Read Request Body in ASP.NET -

How does one read the request body in ASP.NET? I'm using the REST Client add-on for Firefox to form a GET request for a resource on a site I'm hosting locally, and in the Request Body I'm just putting the string "test" to try to read it on the server.
In the server code (which is a very simple MVC action) I have this:
var reader = new StreamReader(Request.InputStream);
var inputString = reader.ReadToEnd();
But when I debug into it, inputString is always empty. I'm not sure how else (such as in FireBug) to confirm that the request body is indeed being sent properly, I guess I'm just assuming that the add-on is doing that correctly. Maybe I'm reading the value incorrectly?

Maybe I'm misremembering my schooling, but I think GET requests don't actually have a body. This page states.
The HTML specifications technically define the difference between "GET" and "POST" so that former means that form data is to be encoded (by a browser) into a URL while the latter means that the form data is to appear within a message body.
So maybe you're doing things correctly, but you have to POST data in order to have a message body?
In response to your comment, the most "correct" RESTful way would be to send each of the values as its own parameter:
Then your action will auto-bind these if you give it an array parameter by the same name:
public ActionResult MyAction(int[] id) {...}
Or if you're a masochist you can maybe try pulling the values out of Request.QueryString one at a time.

I was recently reminded of this old question, and wanted to add another answer for completeness based on more recent implementations in my own work.
For reference, I've blogged on the subject recently.
Essentially, the heart of this question was, "How can I pass larger and more complex search criteria to a resource to GET a filtered list of objects?" And it ended up boiling down to two choices:
A bunch of GET query string parameters
A POST with a DTO in the request body
The first option isn't ideal, because implementation is ugly and the URL will likely exceed a maximum length at some point. The second option, while functional, just didn't sit right with me in a "RESTful" sense. After all, I'm GETting data, right?
However, keep in mind that I'm not just GETting data. I'm creating a list of objects. Each object already exists, but the list itself doesn't. It's a brand new thing, created by issuing search/filter criteria to the complete repository of objects on the server. (After all, remember that a collection of objects is still, itself, an object.)
It's a purely semantic difference, but a decidedly important one. Because, at its simplest, it means I can comfortably use POST to issue these search criteria to the server. The response is data which I receive, so I'm "getting" data. But I'm not "GETting" data in the sense that I'm actually performing an act of creation, creating a new instance of a list of objects which happens to be composed of pre-existing elements.
I'll fully admit that the limitation was never technical, it was just semantic. It just never "sat right" with me. A non-technical problem demands a non-technical solution, in this case a semantic one. Looking at the problem from a slightly different semantic viewpoint resulted in a much cleaner solution, which happened to be the solution I ended up using in the first place.

Aside from the GET/POST issue, I did discover that you need to set the Request.InputStream position back to the start. Thanks to this answer I found.
Specifically the comment
Request.InputStream // make sure to reset the Position after reading or later reads may fail
Which I translated into

I would try using the HttpClient (available via Nuget) for doing this type of thing. Its so much easier than the System.Net objects

Direct reading from the Request.InputStream dangerous because when re-reading will get null even if the data exists. This is verified in practice.
Reliable reading is performed as follows:
/*Returns a string representing the content of the body
of the HTTP-request.*/
public static string GetFromBodyString(this HttpRequestBase request)
string result = string.Empty;
if (request == null || request.InputStream == null)
return result;
request.InputStream.Position = 0;
/*create a new thread in the memory to save the original
source form as may be required to read many of the
body of the current HTTP- request*/
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(memoryStream))
result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
return result;
/*Copies bytes from the given stream MemoryStream and writes
them to another stream.*/
public static void CopyToMemoryStream(this Stream source, MemoryStream destination)
if (source.CanSeek)
int pos = (int)destination.Position;
int length = (int)(source.Length - source.Position) + pos;
while (pos < length)
pos += source.Read(destination.GetBuffer(), pos, length - pos);


Returning multiple items in gRPC: repeated List or stream single objects?

gRPC newbie. I have a simple api:
Customer getCustomer(int id)
List<Customer> getCustomers()
So my proto looks like this:
message ListCustomersResponse {
repeated Customer customer = 1;
rpc ListCustomers (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ListCustomersResponse);
rpc GetCustomer (GetCustomerRequest) returns (Customer);
I was trying to follow Googles lead on the style. Originally I had returns (stream Customer) for GetCustomers, but Google seems to favor the ListxxxResponse style. When I generate the code, it ends up being:
public void getCustomers( request,
StreamObserver<ListCustomersResponse> responseObserver) {
public void getCustomers( request,
StreamObserver<Customer> responseObserver) {
Am I missing something? Why would I want to go through the hassle of creating a ListCustomersResponse when I can just do stream Customer and get the streaming functionality?
The ListCustomersResponse is just streaming the whole list at once vs streaming each customer. Googles preference seems to be to return the ListCustomersResponse style all of the time.
When is it appropriate to use the ListxxxResponse vs the stream response?
This question is hard to answer without knowing what reference you're using. It's possible there's a miscommunication, or that the reference is simply wrong.
If you're looking at the gRPC Basics tutorial though, then I might have an inkling as to what caused a miscommunication. If that's indeed your reference, then it does not recommend returning repeated fields for streamed responses; your intuition is correct: you would just want to stream the singular Customer.
Here is what it says (screenshot intentional):
You might be reading rpc ListFeatures(Rectangle) as meaning an endpoint that returns a list [noun] of features. If so, that's a miscommunication. The guide actually means an endpoint to list [verb] features. It would have been less confusing if they just wrote rpc GetFeatures(Rectangle).
So, your proto should look more like this,
rpc GetCustomers (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream Customer);
rpc GetCustomer (GetCustomerRequest) returns (Customer);
generating exactly what you suspected made more sense.
Ah I see, so you're looking at this example in googleapis:
// Lists shelves. The order is unspecified but deterministic. Newly created
// shelves will not necessarily be added to the end of this list.
rpc ListShelves(ListShelvesRequest) returns (ListShelvesResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/shelves"
// Response message for LibraryService.ListShelves.
message ListShelvesResponse {
// The list of shelves.
repeated Shelf shelves = 1;
// A token to retrieve next page of results.
// Pass this value in the
// [ListShelvesRequest.page_token][google.example.library.v1.ListShelvesRequest.page_token]
// field in the subsequent call to `ListShelves` method to retrieve the next
// page of results.
string next_page_token = 2;
Yeah, I think you've probably figured the same by now, but here they have chosen to use a simple RPC, as opposed to a server-side streaming RPC (see here). I emphasize this because, I think the important choice is not the stylistic difference between repeated versus stream, but rather the difference between a simple request-response API versus a more complex and less-ubiquitous streaming API.
In the googleapis example above, they're defining an API that returns a fixed and static number of items per page, e.g. 10 or 50. It would simply be overcomplicated to use streaming for this, when pagination is already so well-understood and prevalent in software architecture and REST APIs. I think that is what they should have said, rather than "a small number." So the complexity of streaming (and learning cost to you and future maintainers) has to justified, that's all. Suppose you're actually fetching thousands of (x, y, z) items for a Point Cloud or you're creating a live-updating bid-ask visualizer for some cryptocurrency, e.g.
Then you'd start asking yourself, "Is a simple request-response API my best option here?" So it just tends to be that, the larger the number of items needing to be returned, the more streaming APIs start to make sense. And that can be for conceptual reasons, e.g. the items are a live-updating stream in time like the above crypto example, or architectural, e.g. it would be more efficient to start displaying results in the UI as partial data streams back. I think the "small number" thing you read was an oversimplification.

Progress while deserializing JSON

I'm deserializing a huge JSON (1.4 GB) via a stream, because I don't want to load the whole content into memory in advance just for parsing. That's working fine, but it takes ~80 seconds, so I want to display a progress.
public JObject DeserializeViaStream(string filename)
object obj;
var serializer = new JsonSerializer();
using (var sr = new StreamReader(new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open)))
using (var jsonTextReader = new JsonTextReader(sr))
obj = serializer.Deserialize(jsonTextReader);
return (JObject) obj;
I have not yet tried but only one idea: I could implement my own stream reader which keep track of the bytes being read and comparing that to the file length.
Is there a built-in option or easier way to do this?
I ended up using the idea I had. Luckily there's already a ProgressStream available by Mel Green ( The original URL is no longer available.
Please note:
this approach may not work for all situations and with all libraries forever. This is due to the fact that the Seek() operation provides random access, and someone could read the file multiple times.
I can't post the source code here, because it was released under an unclear license.

Faking MVC Server.Transfer: Response.End() does not end my thread

I have two issues here, the second one is irrelevant if the first one got answered, but still technically interesting in my opinion... I will try to be as clear as possible:
1st question: my goal is to fake a Server.Transfer in MVC, is there any descent way to do that, I found quite a few articles about it, but most where about redirecting / rerouting, which is not possible in my case (not that I can think of at least).
Here is the context, we have two versions of our website, a "desktop" one and a mobile one. Our marketing guy wants both versions of the home page to be served on the same url (because the SEO expert said so).
This sounds trivial and simple, and it kind of is in most cases, except... Our desktop site is a .NET 4.0 ASPX site, and our mobile site is MVC, both run in the same site (same project, same apppool, same app).
Because the desktop version represents about 95% of our traffic, this should be the default, and we want to "transfer" (hence same url) from the ASPX code behind to the MVC view only if user is on a mobile device or really wants to see the mobile version. As far as I saw so far, there is no easy way to do that (Server.Transfer only executes a new handler - hence page - if there is a physical file for it). Hence question has any one done that in a proper way so far?
And which brings me to:
2nd question: I did build my own transfer to MVC mechanism, but then figured out that a Response.End() does not actually ends the running thread anymore, does anyone have a clue why?
Obviously, I don't expect any answer out of the blue, so here is what I am doing:
in the page(s) which needs transfering to mobile, I do something like:
protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e) {
MobileUri = "/auto/intro/index"; // the MVC url to transfer to
//Identifies correct flow based on certain conditions 1-Desktop 2-Mobile
and my actual TransferToMobile method called by RedirectToMobileIfRequired (I skipped the detection part as it is quite irrelevant) looks like:
/// <summary>
/// Does a transfer to the mobile (MVC) action. While keeping the same url.
/// </summary>
private static void TransferToMobile(string uri) {
var cUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url;
// build an absolute url from relative uri passed as parameter
string url = String.Format("{0}://{1}/{2}", cUrl.Scheme, cUrl.Authority, uri.TrimStart('/'));
// fake a context for the mvc redirect (in order to read the routeData).
var fakeContext = new HttpContextWrapper(new HttpContext(new HttpRequest("", url, ""), HttpContext.Current.Response));
var routeData = RouteTable.Routes.GetRouteData(fakeContext);
// get the proper controller
IController ctrl = ControllerBuilder.Current.GetControllerFactory().CreateController(fakeContext.Request.RequestContext, (string)routeData.Values["controller"]);
// We still need to set routeData in the request context, as execute does not seem to use the passed route data.
HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.DataTokens["Area"] = routeData.DataTokens["Area"];
HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] = routeData.Values["controller"];
HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["action"] = routeData.Values["action"];
// Execute the MVC controller action
ctrl.Execute(new RequestContext(new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current), routeData));
if (ctrl is IDisposable) {
((IDisposable)ctrl).Dispose(); // does not help
// end the request.
// fakeContext.Response.End(); // does not add anything
// HttpContext.Current.Response.Close(); // does not help
// fakeContext.Response.Close(); // does not help
// Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(); // causes infinite loading in FF
At this point, I would expect the Response.End() call to end the thread as well (and it does if I skip the whole faking the controller execution bit) but it doesn't.
I therefore suspect that either my faked context (was the only way I found to be able to passed my current context with a new url) or the controller prevents the thread to be killed.
fakeContext.Response is same as CurrentContext.Response, and the few attempts at ending the fake context's response or killing the thread didn't really help me.
Whatever code is running after the Response.End() will NOT actually be rendered to the client (which is a small victory), as the Response stream (and the connection, no "infinite loading" in the client) is being closed. But code is still running and that is no good (also obviously generates loads of errors when trying to write the ASPX page, write headers, etc.).
So any new lead would be more than welcome!
To sum it up:
- does anyone have a less hacky way to achieve sharing a ASPX page and a MVC view on the same url?
- if not, does anyone have a clue how I can ensure that my Response is really being ended?
Many thanks in advance!
for whoever is interested, I at least have answer to question 1 :).
When I first worked on that feature, I looked at the following (and very close) question:
How to simulate Server.Transfer in ASP.NET MVC?
And tried both the Transfer Method created by Stan (using httpHandler.ProcessRequest) and Server.TransferRequest methods. Both had desadvantages for me:
the first one does not work in IIS, (because I need to call that in a page, and that seems too late already).
the second one makes it terribly annoying for developers who all need to run their site in IIS (no biggy, but still...).
Seeing that my solution obviously wasn't optimal, I had to come back to the IIS solution, which seems to be the neatest for production environment.
This solution worked for a page and triggered an infinite loop on another one...
That's when I got pointed to what I had lazily discarded as not being the cause: our url redirect module. It uses Request.RawUrl to match a rule, and oh surprise, Server.TransferRequest keeps the original Request.RawUrl, while app.Request.Url.AbsolutePath will contain the transfered-to url. So basically our url rewrite module was always redirecting to the original requested which was trying to transfer to the new one, etc.
Changed that in the url rewriting module, and will hope that everything still works like a charm (obviously a lot of testing will follow such a change)...
In order to fix the developers issue, I chose to combine both solutions, which might make it a bit more of a risk for different behaviors between development and production, but that's what we have test servers for...
so here is my transfer method looks like in the end:
Once again this is meant to transfer from an ASPX page to a MVC action, from MVC to MVC you probably don't need anything that complex, as you can use a TransferResult or just return a different view, call another action, etc.
private static void Transfer(string url) {
if (HttpRuntime.UsingIntegratedPipeline) {
// IIS 7 integrated pipeline, does not work in VS dev server.
HttpContext.Current.Server.TransferRequest(url, true);
// for VS dev server, does not work in IIS
var cUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url;
// Create URI builder
var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(cUrl.Scheme, cUrl.Host, cUrl.Port, HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath);
// Add destination URI
uriBuilder.Path += url;
// Because UriBuilder escapes URI decode before passing as an argument
string path = HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlDecode(uriBuilder.Uri.PathAndQuery);
// Rewrite path
HttpContext.Current.RewritePath(path, true);
IHttpHandler httpHandler = new MvcHttpHandler();
// Process request
I haven't done much research, but here's what seems to be happening upon Response.End():
public void End()
if (this._context.IsInCancellablePeriod)
Thread.CurrentThread.Abort(new HttpApplication.CancelModuleException(false));
else if (!this._flushing)
this._ended = true;
if (this._context.ApplicationInstance != null)
That could at least provide the "Why" (_context.IsInCancellablePeriod). You could try to trace that using your favourite CLR decompiler.

Sending HTTP request with multiple parameters having same name

I need to send a HTTP request (and get XML response) from Flash that looks similar to following:
I.e. having several parameters that share same name, but have different values.
Until now I used following code to make HTTP requests:
var resp:XML = new XML();
resp.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {/*...*/};
resp.ignoreWhite = true;
var req:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
req["someParam1"] = 3;
req["someParam2"] = 12;
req.sendAndLoad("", resp, "GET");
In this case this will not do: there will be only one parameter having last value.
What are my options? I'm using actionscript 2.
I guess, I can do something like that:
var url:String = myCustomFunctionForBuildingRequestString();
var resp:XML = new XML();
resp.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {/*...*/};
But in that case I am loosing ability to do POST requests. Any alternatives?
Changing request is not appropriate.
The standard http way of sending array data is[0]=1&data[1]=2
But this isn't wrong either (added from comment):[]=1&data[]=2
Sending more parameters with the same name like you're doing, in practice means that all but the last item should be ignored. This is because when reading variables, the server overwrites (in memory) any item that has the same name as that one, because renaming a variable isn't good practice and never was.
I don't know much AS (none :p) but you'd access it as a list or array or whatever data structures it has.
Although POST may be having multiple values for the same key, I'd be cautious using it, since some servers can't even properly handle that, which is probably why this isn't supported ... if you convert "duplicate" parameters to a list, the whole thing might start to choke, if a parameter comes in only once, and suddendly you wind up having a string or something ... but i guess you know what you're doing ...
I am sorry to say so, but what you want to do, is not possible in pure AS2 ... the only 2 classes available for HTTP are LoadVars and XML ... technically there's also loadVariables, but it will simply copy properties from the passed object into the request, which doesn't change your problem, since properties are unique ...
if you want to stick to AS2, you need an intermediary tier:
a server to forward your calls. if you have access to the server, then you create a new endpoint for AS2 clients, which will decode the requests and pass them to the normal endpoint.
use javascript. with flash.external::ExternalInterface you can call JavaScript code. You need to define a callback for when the operation is done, as well as a JavaScript function that you can call (there are other ways but this should suffice). Build the request string inside flash, pump it to JavaScript and let JavaScript send it to the server in a POST request and get the response back to flash through the callback.
up to you to decide which one is more work ...
side note: in AS3, you'd use with dataFormat set to, and then again encode parameters to a string, and send them.
Disclaimer; I've never used Actionscript and have no means for testing this.
Putting the same variable name with several values on the query string is the standard way of sending multi-value variables (for example form checkboxes) to web servers. If LoadVars is capable of sending multiple values then it seems plausible that the values should be stored in an array:
req["someParam1"] = ["foo","bar","bas"];
There also seems to be a decode function to LoadVars, what happens if you try to import the query string you want into the object?:
You cannot use loadvars like this - because data can be either 1 or 2 or 3, not all of them at the same time.
You can either pass it as a comma separated list:
var req:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
req["data"] = "1,2,3";
or as an xml string, and parse it at the server. I am not familiar with manipulating xml in AS2, but this is how you'd do it in AS3:
var xml:XML = <root/>;
//now pass it to loadvars
req["data"] = xml.toXMLString();
The string you send is:

Moving ViewState out of the page?

We are trying to lighten our page load as much as possible. Since ViewState can sometimes swell up to 100k of the page, I'd love to completely eliminate it.
I'd love to hear some techniques other people have used to move ViewState to a custom provider.
That said, a few caveats:
We serve on average 2 Million unique visitors per hour.
Because of this, Database reads have been a serious issue in performance, so I don't want to store ViewState in the database.
We also are behind a load balancer, so any solution has to work with the user bouncing from machine to machine per postback.
How do you handle Session State? There is a built-in "store the viewstate in the session state" provider. If you are storing the session state in some fast, out of proc system, that might be the best option for the viewstate.
edit: to do this add the following code to the your Page classes / global page base class
protected override PageStatePersister PageStatePersister {
get { return new SessionPageStatePersister(this); }
Also... this is by no means a perfect (or even good) solution to a large viewstate. As always, minimize the size of the viewstate as much as possible. However, the SessionPageStatePersister is relatively intelligent and avoids storing an unbounded number of viewstates per session as well as avoids storing only a single viewstate per session.
I have tested many ways to remove the load of view state from the page and between all hacks and some software out there the only thing that it is truly scalable is the StrangeLoops As10000 appliance. Transparent, no need to change the underlying application.
As previously stated, I have used the database to store the ViewState in the past. Although this works for us, we don't come close to 2 million unique visitors per hour.
I think a hardware solution is definitely the way to go, whether using the StrangeLoop products or another product.
The following works quite well for me:
string vsid;
protected override object LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium()
Pair vs = base.LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium() as Pair;
vsid = vs.First as string;
object result = Session[vsid];
return result;
protected override void SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium(object state)
if (vsid == null)
vsid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
Session[vsid] = state;
base.SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium(new Pair(vsid, null));
You can always compress ViewState so you get the benefits of ViewState without so much bloat:
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page {
protected override object LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium() {
string viewState = Request.Form["__VSTATE"];
byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(viewState);
bytes = Compressor.Decompress(bytes);
LosFormatter formatter = new LosFormatter();
return formatter.Deserialize(Convert.ToBase64String(bytes));
protected override void SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium(object viewState) {
LosFormatter formatter = new LosFormatter();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
formatter.Serialize(writer, viewState);
string viewStateString = writer.ToString();
byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(viewStateString);
bytes = Compressor.Compress(bytes);
ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField("__VSTATE", Convert.ToBase64String(bytes));
// ...
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
public static class Compressor {
public static byte[] Compress(byte[] data) {
MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream();
GZipStream gzip = new GZipStream(output,
CompressionMode.Compress, true);
gzip.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
return output.ToArray();
public static byte[] Decompress(byte[] data) {
MemoryStream input = new MemoryStream();
input.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
input.Position = 0;
GZipStream gzip = new GZipStream(input,
CompressionMode.Decompress, true);
MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream();
byte[] buff = new byte[64];
int read = -1;
read = gzip.Read(buff, 0, buff.Length);
while(read > 0) {
output.Write(buff, 0, read);
read = gzip.Read(buff, 0, buff.Length);
return output.ToArray();
Due to the typical organizational bloat, requesting new hardware takes eons, and requesting hardware that would involve a complete rewire of our current setup would probably get some severe resistance from the engineering department.
I really need to come up with a software solution, because that's the only world I have some control over.
Yay for Enterprise :(
I've tried to find some of the products I had researched in the past that works just like StrangeLoops (but software based) It looks like they went all out of business, the only thing from my list that still up there is ScaleOut but they are specialized in session state caching.
I understand how hard it is to sell hardware solutions to senior management but it is always a good idea to at least get management to accept listening to the hardware's sales rep. I am much rather putting some hardware that will present me with an immediate solution because it allows me (or buy me some time) to get some other real job done.
I understand, it really sucks but the alternative is to change your code for optimization and that would maybe cost a lot more than getting an appliance.
Let me know if you find another software based solution.
I'm going to see if I can come up with a way to leverage our current State server to contain the viewstate in memory, I should be able to use the user session ID to keep things synched up between machines.
If I come up with a good solution, I'll remove any IP protected code and put it out for public use.
Oh no, red tape. Well this is going to be a tall order to fill. You mentioned here that you use a state server to serve your session state. How do you have this setup? Maybe you can do something similar here also?
Awh #Jonathan, you posted while I was typing this answer up. I think going that route could be promising. One thing is that it will definitely be memory intensive.
#Mike I don't think storing it in the session information will be a good idea, due to the memory intensiveness of viewstate and also how many times you will need to access the viewstate. SessionState is accessed a lot less often as the viewstate. I would keep the two separate.
I think the ultimate solution would be storing the ViewState on the client some how and maybe worth looking at. With Google Gears, this could be possible now.
Have you considered if you really need all that viewstate? For example, if you populate a datagrid from a database, all the data will be saved in viewstate by default. However, if the grid is just for presenting data, you dont need a form a all, and hence no viewstate.
You only need viewstate when there is some interaction with the user through postbacks, and even then the actual form data may be sufficient to recreate the view. You can selectively disable viewstate for controls on the page.
You have a very special UI if you actually need 100K of viewstate. If you reduce the viewstate to what is absolutely necessary, it might turn out to be the easiest and most scalable to keep the viewstate in the page.
I might have a simple solution for you in another post. It's a simple class to include in your app and a few lines of code in the page itself. If you combine it with a distributed caching system you could save a lot of dough as viewstate is large and costly. Microsoft’s velocity might be a good product to attach this method too. If you do use it and save a ton of money though I'd love a little mention for that. Also if you are unsure of anything let me know and I can talk with you in person.
Here is the link to my code. link text
If you are concerned with scaling then using the session token as a unique identifier or storing the state in session is more or less guaranteed to work in a web farm scenario.
Store the viewstate in a session object and use a distributed cache or state service to store session seperate from the we servers such as microsofts velocity.
I know this is a little stale, but I've been working for a couple of days on an opensource "virtual appliance" using squid and ecap to:
1.) gzip
2.) handle ssl
3.) replace viewstate with a token on request / response
4.) memcache for object caching
Anyways, it looks pretty promising. basically it would sit in front of the loadbalancers and should really help client performance. Doesnt seem to be very hard to set up either.
I blogged on this a while ago - the solution is at
This lets you change the ViewState provider to one of your choice without having to change each of your Page classes, by using a custom PageAdapter. I stored the ViewState in memcached. In retrospect I think storing it in a database or on disk is better - we filled memcached up very quickly. Its a very low friction solution.
No need to buy or sell anything to eliminate viewstate bloating. Just need to extend the HiddenFieldPageStatePersister. The 100-200KB of ViewState will stay on the server and will send only a 62byte token on the page instead.
Here is a detailed article on how this can be done:
