Liquid layout versus fixed layout : which one to chose? - css

In this question, it is said in the most upvoted answer:
Use liquid layouts
Why this is considered a good practice ? My opinion is that it is more difficult to dezign a liquid layouts because it can vary quite a bit from one window size to another... Is the extra complexity worth it ? What i should take into account to make the choice ?

Hmm, I disagree with that. With a fixed-width layout you can create something which will be viewed the same on all browsers.
I've been in web design and development for quite a while now and there have been very few times I've ever used liquid layouts on a website.
There are some times when it can come in useful, web apps sometimes can benefit from having a liquid layout. However, the safest (in terms of design and everything working across different browsers, screens etc), best looking (in my opinion) and "standard" way to create websites is with a fixed width.
Just look around. See the websites which have a liquid layout and ask yourself why they have a liquid layout. Do they have a lot of areas of dynamic/varying text for instance? Lots of information to show? Lack of visual/graphical design? Its a very subjective area, but one which you'll have to choose between. Does your website look better fixed or liquid? Do you want people with huge monitors (like me - 27" imac) to have to see your website really fat? I hate viewing amazon on my mac!

Personnaly I find liquid layouts are always harder to work with, but they look nicer when it is nicely designed.
You can take a look at some grid css frameworks that can help you working with liquid layout. blueprint liquid Fluid 960 Grid System

The right choice depend on what are your needs.
Liquid layouts are perhaps more difficult to understand and implement, but you gain flexibility.
A flexibile layout means it can easily adapt to different screen resolutions.
Once you have your liquid layout done, you can possibly adapt it also for mobile websites (if it isn't already) with a couple of changes, mainly CSS rules.
With the fast pace at which new technologies come out (new devices, new screens, new resolutions, 16:9, 16:10, Full HD etc), you can easily implement a layout which has no problem displaying at various resolutions on different displays.
This is what liquid layouts are for.
On the other hand, a static website is nothing more than what we've seen in the past years, like a centered 960px wide page, unable to being displayed on most mobiles, and even if they display it, good luck navigating the website.
Note that you can actually implement a sort of hybrid: a fixed size layout, with a max width of let's say 960px to be viewable in desktop browsers normally, which then adapt to lower resolution with an auto width.


DIVI (CSS) - Making modules responsive

I've finished a layout for the website I'm designing using DIVI and it looked perfect on my 1280x800 laptop resolution, but when I tried to display it on the bigger resolution (in this case 1920x1080) a lot of the elements (mainly the ones with left or right margins/paddings) were out of place. I've tried using percentages instead of pixels as my margin/padding values, but gave the same result.
What would be the best practice in going about designing responsive CSS layouts? Should I define fixed values for width of the containers? Will that solve the issues?
Should I focus on media queries? Define values for each resolution? Then again, there's the issue of resizing the window which again would make the whole media query solution obsolete. What are your suggestions?
RWD (Responsive Web Design) is an argument too broad to give you a single answer. Personally I love building my own web pages from scratch, without any page builder or something like that, and this's the tip I give you: first, try to build your own web pages by hand!
Three guidelines I can give you to build a responsive website are:
Use percentage values, no fixed values;
Use media queries;
Use the display: flex property to adapt the layout of webpages when the screen width changes;
With these advices I think you can build easily your responsive web pages.
There are many other factors to worry about: search, learn and get your hands dirty with code!

Usability Principles in Mobile Responsive Design

I am currently working on a mobile adaptation of a site and I am curious as to what peoples generic rules are about usability issues such as button and link sizes.
For example my site looks slightly different on an iPad (no change whatsoever on landscape display), but once the screen gets less than 515px I have then changed the link font-sizes to 150% and added extra margin between buttons. My reason for this is that with all good usability on smaller screens, the buttons are larger and clearer and therefore easier to use. The things is with most rules I find myself constantly debating which size screens I should apply these rules to and which sizes I should overlook. For example should I increase the links sizes on the iPad screens too?!
Additionally does anyone have any good set of practices they keep to when designing for certain device sizes?
Here's an interesting article about responsive design:
Don't forget, that it's not just readability that's important. People usually use small devices with their fingers, so as long as the 'hit area's' of your elements is good then half of your usability issues have already been addressed.
I'd like to be more help, but this really is a bit of a 'suck it and see' type of deal. There's no one size fits all solution.
Good luck.

When do you choose liquid CSS layouts over fixed? Why?

I was wondering what are you opinions about when coding css, when/why coding fixed or liquid style sheets?
I agree that fixed size style sheets are easier/faster to code because liquid requires more time in order to have all elements well adapting to their parents.
So, when do you chose liquid over fixed (or vice versa)? Why?
Update 2 I think the best practice now is design a site with responsive and adaptive capabilities for any screen size. Liquid CSS may not have the pitfalls that you would think such as long lines of text (instead the block of text position adjusts on-the-fly) - examples of Responsive Design - browser-side code where pages adapt to any screensize:
Adaptive design: server hosting the site detects browser type that requested the page and serves up appropriate page layouts e.g. mobile. This has pitfalls in that the user agent identifiers aren't always precise - e.g. many browsers include the mozilla string in their id, for example, so it might not always be best to rely on this data.
Previous answer
Liquid layouts (layouts that horizontally shrink or stretch to fit the horizontal width of a window)
Advantages: the content reformats on the fly to fully utilise the
Window width. Which means that the dilemma of choosing the most
popular fixed width e.g. 940px, 960px or 978px is not required. This
is particularly useful for small screen handheld devices which vary
slightly. You have to do less work in considering all possible screen
Disadvantages: For the reason that the site will shrink or stretch to
fit horizontally, you cannot control the layout as much as fixed
width. Aesthetics and how nice the site looks will be less under your
control. You may find that my point about having to do less work to support all screen widths is not true after all - as here you are considering scenarios where the screen is really small and your menu navigation is all bunched up and ugly or too far apart on a large screen
Fixed layouts (layouts that are fixed and don't change to fit the available horizontal width).
Advantages: Once you have settled on the most popular width e.g. 940px, 960px etc. you would not need to test the site at different screen widths. The layout is neat and things don't move around, aesthetics, how nice things look remains constant
Disadvantages: Some users with small screens, handhelds may need to scroll horizontally to view your site if your fixed width is larger. Unless you also support a mobile edition too that those users can use
Have a look around at major sites - what are they using. To me it seems fixed widths are more popular, including
That said, look at this fluid site:
Here, the developer uses fluid layouts to advantage by using layers of graphics that slide over each other as the site width adjusted in your window.
update: There is no wrong or right answer. Both Have merits. Media folk who have come from television, film and newspaper into web may tend to favour fix widths owing to their familiarity with those media having that.
It's not a matter of technique, it's a matter of decision making.
You choose liquid if you (or the client) WANT liquid.
I myself do NOT WANT liquid. Why? With a very wide window you get very long copy text lines, which are hard to read.
OK there are some other parts you must consider. Is your page intended to be accessible? Then you have to make a sort of liquid layout for the ones which zoom the page.
You could also look for responsive web design. The one that works in mobile browsers, too.
When left with a choice, I rarely use liquid layout in anything except business style web apps.
I.e. for apps where the customer insists on lots of horizontal information in e.g. tables, I'll go with a liquid layout for obvious reasons. For more standard websites, I'll stick with fixed if at all possible.
When I do go liquid for the latter, I'll mostly still enforce a max-width on copy text, because I'm not particularly politically correct, and making the site a joy to read for 99% of visitors is more important to me than making it a (relative) breeze to use for a few - as long as I keep it accessi­ble to those few. Like yunzen says, line length of copy text is very important to both design and readability. Don't let those lines stretch to infinity...
Mostly, my fixed layout sites will have different ways of accomodating the smaller screen size rather than just simple liquid stretching - moving side bars and such beneath the text, and possibly adjusting the copy text width to fit the device viewport. Sometimes, but not always, that requires css media queries.
(see e.g.
Usually fixed layouts are easier to design and develop, also visitors are used to this kind of layout.
Fluid layouts need more planning and also do not fit in all kinds of web application. I do not use the fluid approach very often.

Is it wise to use a Fluid Layout?

Google Labs Browser Size
I've always preferred fixed-width layouts over fluid-width layouts, one of the main reasons is that I'm able to better understand how the whole picture will be without having to worry about the screen resolution.
But now the "picture" has changed, there is a high discrepancy between the lowest and highest resolutions used by most users nowadays and they seem to be here to stay.
I've a netbook that only supports 800 pixels or 1024 pixels wide; I also have a 22" monitor that supports 1650 pixels and, 24" monitors that support 1920 pixels and more are becoming pretty common.
I've pretty much "ignored" the 800 pixels users for some time and I've been developing with fixed 950/960 pixels wide, I also notice that popular sites (SO for one) either use this approach or the fluid one.
For text (almost) only websites (like Wikipedia) I don't see a problem using the fluid system but what about all the other websites that depend on images / video to create interesting content? Social Networks, Classifieds, and so on... What is (will be) their approach to address this issue?
Seam Carving seems like a good option for the near future but it hasn't matured enough (neither browsers nor jQuery nativelly support it at this point in time), I also feel like users wouldn't understand it, get confused with it and as a consequence abandon the website.
The de facto standard on the web is still 1024 pixels wide, and leaving 980 pixels unused in a 24" monitor just seems plain odd not to say wrong. So what are our options?
I would love to hear what you think about this and your experiences with both fluid and fixed systems.
PS: Popular websites using either one of these systems are also welcome, I'm specially interested in seeing non-text websites that use the fluid system.
EDIT: I just saw this answer and I got kinda confused about the difference between fluid and liquid layouts, aren't they supposed to be exactly the same?
I generally think that fluid layouts are a good idea. The problem starts when your fluid layout starts to get really wide with high resolution screens - there is a limit to how far the human eye can track horizontally without losing the vertical positioning. That is why newspaper columns, for example, are always rather narrow.
Try to look at wikipedia in a high resolution screen, and you'll see that they limit the maximum width to something around 800-900px - more then that (assuming a rather standard 12pt font) and people stop being able to read until the end of the line and then effortlessly find the start of the next line, and the whole thing breaks into a mess of eye and neck strain.
On web sites I build, I use max-width to limit the maximum width of the text content (and in that I also include images and other stuff) to about 720-800px, which with sidebars and such can possibly get to around 1000px. If the screen is wider then that, then either center the content of left align it (right align on RTL web sites) - both work well.
But you have to design your layout so that it flows when the available width is narrower - this is very useful for people with netbooks (which are rather popular now and I expect will become more popular in the future), smart phones and even small screen mobile devices. Such mobile devices more and more feature standard browsers and you should address this in your designs - even if a mobile browsers can reduce your website somehow, the "mobile mode" usually does this by messing up the page and killing your intended user-experience.
leaving 980 pixels unused in a 24" monitor just seems plain odd not to say wrong
I’d disagree here. If you’ve got a monitor with that high a resolution, you’re probably not running with a maximised browser window. And even if you are, are you really fussed that the content’s all in a fixed area in the middle? Really?
As long your site has a decent, useable layout, I don’t see the problem with space either side on high-res monitors.
There are ways to create different #media rules inside of a stylesheet—W3C has something on this—and although it's a big Schroedinger's Cat whether the handhelds' browsers will obey the rules, it's fairly safe to assume that, even if they don't, they have big enough and well-ratioed screens to just use a scale model of the site as it appears on desktops.
Seems to me that it was in the devices' manufacturers' best interests to make them compatible with web sites that predate the advent of such devices by 5-10 years.
And if not, it's their problem.
I approach the problem from a different angle. Have a fluid layout but give it a minimum width (rather than a maximum width). You can achieve this with CSS.
The problem with the images is not such big. What you do is the following:
Upload your image at the maximum size you expect to have.
Make the image fluid as follows:
<img src="http://example.png" style="width:32.5%">
As you resize the page the image will re-size itself at the percentage width. Just make sure that you don't have any width or height attributes in the image. I call it superlastic :)
Fluid layouts were the answer before Responsive Design support in browsers came out. No need to use fluid or elastic layouts anymore.
There is no right answer to this question as no two design goals are ever alike. Fluid layouts make any semblance of typographic control virtually impossible, but not all designs need or want it.
No collection of "best practices" will ever equate to an actual design education, and not all users feel compelled to blow their browser windows up to fill the entire screen, either.
Most informative discussion on layouts I have read so far is in Andy Budd's CSS Mastery book. If you get a chance, do read it. I think it's a must have book on CSS (intermediate level). It looks like the layouts chapter is available in article form here.
Another link :
Liquid and Fluid are two different names for the same technique.
I think it's better to have a maximum width of the layout, you can change that with Javascript.
A good example of that is this layout, look what happens (in Firebug or something) with the layout if you change the width:
They have chosen a width of 1208px and make it smaller with Javascript when the width of the browser changes. With Javascript disabled, the website is still 1208px wide, which seems not to be a problem anyway.
The first width of the website will be like 900px. With Javascript you will check the width of the browser and you give the a class with the closest resolution to your browser width. For example: the browser width seems to be 1100px, so you give a class 'res1024', or the browser width is 1080px, then you give a class 'res1100'.
This will be your CSS:
#wrapper {
width: 900px;
.res1024 #wrapper {
width: 1000px;
.res1100 #wrapper {
width: 1080px;
I hope it helps you :], you can ofcourse change a lot more with this body class, like:
.res900 #menu {
width: 100px;
You can handle images the same way:
.res900 img.fluid {
width: 200px;
.res1100 img.fluid {
width: 300px;

What's a liquid layout?

My designer keeps throwing out the term "liquid" layout. What does this mean?
Thanks for the clarification, I have always just called this a percentage layout, and thought he was saying that the pieces could be moved around, and that was liquid
A "liquid" layout is a site layout that expands to fill the entire available area as the browser window is resized. Typically this is done using CSS. Liquid layouts can be quite helpful for certain types of sites, but they also tend to be significantly more effort than fixed width layouts, and their usefulness depends on the site content and how well implemented they are.
From :
All containers on the page have their
widths defined in percents - meaning
that they are completely based on the
viewport rather than the initial
containing block. A liquid layout will
move in and out when you resize your
browser window.
Basically, it's a layout of a web page that doesn't rely on a specific width specifications for elements in the page.
See the discussion over at Wikipedia.
It means a layout which adjusts dynamically to the browser (or whatever client) width and height, to make efficient use of all available screen space, as opposed to (mostly) fixed width layouts which are made to fit a common denominator resolution at that particular time (e.g. 800x600 used to be the norm for websites for many years).
See this:
Liquid Layouts refer to the design concept of a website. A liquid layout will move in and out when you resize your browser window, due to is having percentages and relative widths in the CSS.
It just means that it will contract/expand to fill the browser's window size (usually the width), up to a certain point if things are done well. Otherwise text can get quite hard to read on big (24"+) monitors.
One of two:
The design will scale to the width of the browser (as in, if the browser was 1024px wide, the design will be as well)... although this does get quite fun when designing for 100px wide browsers (sometime designers will actually set a min-width though).
The design has a fixed width, but is set in a measurement using a relative size... for example "em"... so as the font size is increased, the width of the page increases.
A liquid layout is a method of CSS layout that defines all widths in percentages, so the areas of the page will grow/shrink when the viewport (browser window) is resized.
They're very useful if trying to create a site that will fit both large and small screens. They're a little more difficult to work it than fixed layouts, because you're relinquishing some level control over how everything fits in the page, and you have to pay very close attention to your content, to make sure it doesn't fall apart aesthetically on resize.
I would say liquid layouts are most useful for text heavy sites with a fairly basic column layout. You might also find a happy medium with an 'elastic' layout -- one that has both liquid and fixed areas.
In a true Liquid layout, your content expands and contracts to fit your user's browser window in a meaningful, calculated and intelligent way. So it's more than just setting your column and container widths to percentages.
Done well, this can result in a increase of perceived quality. Done poorly, it's a usability nightmare.
Going Liquid is a huge pain the rump. The pain is worth it though if the topic/client/product(s) you are building the site for have a strong visual quality to them (think summer blockbuster film site), require a certain fit and finish, or if it needs to display large chunks of data.
Note: I'll update this a bit later with links to good examples and citations for my claims
