null in return, If I avoid setting this value, the serviceObject should send back a null which will make the database happy.
My question is: How can I detect that a nil = true is present in the XML in order to avoid setting this value?

For some reason the ActionScript XML parsers don't know about Booleans. Without seeing the code that got generated for you, my guess is that somehow you're getting the string "true", instead of true, and that's what's causing your problem.
Make changes to the accessors to act as if #nil comes from the XML as a string, and then convert to Boolean manually.


the way to determine a request parameter is null

the way to determine a request parameter is null in spring
If you're talking about query or form parameters, then these cannot take value null. They are sent as strings; any conversion (e.g. to int) is done by the framework or your own application. So if a query parameter is sent in as ?var=null, then your applications gets 'null' - a string of length 4 containing the word null. So, if your application receives a null, then the query / form parameter was not sent.
It's a different story when you're talking about properties in JSON. If the type is simply String, Integer, etc., then you cannot see the difference between not-present and present as null. You can try using Optional<String> etc., but I haven't tried that myself. For Jackson you can find more information at
to make sure request parameter is not null and is always present you can use
#RequestParam(required = true)
This will make sure parameter is always passed

Kusto nested json coming as null

I am using Application Insights Log-Explorer query window to visualize the below query.
Inside the field customDimensions.RemotePC I am string a json payload.
When I try to index the stored json via propery-indexing, i get the value as null. I tried to access it as array that turns null as well.
Could you please help me to access the FirstName property in below diagram.
Try this:
| extend todynamic(tostring(rpc)).FirstName
I believe that the issue is that rpc is string (although it looks as json). Thus you need to "cast" it to dynamic. You first need to tell the compiler though that this is a string value.

ASP.Net QueryString Sort Parameter with Dojo JsonRest Memory Store

I have made a gridx grid that uses a JsonRest Memory store from the dojo framework
the issue is I do not know how to pull out the sort parameter from the query string.
The url being formatted from the JsonRest call is
using the following statement gives me a null error
String sort = Request.QueryString["sort"].ToString();
Looking at the debugger I see the following (I need more rep to post images :( )
ok I can see that the following variables hold this value.
Request.QueryString = {sort(+DealershipName)}
type : System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection
but the array is null.
I'm thinking I can do two thing. Parse the string myself or overload the dojo JsonRest Memory store. Parsing the string seems easier but if anyone has any idea or knows any libraries that can help me out. I would greatly appreciate it.
dojo/store/JsonRest has a sortParam property that you can set to the name of a standard query parameter to use instead of sort(...) (which it uses by default to avoid colliding with any standard query parameters).
For example, adding sortParam: 'sort' to the properties passed to the JsonRest constructor will result in the query string including sort=+DealershipName instead.
If the + also presents a problem, you can also override ascendingPrefix to be an empty string (''). Note that descending sort will still be indicated by a leading - (controllable via descendingPrefix).

ASP.NET ScriptService prevent return of null properties in JSON

Basically I want to make my script service only serialise properties that are not null on an array of object I am returning... So this..
would be
Does anyone know if this is possible?
Basically the reason for this is because null values are for unchanged properties. A local copy is kept in the javascript that is just updated to reduce traffic to the server. Change values are then merged.
You can create a custom JavaScriptConverter class for the JSON serialization process to use to handle your object, and then put the necessary logic in the Serialize method of that class to exclude the properties that are null.
This article has a clear step-by-step discussion of the process involved in creating it.
You probably would not need to actually implement the Deserialize method (can throw a NotImplementedException) if you are not passing that type of object in as an input parameter to your web services.

remote implementation for HTTPService in flex

In my flex application I am using httpService to connect to the server, for the response from server I wanted it to convert the http response to flex object, Is there any remote implementation availabe for the above purpose
to augment earlier post, it depends on what you are sending from the server side. If you are using HTTPService then it is ideally a XML document (RestFul style). Based on the result format set to the service object, flex tries to convert it to that type of result by mapping XML to other type of flex object. most useful result formats in this case would be object (default), e4x, xml. for more information you need to see ASDoc.
if the payload of your HTTP is custom object which is directly serialized on server side (not to xml), then it is pretty hard to re-construct that object on flex side.
IF you payload is String or any other format which you want to parse manually then set the result format to "text" which will return you a string and you can process it later.
If you want flex to automatically convert the result data from XML to object use:
<mx:HTTPService url=""
or in case you use only actionscript
var service:HTTPService;
service.resultFormat = "object";
This should be the default behaviour when no resultFormat is specified. You might also want to check the "array" result format as it behaves a bit different.
