IE9 CSS layout issues - css

I helped one of my friends to setup a personal business website by using wordpress.
It looks fine in all the IE browser except IE9.
Here is the URL:
Basically, it just all the titles do not display. Anyone know how I should troubleshootings it.

The latest version of the cufon script works with IE9. Make sure you have v1.09i or higher installed in your theme or plugin directory in WordPress.
For example, to fix our custom theme on our site so H1/H2/H3 tags used the cufon fonts (they were showing blank in IE9), we pulled the latest download to our server and put in our theme's ./js/ directory as "cufon-yui.js". Problem solved.
Download from:
Supporting documentation about this issue:

Upgrade to the most recent version of Cufon.
UPDATE Oct 24: We have released version 1.09i, which is the same as
1.09 but IE9-compatible. 1.10 is on its way as well. Keep in mind that
you do not need to convert your font files again, just replace your
old cufon-yui.js with a new one and you're good to go.
I don't know what version you currently have, but a diff shows that it's not the most recent version.


Visual Studio 2022 ASP.NET Core 6 Default application and Add folder to workspace in Chrome DevTools is not working anymore

After some update to either Visual Studio (I have the same issue in both VS2019 and VS2022) or Chrome I can no longer update the CSS in DevTools and have it reflect and persist the changes to site.css file in my project. Instead when I try to change a CSS property I get the following in the DevTools console:
Unable to find a stylesheet to update. Updating all local css files.
15:54:01.800 aspnetcore-browser-refresh.js:82
And the green dot disappears from my CSS pane immediately after I hit the up or down arrow on my keyboard to try and change the CSS value.
Why is that? It used to work not too long ago. I think it's been broken for me for half a year or so now.
I've been googling but haven't find any good resources. Or maybe I'm the only one coding directly in Chrome? :) Surely this can't be the case?
If anyone knows a workaround please share because I'm really frustrated atm :)
Disabling "Enable CSS Auto-Sync" seems to do the trick.
Update 1: The above no longer works for me for some reason. I managed to find another fix on SO:
And here are some screenshots:
Update 2: Update 1 works when you only need to update the CSS directly in Chrome. It's better to have Hot Reload enabled and the set the following setting to None - then you'll get the best of both worlds (Hot Reload + Edit CSS directly in Chrome using workspaces):
Update 3: I'm now using VSCode. If none of the above works try the following (block .js file in Network tab in Chrome DevTools):

My wordpress site not compatible in IE11

My wordpress template doesn’t compatible in IE11 But working fine in chrome,safari,Firefox. The page just cannot appear and the pre-loader icon keep spinning.
I try to check the debug console and found the jquery got some error.
The supper-guacamole.min.js return error from command
Unable to get property ‘tolowecase’ of undefined or null reference.
Do anybody face the wordpress theme compatibility problem in IE11?
The Wordpress theme is downloaded from template monster theme name Melissa. My wordpress version 4.92.
Just some month ago it still working fine at IE but just recent Therese is feedback not workin anymore.
Most websites no matter from where they are, they look diferent or look bad in IE so dont waste your time with IE

SDDM fonts not loading

I have an issue with SDDM. When I use it with sddm-greeter in test-mode everything works fine. But after rebooting, I can see the theme but fonts are not displayed. Whatever the theme used I have the same issue.
I'm using Qt-5.9.0 and latest version (0.14.0) of SDDM.
Do you know how to solve this?

FitVid not working for iframes only on particular WP theme install

I am using FitVid in my theme and all is well except for a specific site that was migrated from Drupal. FitVid works fine with objects and embeds but not iframes, and only on this particular site. The only difference I can find is that a random <noscript> is inserted after the iframe.
Here is an example of the non working iframe on the problematic site:
And here is an example with a different database where no shows up:
Why is FitVid not working for iframes that particular site install? I am concerned there is an issue with the database itself as the content was pretty messy after the initial migration and I haven't been able to replicate the issue anywhere else.
Any help greatly appreciated!
P.S. I have tried other responsive video plugins and my own jQuery to wrap the iframes.
Since the first "problem"'s being resolved, here's another try:
I saw that your fitVid-JS is different from mine. Maybe on purpose, but maybe it's outdated somehow. Here's what I am using in my script which works - for me:
(function($){$.fn.fitVids=function(options){var settings={customSelector:null};if(!document.getElementById("fit-vids-style")){var div=document.createElement("div"),ref=document.getElementsByTagName("base")[0]||document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],cssStyles="­<style>.fluid-width-video-wrapper{width:100%;position:relative;padding:0;}.fluid-width-video-wrapper iframe,.fluid-width-video-wrapper object,.fluid-width-video-wrapper embed {position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;}</style>";
div.className="fit-vids-style";"fit-vids-style";"none";div.innerHTML=cssStyles;ref.parentNode.insertBefore(div,ref)}if(options)$.extend(settings,options);return this.each(function(){var selectors=["iframe[src*='']","iframe[src*='']","iframe[src*='']","iframe[src*=''][src*='video.html']","object","embed"];if(settings.customSelector)selectors.push(settings.customSelector);var $allVideos=$(this).find(selectors.join(","));
$allVideos=$allVideos.not("object object");$allVideos.each(function(){var $this=$(this);if(this.tagName.toLowerCase()==="embed"&&$this.parent("object").length||$this.parent(".fluid-width-video-wrapper").length)return;var height=this.tagName.toLowerCase()==="object"||$this.attr("height")&&!isNaN(parseInt($this.attr("height"),10))?parseInt($this.attr("height"),10):$this.height(),width=!isNaN(parseInt($this.attr("width"),10))?parseInt($this.attr("width"),10):$this.width(),aspectRatio=height/width;if(!$this.attr("id")){var videoID=
"fitvid"+Math.floor(Math.random()*999999);$this.attr("id",videoID)}$this.wrap('<div class="fluid-width-video-wrapper"></div>').parent(".fluid-width-video-wrapper").css("padding-top",aspectRatio*100+"%");$this.removeAttr("height").removeAttr("width").css({'width': '', 'height': ''})})})}})(window.jQuery||window.Zepto);
Sry for minified code, I only copy & pasted it.

WordPress (3.5.1) Theme Media Upload gets frozen

I've read some of the topics here but did not found a solution for me. When I try to set a feature image to the post/portfolio the media upload window gets frozen(cant even close it down - pressing esc does the trick) and also can't set the feature image, upload an image, ..
If trying this in IE 8 I get a pop up error when opening the media upload(pressing set feature image) with this content "Out of memory at line 2!"
I am using the Wordpress version 3.5.1, thanks in advance for a posibble solution.
May add that the IE8 also gives errors for:
wp-admin/js/media-upload.min.js?ver=3.5.1 and
if switching to themeeleven the upload works ok, but not in my theme.
If uploading works fine in a default Wordpress theme like twentyeleven or twentytwelve, that means there is a javascript conflict with your theme, esp. indicated by the IE8 errors. Possibly a plugin, but most likely the theme.
Look at to see if your theme (or a plugin) is listed as problematic and to learn how to check for javascript errors that will impact the Wordpress admin area.
Use Firebug with Firefox, or use the developer tools in Chrome or Safari or IE to see what javascript is loading on your site and see any errors and conflicts.
