Predicting with lm object in R - black box paradigm - r

I have a function that returns an lm object. I want to produce predicted values based on some new data. The new data is a data.frame in the exact format as the data passed to the lm function, except that the response has been removed (since we're predicting, not training). I would expect to execute the following, but get an error:
predict( model , newdata )
"Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'ModelResponse' not found"
In my case, ModelResponse was the name of the response column in the data I originally trained on. So just for kicks, I tried to insert NA reponse:
newdata$ModelResponse = NA
predict( model , newdata )
Error in terms.default(object, data = data) : no terms component nor attribute
Highly frustrating! R's notion of models/regression doesn't match mine: 1. I train a model with some data and get a model object. 2. I can score new data from any environment/function/frame/etc. so long as I input data into the model object that "looks like" the data I trained on (i.e. same column names). This is a standard black-box paradigm.
So here are my questions:
1. What concept(s) am I missing here?
2. How do I get my scenario to work?
3. How can I get model object to be portable? str(model) shows me that the model object saved the original data it trained on! So the model object is massive. I want my model to be portable to any function/environment/etc. and only contain the data it needs to score.

In the absence of str() on either the model or the data offered to the model, here's my guess regarding this error message:
predict( model , newdata )
"Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'ModelResponse' not found"
I guess that you made a model object named "model" and that your outcome variable (the left-hand-side of the formula( in the original call to lm was named "ModelResponse" and that you then named a column in newdata by the same name. But what you should have done was leave out the "ModelResponse" columns (because that is what you are predicting) and put in the "Model_Predictor1", Model_Predictor2", etc. ... i.e. all the names on the right-hand-side of the formula given to lm()
The coef() function will allow you to extract the information needed to make the model portable.
mod.coef <- coef(model)
Since you expressed interest in the rms/Hmisc package combo Function, here it is using the help-example from ols and comparing the output with an extracted function and the rms Predict method. Note the capitals, since these are designed to work with the package equivalents of lm and glm(..., family="binomial") and coxph, which in rms become ols, lrm, and cph.
> set.seed(1)
> x1 <- runif(200)
> x2 <- sample(0:3, 200, TRUE)
> distance <- (x1 + x2/3 + rnorm(200))^2
> d <- datadist(x1,x2)
> options(datadist="d") # No d -> no summary, plot without giving all details
> f <- ols(sqrt(distance) ~ rcs(x1,4) + scored(x2), x=TRUE)
> Function(f)
function(x1 = 0.50549065,x2 = 1) {0.50497361+1.0737604* x1-
0.79398383*pmax(x1-0.083887788,0)^3+ 1.4392827*pmax(x1-0.38792825,0)^3-
0.06374433*x2+ 0.60885222*(x2==2)+0.38971577*(x2==3) }
<environment: 0x11b4568e8>
> <- Function(f)
> pred1 <- Predict(f, x1=1, x2=3)
> pred1
x1 x2 yhat lower upper
1 1 3 1.862754 1.386107 2.339401
Response variable (y): sqrt(distance)
Limits are 0.95 confidence limits
# The "yhat" is the same as one produces with the extracted function
>, x2=3)
[1] 1.862754
(I have learned through experience that the restricted cubic-spline fit functions coming from rms need to have spaces and carriage returns added to improve readability. )

Thinking long-term, you should probably take a look at the caret package. Many or most modeling functions work with data frames and matrices, others have a preference, and there may be other variations of their expectations. It's important to quickly get your head around each, but if you want a single wrapper that will simplify life for you, making the intricacies into a "black box", then caret is as close as you can get.
As a disclaimer: I do not use caret, as I don't think modeling should be a be a black box. I've had more than a few emails to maintainers of modeling packages resulting from looking into their code and seeing something amiss. Wrapping that in another layer would not serve my interests. So, in the very long-run, avoid caret and develop an enjoyment for dissecting what's going into and out of the different modeling functions. :)


Anova test regression vs. knn in R

I'm trying to take an anova test for two different models in R: a lm model vs. a knn model. The problem is this error appears:
Error in anova.lmlist(object, ...) : models were not all fitted to the same size of dataset
I think this make sense because I want to know if there are statistical evidences of difference between models. In order to give you a reproducible example, here you have:
#Getting dataset
xtra <- read.csv("california.dat", comment.char="#")
names(xtra) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude", "HousingMedianAge",
"TotalRooms", "TotalBedrooms", "Population", "Households",
"MedianIncome", "MedianHouseValue")
n <- length(names(xtra)) - 1
names(xtra)[1:n] <- paste ("X", 1:n, sep="")
names(xtra)[n+1] <- "Y"
#Regression model
knn.model<-kknn(Y~.,train=xtra,test=xtra,kernel = "optimal")
What I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
My guess would be that the two models aren't comparable with anova() and this error is being thrown because one of the models will be deemed empty.
From the documentation for anova(object,...):
object - an object containing the results returned by a model fitting
function (e.g., lm or glm).
... - additional objects of the same type.
When you look to see if the models can be compared you can see they're of different types:
> class(knn.model)
[1] "kknn"
> class(reg.model)
[1] "lm"
Probably more importantly if you try and run anova() for knn.model you can see that you cannot apply the function to a kknn object:
> anova(knn.model)
Error in UseMethod("anova") :
no applicable method for 'anova' applied to an object of class "kknn"

Error when using predict() on a randomForest object trained with caret's train() using formula

Using R 3.2.0 with caret 6.0-41 and randomForest 4.6-10 on a 64-bit Linux machine.
When trying to use the predict() method on a randomForest object trained with the train() function from the caret package using a formula, the function returns an error.
When training via randomForest() and/or using x= and y= rather than a formula, it all runs smoothly.
Here is a working example:
imp85 <- imports85[, c("stroke", "price", "fuelType", "numOfDoors")]
imp85 <- imp85[complete.cases(imp85), ]
imp85[] <- lapply(imp85, function(x) if (is.factor(x)) x[,drop=TRUE] else x) ## Drop empty levels for factors.
modRf1 <- randomForest(numOfDoors~., data=imp85)
caretRf <- train( numOfDoors~., data=imp85, method = "rf" )
modRf2 <- caretRf$finalModel
modRf3 <- randomForest(x=imp85[,c("stroke", "price", "fuelType")], y=imp85[, "numOfDoors"])
caretRf <- train(x=imp85[,c("stroke", "price", "fuelType")], y=imp85[, "numOfDoors"], method = "rf")
modRf4 <- caretRf$finalModel
p1 <- predict(modRf1, newdata=imp85)
p2 <- predict(modRf2, newdata=imp85)
p3 <- predict(modRf3, newdata=imp85)
p4 <- predict(modRf4, newdata=imp85)
Among the last 4 lines, only the second one p2 <- predict(modRf2, newdata=imp85) returns the following error:
Error in predict.randomForest(modRf2, newdata = imp85) :
variables in the training data missing in newdata
It seems that the reason for this error is that the predict.randomForest method uses rownames(object$importance) to determine the name of the variables used to train the random forest object. And when looking at
We see:
[1] "stroke" "price" "fuelType"
[1] "stroke" "price" "fuelTypegas"
[1] "stroke" "price" "fuelType"
[1] "stroke" "price" "fuelType"
So somehow, when using the caret train() function with a formula changes the name of the (factor) variables in the importance field of the randomForest object.
Is it really an inconsistency between the formula and and non-formula version of the caret train() function? Or am I missing something?
First, almost never use the $finalModel object for prediction. Use predict.train. This is one good example of why.
There is some inconsistency between how some functions (including randomForest and train) handle dummy variables. Most functions in R that use the formula method will convert factor predictors to dummy variables because their models require numerical representations of the data. The exceptions to this are tree- and rule-based models (that can split on categorical predictors), naive Bayes, and a few others.
So randomForest will not create dummy variables when you use randomForest(y ~ ., data = dat) but train (and most others) will using a call like train(y ~ ., data = dat).
The error occurs because fuelType is a factor. The dummy variables created by train don't have the same names so predict.randomForest can't find them.
Using the non-formula method with train will pass the factor predictors to randomForest and everything will work.
Use the non-formula method with train if you want the same levels or use predict.train
There can be two reasons why you get this error.
1. The categories of the categorical variables in the train and test sets don't match. To check that, you can run something like the following.
Well, first of all, it is good practice to keep the independent variables/features in a list. Say that list is "vars". And say, you separated "Data" into "Train" and "Test". Let's go:
for (v in vars){
if (class(Data[,v]) == 'factor'){
# print(levels(Train[,v]))
# print(levels(Test[,v]))
print(all.equal(levels(Train[,v]) , levels(Test[,v])))
Once you find the non-matching categorical variables, you can go back, and impose the categories of Test data onto Train data, and then re-build your model. In a loop similar to above, for each nonMatchingVar, you can do
levels(Test$nonMatchingVar) <- levels(Train$nonMatchingVar)
2. A silly one. If you accidentally leave the dependent variable in the set of independent variables, you may run into this error message. I have done that mistake. Solution: Just be more careful.
Another way is to explicitly code the testing data using model.matrix, e.g.
p2 <- predict(modRf2, newdata=model.matrix(~., imp85))

Extracting predictions from a GAM model with splines and lagged predictors

I have some data and am trying to teach myself about utilize lagged predictors within regression models. I'm currently trying to generate predictions from a generalized additive model that uses splines to smooth the data and contains lags.
Let's say I have the following data and have split the data into training and test samples.
Train <- sample(1:nrow(mtcars), ceiling(nrow(mtcars)*3/4), replace=FALSE)
Great, let's train the gam model on the training set.
f_gam <- gam(hp ~ s(qsec, bs="cr") + s(lag(disp, 1), bs="cr"), data=mtcars[Train,])
When I go to predict on the holdout sample, I get an error message.
f_gam.pred <- predict(f_gam, mtcars[-Train,]); f_gam.pred
Error in ExtractData(object, data, NULL) :
'names' attribute [1] must be the same length as the vector [0]
Calls: predict ... predict.gam -> PredictMat -> Predict.matrix3 -> ExtractData
Can anyone help diagnose the issue and help with a solution. I get that lag(__,1) leaves a data point as NA and that is likely the reason for the lengths being different. However, I don't have a solution to the problem.
I'm going to assume you're using gam() from the mgcv library. It appears that gam() doesn't like functions that are not defined in "base" in the s() terms. You can get around this by adding a column which include the transformed variable and then modeling using that variable. For example
tmtcars <- transform(mtcars, ldisp=lag(disp,1))
Train <- sample(1:nrow(mtcars), ceiling(nrow(mtcars)*3/4), replace=FALSE)
f_gam <- gam(hp ~ s(qsec, bs="cr") + s(ldisp, bs="cr"), data= tmtcars[Train,])
predict(f_gam, tmtcars[-Train,])
works without error.
The problem appears to be coming from the mgcv:::get.var function. It tires to decode the terms with something like
eval(parse(text = txt), data, enclos = NULL)
and because they explicitly set the enclosure to NULL, variable and function names outside of base cannot be resolved. So because mean() is in the base package, this works
eval(parse(text="mean(x)"), data.frame(x=1:4), enclos=NULL)
# [1] 2.5
but because var() is defined in stats, this does not
eval(parse(text="var(x)"), data.frame(x=1:4), enclos=NULL)
# Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : could not find function "var"
and lag(), like var() is defined in the stats package.

R random forest - training set using target column for prediction

I am learning how to use various random forest packages and coded up the following from example code:
#I'll try to reproduce this with a public data set; in the mean time here's the existing code
data = read.csv(data_location, sep = ',')
test = data[1:65] #basically data w/o the "answers"
m = sample(1:(nrow(factor)),nrow(factor)/2,replace=FALSE)
o = sample(1:(nrow(data)),nrow(data)/2,replace=FALSE)
train2 = data[m,]
train3 = data[o,]
#random forest implementation
fit.rf <- randomForest(train2[,66] ~., data=train2, importance=TRUE, ntree=10000)
Prediction.rf <- predict(fit.rf, test) #to see if the predictions are accurate -- but it errors out unless I give it all data[1:66]
#cforest implementation <- cforest(train3[,66]~., data=train3, controls=cforest_unbiased(ntree=10000, mtry=10)) <- predict(, test, OOB=TRUE) #to see if the predictions are accurate -- but it errors out unless I give it all data[1:66]
Data[,66] is the is the target factor I'm trying to predict, but it seems that by using "~ ." to solve for it is causing the formula to use the factor in the prediction model itself.
How do I solve for the dimension I want on high-ish dimensionality data, without having to spell out exactly which dimensions to use in the formula (so I don't end up with some sort of cforest(data[,66] ~ data[,1] + data[,2] + data[,3}... etc.?
On a high level, I believe one basically
loads full data
breaks it down to several subsets to prevent overfitting
trains via subset data
generates a fitting formula so one can predict values of target (in my case data[,66]) given data[1:65].
so my PROBLEM is now if I give it a new set of test data, let’s say test = data{1:65], it now says “Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) :” where it is expecting data[,66]. I want to basically predict data[,66] given the rest of the data!
I think that if the response is in train3 then it will be used as a feature.
I believe this is more like what you want:
crtl <- cforest_unbiased(ntree=1000, mtry=3)
mod <- cforest(iris[,5] ~ ., data = iris[,-5], controls=crtl)

Predict function from Caret package give an Error

I am doing just a regular logistic regression using the caret package in R. I have a binomial response variable coded 1 or 0 that is called a SALES_FLAG and 140 numeric response variables that I used dummyVars function in R to transform to dummy variables.
data <- dummyVars(~., data = data_2, fullRank=TRUE,sep="_",levelsOnly = FALSE )
dummies<-(predict(data, data_2))
This gives me a data frame to work with. All of the variables are numeric. Next I split into training and testing:
trainIndex <- createDataPartition(model_data$SALE_FLAG, p = .80,list = FALSE)
train <- model_data[ trainIndex,]
test <- model_data[-trainIndex,]
Time to train my model using the train function:
model <- train(SALE_FLAG~. data=train,method = "glm")
Everything runs nice and I get a model. But when I run the predict function it does not give me what I need:
predict(model, newdata =test,type="prob")
and I get an ERROR:
Error in dimnames(out)[[2]] <- modelFit$obsLevels :
length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to array extent
On the other hand when I replace "prob" with "raw" for type inside of the predict function I get prediction but I need probabilities so I can code them into binary variable given my threshold.
Not sure why this happens. I did the same thing without using the caret package and it worked how it should:
model2 <- glm(SALE_FLAG ~ ., family = binomial(logit), data = train)
predict(model2, newdata =test, type="response")
I spend some time looking at this but not sure what is going on and it seems very weird to me. I have tried many variations of the train function meaning I didn't use the formula and used X and Y. I used method = 'bayesglm' as well to check and id gave me the same error. I hope someone can help me out. I don't need to use it since the train function to get what I need but caret package is a good package with lots of tools and I would like to be able to figure this out.
Show us str(train) and str(test). I suspect the outcome variable is numeric, which makes train think that you are doing regression. That should also be apparent from printing model. Make it a factor if you want to do classification.
