ASP.NET mp3 player -

I'm looking for a simple mp3 control, my project is an ASP.NET web site (VS2008/C#), I've searched a lot but there was no luck, how can I give my users a small mp3 player control which enables them to pause/stop/change music? I want it to be usable in all major browsers, and of course no Silverlight as SL is still not widely supported, what are my options?

Without knowing more details here is my suggestion.
You can use one of the many open source flash players available. These players can play MP3's. Flash is installed by more than 90% of all browsers. You could also use a service like HulkShare that will allow you to upload your files then give you the HTML required to embed it into your site.


ASP.NET: Record Sound From A Web App?

I'm contemplating adding a voice recording to some posts on my site. I'm wondering if there is an ASP.NET library out there that will allow me to:
Press a button to start recording
Record what I'm saying through my comp's built in microphone
Save the file as a .wav or some other popular sound file
As of now, I will be the sole user of this function, but it would still be nice to have in my bag of tricks in case I want to pull it out later for a client.
It is not doable without the help of a plugin. Browsers simply don't support voice recording.
You could choose from:
Make a SilverLight applet.
The flashPlayer can record too.
find a java Applet that can do this.
Make an activeX Plugin (since you have affinity to asp)
use your os provided voice recorder, save the file and upload it. Playback via browser is easy
You solution will involve a flash componet (outside of rendering the markup that invokes the flash component). The ASP.NET stack won't be able to do it. Silverlight doesn't seem able to do it.
Here is how.
Here's the problem: the browser does not allow this level of hardware access by an application. You could however achieve this either through Java, Flash or ActiveX (Yuk! don't do it) should the end user allow the access to occur however there are a number of cavaets. Here's a great thread where like-minded people like yourself are approaching the same challenge:
If I were cornered to do this I would create a signed Java Applet.
not directly from since is server side and you need access to the client side microphone - however the new adobe flash player has the ability to access the mircophone so in theory you could use flash to record then upload to your site.
See ListenUp sdk. I found a bulletin board called that is using the sdk to post voices.
You'll need some client-side code to achieve this as regular HTML doesn't support audio input and upload.
The ActiveX control Active Audio Record 2.0 claims to support recording audio and uploading it to an ASP.NET web server. I've never tried it though.

are there any ASP.NET with Voice Recording sample codes?

I am wondering if there is any codes sample for ASP.NET with Voice recording.
Ok, Basically, i want to create a web page that allow user to click a record button and record his voice thru his/her microphone and then convert it into mp3 file, then i want to click PLAY button to play what was recorded.
I have searched google alot and cannot find any codes that code do just that.
I have seen site that can do just that and it is using FLASH with RoR (i think).
Is there any way to record voice using ASP.NET?
I dont care if it need to combine with FLASH with ASP.NET, as long as it is possible.
Stephen M. Redd,
Appreciate your input. Yes, i know there is no simple way to accomplish what i am asking for. I also have researched and google alot on this question. Yes,I have come to know the best way to do this is through using FLASH with either FMS or RED5 (open source).
So i am trying to figure out how to write a simple FLASH (.swf) that i can record voice and then save into mp3 format to RED5 server.
Do you know or can you provide any directions to what i am asking above?
1) Tutorial on Microphone class in FLASH (i am reading some basic implementation from a book called "FLASH Actionscript in a classroom", which doesnt tell me how to record voice but ONLY how to use microphone object in FLASH)
2) Tutorial on how to setup and use RED5 (FMS is NOT an option due to its cost)
3) how to integrate 1) and 2) with and javascript (if there is any flashvars that the FLASH microphon .swf i can access so that ASP.NET can be used with javascript)
I cant consider to accept an answer BECAUSE none of them has provided a good answer.
Take a look on my question and read the comments i got, and you will see that my question was NOT being provided a good answer.
My question is to find a web-based Audio/Voice recorder so that the users can record their voice on the site.
To better convey what i exactly asked for, take a look at or . Both of them provide a way for users to record their voice right on the webpage.
So, i am looking for a FLASH component (.swf) similar to what they offer to integrate with my site.
This voice/microphone recording thing seem to be a challenging project for most developers.
I guess this means i am all alone.
I think this is something that would have to be done with Flash.
This guy appears to have some examples of doing voice recording in Flash, with code samples:
There is no simple way to do this kind of thing. Standard web technologies based on HTTP and HTML just don't have the features. HTTP doesn't work well with moving audio data, and HTML and Javascript are not able to talk directly to the hosting OS or hardware resources like the microphone.
There are 3rd party browser plug-ins and applets that you may be able to use via a web application to do this kind of thing.
Most people use Flash and the Flash Media Server to do audio input via the web.
There are also some Java applets that have similar capabilities such as the ListenUp SDK (I have not used this, so it isn't an endorsement).
There is a lot of discussion on this topic related to Microsoft Silverlight, but as I understand it voice and camera inputs from the client side are not supported as of Silverlight 2, though it may get put into Silverlight 3. There is a good bit of information about how to use the necessary Flash bits within a Silverlight application though. For more info on that, check out this post. is a Server-Side Technology, but voice recording is done Client side. So regardless if you use, PHP, Ruby on Rails or Cobol, you can't do it directly.
What you need is a Client-Side Application that works together with the Server Side to accomplish this. I do not know if Silverlight can do Microphone recording, but Flash can. This is apparently quite easy using the Flash Media Interactive Server, but normally you should be able to do this without, i.e. just by having a Flash Application doing the recording and then Uploading it to the server.
Hi Sam in Silverlight 4 it is possible to record voice from microphone and webcams.
Just follow the blog.
Good Luck

How to capture image from client webcam in

I am working on an ASP.Net application and I want users to be able to take a picture with their local webcam and then upload it to the server.
I can, of course, rely on users doing this manually via their locally installed software, save the image as a file and do a normal file upload. However, what I really want to do is incorporate it all into a UI in the browser.
I know this means accessing local resources so do I need an ActiveX control or Silverlight or is there something I could do in Javascript for example?
This is initially intended for an Intranet app so I can have control of the client's environemnt, including stipulating the browser etc, which means I can use an ActiveX control if I have to. However, it would be nice if I could write this in a generic way so it could be used in an internet app generally (happy to stipulate that it only works on Windows clients but would be good to get it to work in FireFox).
The only acceptable and universal way to this for now is Flash/Flex application. Flash player presets literally in every browser in the world and all of them has such capability.
VideoCap Pro is quite popular, and it offers an ActiveX version, have you checked it out?
This sounds very suspicious to me. You realize the nefarious applications this could be applied to, right? A web page that when a user browses to it, unknownst to them, their webcam snaps a pic of them. ... I don't like it.
You could use the Nimbb API to do the webcam video recording inside a browser.
It is possible to get the image from client webcam in, you have to install the Silverlight 4 with Visual Studio 2010:
Go to following link:

WebDev: What is the best way to do a multi-file upload?

I want (barely computer literate) people to easily submit a large number of files (pictures) through my web application. Is there a simple, robust, free/cheap, widely used, standard tool/component (Flash or .NET - sorry no java runtime on the browser) that allows a web user to select a folder or a bunch of files on their computer and upload them?
swfupload, the best tool I know that lets you do that. Simple, easy to use and even has a fallback mechanism for the 1% web users that don't have flash 8+.
I found that the best way to upload a bunch of files is to zip them and upload a single file (and then decomress it on server). However that's probably not a good option for the audience you are targeting.
We had a company come up with a Silverlight upload that could resize the pictures before hand so that the 5MB files didn't have to be uploaded and then resized. The image resizing capability wasn't included with the clr that comes with Silverlight. Occipital came up with their own. You can see it here:
I don't know what they would charge, but we have been extremely happy with how it works. If you don't need the resize capability before uploading then I would go with one of the flash upload options like or

ASP.Net Media Suite - Review

Does anyone have a review of ASP.Net Media Suite located on
The tool seems pretty nice, but i've never heard of the company. I'm hesitant to purchase and install something from an unknown source.
Can anyone vouch for the product?
i have sent many emails, and never got an answer, if you ask me you are better with many other alternatives,
like there is an a amazing flash control i use
it does everything to implement flash like XHTML valid inclusion, Option to install flash if not available, Flash Vars, etc...
then you can choose of millions of flash mp3 players, video players on net which use XML, then simply you create the XML in code and hook any special Flashvars with this control and you have a great media player.
here is a nice site i always got to for such stuff
hope this helps.
