FullCalendar with live event - fullcalendar

I need to fire FullCalendar on live() method. So, I tried this:
$('.full-calendar').live('fullCalendar', function(){
return { header : .... //options here }
But this doesn't work. Do you think is possible to achieve this?

fullcalendar is not a supported event by .live()ref. Actually, this is not an event at all (unless you created it by yourself but it wouldn't then be supported by .live().
Your full calendar creation must be triggered by a real event (click, double-click,...)
You could probably use something like:
$('.full-calendar').live('click', function() {
// put your options and callbacks here


Why does the click event on the checkout page not work?

Example of a problem:
The click event inside the form is not triggered
$(document).on('click', function(e) {
The most interesting thing is that the change event works correctly
What could be the problem at all ?
In General, I found a problem, maybe someone will be useful:
$(document.body).on('updated_checkout updated_shipping_method', function (event, xhr, data) {
$('input[name^="shipping_method"]').on('click', function(e) {
Instead of input[name^="shipping_method, you can add any class that is inside the form

In meteorjs' click event, how do I get the id?

In meteorjs's event, how do I get the id of clicked item, without adding a JQuery binding stuff?
(Ya I investigated other posts, but does not help) IMPOV)
You can do this:
'click p': function (event) {
Read more here.

semantic-ui modal Close - OK/Cancel Callback

Is it possible to specify callback functions for Ok and Close button?
In case of JQuery Modal one could specify the callback functions at the time of initialization using the buttons dictionary. Does Semantic-ui modeal provide for something similar? How do i go for additional logic and close the model after Ok is pressed?
add a .approve class (or alternative. see http://semantic-ui.com/modules/modal.html#/settings to your 'OK' button to trigger the onApprove callback.
.close class for your Close button.
I have only be using semantic-ui for 2 weeks (and modals for a few hours) so caution required. Thanks mike123 for your answer.
onHide: function(){
onShow: function(){
onApprove: function() {
return validateModal()
Is this what you are after:
onHide: function(){
onShow: function(){

Trying to catch hideDropdown event in TextExt.js

I am using TextExtJs for an autocomplete feature where you start typing and the dropdown of suggestions appears below the text input and you can select a suggested option with arrow keys or mouse.
Everything is working great except that I am trying to perform a function after the user selects one of the suggestions. There is a hideDropdown event which I think is the proper event to use for this. Unfortunately I'm not understanding how to do this, this is what I have tried:
plugins : 'autocomplete ajax',
ajax : {
url : 'usersuggest.php',
dataType : 'json',
cacheResults : true
autocomplete : {
onHideDropdown : function(){
alert('A happened');
hideDropdown : function(){
alert('B happened');
onHideDropdown : function(){
alert('C happened');
hideDropdown : function(){
alert('D happened');
None of these functions with the alert actually ever run. They do not interfere with the suggestion piece of it. How do I attach a callback to this event?
I'm facing the same problem here....
Unfortunately there is no proper solution. The manual is as rudimental as the examples provided on the plugin page.
I managed to bind a kind of "onAddingTag" event, refer to this: http://textextjs.com/manual/plugins/tags.html#istagallowed
$('#textarea').textext().bind('isTagAllowed', function(e, data) {
var valueAdded = data.tag;
data.result = true; //needs to be done, since we're abusing this event
Despite the fact that this may help with this issue, your next problem would be: when does the user remove a tag?
Finally I ended up, using another autocomplete library.

how to properly bind jquery ui behaviors in meteor?

I am trying to create a group of draggable DOM objects using jQuery UI's .draggable() that are populated through Meteor subscriptions. The code I came up with looks like
Meteor.subscribe('those_absent', function() {
$( "li.ui-draggable" ).draggable( { revert: "invalid" } );
Meteor.subscribe('those_present', function() {
$( "li.ui-draggable" ).draggable( { revert: "invalid" } );
These correspond with some Meteor.publish() calls, so that any time the collection changes, the .draggable() behaviour will be attached. At least, that was my intention.
However, it only works once - once one of these <li>'s has been dragged and dropped, then they are no longer draggable at all.
When the objects are dropped, I'm firing a custom event that is attached to the Template for the item like so
$( "#c_absent .inner-drop" ).droppable({
drop: function( event, ui ) {
Template.loftie_detail.events = {
'inout.leave': function (e) {
Lofties.update({_id:this._id}, {$set: {present: 'N' }});
So, my thinking is that this change to the collection on drop should propagate through the pub/sub process and re-run the .draggable() line above. But it doesn't seem to.
The complete code for this can be seen here https://github.com/sbeam/in-out/blob/master/client/inout.js and the app is live at http://inout.meteor.com/ (there are some other probably unrelated issues with items randomly losing values or disappearing from the UI altogether)
So if my understanding of how pub/sub works in Meteor is off, it would be good to know. Or is there a more efficient way to achieve this UI behavior binding that works without it?
The way I have implemented this in my apps is with the method shown by #lashleigh.
I have a template event that listens using code like this :
'mouseover .workItem' : function() {
Then I listen for the dragstop like this.
$('body').on('dragstop', '.myDraggableItem', function (e) {
// Update the collection with the new position
You can see the app that's using this code at aduno.meteor.com
