How do you transfer a binary file via Connect:Direct NDM? - unix

I'm trying to submit a binary file, in this case, an Excel file from my local server (Solaris server with Mainframe rehosting software) using Connect:Direct NDM to a destination server (Mainframe).
Here are the environment values I set:
SODETFL "DetailedReport.xls"
Here is the NDM configuration I use:
ASSGNDD ddname='SYSIN' type='INSTREAM' << !
SIGNON 00260005
JOBNAME=JOB00001 - 00280005
PNODE=SERVER001 - 00290005
SNODE=NDMIDS - 00300005
SNODEID=(xxxxxx,xxxxxx) - 00310005
HOLD=NO - 00320005
NOTIFY=CCACTD - 00330005
NODE=, - 00360005
DSN1=${SODDETFL} - 00370005
DCBINFO='dcb=(dsorg=ps, recfm=vb, lrecl=1504)' - 00385005
DISP1=NEW, - 00390005
UNIT=BATCH - 00410005
SYSOPTS=${TDCOPTS} - 00440005
SIGNOFF 00460005
I'm able to send text files via NDM all day long, no problems there. However, it seems that binary is a bit more difficult. When I try with the above configuration, I get the following error:
Completion Code => 8
Message Id => XCPS009I
Short Text => Read buffer too small. Possibly src reclen > dest reclen.
Ckpt=>Y Lkfl=>N Rstr=>N Xlat=>Y Scmp=>N Ecmp=>Y Ecpr=>0.00 CRC=>N Zlvl=>1 win=>13 Zmem=>4
Can anyone shed some light as to how I can go about submitting a binary file via NDM?

Off the cuff...
Try changing RECFM=VB to RECFM=U and specify a BLKSIZE= instead of a LRECL=
This is really not all that different from how executable load modules are stored on the mainframe except you don't want the file to be a PDS dataset. I'm not at my office right now and I think I have some examples of NDM that transmit load modules that I can look-up if this suggestion doesn't work but I think it will.
Give this suggestion a shot and if it still doesn't fly let me know.


Mainframe Unix Codepage for SYSPRINT or SYSOUT direct display

Hello this my first question to StackOverflow, not sure about the forum and topic.
While participating in an Open Mainframe initiative using Visual Studio Code and Putty for Unix I developed a sample program in COBOL showing international sayings (german, english, french, spanish, latin for now). It works fine via batch with JCL to file and being called from REXX. In file I can't see special chars for non-english but I had a lucky punch with a twin-program in PL/1 (doing the same and showing the special chars in REXX).
Now my question: I also tried to call by mvscmd from Unix bash script. It works so far but dont show me the special chars. Ok I have last chance to call mvscmd from Python. Or alternatively I can transfer file from MVS to unix (for any reason then it automatically converts and I see my special chars contents).
Where is the place to handle it? Cobol? (as I said, for any reason PL/1 can do. I only use standard put edit in PL/1 vs display in Cobol). Converting the Sysprint/Sysout?
Any specialist can help me?
Hello and sorry for late replay. Well the whole code is a little bit much but I guess my problem is the following - MVSCMD direct coded in the shell script
#echo "arg1=>"$1"<"
[ ! -z "$1" ] && parm=$parm","$1
#echo "arg2=>"$2"<"
[ ! -z "$2" ] && parm=$parm","$2
#echo "parm=>"$parm"<"
mvscmd --pgm=saycob --args=$parm \
--steplib='z08800.fyd.load' \
--sysin=dummy \
I have some more shell script but this is the main. I directly put it to sysout (its the COBOL diplay. I can use fixed string or my saying read from MVS file). When using PL/1 program the last file is then sysprint because PL/1 makes it by PUT EDIT.
I assume my codepage is pretty wrong. But I dont know how to repair. I used some settings in the shell but LANG remains on C ??? By the way this Unix seems to be quite old and I only have the chance to use it until August.
My main interest is to use the program on Mainframe and in JCL and/or REXX.
But they gave us chance with this embedded Unix (?) also so I wanted to try.
Direct Sysout from COBOL program to Unix terminal.
I meant when executing the program on the Mainframe and then watching the result file in ISPF (old stuff) editor by PF3 I can see German and Spanish and French special characters. So they are there seems, produced by COBOL and PL/1.
When transfering the MVS file (kind of PDS) into the UNIX by MVSCMD, it is also fine (special chars) but thats not what I wanted.
I tried to use Python instead flat shell but its going even worse. I cannot direct the Sysout to terminal, all what is Python able to call is on the Mainframe and with the MVS filesystem. So I have to transfer it after. It is to much overhead in my eyes when call say 7 sayings and I want them to be displayed in the Unix terminal lol.
Here is my REXX that is doing the trick
/* rexx */
If Length(PARM1) > 0
If Length(PARM2) > 0
Address TSO "Alloc File(sysprint) Dataset(*)"
Address TSO "Alloc File(sysin) Dummy"
Address TSO "Call fyd.load(saypli)" PARAMETER
Address TSO "Free File(sysprint)"
Address TSO "Free File(sysin)"
It is now the other Load, the PL/1 - but the COBOL does the same with Sysout instead of Sysprint.
It is shown in my REXX terminal that is also called by ISPF and then 3.4 in the edit panel. The program has no manual input but reads file. And yes, the sayings are not allocated here, I read them by dynamic allocation but it doesnt matter from where my strings come to the DISPLAY / PUT EDIT
And this now JCL. OK works little different, it stores to PDS member
// PARM.GO='Z08800.FYD.DATA'
Here in the parameter I give them the library to my sayings and then I allocate by PL/1 or COBOL. I can of course show, but its a little bit much, about 200 lines... The problem is not MVS I guess but the Unix codepage.

Syslog-ng multiline input over TCP/Network module

We are attempting to capture logs to syslog-ng over tcp connection. The logs looks something like this:
1810717353--user--notice--IPV4----2017-10-23T16:03:23.015170-04:00--<11>Oct 23 16:03:23 HOSTNAME [443-Multiplexer][0x80000001][xsltmsg][error] xmlfirewall(443-Multiplexer): trans(2607607975)[error][ip] gtid(value):
1810717354--user--notice--IPV4----2017-10-23T16:03:23.015170-04:00-- Default rule caught error code '
1810717355--user--notice--IPV4----2017-10-23T16:03:23.015170-04:00-- 0x00230001
1810717356--user--notice--IPV4----2017-10-23T16:03:23.015170-04:00-- '
1810717358--user--notice--IPV4----2017-10-23T16:03:23.015170-04:00--<14>Oct 23 16:03:23 HOSTNAME [443-Multiplexer][value][multistep][info] xmlfirewall(443-Multiplexer): trans(2607607975)[error][ip] gtid(2607607975):
Is there any way to strip out the syslog header during the input? If the logs remain multiline, thats fine, we can package them with logstash during read, but we need a way for the logs to now have a header when they are written to file ..
Here is my current syslog-ng config :
#version: 3.6
##include "scl.conf"
options {
flush_lines (0);
use-rcptid (yes);
time_reopen (10);
log_fifo_size (1000);
chain_hostnames (off);
use_dns (no);
use_fqdn (no);
create_dirs (no);
keep_hostname (yes);
use-rcptid (yes);
source sourcename
network(ip("") port(5521) flags(no-parse));
destination destname
#follow-freq(0) multi-line-mode(regexp) multi-line-prefix("^\<\[0-9]{2}\>[A-z]{3} [0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2}")
create_dirs(yes) dir_owner("elkuser") dir_group("users") dir_perm(0700)
owner("user") group("group") perm(0600)
I'm not sure where you want to split the message, but depending on that, you can do the following:
If it is enough to delete a fix number of characters, you can use the substr template function (
If you want to join the multiline messages, you might want to check the multiline options of the network source:
If you need a lot of custom processing for these logs, it might be easier to write a custom python parser ( ). Note that Python parser requires a recent version of syslog-ng.
Also, it seems that you are sending the logs to Elasticsearch somehow (at least I suspect that's what elk in the destination stands for): recent versions of syslog-ng can do that directly:

Testable map base xml to flat file fails in BTS2013r2

I have lots of BTS2010 unit tests that check an XML file can be mapped to flat file.
I have developed my first of such tests on BTS2013r2 but on executing TestableMapBase.TestMap(_inputFilename, _inputType, outputFilename, _outputType), I get the error "Generate schema instance failure"
I've used reflector to debug the MS assemblies and got as far as the following line within CFrameworkSchemaTreeExtensions.cs of Microsoft.BizTalk.TOM.Adapter :
infoArray = instanceGenerator.GenerateInstance(filename, xmlInstance);
on executing, the infoArray is populated with the following error
ErrorInfo: hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. Line 2, position 1."
Prior to executing I have taken the content of xmlInstance, pasted into Notepad++ and used the Hex plugin to search for null characters (hex 0x00), there are none.
I have tried many different XML inputs to the maps on two different BizTalk development laptops and get the same result.
Has anyone been able to successfully run tests of XML to flat file in BTS2013r2?
Today I have created the most basic of solutions (1 BizTalk project + 1 unit test project) in order to test if this really is a Microsoft bug. It does seem that way because I got the same error when running this very simple test on a third BizTalk development laptop. I have added the source code to the following github repo:
Make sure it is not an encoding issue. Finding a 0x00 at that position sounds like the input file is in UTF-16 format, while the processor is expecting UTF-8 or another single-byte encoding.
Microsoft have published a hotfix for this - see:

Wordpress/Apache - 404 error with unicode characters in image filenames

We've recently moved a website to a new server, and are running into an odd issue where some uploaded images with unicode characters in the filename are giving us a 404 error.
Via ssh/FTP, we can see that the files are definitely there.
For example:
none of the images are working:
<img class='image-display' title='' src='ådnøy_1_2.jpg' width='685' height='484'/>
-rw-r--r-- 1 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 836813 Aug 3 16:12 ådnøy_1_2.jpg
What is also strange is that if you navigate to the directory you can even click on the image and it works:
click on 'ådnøy_1_2.jpg' and it works.
Somehow wordpress is generatingådnøy_1_2.jpg
and copying from the direct folder browse is generating
What is going on??
If I copy the image url from the wordpress source I get:
When copied from the apache browser I get:
What could account for this discrepancy between:
%C3%A5 and %cc%8
Unicode normalisation.
0xC3 0xA5 is the UTF-8 encoding for U+00E5 a-with-ring.
0xCC 0x8A is the UTF-8 encoding for U+030A combining ring.
U+0035 is the composed (Normal Form C) way of writing an a-ring; an a letter followed by U+030A is the decomposed (Normal Form D) way of writing it. å vs å - they should look the same, though they may differ slightly depending on font rendering.
Now normally it doesn't really matter which one you've got because sensible filesystems leave them untouched. If you save a file called [char U+00E5].txt (å.txt), it stays called that under Windows and Linux.
Macs, on the other hand, are insane. The filesystem prefers Normal Form D, to the extent that any composed characters you pass into it get converted into decomposed ones. If you put a file in called [char U+00E5].txt and immediately list the directory, you'll find you've actually got a file called a[char U+030A].txt. You can still access the file as [char U+00E5].txt on a Mac because it'll convert that input into Normal Form D too before looking it up, but you cannot recover the same filename in character sequence terms as you put in: it's a lossy conversion.
So if you save your files on a Mac and then transfer to a filesystem where [char U+00E5].txt and a[char U+030A].txt refer to different files, you will get broken links.
Update the pages to point to the Normal Form D versions of the URLs, or re-upload the files from a filesystem that doesn't egregiously mangle Unicode characters.
Think Different, Cause Bizarre Interoperability Problems.

Convert project pages from Windows-1251 to Utf-8

I can do that file-by-file with Save As Encoding in Visual Studio, but I'd like to make this in one click. Is it possible?
I know, some will start bashing on me:
download a smalltalk IDE (such as ST/X),
open a workspace,
type in:
'yourDirectoryHere' asFilename directoryContentsAsFilenamesDo:[:oldFileName |
|cyrString utfString newFile|
cyrString := oldFileName contentsAsString.
utfString := CharacterEncoder encodeString:cyrString from:#'iso8859-5' into:#'utf'.
newFile := oldFile withSuffix:'utf'.
newFile contents:utfString.
that will convert all files in the given directory and create corresponding .utf files without affecting the original files. Even if you normally do not use smalltalk, for this type of actions, smalltalk is a perfect scripting environment.
I know, most of you don't read smalltalk, but the code should be readable even for non-smalltalkers and a corresponding perl/python/java/c# piece of code also written and executed in 1 minute or so, taking the above as a guide. I guess all current languages provide something similar to the CharacterEncoder above.
