Some question about NAT Penetration with UPnP - nat

I'm implementing a protection system for household network. There are several digital devices in the home, and they all have web services running on them in order that they can visit each other easily.
To visit them outside home, I need UPnP to penetrate the NAT.
My question is: Is there any authentication in the UPnP server to protect my private network, or I have to implement it for all my digital devices which have web services running on?

The answer is: no, there is not. This is a weak aspect of UPnP.


Locating servers IP address

I am making a game in Libgdx where a user(client) will be a host of the server himself
and only one other client can connect to him and play with him(likewise there might be multiple independent servers and pair of clients playing with each other like miniclip games)
but how will the other client locate host-client (or servers) IP?
I am using kryonet
Some guy suggested me to do NAT punching and stuff but I am totally confused.
Please help
(I am complete beginner to networking)
If you want your clients to discover servers just in LAN, you can do broadcasting on the servers and sniffing on the clients. As they are in the same LAN, there should be no need for NAT.
Otherwise, you have to set up managers(servers for managing) on the Internet. Servers have to register themselves to a manager, clients ask a manager for servers information. As managers know both servers and clients public IP addresses, NAT should be easy once you think your managers as STUN servers.
The most simple manager can be just a simple wraper over database/Redis with a server name/server ip/server metadata table. Details about how to implement it relies on your skill stack. To enable STUN, there are open source STUN server and client you can just pick up, e.g. coturn. No matter you put the STUN server into your manager or not, both your managers and STUN servers have to be published on the Internet (sure include AWS) where they have their own public IP.
Or you can let the managers to relay messages for servers and clients. But this way may be too complicated compares to previous. I would not recommend.

Is it possible to connect a Laptop to an Network via Internet?

Sorry for rather dumb question, but I seriously have no idea about this topic.
There is a company network that allows each laptop to access the company server. I can access the network, when I am connected to the wifi of the router of the company.
Now the next step would be, to connect my Laptop from my home wifi (internet) to the network of the company.
My questions are:
Is this possible at all?
If yes, what would be the correct terms to search for resources on this topic
Are there any security considerations?
From my understanding there might be the possibility to access the network, by accessing directly the ip of the router? And then have the router somehow authenticate my machine?
It's weird but I would love to be able from my home.
-Lots of ways(VPN,Hamachi,RDP)
-each of them has their own flaws but mostly secure as long as you keep your ip to yourself
more of this:

Remote resource discovery using coap

I am trying to create a small academic project in the area of home automation. I explored various protocols and standards in IOT domain and find COAP close to my requirements.
The intent is pretty simple: To have a peripheral at home (like bulb, temperature sensor etc) which act as COAP server and expose certain resources and services. Since COAP uses an addressing scheme similar to web, any client having the address of this server shall be able to talk to this COAP server (i.e. peripheral) and control its attributes.
I have certain doubts about how a client not present in the same LAN as the server, can discover this server and the resources exposed by it. I understand that COAP facilitates resource discovery using CoRE link format but it seems that it primarily uses multicast which can only work within a LAN. I don't want to put a resource directory server at home and various COAP servers registering with it and then this directory server talking to a server sitting in the cloud. I want to have the ability to just install a peripheral at the home which can communicate to a remote client (like COPPER) using wifi home network. But how to discover the COAP server sitting at home from a remote location and then talk to it considering that COAP server will be on a private IP address.
Is this really possible using just COAP?
As you're sitting behind a NAT, that will allow neither direct discovery nor connections; CoAP will not try to magically pierce that.
Popular ways out are:
Use IPv6 (obliviating the use of a NAT) and (at least selectively) disable the firewall. You will still only be able to do discovery locally, but once discovered, you can connect to your devices from anywhere.
Use a VPN to make your mobile device act as if it were in the NAT.
Run a CoAP proxy at the router with a port open to the outside, and tell your mobile device to connect through that proxy. This does not give you local discovery either.
For the proxy and IPv6 cases, you can then still run a resource directory in your local network. That does neither need to connect to nor accept registrations from any cloud service, but it can help you do the very discovery that you'd like to do with multicast but can't because your mobile device is too far away. Both the resource directory and the proxy should be configurable to not talk to devices outside the local network unless they are authenticated.
Make your router accept HTTP requests , and run a HTTP to CoAP proxy in your system, access your CoAP devices via your IP thought HTTP-CoAP proxy.

Networking: How do wifi enabled IoT products allow remote access?

I have been looking for an answer to this problem, but I cannot find what I am looking for. I think, perhaps, it is because I lack the knowledge to ask the question in meaningful way.
I have been learning a lot about remote access to devices at home. I know that ISP's change public IP addresses regularly (dynamic IP address). I know that to get around this, one could use a service like "no-ip", etc. Or one could get a static IP address.
What I do not understand is how some of the latest home automation devices are able to be controlled remotely without use of a static IP, or a service like "no-ip". For example, a wifi enabled thermostat, or lighting system.
If the device had a built in server, or client, then I assume that the device could connect to an outside server in a remote location. The user could then also log into that server and send commands to the device. What I don't understand is how commands sent to the device from a cell phone, for example, can reach the home device. Presumably the off site location of the server would have to know the public IP address where the devise is located, and then port-forwarding would have to be set up to allow access to the device.
What am I missing here? Is it possible to create a homemade wifi enabled thermostat, webcam, or other device without using port-forwarding, no-ip, or a static IP?
Well, there are several ways to bypass the inbound connection constraint of NAT protocol. Such as:
A virtual adapter on the device configured to a VPN server that has an inbound port open ready to transfer data. Various open source solutions such as openVPN are considered as great examples for this service over IOT boards like Raspberry Pi, Beagle Bone, etc. These are used as gateways often. Further, they communicate with the microcontrollers over popular IOT protocols such as MQTT, COAP, etc.
Another solution is to create a port forwarding tunnel, since the router won't block the outbound connection. There are various tunneling services that are availble such as localtunnel, ngrok, etc. You could also use a cloud server that has a public IP such as AWS, DigitalOcean, etc. Again as above mentioned point, they can be implemented in the gateways.
Some devices "phone home" to a server so that there are ports open between them and the servers, and the mobile apps just contact the servers. This is the same way your web browser can receive web pages from a web server. If you have a NAT router, the router must open a port from the inside device to the outside server. This is maintained in a NAT table with expiration timers for UDP and session monitoring for TCP.

Client to client through firewall

A broad question.
We have a client application that currently talks to a web service to exchange data between two clients. The first client stores data on the service and other clients poll the service to collect it at some later time.
We are looking to change this infrastructure a little in that clients will Connect() to the service supplying the IP and Port that they will 'speak' on. When client A wishes to send data to client B it will look up client B's IP and port on the service and then send the data directly to that IP and port.
In the situation where several clients exist behind a common firewall (and NAT), my gut instinct is that I would need to configure port forwarding for each client so that inbound messages at the public IP (ie public side of firewall) can be routed to the appropriate client. As our application is designed to shield 'techy' details we'd like to avoid this it all possible. One caveat is that we are quite happy for the client to have to open a port on the firewall, but to avoid the extra step of setting up port forwarding.
Hope this makes sense, and please feel free to ask for any clarification.
-- Edit --
We are aware of UPnP but it is a non-starter for us due to the fact that it is either not available on some routers and the fact that some corporate environments don't allow it.
Most home routers provide a UPnP interface to allow applications to set up port forwarding without requiring the user to do anything. Depending on the router model, they may need to enable it on the router, usually a checkbox in some buried config screen.

